4 research outputs found

    Preliminary Study on the Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Precision Agriculture

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    精準農業相關技術的研發與應用在國內正值起步的階段,其中遙測技術與資訊技術為精準農業農耕管理、運作體系的重要一環。本文分別以遙測SPOT及AMSS資料在水稻田辨識、AMSS資料對蔗田生長差異偵測及農作物光譜特性分析,與台糖農場地理資訊的整合比較分析產量的影響因子,先期試驗、探討遙測與資訊技術在精準農業的潛在應用。 The development and application of the technologies relevant to precision agriculture (PA) is still on the initial stage in Taiwan, among which remote sensing (RS) and GIS play an important role for crop management and the operation of PA. In this paper, three cases are presented to pursue potential application of RS and GIS in PA. First, SPOT and AMSS data are used for the identification of rice paddy ; second , the application of AMSS data for the detection of sugarcane growth anomaly and the spectral analysis of various crops are discussed ; finally, GIS data of a sugarcane farm of TSC are integrated for preliminary comparison trying to find the factors affecting sugarcane yield

    Financial Market Study for Taiwanese Businessmen in Vietnam

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    台商,特別是勞力密集產業的台商,在1987年承受新台幣大幅升值的巨大壓力下,為因應不斷上漲的勞工成本與逐漸抬頭的環保意識,不得不開始注視周遭的鄰近國家,尋找降低成本的廉價解決方案,以渴求繼續生存的機會。從1990年開始,中國已成為最受歡迎的去處,在過去將近二十年裡,吸引了絕大多數的台灣資金。然而,越來越多的台商已開始思考其全球佈局的戰略,希望建立除在中國的生產基地外的其他基地。越南就逐漸成為多數台商的選擇,以減輕過度倚賴中國,避免資源集中在單一國家的情況,遑論中國在2008年1月頒行的新勞動合同法已清楚顯示,未來幾年在中國做生意的成本將會大幅增加。南為了效法中國成功的改革與所達的成就,從1988年就開始對外開放的政策,至今已成功吸引大量外國直接投資,帶來數百億美元的資金流入。在過去十年裡,越南已逐漸朝向市場導向的經濟發展,並已獲每年超過7%的經濟成長。在大量外國直接投資的資金挹注下,越南得以快速成長,但是伴隨而來的,卻是幾乎無限量供應的越南盾,導致經濟過熱,而越南政府直到2007年底方察覺問題嚴重,才開始一連串的對抗通膨因應,不再繼續貨幣寬鬆的政策,包括降低政府支出、物價管控、升息、信用收縮等。銀行體系受到流動性變差的影響,營運變得困難;企業、個人、及家戶極度渴望的資金,都因為銀行極度嚴格的授信條件而無法得到滿足。越南緊縮的貨幣政策下,台商面對高漲的利率,欲取得銀行貸款時,究竟遭遇何種障礙?台商需要何種協助來渡過金融動盪?本研究嘗試去理解台商在越南融資市場的現況,希望能為新到越南的投資者,甚至台資金融機構指引出可能的準則。研究針對『越南台商協會』會員,透過發行包括超過50個問題的問卷調查的方式進行,涵蓋了『選擇當地金融機構的原因』、『與當地金融機構往來遭遇的困難』、『實收資本的組成』、『銀行貸款的障礙』、『對當地金融機構的期待』、『緊縮貨幣政策的影響』、『緊縮貨幣政策的影響』等等。此外,本研究希望可以了解『不同融資方式的重要性及其排序』,以及『最希望越南政府開放的項目的重要性及其排序』。後依據問卷調查分析所得,建議越南台商面對瞬息萬變、反覆無常的市場狀況,包括公司營運及財務調度等方面,可行的因應方法,同時,台資金融機構未來可能的商機及可行的發展重點,也一併在結論與建議中提出。In view of increasing labor costs and emerging environmental concerns, Taiwanese businessmen in labor intensive indusrties had to look to neightboring countries, triggered by the 1987 strong appreciation of Taiwan dollars, for cheaper solution to survive in 1990. China became the most popular destination, attracting most of the investment capitals from Taiwan in nearly two decades. But a growing number of Taiwanese corporations are pursuing a strategy to establish or expand their bases outside China, particularly in Vietnam to mitigate the risks of overdependence on factories in one country, let alone the promulgation of China’s New Labor Law in January 2008 that indicates doing business in China is likely to get much more expensive in the coming years.n order to emulate China’s success on the economic reform and achievement, Vietnam has opened up its door to foreign investment since 1988 attracting tens of billions of US dollars cash inflow. The country has been shifting toward a more market-oriented