27 research outputs found

    Comparison Between the Chinese Dialects of Five Southeastern Provinces Using the Swadesh List of 200 Basic Words

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    200词表是美国的语言学家斯瓦迪士在1952年提出来的。他受到放射性碳元素(C14)年代推算的启发,想通过计算语言中基本词根语素的保留率,来计算语言的发展年代。200词表是在几十种印欧语调查研究的基础上,经过反复的实践而筛选出来的,具有普遍性、比较稳定的200个核心词。由于目前国内外还没有人拿出更合理的核心词体系(这本身是一项非常困难的工作),斯瓦迪士的200核心词一致是多数国内外学者在调查研究中共同默认的一项重要参考标准。 最近斯瓦迪士200词表已被各界学者广泛运用来比较方言之间的亲属关系。日本学者王育德(1960)是第一个使用这个词表来计算汉语方言之间关系的学者,徐通锵先生在1991年将...The 200-word basic list was developed by the American linguist Moris Swadesh in 1952. Inspired by the Carbon-14 radioisotope dating, he wanted to reckon the development history of languages by the retention of basic words. Based on the study of tens of Indoeuropean languages, Swadesh selected carefully the words and developed the 200-word list through repeating practice, and the list can been univ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_汉语言文字学学号:1022007115281

    Improving University Teaching and Learning through Teaching Assistant and Learning Assistant Structure

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    In recent years, efforts have been made to move from teacher-centered to student-centered education and to improve students’ learning experiences at universities in Japan. Many universities have introduced structures to enrich students’ learning experiences outside of the classroom such as students’ learning support centers, learning commons, and writing centers. There are number of studies on the practice, management, and effectiveness of such places. Meanwhile, less attention has been paid to structures to support in-class teaching and learning, such as teaching assistants and learning assistants. The purpose of this report is to contribute to the field of research related to teaching assistants and learning assistants in higher education, and to create a network of practitioners and researchers working in the field. This report includes a review of literature, a summary of the International Forum on Teaching Assistant Development and Structural Reform (Hiroshima University, February 27, 2018), and the Teaching Assistant (TA) and Learning Assistant (LA) Meeting in Tokyo (Seikei University, March 1, 2018). Based on the literature review and discussion from the International Forum and TA/LA Meeting, it became clear that more efforts are necessary to understand the actual situation that TA/LAs are in. We need to investigate how teaching and learning appears when it is conducted by faculty instructors in collaboration with a TA/LA. It’s also important to consider what kind of professional development opportunities are necessary for faculty members to understand how to work with TA/LA.はじめに… 佐藤万知 1 第1章 SA/TA 制度の現状と先行研究からの課題把握… 佐藤万知 7 第2章 国際フォーラムより  1節 The Graduate Teacher Program at the University of Colorado Boulder: Past Developments, Future Prospects… Marcia Yonemoto 19  2節 Hirodai TA 制度の概略と課題… 佐藤万知 36 第3章  1節 ティーチング・フェローによるクォリファイド・ティーチング・アシスタントの育成… 後藤孔 43  2節 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科の「コア科目」におけるTA の活用事例… 小出美由紀・淺野敏久 48  3節 How can I change my class more active and more interesting?:Teaching Fellow としての活動報告… 小原静夏 53  4節 「愛媛大学TA・SA ハンドブック」の開発と運用… 加地真弥 56  5節 学生の学習支援における主体的学習促進の仕組み… 鈴木学 61  6節 From TA to TA’s Community: The Various Dimensions of TA activity at the Writing Center of Hiroshima University… Naoyuki Yamada, Riko Umeki, Sho Ueda, Seigi Naganuma and Mihoko Motooka 65  7節 成蹊大学Qualified Learning Assistant 制度の目的と実態調査… 勝野喜以子・小倉大地・賀屋周防 69 第4章 TA/SA 制度東京研究会より… 佐藤万知 73 おわりに… 佐藤万知 8


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    The Logic Relationship between the Real Right Alteration and National Characteristics of Civil Code System

