280 research outputs found

    DWT-Based Watermarking Using QR Code

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    Increased commercial activity on the Internet and media industries demandsprotection of multimedia contents. In this paper, we introduce a novel watermarkingmethod to embed QR codes in digital images. The method is based on discrete wavelettransform (DWT). The original image is divided into blocks, and QR codes are added toparticular bits of LL2 level coefficients of the selected block according to the visual maskingeffect of the human visual system. It has been shown that this method is robust for JPEGcompression and has good transparency. The embedded information can be extractedcorrectly even if the images are compressed to 11% of the original according to the contentsof the images

    A Rule-Based Expert System for Automatic Segmentation of Cerebral MRI Images

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    The interior boundary of medical image is fuzzy in nature. In this paper, proposed is a novel method to segment and classify the MR image of head by fuzzy clustering and fuzzy reasoning. Traditional fuzzy clustering methods are basically statistical ones in which only intensity affinities of the image are reflected. Considering the characteristics of MR image, we constructed a set of knowledge-based rules to set the fuzzy memberships of the pixels of the image by generally using the intensity similarities, positional relationships among multiple spectra MR images, and the shape features of the brain tissues and the mathematics morphological analogy of the brain tissues. Then a coarse-to-fine reasoning method is used to combine the fuzzy memberships of the pixels of the T1- and T2- channels of the image to segment the cerebral tissues into gray matter, white matter, and CSF. Experimental results showed the efficiency of the method

    Field Survey and Collection of “chinbao", Hibiscus spp.in Chin State of Myanmar (20th of December 2017 - 1st of January 2018)

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    In Myanmar, the leaves and calyx of five Hibiscus species are used as a food source. Those five species have been classified taxonomically based on the morphologies of the above mentioned edible parts and their seeds. The Burmese people of Myanmar call both these hibiscus plants as well as food sourced from them “chinbao”. We have conducted a field study investigating the genus Hibiscus in the Chin State of Myanmar from December 20th, 2017, to January 1st, 2018. A total of 35 biological samples were collected during the survey: H. sabdariffa (16), H. cannabinus (2), H. radiatus (12) and H. acetosella (5). We found that H. radiatus and H. acetosella were the most popular species used for food in this area, while other species were known to be used in other areas. The cold hardiness of both H. acetosella and H. radiatus may be the reason for their popularity in the region as they can survive at temperatures below 5 °C. Furthermore, we discovered that both H. acetosella and H. radiatus had flower colors that differed from those reported in other regions of the country.ミャンマーでは5種のハイビスカス属植物の葉および副萼片を食用としている.これらは,主に副萼片および種子の形態の違いにより分類できる.ミャンマーの人々は,これらのハイビスカス植物を「chinbao」と呼んでいる.2017年12月20日から2018年1月1日の間に,Chin州においてハイビスカス属植物の探索・収集を行った.本探索において.全部で35サンプル(H. sabdariffa (16サンプル), H. cannabinus (2), H. radiatus (12), H. acetosella (5))を収集した.この地域では,他の地域とは異なり,主にH. acetosellaおよびH. radiatusの2種が食されていた.このことは,非常に強い耐寒性を有するこれら2種が,この地域特有の5 oC程度の低温環境下でも栽培できたことと深く関係していると考えられる.さらに,本探索において,これまでに他の地域では全く見られなかった花色のH. acetosellaおよびH. radiatusも発見した

    Neoajuvant Chemotherapy with Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Plus S-1 for Primary Female Urethral Adenocarcinoma

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    A 67-year-old female presented for evaluation of a left inguinal mass. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a tumor surrounding the urethra. Magnetic resonance imaging showed that the tumor had invaded the bladder neck on the anterior aspect of the urethra. The serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 level was elevated. The clinical diagnosis was a primary adenocarcinoma of the female urethra (cT4N2M0). The initial treatment consisted of gemcitabine plus cisplatin (GC) and oral fluoropyrimidine (S-1). A total cysto-urethrectomy with anterior vaginal wall resection, pelvic and inguinal lymphadenectomy, and urinary diversion with ileal conduit formation were performed. The final diagnosis was urethral adenocarcinoma (ypT4ypN2, stage IV). Twelve months post-operatively, there was no evidence of recurrence or distant metastases