economy which continues to expand at an annual rate in excess of 7 percent in the past 10 years. In the wake of rapid economy growth, fueled by the enormous inflow of foreign investment combined with relatively free local money supply, led to an overheating of the economy and the government was too slow to respond in late 2007. Government policy is moving to curb inflation from loose monetary policy by applying a series of measures including public spending cuts, price controls, interest rate increases and credit control. The banking system ran into difficulty in terms of liquidity. Enterprises, individuals and households were in desperate need for capital but banks were very restrictive to grant loans.n the face of Vietnam’s tightening monetary policy, what obstacles have Taiwanese businessmen faced to access to bank loans at the soaring interest rate? What assistance they need to get over the financial turmoil? This study is tried to figure out financial market status quo for the Taiwanese businessmen in Vietnam, and hopes to indicate possible roadmap for newcomers and even the Taiwanese Financial Institutes(FI). n accordance with the purpose of this study, an intensive survey with more than 50 questions was conducted to the members of『Taiwan Businessman Association in Vietnam』covering reasons to select local FIs, difficulties when dealing with local FIs, formation of chartered capitals, obstacles to obtain bank loans, anticipation on services from local FIs , impacts from tightened monetary policy etc. In addition, this study hopes to learn the prioritized importance of different types of loan, and anticipated items to be freed by Vietnam government. his study proposes possible measures by the Taiwanese businessmen encountering volatile market situations, business wise and finance wise. Meanwhile, possible business opportunites and feasible future focus for the Taiwan FIs are advised as well.目 錄文摘要 i文摘要 iii 錄 v目錄 vi一章 緒論 1一節、研究背景 1二節、研究動機 2三節、研究限制 4二章 越南國家檔案 5一節、自然人文環境 8二節、經濟環境 9三章 台越經貿往來現況及台商在越南投資分佈 20一節、說明 20二節、台越貿易現況及台商在越南投資現況 22四章 越南金融環境介紹 26一節、越南銀行業發展概況 26二節、越南銀行經營現況 29三節、外商及台資銀行在越南經營情況 30四節、越南貨幣政策 34五章 台商在越南融資現況 36一節、研究方法及過程 36二節、樣本特質及問卷調查結果 37六章 結論與建議:台商如何因應在越南融資的機會與威脅 51考文獻 54錄、問卷調查題目 55目錄1 我國在東協各國投資統計表 22 2007年1-12月對外投資前五大地區統計表 33 2005-2007年我國對外投資統計表 34 越南近代紀事表 75 1990-2007 GDP趨勢圖 106 2002-2007越南國內生產總毛額成長表 107 2002-2007年經濟結構 118 2002-2007年進出口金額統計表 119 2002-2007年國民所得及物價指數統計表 1210 2002-2007年失業率統計表 1211 Review 10 Years of FDI 1612 我國在越南投資統計(依產業別) 2313 我國在越南投資統計(依地區別) 2414 2005/01~2008/02美元對越盾匯率 2715 我國銀行在越南設立分行及辦事處情形 3116 我國保險公司在越南設立辦事處情形 3217 越南中央銀行自2007/05至2008/06 貨幣政策表 3518 問卷調查表回函統計 3619 受訪樣本行業別 3720 受訪樣本資員工人數 3821 受訪樣本資本額 3822 受訪樣本投資途徑 3923 受訪樣本投資方式 4024 受訪樣本企業經營型態 4025 受訪樣本企業經營型態 4126 受訪樣本在越南與金融機構往來 4128 受訪樣本在越南與台資銀行往來遇到的困難 4329 受訪樣本在越南為何選擇越資銀行 4330 受訪樣本在越南與越資銀行往來遇到的困難 4431 受訪樣本在越南為何選擇外資銀行 4432 受訪樣本在越南與外資銀行往來遇到的困難 4533 受訪樣本在越南所需資金目的型式 4534 受訪樣本在越南的銀行融資滿足程度 4635 受訪樣本在越南的銀行融資是否滿足需求 4636 受訪樣本認為在越南融資困難的理由 4637 受訪樣本希望越南金融機構能提供的協助 4738 越南中央銀行的緊縮貨幣政策所造成資金相關的影響 4839 越南中央銀行的緊縮貨幣政策所造成營運相關的影響 4940 最希望越南政府放寬項目及方向 4941 不同融資方式的重要性及排序 5042 成長需求及預期未來營收的排序 5