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    对德、法、日、泰四国进行个案比较研究得出,一国不动产登记制度现状深刻影响其市民社会中财产变动习惯的形成,而一国的物权变动模式则取决于其财产变动习惯,同时受时代背景、民族性格和法学家研究水平等因素影响,使一国物权变动模式呈现鲜明的民族性和时代性;且一国民法典编撰体系优劣取决于一国物权变动模式是否科学、逻辑严密地抽象出其财产变动客观存在。学界对《中华人民共和国物权法》中物权变动模式的多种理论纷争,应放到中国市民社会财产变动客观存在中去验证,并看能否据其理论设计出符合中国市民社会民族性、逻辑严谨的民法典编撰体系。 A comparative study on the cases of Germany,France,Japan and Thailand shows that the immovable property registration system of a country has agreat impact on the development of the property alteration custom in a civil society;while the real right alteration mode of a country is decided by its property alteration custom,also under the influence of the era background,national personalities and jurisprudential scholars' research level,which brings distinctive national and epochal characteristics to the real right alteration mode of a certain country.The quality of a country's civil code compilation system depends on whether its real right alteration mode is scientific and logical enough to reflect the objective existence of real right alteration in that country.The heated debates among scholars on the theories of real right alteration mode in Real Right Law of the People's Republic of China should be verified in the context of China's civil society to see whether we can create a civil code compilation system that is logical enough and compatible with the national characteristics of Chinese civil society,according to those theories


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    泰王国不动产征收引发的社会问题非常少,究其原因,主要是泰王国不动产征收制度经过一百多年的发展,已趋于完善。泰王国不动产征收制度的立法严肃性、对政府征收行为的严控性、对私权利的保护力度都是其制度优越性所在。国家社会科学基金项目(11XFX011); 广西高等学校一般资助科研项目(200103YB043


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    文章对泰国独具匠心的区分所有建筑物法人立法模式及主体资格、设立、法人内部机构设置及制度理论原理等进行了详细的阐述;在此基础上,重思我国建筑物小区物业管理立法的理论路经和思路;建议我国应制定《建筑物小区法人法》,并对我国建筑物小区法人管理模式提出了原则性的立法建议。广西教育厅一般资助科研项目(200103YB043); 广西八桂学者“中国与东南亚关系研究”项目成

    Hundred Years of Agricultural Land Reform in Thailand and the Enlightenment to China

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    泰国农用地制度110多年改革轨迹为"一次确认、两次权利性质转变",即将私人享有占有权的农用地所有权确认为国家所有,将农用地上的占有权与国家所有权两种权利转变为私人所有权。泰国的农用地私有化改革引发了许多社会问题。总结泰国农用地百年改革的经验教训,探讨我国农村土地承包经营权改革方向,笔者认为我国土地承包经营权制度仍然具有强大的制度优越性,应不断地完善该制度,进一步释放其强大的生命力。The track of Thailand agricultural land revolution for more than 110 years is ' one confirmation, two transformations of rights' , which is to confirm the country's ownership on the lands of which the private shared the usufruct, and to transform the country's ownership and the private usufruct on the agricultural lands to private ownerships. Privatization reform of Thailand agricultural lands brought on many social problems. From the perspective of it, the contracted management right system of rural land in our country has great advantages with strong vitality and the revolution trend of it is to keep and improve it without change its nature.广西民族大学中国—东盟研究中心开放课题项目“《泰王国民商法典》对我国民法典立法之借鉴系列研究”(KT20130); 广西八桂学者项目“中国与东南亚关系研究


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    The Stance of Thailand Official on South China Sea Disputes

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    泰国本身并非南海主权申索国,但试图在南海问题上扮演协调者的角色。泰国官方对南海争端给予极高的关注度。本文试从泰国主流媒体近两年所刊载的泰国官方对南海争端的表态,尤其是总理和各部首脑的发言,对泰国政府在南海争端中的基本立场进行分析解读。Thailand does not claim sovereignty over South China Sea, and it tries to play a role as the coordinator. Thailand Official has given very high concern on the disputes. Based on the analysis of these two years ' publications in Thailand' s mainstream media about Thailand official' s positions on South China Sea disputes, particularly the remarks of Prime Minister and heads of other departments of Thailand, this paper approaches the basic stance on South China Sea disputes of Thailand official.广西八桂学者《中国与东南亚关系研究》项目成


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