15 research outputs found

    The Research of Vibration Control of Benchmark Model Based on Genetic Algorithm

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    随着社会的发展和技术的进步,土木工程结构的防灾减震已愈来愈受到人们的重视,土木工程结构的振动控制技术也随之进入蓬勃发展的阶段,许多新型控制体系和控制装置相继出现。振动控制技术在土木工程中的运用也产生了许多新的研究领域,被动控制器的优化设计问题便是其中之一。但大多数文献均采用各自的动力学模型,各研究人员的方法之间没有一个统一的交流平台。本文在以往研究的基础上,以Benchmark模型作为研究对象对被动控制器的优化设计问题进行了研究。主要完成的工作如下: (1)建立了Benchmark模型的动力学模型,以位移减震系数作为优化目标,利用遗传算法对阻尼器进行优化。这一优化设计方法主要包括两个方面:①...With the development of human society and the progress of technology, in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the disasterproof or aseismic design of civil structures, which promotes the development of vibration control technology in civil engineering greatly. As a result, various innovative control devices and systems have been developed and studied, and many new research fields...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院土木工程系_结构工程学号:2532007115221

    Adaptive management of aquatic germplasm reserves

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    针对我国水产种质资源保护区在现行管理模式下普遍存在的资源难以恢复、保护效果不明显等问题,基于生态系统管理的理念,借鉴国内外有关自然保护区适应性管理研究实践经验,探索水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理。水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理可分为模式建立和反馈两个阶段,包括问题识别、目标制定、方案设计与实施、动态监测、绩效评估、反馈与调整等过程,以全面提升保护区对外界环境变化的不确定性和复杂性的快速反应能力。并以福建长乐西施舌资源增殖保护区为例,分析该保护区的管理现状,探索适应性管理模式的构建与应用。There were some common issues of the current management model in domestic Aquatic Germplasm Reserves( AGRs),such as the difficulty of resources recovery and the insignificant efficiency of protection.An Adaptive Management( AM) framework of AGRs was constructed according to the theoretical researches and practices of Ecosystem-based Management( EBM) and Adaptive Management both in domestic and foreign nature reserves.The AM framework of AGRs could be divided into two stages as model establishment and feedback: the former included problem identification,strategic planning,program design and implementation,while the later comprised of dynamic monitoring,performance evaluation,feedback and adjustment.The practice of AM framework could strongly enhance the rapid response to the uncertainty and complexity of external environment of AGRs.Furthermore,the Changle Xishi Tongue( Coelomactra Antiquata) Resource Enhancement and Protected Area was used as an example to analyse the current situation of management in AGRs and explore the construction and application of adaptive management model.海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905019;201005012


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    目的 了解湖州地区献血者戊型肝炎病毒感染情况。方法 采用ELISA法检测 30 4 7名无偿献血者血清抗 HEVIgM和IgG抗体 ,巢式RT PCR检测抗 HEVIgM阳性血清中HEVRNA。 结果  30 4 7名无偿献血者中抗 HEVIgG的检出率为 4 1.7% ,抗 HEVIgM检出率为 1.5 %。 4 6份抗 HEVIgM阳性中发现 6份HEVRNA阳性。献血者中病毒血症阳性率为 0 .2 %。 6名HEV病毒血症者中 4名为HEV基因Ⅰ型 ,另 2例为HEV基因Ⅳ型。结论 在献血者中HEV病毒血症并不罕见 ,有必要对输血后戊肝的潜在危险进行评估

    80×40 Gbit/s DWDM系统及800km传输实验

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    介绍了烽火通信研制的国内首套、具有完全知识产权的80×40 Gb it/s密集波分复用(DWDM)系统,该系统采用了低成本的非归零(NRZ)码,开发了分布拉曼放大、超强前向纠错(FEC)、子速率复用等多项技术,并在G.652光纤上进行了10×80 km的无电再生中继传输实验。实验结果表明,经过800 km传输后,光通道代价<2 dB,连续观察60 h无误码


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