459 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Internship Management System for Higher Vocational Colleges

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    当前高等职业教育中,顶岗实习是高职院校的人才培养计划和教学活动实施的重要环节。顶岗实习这一实践教学环节实行了学校与企业合作、定岗实习的一种培养模式,能有效地培养学生的创新能力和实践能力以及职业精神,在整个高等职业教育过程中占据着十分重要的地位,因此顶岗实习阶段的教学质量直接关系到高职人才培养目标的实现。然而当前大多数高等职业院校在安排学生顶岗实习的时候,面临着实习地点比较分散、校外的企业指导教师比较缺乏,学校指导教师到企业现场指导频度较低、学生顶岗实习学习效果不尽人意、实习质量无法考核等问题。由此造成了顶岗实习这一实践教学环节的质量不高,存在着形式主义,而且学生的安全定位等问题也没有得到很好的...The higher occupation education, internship is an important part of the plan and the implementation of teaching activities of talents cultivation in Higher Vocational colleges. Internship teaching in the practice of the implementation of Engineering union, school enterprise cooperation, internship talent training mode, training student's practice ability and innovative consciousness and profession...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323205

    Unsteadiness in non-transferred dc arc plasma generators

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    Non-transferred dc arc plasma generators are widely used in materials processing. They are generally considered steadily-operating devises. However, unsteady phenomena do exist in them, and may cause non-ideal effects in processes which require high controllability and reproducibility. These unsteady phenomena can cause parameter fluctuations in the arc and the plasma jet, some of which have been studied in recent years. Several types and mechanisms of these phenomena have been identified. This paper reviews the research progress in this specific area, hoping to present a more complete picture of this subject

    Team Knowledge Structure and Innovation Performance: The Moderating Effects of Innovation Atmosphere

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    创新是企业的灵魂,知识是创新的基础。经济的全球化和网络化,使得人才、技术和知识的流动加剧,组织创新越来越具有开放性特征,互联网的发展使得企业可以通过互联网平台利用外部分散的知识网络来实现产品创新。威客模式正是在这一背景下产生的新的互联网应用模式,威客模式通过互联网平台将创新的提供方和需求方结合起来,其中创新的提供方-威客团队,通过为企业或个人解决问题而将自身的智慧、知识、能力、经验转化为创新产品,从而实现知识的价值化。可以看到,对于威客团队等以创新为主要目的团队而言,团队的知识基础对团队创新发挥着至关重要的作用,因此研究团队的知识结构对创新绩效的影响对于促进该领域创新发展具有重大意义。 团队...The soul of an enterprise is innovation, and knowledge is the foundation of innovation. The globalization and networking of economic increased the flow of talent, technology and knowledge, organizational innovation has become more and more open. And because of the development of the internet, it is possible for enterprise to realize product innovation by using external distributed knowledge networ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:1762012115122

    3D finite element analysis of the influence of sleeping position and pillow height on cervical spine stress

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    颈椎病为临床常见病,其发病率呈上升趋势,其患者呈低龄化倾向。它常常影响人们的工作与生活质量。研究发现颈椎病的发病原因与长期不良的生活习惯密切相关,如不良坐姿和不良睡姿等,还与枕高不当有关。目前,睡姿和枕高的研究主要集中在临床方面,采用统计调查、测量及影像学相结合的方法。大量研究表明生物力学因素在颈椎疾患的发病机制中具有十分重要的意义。有限法成本低且省时省力。但采用有限元法分析睡姿和枕高对颈椎应力影响的研究至今鲜见报道。 本文以正常人体头颈CT图像为原始数据,依次经过Mimics10.0、GeomagicStudio11.0及Hypermesh10.0软件建立全颈椎的三维有限元模型,利用Aba...Cervical spondylosis is a common clinical disease. The incidence rate is rising. The patients showed a tendency of younger age. It often affects people's work and quality of life. Studies found that the cause of cervical disease is closely related to long-term bad life habits, such as poor sitting posture and poor sleeping position, etc. It is also related to the inappropriate height of the pillow...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院材料科学与工程系_材料物理与化学学号:2072009115003

    Application of Deliberative Democracy under the Perspective of Legitimacy ——A Comparative Study on Applications of Danish Model in France and Norway