    Preliminary Study on Using Spaceborne and Ground-based Remotely Sensed Data for Rice Growth and Yield Monitoring

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    本研究利用衛星影像及地面遙測資料監測水稻生長及預估產量。其中水稻生長監測以影像攝像日對照生長天數後,繪出全生育期水稻對應SPOT影像的NDVI指數分佈;另亦利用NDVI植被指數分析與比對正常與罹患稻熱病水稻的差異。水稻產量預估則利用四個時段SPOT影像的NDVI、RVI 及TVI指數,配合農試所89 年精準農業試驗田的坪割產量資料,以向後消去法逐步回歸(stepwise regression by backward e1inilnation)估算水稻產量,並建立預估水稻產量的回歸方程式。地面遙測以具有綠、紅及近紅外光等三個波段的Duncan MS3100/CIR 近地面紅外成像儀資料監測水稻生長,並建立水稻正常生長及不同氮肥力區的NDVI指數對應生長天數分佈曲線。衛星影像監測正常水稻生育,在綠色植生反應最敏感的近紅外光段光譜反射以幼穗形成期~孕穗期值最高,NDVI指數分佈亦相同;而逆境生長的稻熱病水稻區,在近紅外光段光譜反射及NDVI指數均減少。另以SPOT影像估測水稻產量;單一時期或多時段SPOT影像與一期稻產量資料回歸分析後,相關係數最高為066;相同的方法應用於二期稻的產量預估,相關係數有明顯提昇,最高分蘗期SPOT影像預估產量的相關係數為0.71,加上幼穗形成期或乳熟期影像的相關係數為0.84,再結合黃熟期前的影像,回歸相關係數可達0.90,其預估產量的標準差為0.39公噸/公頃。另近地面紅外成像儀監測以農試所試驗田90 年兩期稻作為攝取對象,攝像資料經增益調整後,正常生長水稻的NDVI指數極值在幼穗形成期~孕穗期問;另不同氮肥力區與正常生育水稻NDVI指數的比較發現,氮變異區水稻在孕穗期以前的NDVI指數均較低,抽穗期以後的NDVI指數反而較高,且反應在黃熟期的水稻生育有較晚成熟的現象。 SPOT and Duncan M53100/CIR imagery were adopted for the study of rice growth status and yield monitoring. The full-growth-period spectral responses of rice were characterized by NDVI distribution derived by using SPOT bands, and the NTYVI responses of normal and leaf blast infected rice plants were compared. The NDVI, RVI and TVI indices derived from SPOT imagery during two cropping seasons in 2000 were used to correlate with the yields of the parcels by means of stepwise regression technique. Meanwhile, data from ground-based Duncan M53100 imagery (G, R, NIR) were taken from the normal and varied nitrogen fertilized parcels to study their spectral response in the two cropping seasons of 2001. The results show that both MR and NDVI indices rearched the maximum in panicle formation to grain filling stage, while their values were lower in the leat blast infected rice compared to the normal plants. When single or multiple SPOT images were employed to correlate with the yield of the first crop, the maximum regression coefficient (MRC) was 0.66. The MRC was increased to 0.71, 0.84 and 0.90 when the images from the maximum tillering stage, panicle formation stages, and grain-filling stage were incorporated into the analysis of the second crop, respectively. For the latter case, the standard deviation of the yield was 0.39 ton/ha. On the other hand, the images acquired by Duncan were gain adjusted and the NDVIs caculated from the data of the two cropping seasons in 2001 were analyzed. It was found that the maximum of NDVI was also located at the panicle formation to grain filling stage, and the NDVIs of varied nitrogen fertilized paddies were lower before grain filling stage, but higher than the normal paddy afier heading stage. The preliminary results suggest that the ground-based imagery can be used to distinguish the growth variation by the different rates of nitrogen fertilization

