66 research outputs found

    Stone-containing pyelocaliceal diverticulum: a case report

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    We report a case of stone-containing pyelocaliceal diverticulum. A 68-year-old man was admitted for extensive investigation of microscopic hematuria on January 12, 1983. A cluster of numerous small calcifications was disclosed in the left renal region on an abdominal plain film and the case was considered to be of stones in the left kidney. An excretory pyelogram showed that the stones were away from the collecting system of the left kidney. Through partial nephrectomy, 107 stones were removed on January 21, 1983. Histological examination of the surgical specimen revealed pyelocaliceal diverticulum. The stones were found to consist of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate by infrared spectrophotometry. In addition to these components, a small amount of magnesium was detected by X-ray microanalysis. A scanning electron microscopic study of the cut surface of the stones disclosed the presence of a granular core identified as urate and calcium oxalate, concentric laminations of crystallized substances in the mid-zone and laminations of amorphous substances in the outer layer

    Development of Microwave Dielectric Materials and Its Applications

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    [中文文摘]详细论述了微波介质材料与器件国内外现状和技术发展趋势, 分析了应用前景和国内市场需求,对我国“十一·五”发展方向和重点研究课题提出了建议。[英文文摘]Presented are the histores, recent situation and development of microwave dielectric materials and its applications. The communication market, research and production of the microwave dielectric materials and devices in China and the solutions are discussed


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    Summary of Measurement of Earning Meanagement

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    盈余管理又叫盈余操纵 ,意指公司的管理层为达到其个人效用最大化或公司市场价值最大化的目的 ,而对利润进行人为的“管理”或“操纵” ,使盈余信息失去了真实性。研究盈余管理首先要解决盈余管理的测度问题 ,西方有关赢余管理的测度模型主要有希利模型、迪安吉洛模型、琼斯模型、修正的琼斯模型和行业模型。 5种模型都已广泛应用于赢余管理的研究中 ,但各种模型的测度效果在西方仍存在着争论。总的来说 ,琼斯模型和修正的琼斯模型得到较多的认可。同时各种模型的理论基础也存在着一定的缺陷。Earnings management refers to the manipulation of corporation's management on the reported earnings for maximizing either personal utility or corporate value How to measure the extent of earnings management is the first problem to be solved in earnings management research There are five models for the measurement of earnings management,which are the Healy Model,the DeAngelo Model,the Jones Model,the Modified Jones Model and the Industry Model Although the five models have been widely used in earnings management research,there are many arguments on the measurement effect of these models In a word,the Jones Model and the Modified Jones Model are believed to be more exact in measuring earnings management In a while,there are some defects in the theory based on the model

    重视海岸及海洋微塑料污染 加强防治科技监管研究工作

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