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    协商民主理论是当代政治学的一个重要的理论流派。该理论主张通过协商程序继而实现政策制定的偏好转换,并强调公民的积极参与和政策制定偏好应该弱化以实现政策制定的科学性和准确性。该理论的出现弥补了自由主义和共和主义民主的缺陷,为探究民主的发展提供了另一个独特的视角。对于当代中国来说,研究协商民主更是具有其独特的现实意义。然而,如何将协商民主理论运用于实践并获得成功?哪些因素会影响到它的成功运用?本文以协商民主实践在不同国家的差异性表现为研究重点,选取了协商民主实践的典型之一共识会议模式在法国和挪威的运用为例,并从其在两国合法性差异的角度研究影响协商民主实践取得成功的因素。 本文共分为六部分。 第一...Deliberative democracy is an important theory in modern political science. This theory calls for a new form of democracy in which public deliberation is central to decision making. It adopts elements of both representative democracy and direct democracy, but differs from traditional democratic theory in that deliberation, not voting, is the prumary source of a decision or law’s legitimacy. This th...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院政治学系_政治学理论学号:1382006115066

    Study on Bonding Insurance Contract

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    保证保险产生于西方国家,中国引进保证保险业务的时间还不长。在短短的时间内,保证保险显示了广阔的市场需求,但同时也矛盾重重。保证保险的法律关系相对较为复杂,保险公司的经营风险相对较高。对于保证保险合同的法律性质一直以来都引起很大的争议。争议的焦点在于保证保险合同是保证担保合同还是保险合同。我国对于保证保险的法律制度及配套体系滞后,理论界和实务界也莫衷一是。本文从分析保证保险合同的法律关系入手,通过比较分析的方法深入分析保证保险的法律性质,全面探讨保证保险在审判实践中存在的主要问题,最后对如何完善保证保险制度提出立法建议和对策。论文除了引言和结束语外,主要分为四章。 第一章保证保险概述。在保证保...Bonding insurance generated in the western countries. It was introduced into China for not very long. In this short time, bonding insurance showed its expansive market. But the conflicts also exist. Comparatively, the legal relationship of bonding insurance is complicated and the risk of the insurance company is high. There is much dispute on the nature of bonding insurance all the time. The dispu...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:20040814

    A Cognitive Study of Verbal Nominalization in Chinese

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    名词化通常由其它词类转化而来,最常见的一类是动词,其次是形容词。汉语名词化研究始于二十世纪五十年代。由于汉语是一种缺乏形态标记的语言,这类研究上产生了很多的观点和争议。传统研究主要关注的是主宾语位置动词和形容词的性质问题以及N的V的构式,而忽略了认知因素的影响。近来,许多学者开始从认知语言学的角度来研究汉语中的名词化现象。但是汉语名词化的认知研究还远远不够,许多研究结果还有待进一步的证实和完善。因此,更为深入和广泛的研究是有必要的,而且意义重大。本文的研究对象为汉语中最为普遍的动词名化现象。在前人研究的基础上,本文试图在认知语法的框架下对汉语中动词名化现象做一个全面的阐述,主要考察了汉语中的两...Nominalization is often derived from other classes, most commonly from verbs and secondarily from adjectives. Studies on nominalization in Chinese didn’t begin until the 1950s. Due to the absence of explicit morphological markers for grammatical categories in Chinese, Chinese scholars have different views and great debates on nominalization in Chinese. Traditional studies mainly focus on the two m...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202008115285

    A Grammatical Study Of Wanrong Dialect

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    本文是万荣方言的描写语法,主要从词法方面描写和分析万荣方言中较有特色的词形变化、构词法、某些实词、虚词和体貌范畴等语法特点。内容包括:名词、动词、形容词、数词、量词、副词等的重叠形式及其语义特点和语法功能,“圪”头词、“嘟”尾词、“儿”尾词等词缀,时间词和方位词,合音词、分音词,介词和体貌系统等。本文主要根据山西方言(包括山西的晋语和中原官话)及汉语其他方言的现有研究成果,将万荣方言与普通话、晋语及周边汉语其他方言进行共时比较,揭示它与普通话、晋语及周边其他中原官话在某些语法特点上的共同点与差异,并尽量结合一些相关汉语史材料进行历时考察,运用某些现代语法理念对其作出解释,探讨万荣方言的某些语法...The thesis is intended to make a more systematic study of the grammar on Wanrong dialect, which is distributed in the southwest of Shanxi Province. It consists of six chapters of about 160,000 words. Actually, the thesis is mainly included in some more particular features of Wanrong in morphyological changes, word-buiding, some notional word, some function word and the category of aspect and mood....学位:文学博士院系专业:人文学院中文系_汉语言文字学学号:B19990100