229 research outputs found

    Development of Palladium-Nickel Alloy Electroplating

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    综述了钯镍合金常见的镀液类型及其特点,介绍了一些改进和提高镀层质量以适应电子工业技术要求的措施。The Pd-Ni electroplating bath types and characteristics are comprehensively introduced,the methods improved property of Pd Ni coating to adapt to electron industry are also presented

    A Study on the Relation between Composition and Properties of High Ni Pd Ni Alloy

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    研究了在以Pd(nH3)Cl2、nISO4·6H2O和nH4Cl为基本组成的镀液中,nI2+浓度对高镍的钯镍合金(nI含量>10WT%)镀层组成、硬度、孔隙率、耐蚀性、接触电阻和可焊性等的影响。结果表明,在一定的工艺条件下,可以根据需要控制镀液中nI/Pd来获得不同含镍量的钯镍合金镀层,其含镍量40%左右的钯镍合金镀层具有较高的硬度、较少的孔隙、较好的耐蚀性及较低的接触电阻、合格的可焊性,因此在电子工业中可以代替硬金镀层。The effect of Ni concentration in the bath on deposit composition,microhardness,porosity,corrosion resistance,contact resistance and soderability of Pd Ni alloy(Ni>10wt%) electroplated from bath contg.Pd(NH 3) 2Cl 2,NiSO 4·6H 2O and NH 4Cl has been studied.Results show desired Pd Ni deposits with different Ni contents are attainable by controlling [Ni(Ⅱ)/Pd(Ⅱ)] radio in solution under certain technological conditions.Pd Ni deposit contg.about 40wt% Ni has higher hardness,lower porosity,higher corrosion resistance,lower contact resistance and acceptable solderability.It can be used as a substitute for gold coating in electronic industrial applications

    Electrooxidation of Ethanol at Ni-B Amorphous Alloy Electrode and Measurements of Kinetic Parameters

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    应用循环伏安法研究了碱性介质中Ni-B非晶态合金纳米粉末微电极和化学镀Ni-B非晶态合金微盘电极上乙醇的电催化氧化.结果表明,Ni-B非晶态合金纳米粉末微电极和化学镀Ni-B非晶态合金微盘电极对碱性溶液中乙醇的氧化均具有很高的电催化作用,且前者的电催化氧化活性高于后者.运用稳态极化曲线测定了Ni-B非晶态合金纳米粉末微电极上乙醇的电催化氧化动力学参数.与高择优取向(220)镍电极比较,碱性介质中Ni-B非晶态合金纳米粉末微电极上乙醇的电催化氧化速率显著提高.采用循环伏安法测定的Ni-B非晶态合金纳米粉末微电极上Ni(OH)2的质子扩散系数高出文献报道的镍纳米线电极和表面化学镀Co的球形Ni(OH)2粉末电极约2个数量级.Electrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol at the nano Ni-B amorphous alloy powder microelectrode and the electroless Ni-B amorphous alloy microdisk electrode in alkaline media was studied by using cyclic voltammetry. It was found that the nano Ni-B amorphous alloy microelectrode had higher electrocatalytic activity for the oxidation of ethanol than the electroless Ni-B amorphous alloy microdisk electrode. The kinetic parameters were determined with the steady polarization curves. The rates of electrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol at the nano Ni-B amorphous alloy microelectrode in alkaline media were much higher than those at the highly preferred orientation (220) nickel electrode. The proton diffusion coefficient of Ni(OH)2 at the nano Ni-B amorphous alloy powder microelectrode determined by cyclic voltammetry was increased by about 2 orders of magnitude, in comparison with the reported values at Ni nanowire electrode and the spherical Ni(OH)2 microencapsulated by cobalt.华桥大学高层次人才科研启动基金(08BS205)资助项


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    New insight into the potential oscillations during iodate reduction in alkaline solution

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    Potential oscillations during the reduction of iodate ions in alkaline solution under galvanostatic conditions have been reinvestigated without adding iodide. The oscillations can take place only when the applied current is larger than the limiting current, and the oscillation amplitudes are within the plateau region of the limiting current. The bistability, i.e., iodate reduction and hydrogen evolution at different potentials, coupled with convection feedback, induced by hydrogen evolution, accounts for the oscillations. The mechanism was supported by the experimental results of current sweep and cyclic voltammetry. Our study shows that physical processes, i.e., alternately predominant mass transfer of the iodate by diffusion and by convection, play an important role in the oscillations

