384 research outputs found

    “The Harp That Once Did Starve Us All”: Famine Representations in “Lestrygonians”

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    The Great Famine in mid-nineteenth-century Ireland has resulted in complete devastation, its impact lasting until the next century. James Joyce has inherited this cultural memory and incorporated Famine representations into his text. The episode of “Lestrygonians” abounds in descriptions of foodstuffs and images of starvation. The contrast between the plenitude of foods and numbers of famished skeletons unmistakably recalls the Famine era when Ireland produced plentiful foodstuffs while her own people were starving due to their lack of the entitlement rights to them. Moreover, the evocation of the Famine icons in this episode—walking skeletons, ravenous eaters, and so on—suggests the lingering of Famine memory, if not the continuation of Famine horrors. By representing hunger images in an episode saturated with food and eating, Joyce not only evokes the mid-nineteenth-century Famine, but suggests that famished ghosts in 1904 still haunted the city and accompanied the Dubliners in their daily life—inclusive of a cultural outsider, Leopold Bloom.愛爾蘭十九世紀中葉的大饑荒造成滿目瘡痍,其衝擊延續至下一世紀。喬 伊斯承繼了此一文化記憶,在文本中重現饑荒。〈萊斯楚恭尼亞人〉一章充滿 了食物描述與飢餓意象。大量食物與骨瘦饑民的對比無疑喚起饑荒時期愛爾蘭 生產大量食材,而人民卻因無權享有而挨餓之情境。此外,本章出現的饑荒意 象─遊走孤魂、狼吞虎嚥的饑民等─影射饑荒記憶的持續或饑荒恐怖的 延續。在充斥食物的一章當中呈現饑餓意象,喬伊斯不僅喚起十九世紀中葉大 饑荒的回憶,也暗示餓死鬼在1904 年仍然出沒都柏林,並且伴隨市民日常生 活─包含文化局外人布盧姆

    “I Eat; Therefore I Am”—Molly and Food

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    Molly’s streams of consciousness in “Penelope” are filled with food and eating, which make up a major and crucial part of the person “Molly Bloom” and present a detailed and realistic picture of her life. Food acts as a sign. The rights of entitlement to food signify the financial condition of a household. Moreover, it conveys to Molly private coded messages concerning Bloom, and enables her to make connections with her family, her past, and the community in Dublin. In taking part in various food-related activities, Molly also participates in the communal life of Dublin. Dietary practices thus constitute a part of the identity of Molly Bloom. She eats; therefore she is. Not entirely free from sociocultural constraints, Molly nevertheless reverses the traditional gender roles of man as consumer and woman as the consumed, savors the pleasures brought about by food and sexuality, and suggests the naturalness and inevitability of bodily functions engendered by food consumption.莫莉在〈潘尼洛普〉一章的意識流動當中充滿了飲食;飲食構 成了「莫莉.布盧姆」其人主要且重要的一部分,也呈現了一幅描 繪其生活既細膩又寫實的畫作。食物乃是一種符號。對食物的資格 權可顯示家庭的財政狀況。此外,食物也提供莫莉有關布盧姆的個 人訊息,並且讓她與家人、過去、都柏林社區作一連結。參與種種 飲食活動使莫莉得以投入都柏林的社區生活。飲食行為因此構成了 莫莉.布盧姆的主體。「她吃故她在。」儘管並未完全拋開社會文 化之束縛,莫莉仍然顛倒了傳統上男性等同消費者而女性等同消費 品的性別角色,品嘗食物與性慾帶來的歡娛,同時暗示消耗食物所 引發的身體機能乃是自然且必然之現象

    On the Security Analysis of Password-Based Key Derivation Function

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    文件存储的安全性主要是通过身份认证和数据加密实现,在身份认证和数据加密密钥的产生中都需要由基于口令的密钥导出算法生成的密钥,生成密钥的随机性决定了文件安全机制整体的安全性,所以基于口令的密钥导出算法是文件认证机制中的关键。基于口令的密钥导出算法分为PBKDF1和PBKDF2。目前,新的文件认证机制中往往推荐使用密钥导出函数PBKDF2来取代PBKDF1,从而获得更高的安全性。为此,本文以OpenOffice的安全性为例,证明了其中密钥导出算法PBKDF2的理论安全性,并详细分析了OpenOffice的实际安全性。主要工作成果如下: (1)在CCS安全定义下,利用随机预言机模型与Game-Pl...The file security is mainly based on identity authentication and data encryption. The password-based key derivation function (PBKDF) is used to generate derived key during authentication and encryption, the randomness of a derived key is mainly influence the whole file security mechanism, so password-based key derivation function is the key point in file authentication mechanism. Password-based ke...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电子与通信工程学号:2312010115297

    The Analysis of the Policies on Connotative Development for Independent Colleges

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    独立学院是我国高等教育改革与发展中自发形成的新组织,是国家为推进高等教育大众化而做出的重大决策,也是我国高等教育从精英教育向大众化教育转变的最有效形式之一。独立学院作为一种新型而独特的办学模式,它满足了人民群众对接受高等教育多样化的需求,拓宽了高等教育本科层次的教育资源;由于没有现成的模式及经验,相关政策法规和内部管理的不够完善,独立学院蓬勃发展的背后还存在许多问题和争议。2008年教育部颁发的《独立学院设置与管理办法》以稳定规模、改善管理和提高质量为主要任务,要求独立学院进一步深化管理规范。此举使独立学院内涵式发展在顺应时代要求的同时,更适应了市场竞争的需要,成为独立学院实现持续发展的必由之...Independent college is a new organisation of reform and development of China’s higher education. It is founded and developed under the policy on mass education in China. It also indicates the movement of China’s tertiary education from elite education to mass one. As a creative and distinctive education mode, the independent college expands the educational resources, and meets the needs of the div...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:X201013609

