94 research outputs found

    Carrying out the Scientific Outlook on Development,Realizing the Revolutionary Transformation of the Development Manner of Township Enterprise

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    转变经济发展方式是落实科学发展观的本质要求,本文分析了我国乡镇企业的发展现状及存在问题,并按科学发展观的要求,提出了实现乡镇企业发展方式革命性转变的若干举措。Transforming economic decelopment manner is the essential requirments of the scientific outlookon development.this paper analyzedthe current conditions of the development of the township enterprise and the problems arising from the development of the township enterprisein China,then put for ward some measures to transform the development manner of the township enterprise revolutionarily

    A DDA Calculation on the Optical Properties of Silver Nanorods

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    【中文文摘】利用离散偶极近似 (Discretedipoleapproximation ,简称DDA)的方法 ,从理论上对粒子的形状、尺寸及周围介质等因素对银纳米粒子 ,特别是银纳米棒的光学性质的影响进行了较系统的研究 .计算表明 ,置于空气中的棒状银纳米粒子的光学性质与其形状密切相关 ,纵向表面等离子体共振吸收峰的位置随纳米棒长径比的增加呈现线性红移关系 .给出了空气中银纳米棒纵向表面等离子体共振吸收峰的位置随长径比变化的DDA拟合公式 .如果将金属纳米粒子置于折射率更高的介电环境中 ,其纵向等离子体共振吸收峰的位置进一步呈现线性红移关系 .合成的银纳米粒子的TEM图像及相关的UV VIS消光光谱显示DDA计算结果与实验值相当一致 .DDA算法与Mie′s理论在计算球状银纳米粒子的消光系数时给出很接近的结果 ,这表明用DDA的方法来分析银的光学性质是准确可靠的 ;而DDA算法对银纳米棒消光特性的成功拟合则表明 ,该算法相对Gans′理论而言 ,在研究纳米粒子的光学性质时具有更广的适用性及更高的准确性 . 【英文文摘】The optical properties of metal nanoparticles are quite different from those of the bulk materials mainly due to the collective oscillations of their conduction electrons known as the surface plasmon resonance (SPR), which is strongly dependent on the particle shape and size, and the dielectric properties of the local environment where the nanoparticles are embedded in. Based on the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) method, we studied the optical properties of silver nanorods with different aspect ratios ...Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2 0 2 2 80 2 0,2 0 0 2 10 0 2

    The Size and Shape Effects on the Optical Properties of Gold Nanoparticles

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    【中文文摘】纳米尺度的金属及半导体呈现出特殊的光学、电学及磁学性质,采用近年发展起来的离散偶极近似(DDA)的方法,我们分析了金纳米粒子的尺寸及形状对其光学性质的影响。粒子周围介质的影响在文中亦作了分析。计算结果显示,金纳米粒子的等离子体吸收带同时受到粒子尺寸和形状的影响,但来自形状的影响更为明显。与米氏理论及扩展的甘氏理论相比较,DDA方法在粒子尺寸不再远小于入射光波长的时候更准确,并能应用于任何形状的纳米粒子。理论计算与实验结果能较好的吻合。 【英文文摘】Metals and semiconductors exhibit unusual optical, electronic, and magnetic properties at the nanometer scale. Based on the newly developed method, discrete dipole approximation (DDA), the dependence of the optical properties of the gold nanoparticles on the size and shape was analyzed. The effects of the surrounding medium were also taken into consideration in the calculation. The calculated results show that the plasmon absorption band depends on both the size and shape of the gold noanoparticles. However , the influence of the shape is more significant . Compared to the Mieps theory and the extension , Gansp theory , the DDA method is more accurate when the dimensions of the particles are not much smaller than the wavelength of the incident light and can be applied to particles of any shape. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental data.国家自然科学基金项目,批准号为 :20003008,2983306


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    平行式Timed Petri nets模擬器 A Parallel Timed Petri Nets Simulator

