18 research outputs found

    The Economics Analysis of Assets Securilization

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    近年来,随着全球金融市场变革的风起云涌,新的金融产品和金融技术不断涌现,对传统的金融活动及产品提出了新的挑战,也对各国金融管理当局提出了新的要求。资产证券化就是近年来世界金融领域发展最快的金融创新工具,是衍生证券技术和金融工程技术相结合的产物。所谓资产证券化,在其动态与静态的意义上,就是将原始权益人不流通的存量资产或可预见的未来收入构造和转变成为资本市场可销售和流通的金融产品的过程。它既是一种金融产品的创新,更是一种融资体制的创新。资产证券化是一种以项目收入为导向的融资方式,以资产为基础,由发起人、发行人、服务人、投资银行、信用提高机构、资信评级机构等主体参与,通过提供两个层次的信用,即资产本...In recent years, great changes have been taken place in the global financial market; new financial product and techniques have come into force constantly, which put forward new challenges to the traditional financial activities and new requirements for the management of the financial authorities. Assets securitization, a financial innovation tool with the fastest development in recent global finan...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_金融学(含保险学)学号:B20034203

    The Economics Analysis of Assets Securilization

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    近年来,随着全球金融市场变革的风起云涌,新的金融产品和金融技术不断涌现,对传统的金融活动及产品提出了新的挑战,也对各国金融管理当局提出了新的要求。资产证券化就是近年来世界金融领域发展最快的金融创新工具,是衍生证券技术和金融工程技术相结合的产物。所谓资产证券化,在其动态与静态的意义上,就是将原始权益人不流通的存量资产或可预见的未来收入构造和转变成为资本市场可销售和流通的金融产品的过程。它既是一种金融产品的创新,更是一种融资体制的创新。资产证券化是一种以项目收入为导向的融资方式,以资产为基础,由发起人、发行人、服务人、投资银行、信用提高机构、资信评级机构等主体参与,通过提供两个层次的信用,即资产本...In recent years, great changes have been taken place in the global financial market; new financial product and techniques have come into force constantly, which put forward new challenges to the traditional financial activities and new requirements for the management of the financial authorities. Assets securitization, a financial innovation tool with the fastest development in recent global finan...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:B20034203


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    探讨了一种新的改进算法中的两个关键技术:基于边缘特征的小波变换方法和边缘曲线的编码方法。利用这两个算法减少了图像 重要边缘特征的失真,有利于图像快速浏览和图像基于内容查询的实现;并能改进变换系数中能量的分布使高频子带的图像能量进一步减 少,有利于提高压缩性能和效率。同时该文用Matlab6.5 平台给出了一些试验结果,并对试验结果进行了分析


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    探讨了一种新的改进算法中的两个关键技术:基于边缘特征的小波变换方法和边缘曲线的编码方法。利用这两个算法减少了图像重要边缘特征的失真,有利于图像快速浏览和图像基于内容查询的实现;并能改进变换系数中能量的分布使高频子带的图像能量进一步减少,有利于提高压缩性能和效率。同时该文用Matlab6.5 平台给出了一些试验结果,并对试验结果进行了分析

