14 research outputs found


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    The Collection of Related Wild Species of Sweet Potato and Its Distribution in Taiwan

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    甘藷為原產於熱帶美洲的旋花科植物,本省地處亞熱帶,就地理環境而言,非常適於甘藷栽培“由於野生旋花科植物的外形相似,不易鑑別親緣關係,實有必要詳加研究,以期能確實掌握野生種源,提供進一步的育種運用。 臺灣的旋花科植物依其形態特徵,可分成14屬58分類群,其中美麗銀背藤、天茄兒、雍菜、甘藷、樹牽牛、葵葉蔦蘿、牽牛花、蔦蘿、白花鳶蘿、巴西牽牛、多裂魚黃草、木玫瑰及金魚花等種類為引進的栽培種外,其餘分類群散見於全省各地平野,遺傳資源相當豐富。 就其地理分布而言:本科植物大多分布在海拔700公尺以下的平野地區,同時以南部為主要分布中心;只有臺灣菟絲子、馬蹄金、土丁桂、白花牽牛、銳葉牽牛及紅花野牽牛等種類,可在海拔1500公尺生長;亦只有腎葉打碗花及變葉姬旋花等以北部為主要分布中心。 又就其生態環境而言:本科植物為好陽性植物,只有白鶴藤、亨利氏伊立基藤、掌葉牽牛及圓萼牽牛等可在森林邊緣出現,而腎葉打碗花、馬鞍藤及厚葉牽牛等為典型的沙灘植物。 Sweet potato, a plant species native to tropical America, belongs to the family of Convolvulaceae. Including 15 introduced species, 14 genera and 58 taxa of this family have been recorded in Taiwan. The abundant gentic resources are considered of pivotal importance in the task of varietal improvement of sweet potato. Most sweet potato-related wild species are found under 700-m elevation and are common in the southern part of Taiwan. The exceptions are Casacia japanica var. forniosana, Dichondra micraniha Evalvulus alsinoides, Iponioea biflara, I. indica, and I. triloba which are also recorded in regions of 1,500 m in elevation. Calystegia soldanella and Merremi hirita are found only in the northern part of Taiwan. In terms of growing habitat, most species grow well in areas facing the sun. However, Argyreia acuta, Erycibe henryi I. digitata and I. staphyuina could also be found in margins of forest. In addition, Calystegia soldanella, I. pes-caprac, and I stoloaifera are observed frequently on coastal beaches

    The Conservation and Utilization of Germplasm of Fruits

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    果樹種源的保存可以掌握更寬廣的遺傳資源,以期增加育種材料,對未來更具有挑戰及適應的潛力,所以世界各國正積極地進行種源收集及保存的工作。目前果樹種源保存的途徑可分就地保存、遷地保存和離體保存三類,尤其正積極地展開以組織培養技術在果樹種源保存上的利用之研究,希望能發展出節省空間及人力的種源保存及交換的方法。嘉義農業試驗分所在熱帶及亞熱帶果樹種源保存上,具有優良的歷史和成就,現在正積極研究此類果樹種源的利用,以期能開發新興的園藝產業,本文站在園藝企業的立場,來看此類果樹種源,除了在習慣上的鮮食利用以外,就其在果樹育種、藥用、觀賞、果汁及其他果乾、蜜餞二等利用方面的潛力,做一番探討。 Due to the conservation of germplasm of fruits may preserve more genetic resources and increase the breeding materials, many countries of the world pay much attention to collecting and preserving germplasm of fruits. There are three methods for conservation of germplasm of fruits - in situ, cx situ and in vitro. Scientists are trying to use tissue culture technique to preserve the germplasm of fruits, for the purpose of developing economical methods of conservation and exchanging of germplasm at the present time. Chia-yi Agricultural Experiment Station, Taiwain Agricultural Research Institute has a good history and achievements in conservation of germplasm of subtropical and tropical fruits, and now this station makes a great effort to research the utilization of germplasm of these fruits, in order to develope new horticultural industries. In view of horticultural industry, this report introduces the potential value of germpiasm of fruits for fruit breeding, local medicines, ornaments, juice, dried fruits and preserves except table use