    Monitoring System for Rice Growth and Environmental Conditions

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    「精準農業」經由合理的肥培、施藥等栽培管理手段, 可進行高效率的農業經營與管理, 並減少由農業所產生之非點源污染, 進而達到提高生產利潤, 保護生態環境的目標, 使農業得以永續發展.但首先必須能精確掌握氣候和土壤之時間與空間的變異, 以及其對農作物生育的影響.在精準農業體系中監測系統相當於”眼睛”的角色, 依管理需要進行觀測與監視農作物及環境的變異, 提供類同大腦之決策系統判別與辨識後做出決策, 再由擔任四肢的農機具系統實施處理達到精準管理目標.本計畫為水稻精準農業( 耕 )體系中之監測系統部分, 負責利用遙測技術, 快速且有效的提供共同試驗田區中有關水稻生育情形、病蟲害、產量、土壤特性與肥力之空間分佈圖.重要工作包括水稻生長、逆境( 病蟲害、雜草、旱害等 )及產量之監測與估測技術研究, 稻株氮營養狀態檢測技術研究, 近地面水稻光譜資料庫建置, 土壤性質及肥力狀態偵測技術研究等四大部分.計畫規劃期程共計五年, 於計畫結束時預期可以提供有關田間水稻生長、產量、氮營養狀態空間分佈之遙感監測與估測技術, 完成近地面水稻光譜資料庫, 以及有關田間土壤性質及肥力狀態空間分佈之偵測技術, 以供決策系統和農機具系統進行適時、適地、適量的精準管理.Precision agriculture, through proper fertilizer and pesticide managements, can make agricultural sustainable by not only raising the net profits due to efficient agricultural management practices, but also protecting the ecological environment due to reduced non-point pollution by agricultural activities.However, abilities to detect the influence of temporal and spatial variability of climate and soil to crop growth are requested.In precision agriculture, a monitoring system behaves just like eyes for a human.Obtained information regarding temporal and spatial variation of field crop growth will be sent to an expert system, like brains of a human, for identification and judgment.The decision will then be sent to machinery, like hands and feet of a human, for field operation.This project, the monitoring part of a rice precision agriculture system, is responsible for providing spatial maps of growth condition, pest and disease occurrence, and yields of rice and soil properties and fertility in the joint experimental farm.The work includes following four topics, ( 1 )studies on remote sensing techniques to estimate and monitor growth and yield of rice and its responses to stress conditions, ( 2 )detecting techniques for nitrogen content in rice plants, ( 3 )construction of near surface spectral reflectance database of rice, and ( 4 )detection techniques on soil properties and fertility situations.The project is designed to be completed in five years.When the project completes, it is expected to provide techniques for delineating growth condition, pest and disease occurrence, nitrogen status, and yields of rice by remote sensing, a reflectance database of rice, and express detection techniques for soil properties and fertility in the fields.Those monitoring techniques will enable timely and accurately decision making for the expert system and operation for farm machinery