4 research outputs found

    Research on 3D-Face Data Acquisition in Binocular Vision

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    人脸识别是基于生物特征的认证技术中最活跃的研究领域之一,也是一种自然友好的身份鉴别方式。由于三维人脸模型具备关键的空间结构(深度)数据,相比二维人脸图像具有更准确和丰富的信息,有望解决二维人脸识别中存在的光照、姿态和表情等种种变化所带来的复杂问题,因此,三维人脸识别技术成为当前研究的热点。三维人脸数据是三维人脸重建和识别的依据,而如何获取完整准确的三维人脸数据则成为三维人脸识别中的重要基础。 本文基于计算机双目立体视觉技术,研究由标准双目人脸图像获取人脸的三维数据问题。首先采用基于肤色模型的人脸检测算法定位人脸区域,然后采用基于基准点的自适应窗口匹配算法获得人脸区域的视差图。由该视差图即可进...Face recognition is one of the most active research fields of authentication technology based on biological features, also a natural and friendly method of identity recognition. 3D face model has the crucial data of special structure (depth), so it has more rich information than 2D face image. It is hopeful to solve the problems in 2D face recognition caused by the variation of illumination, pose ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:2005130233

    Front Face Contour Extraction Based on Skin Color Model and Gradient Operator

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    摘 要: 文章提出了一种新的正面人脸封闭轮廓提取方法, 首先采用肤色模型对肤色区域进行初定位, 然后经过筛选去除非人脸区域, 最后提取人脸初步轮廓, 并结合梯度算子提取下巴轮廓, 进而得到一个连续、封闭的人脸轮廓。该算法基本克服了下巴轮廓难以从颈部提取的问题, 满足了人脸轮廓特征提取的要求, 同时具有较高的时效性。 Abstract : A new extraction method for front face contour is proposed by this paper. Firstly, we locate the skin color regions by using the skin color model. Then, we filter the false face regions and extract the preliminary face contour.Finally, the whole continuous and close face contour is obtained by extracting upper face contour in the face region and by extracting chin contour through a gradient operator. The proposed algorithm basically overcomes the difficulty of extracting the chin contour from the neck, satisfies the demand of face contour feature extraction, and also it has a high time- effectiveness.国家高技术研究发展计划 ( 863 计划) 资助项目, 项目编号: 2006AA01Z12

    An Algorithm for Extraction and Update of Background

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    摘要: 针对几种传统算法运算复杂、实时性差、得到的背景易失真等不足,本文给出了一种实用的背景提取及更新算 法. 通过平均法求系列图像的均值和平均差值,之后去除差异大的点,然后再次求平均得到初始背景. 背景更新时,利用 三帧差分和自适应阈值法得到当前帧的二值图像,并考虑前景目标后更新得到新的背景. 实验表明,上述算法所取得的 背景效果良好,并可快速有效地对背景进行更新.Abstract : In view of the complex computation ,the real2time problem ,and the distortional background in the several commonly2 used algorithms ,a practical algorithm for ext raction and update of background is presented in this paper. For a series of f rames in vid2 eo ,we calculated the average value and the average difference for each pixel ,then excluded those pixels that have large differences. Af2 ter that ,we averaged the values again on the remained pixels to obtain the initial background. During background updating ,we first used three2f rame differences and adaptive threshold methods to get the binary image of current f rame ,then by considering the fore2 ground moving target s in the f rame we obtained the new background. Our experiment s show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can be used to ext ract backgrounds effectively and quickly when the scene changes.基金项目:国家863 计划(2006AA01Z129) 资


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