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    A new soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivar \u27Hatsusayaka\u27 was developed at the NARO Western Region Agricultural Research Center in 2011. To develop a new cultivar with high lodging resistance and suitability for tofu processing, we selected plants from a cross between \u27Kyushu 116\u27 and \u27Tachinagaha\u27. The date of maturity of \u27Hatsusayaka\u27 is earlier than that of \u27Sachiyutaka\u27 at Zentsuji, Kagawa (latitude 34°13\u27 37" N, 133°46\u27 39" E). The cultivar was classified into group IV based on the date of maturity. \u27Hatsusayaka\u27 has purple flowers, gray pubescence, rounded ovate leaflets and light brown pods at maturity. It has a medium-size stem and a determinate growth habit. It is resistant to SMV strains A and B. It has a tolerance to delayed leaf senescence. The seed coat of \u27Hatsusayaka\u27 is yellowish white, and the hilum is yellow, the seed size is medium. \u27Hatsusayaka\u27 is suitable for processing of tofu. \u27Hatsusayaka\u27 is highly compatible with the climate and soil of Kinki, Chugoku and Shikoku districts

    Clinical studies on tosufloxacin (TFLX) in urology

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    横浜市立大学泌尿器科およびその関連施設を加えた13施設で, TFLXを使用して有効性と安全性について検討した.1)女子急性単純性膀胱炎164例の総合有効率は98.78%であった.2)男子急性単純性膀胱炎4例, 急性単純性腎盂腎炎3例, 非淋菌性尿道炎1例, 複雑性尿路感染症7例にも投与して100%の有効率がえられた.3)原因菌の中で, グラム陰性菌は100%の消失率で, グラム陽性菌は90.60%の消失率であった.4)副作用発現は5例にみられ, その発現率は2.42%であったWe clinically evaluated the usefulness of a new oral antimicrobial agent, TFLX, in the field of urology. The dose administered was 150 mg t.i.d and the duration of administration was 3 days. The clinical effect was evaluated according to the criteria of the Japanese UTI committee. The clinical response obtained on 164 female patients with acute simple cystitis was excellent in 118, moderate in 44 and poor in 2 patients. The efficacy rate was 98.78%. The clinical response obtained on 4 male patients with acute simple cystitis was excellent in 2 and moderate in 2 patients. The efficacy rate was 100%. The clinical response obtained on 3 female patients with simple pyelonephritis was excellent in 2 and moderate in 1 patient. The efficacy rate was 100%. The clinical response obtained on one patient with non-gonococcal urethritis was excellent by doctor's evaluation. The clinical response obtained on 7 patients with complicated UTI was excellent in 3 and moderate in 4 patients. The efficacy rate was 100%. Three patients complained of stomach distress or malaise and 2 patients developed rash. No abnormal laboratory data were observed. Thus, TFLX appears to be safe and suitable for use in the field of urology


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    A new soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivar, \u27Akimaro\u27, was developed at the NARO Western Region Agricultural Research Center in 2011. To develop a cultivar with high pod shattering resistance and a suitable plant shape for harvesting by combine harvester, we selected plants from a cross between \u27Tosankei T683\u27 and \u27Tosankei T762\u27. The date of maturation of \u27Akimaro\u27 is almost the same as that of \u27Fukuyutaka\u27 at Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture (34°13\u27 37" N, 133°46\u27 39" E), placing it in maturity group V. \u27Akimaro\u27 has purple flowers, gray pubescence, rounded ovate leaflets, and brown pods at maturity. Growth is determinate. \u27Akimaro\u27 plants are medium height, and the lowest stem node with pods is high. In late-sowing cultivation, yields of \u27Akimaro\u27 are higher than those of \u27Fukuyutaka\u27. It is resistant to soybean mosaic virus strains A, B, and A_2. The seeds are large with a yellow seed coat and a yellow hilum. \u27Akimaro\u27 is suitable for miso (soybean paste) production. It is highly compatible with the climate and soil of Chugoku and Shikoku districts