    The Analysis of the Policies on Connotative Development for Independent Colleges

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    独立学院是我国高等教育改革与发展中自发形成的新组织,是国家为推进高等教育大众化而做出的重大决策,也是我国高等教育从精英教育向大众化教育转变的最有效形式之一。独立学院作为一种新型而独特的办学模式,它满足了人民群众对接受高等教育多样化的需求,拓宽了高等教育本科层次的教育资源;由于没有现成的模式及经验,相关政策法规和内部管理的不够完善,独立学院蓬勃发展的背后还存在许多问题和争议。2008年教育部颁发的《独立学院设置与管理办法》以稳定规模、改善管理和提高质量为主要任务,要求独立学院进一步深化管理规范。此举使独立学院内涵式发展在顺应时代要求的同时,更适应了市场竞争的需要,成为独立学院实现持续发展的必由之...Independent college is a new organisation of reform and development of China’s higher education. It is founded and developed under the policy on mass education in China. It also indicates the movement of China’s tertiary education from elite education to mass one. As a creative and distinctive education mode, the independent college expands the educational resources, and meets the needs of the div...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:X201013609


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    Hunger has been a tradition in Western culture. Following this tradition, Stephen Dedalus in Ulysses assumes a detached and negative attitude toward food intake and refuses solid foods on 16 June 1904. A form of speech notwithstanding, food denial signifies detachment from the other and the material world. Denying actual food consumption, Stephen resorts to artistic creation by transforming food into language, in an attempt to protect himself against the invasion of the threatening other and to assert an autonomous self released from constraints, but in so doing traps himself in the myth of artistic transcendence which he questions and challenges. Representing the appetitive Leopold and Molly Bloom in contrast to Stephen, James Joyce may attempt to deconstruct the long-lasting tradition of hunger, to turn rejection of the other into connection with the other, and to construct an omnivorous identity capable of innovation, exploration, and change. Food, in this respect, acts as an important key to Stephen’s growth as an artist. Suggestive of fertility and creativity, food ingestion makes possible creation of all kinds, and food denial indicates the denial of creativity. Therefore, only when Stephen transforms from a food denier into a food receiver may he wake up from the nightmare of hunger in Irish history and equip himself with inexhaustible creativity.飢餓乃是西方文化之傳統。承襲此一傳統,《尤利西斯》中的史提芬•戴德勒斯對飲食攝取抱持疏離與負面態度,在1904年6月16日這天拒食固體食物。拒食行為固然可視為一種發聲,但同時影射與他者以及外界的隔離。拒絕飲食攝取,史提芬將食物轉化為語言,投身於藝術創作,藉此保護自我免於險惡他者的侵害,並宣示自我主體不受外界束縛,但卻因此陷入藝術超越論的神話,儘管他質疑並且挑戰這一神話。藉由呈現愛好飲食的布盧姆與莫莉以對照史提芬,喬伊斯試圖解構由來已久的飢餓傳統,將拒絕他者轉化為接觸他者,同時建構得以創新、探索、改變之雜食性主體。就此觀之,飲食扮演史提芬成為藝術家之重要關鍵。隱含生產力與創造力,飲食成就所有形式之創造活動,而拒食即代表了排拒創造力。因此,唯有史提芬由拒食者轉變為受食者方能自愛爾蘭飢餓歷史的惡夢當中醒轉,並且具備源源不絕之創造力

    An Empirical Study on Risks Early-warning System of Chinese Bank

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    2008年,肇始于美国的次贷危机,使全球深陷一场百年一遇的金融风暴和经济衰退。监管当局认识到,宏观金融风险实质上是微观金融风险不断积聚并最终爆发的结果,要从根本上防范和控制宏观金融风险,必须重视微观风险的预警与防范。如何建立科学有效的银行风险早期预警系统,识别和预警银行风险,从而指导银行监管当局合理配置监管资源,及时采取措施防范和化解风险,尽可能减少风险造成的损失,是银行监管领域的一个重要研究课题,对于完善银行监管机制具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。 近年来,国内外学者和银行界对银行风险的综合评价和预警方法作了很多研究和实践,如Z评分多变量判别分析模型、Logit逻辑回归模型、神经网络模型等理...The subprime mortgage crisis began in the United States in 2008 have given an unprecedented blow to global financial market and resulted with economic recession. Regulatory authorities recognize that the macro-financial risk is essentially an accumulation of micro-financial risk and ultimately lead to the outbreak. In order to prevent and control financial risks , we must pay attention to early...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115123

    Analysis on the Comprehensive Budget Management of The Guangdong A Bank

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    改革开放以来,国有商业银行的业务开始交叉并逐步形成了全方位的竞争局面,而且随着中国加入WTO、银行业对外全面开放、国内商业银行纷纷进行股份制改革并上市,银行间的竞争变得越来越激烈。面对激烈的竞争,中国银行业亟待提高管理水平、加强内部控制以及提高管理效率。而全面预算管理正是提升企业经营管理水平,强化内部控制和提高管理效率,实现企业资源合理配置的有效管理工具。本文以广东A银行全面预算管理现状和存在的问题为背景,探讨该银行全面预算管理优化方案。 本文除引言外,共分三章,主要内容如下: 第一章:全面预算管理理论概述。本章介绍了全面预算管理在国内国外的发展与应用;揭示了全面预算管理内涵核心在于“全面...Since the reforms and opening up, the state-owned commercial banks’ service has started overlapping and has formed the situation of the omni-directional competition. After joining the WTO, China’s banking industry is opened comprehensively to the world. The competition is getting more and more intense with the join-stock reforms and going on the market of those internal commercial banks. Facing th...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X20041113