    An Electroless Copper Plating Process Using Glyoxylate as Reductant

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    研究了以乙醛酸为还原剂的化学镀铜工艺、镀层结构和形貌。其镀液组成和操作条件为:28.0 g/l CuSO4.5H2O,44.0 g/l EdTA-2nA,10.0 Mg/lα,α'-联吡啶,10.0 Mg/l亚铁氰化钾,9.2 g/l乙醛酸,PH为11.5~12.5,θ为40~50℃。实验结果表明,化学镀铜溶液较稳定;镀液温度和硫酸铜质量浓度提高,铜沉积速率增大;较高的镀液温度下,化学镀铜反应的活化能较低,镀液稳定性下降;镀液PH在11.5~12.5可获得较好的铜镀层;随乙醛酸和络合剂质量浓度提高,铜沉积速率变化不大,但过量的乙醛酸导致镀液的稳定性降低;铜镀层为面心立方混晶结构,呈光亮的粉红色块状形貌,有较高的韧性。An electroless copper plating process using glyoxylate as reductant was developed,structure and surface morphology of the deposit were also studied.The bath composition and operating conditions were:28.0 g/L CuSO4 · 5H2O,44.0 g/L EDTA · 2Na,10.0 mg/L α,α'-bipyridyl,10.0 mg/L potassium ferrocyanide,9.2 g/L glyoxylate,pH 11.5--12.5,temperature 40--50 ℃.Experimental results showed that:the electroless copper plating bath was quite stable;the copper deposition rate would increased in case of bath temperature and copper sulfate concentration increased;the bath stability would decreased due to lower activation energy of copper deposition in case of higher temperature;the qualified copper coating could be obtained only at a proper bath pH range of 11.5--12.5;the copper deposition rate would not be affected by concentrations of glyoxylate and complexing agent evidently,whereas excessive content of glyoxylate would cause the bath stability decreased;the copper coating had a FCC mixed crystal structure with blocky grains、pink/bright appearance and good ductility.国家自然科学基金(20873114;20833005);国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)(2009CB930703


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    在新研发的硫酸盐三价铬镀厚铬的镀液体系中,运用线性扫描伏安法(LSV)和循环伏安法(CV)对三价铬在铜电极表面的电沉积过程进行研究,并运用X射线荧光测厚仪、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线能量色散谱(EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、显微硬度计和Tafel曲线表征铬镀层厚度、形貌、组成、结构、显微硬度及在3.5wt%NaCl溶液中的耐蚀性.结果表明,在该体系中三价铬的沉积过程分两步进行(Cr3++e→Cr2+,Cr2++2e→Cr),第一步得到1个电子,受电化学过程和扩散过程共同控制;第二步得到2个电子,为扩散控制下的不可逆过程.该镀层为瘤状纳米晶结构,镀层中含有少量的铁元素(1.10wt%),显微硬度达到789.2 Hv,镀层在3.5wt%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀电位Ecorr为-0.29 V,腐蚀电流密度jcorr为9.26×10-5A·dm-2.国家自然科学基金项目(No.21621091)资

    Electro-oxidation of ethanol on highly preferred orientation nickel electrode in NaOH

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    The electro-oxidation of ethanol on a highly preferred orientation (220) Ni electrode and a lower texture degree Ni electrode in 1 mol/L NaoH was investigated with cyclic voltammetry. The mechanism of ethanol oxidation on the highly preferred orientation Ni electrode is proposed. It is shown that the current peak of electro-oxidation of ethanol on the highly preferred orientation (220) Ni electrode is much higher than that of the lower texture degree (220) Ni electrode, Ni(III) on the surface of the highly preferred orientation(220)Ni electrode is responsible for the oxidation of ethanol


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    Preparation,Heat Treatment and Corrosion Behavior of Amorphous Ni-W/ZrO_2 Composite Coating

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    在镍钨合金电解液中,通过搅拌使二氧化锆固体微粒悬浮,电沉积制备nI-W/zrO2复合镀层.研究结果表明,二氧化锆粒子影响复合镀层的电沉积、表面形貌、结构、热处理过程和抗腐蚀性能;与nI-W合金的电沉积过程相比,复合镀层中的W含量和电流效率均降低;在400℃处理1H后,嵌入nI-W本体中的zrO2粒子脱落,W向镀层表面富集.扫描电子显微镜(SEM)结果显示,复合镀层呈现团粒状形态,无裂纹.差示扫描量热(dSC)分析结合X射线(Xrd)衍射实验指出,nI-W/zrO2复合镀层为非晶态结构.复合镀层的显微硬度较纳米晶nI-W合金的高;热处理后,复合镀层的显微硬度和在3%氯化钠溶液中的抗腐蚀行为显著增强.A Ni-W/ZrO2 composite coating was prepared by electrodeposition from a Ni-W bath containing zirconia solid particles suspended in an electrolyte solution by stirring.Results showed that the presence of zirconia particles influenced the electrodeposition, surface morphology, crystallographic structure, thermal treatment and corrosion resistance of the obtained composite coating.By comparison to Ni-W alloy electrodeposition both W content in the Ni-W matrix and deposition current efficiency for the composite coating decreased.After heat treatment at 400 ℃ for 1 h some embedded zirconia particles were removed from the Ni-W matrix and W was enriched at the top surface of the deposit.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results revealed that the composite coating had a granular morphology and was crack-free.A differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiment combined with X-ray diffractometry (XRD) indicated that the Ni-W/ZrO2 composite coating was amorphous.The microhardness of the composite coating was higher than that of the nanocrystalline Ni-W alloy.After heat treatment of the composite coating its microhardness and corrosion resistance in 3% NaCl solution were greatly enhanced.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2009CB930703);国家自然科学基金重点项目(20833005);国家自然科学基金(20873114)资