    Development, fabrication, and applications of biomedical electrodes

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    生物医用电极作为一种能够有效地将生物体电化学活动产生的离子电位转换成测量系统电子电位的传感器,广泛应用于现代临床检测和生物医学测量.近年来,由于生物医用电极在心电图ECg、脑电图EEg、肌电图EMg以及电阻抗成像EIT等领域的迫切应用需求,新型生物医用电极结构及其高效低成本的制造方法不断涌现,生物医用电极制造技术获得飞速发展.本文通过对现有的生物医用体表电极进行了分类(包括传统银/氯化银电极、微针电极、纺织柔性电极、柔性衬底电极、泡沫结构电极、绝缘干电极),分别对其制造工艺过程与使用方法进行了综述,并对其已有或潜在的应用领域进行详细分析,最后对生物医用电极的应用前景进行了展望.Biomedical electrodes convert the ion potential generated by electrochemical activities into an electronic potential that can be measured by instrumentation systems; they are widely used as sensors in modern clinical detection and biomedical measurement.In recent years, with increasing applications in the fields of electrocardiography(ECG), electroencephalography(EEG), electromyography(EMG), and electrical impedance tomography(EIT), a great number of new biomedical electrodes with novel structural design and new material selection have been explored and developed; low-cost fabrication methods are also being intensively studied.In this paper, biomedical electrodes are classified into five types, including traditional silver/silver chloride electrodes, microneedle electrodes, flexible textile electrodes, foam electrodes, and insulated dry electrodes.The conversion mechanisms from ion potential to electronic potential of different biomedical electrodes described in the prior literature are firstly introduced, and then the latest research results concerning the fabrication processes for different biomedical electrodes, and the methods of using them, are reviewed.The advantages and disadvantages of each type of electrode for practical applications are discussed, based on the published literature.A general description of the current applications of biomedical electrodes in ECG, EEG, EMG, and EIT is presented.Typical results from researchers in various countries are reviewed to further introduce the detailed application of different biomedical electrodes.Emerging application fields for biomedical electrodes, such as electrooculography, electrogastrography, and the study of the nervous system, are also presented.Finally, the development and application prospects of biomedical electrodes are described briefly.With the rapid development of microelectronics, micro-nano manufacturing and signal processing technology, the related manufacturing technologies and signal processing methods for biomedical electrodes have achieved great progress; in particular, a much deeper understanding about the contact mechanism with human tissue and skin has been obtained.We believe that many new biomedical electrodes will be developed in the next few years to greatly improve the detection level of bioelectric information.国家自然科学基金(51475397); 厦门大学中央高校基本科研业务费(2013121017)资


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    笔者认为,当“赖胀”心理在各种心理博弈的过程中仍占上风,至少“借钱还债”的健康债文化还未完全形成。近几年,我国加快了信用环境的建设.国有银行也在商业化进程中迈出了关键的步伐,企业的债心理和债行为有所调整,但是健康的债文化还未形成,我们必须大力塑造健康的债文化,完善社会信用体系,建立诚信社会。 l、完善我国的信用制度,从立法上充分保护债权人的合法利益。目前我国虽然有《担保法》、《商业银行法

    Can Machines Have Consciousness?

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    对机器意识的研究,是人工智能哲学领域一个受到广泛关注的问题。按照研究目标与内容的不同,可将机器意识的研究分为五种类别:面向感知意识实现的(MC-P)、面向具体特性意识实现的(MC-C)、面向机制意识实现的(MC-A)、面向自我意识实现的(MC-S)和面向感受意识实现的(MC-Q)。人工智能哲学和脑科学的研究表明,前四类的机器意识研究是切实可行的,而MC-Q的研究则面临着许多争议。援引佛教唯识论的五蕴学说对意识活动进行分析,可以发现:前四类的机器意识都具有意向性,而MC-Q则不具有意向性。对于机器意识的研究与开发,应该搁置有争论的主观体验方面的实现研究,围绕意向性意识能力,采用仿脑与量子计算思想相结合的策略,来开发具有一定意向能力的机器人。The study of machine consciousness(MC)has drawn considerable attention from researchers in the field of AI philosophy.MC study can be classified into five categories depending on specific objectives and contents of study,i.e.MC-P,MC-C,MC-A,MC-S,MC-Q.As research on AI philosophy and brain science indicates,the first four categories are feasible whereas MC-Q is confronted with much controversy.This study draws upon the Buddhist theory of five aggregates to analyze the activity of consciousness and concludes that the first four categories possess the property of intentionality whereas MC-Q does not.It is suggested that MC study and development,instead of going on with the study of the much disputed issue of subjective experience,should focus on intentional consciousness and aim at creating robots with some degree of intentionality by using an approach combining techniques of brain imitation and concepts of quantum computation theory.国家自然科学基金项目“引入审美觉知机制的音乐创造性计算模型及其应用实现”(60975076