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    [[abstract]]Petri nets(PN)是一種以正規方法來描述和分析系統行為的工具、特別是針對具有同時性與非同步特性的實體系統。而將時間引入PN之中;即所謂的Timed Petri nets(TPN),則更能有效地對所描述的系統作效能評估。例如TPN目前已被廣泛地應用在對分散式電腦系統的效能分析上,但隨著所描述系統之複雜度不斷地擴增,連帶著TPN的網路結構也變的更為複雜。如果以分析法則對所建構的TPN model作分析(即求取 Analytical solutions),則會因為記憶體的須求過高與分析時間會過長而變的不可行;而以循序式的離散事件模擬方法來計算出TPN model的模擬近似解則為另一種可行之道。由於對模擬解的計算時間有愈短愈好的嚴格要求,因此如何將TPN模擬器平行化、並在多電腦系統(Multicomputer)上執行以達到加速(Speedup)效果等均是需要解決的問題,也是我們研究的重心。我們在平行式TPN模擬器的設計與實作上是採分散式的離散事件模擬方法(Distributed discrete event simulation mechanism),並對平行化時所遭遇到的model切割問題、Process傳遞訊息方式、與模擬結果收集方法等提出解決之道。最後並在傳算器網路上(Transputer network)實作出一個平行式TPN模擬器。[[sponsorship]]雲林技術學院電子與資訊工程技術研究所; 中國電機工程學會; 工業技術研究院電腦與通信工業研究所[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]19951006~19951006[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]雲林縣, 臺

    Gain Momeutum 專案

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    [[alternative]]Parallel Simulation on a Parallel Computer Architecture Simulator(II)

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    TCP/IP網路通訊協定組合模擬器 A Network Simulator of TCP/IP Protocol Suite

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    [[abstract]]Today computer network system has become more and more important. Most network architectures developed by major international standards organizations in the world are roganized as a series of layers. The purpose of each protocol layer is to offer certain services to higher protocol layers. Moreover, the stacking of several protocol layers creates a full and independent computer network architecture serving a set of specific objectives. This paper impelments a computer network simulator. This software simulates DARPA's (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) TCP/IP protocol stack with IEEE's 802 standards) for the local area networks. In specific, we simulate five protocol layers including an application layer, the transprot layer of TCP protocol, the network layer of IP protocol, IEEE's 802.2 logical link control sublayer protocol and IEEE's 802.3 medium access control sublayer protocol. We had used the discrete-event simulation techniques to construct our computer network simulator. It simulates data transfer between different machines in the different or same networks. This requires implementation of the following mechanism: establishing logical connection, closing logical connection, flow control, retransmission of duplicated and lost packets, routing, fragmentation and reassembling packets, physical medium transfer control, display of data flow in between protocol layers and collection of simulation results. We believe this simulator can be used to analyze the efficiency of transmission between protocol layers and between two different machines in an user defined network topology. In addition, with the ability of monitoring the network packet traffic, this simulator can also be used as an excellent education tool for computer network relative courses.[[sponsorship]]逢甲大學電子工程學系; 工業技術研究院電腦與通訊研究所; 交通部電信研究所[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]19961004~19961004[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺中, 臺

    [[alternative]]Parallel Simulation on a Parallel Computer Architecture Simulator (III)

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    可執行程式之分散記憶體多電腦系統機器模擬環境 A Program-Driven Multicomputer Machine Simulation Environment

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    [[abstract]]近年來以離散事件電腦模擬方法做為分散記憶體多電腦系統與共享記憶體多處理器系統之硬體架構分析工具已相當普遍, 而一個完整的、詳細的機器模擬環境更可用來評估當雛型硬體架構完成後於實際的作業系統與應用軟體操作下將會展現的效能。在本論文中將介紹一個可執行程式之Transputers network多電腦系統機器模擬環境的開發、實作、與使用現況。另一方面由於被模擬的電腦系統複雜度極高, 平行式離散事件電腦模擬方法也被用來縮短模擬旳執行時間。[[sponsorship]]成功大學電腦系統技術研發重點中心[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]19970515~19970516[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺南, 臺