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    目的调查福建省厦门市婴幼儿汞暴露现状,并分析其相关因素,为采取干预措施提供依据。方法采用整群分层法选取10个社区的1 041名婴幼儿,对其日常家庭社会环境进行问卷调查,同时采集其发样进行发汞含量测定。结果婴幼儿发汞均值为0.985μg/g,几何均数为0.724μg/g,>1μg/g者占31.70%;海岛社区婴幼儿的发汞均值最高,为1.559μg/g,超标率为53.26%,偏僻农村最低,为0.684μg/g,超标率为14.42%;鱼类与贝类辅食摄入频率与婴幼儿发汞含量呈正相关,差异均有统计学意义(F=12.68,P<0.01;F=6.867,P=0.009);家中有人使用染发剂时婴幼儿发汞含量较高(t=3.165,P=0.002);婴幼儿的月龄与婴幼儿发汞含量呈正相关(β=6.186,t=2.220,P=0.027),婴幼儿性别、睡眠等因素与发汞含量无关。结论厦门市婴幼儿发汞水平接近临界值,居住在海岛的儿童发汞值高于偏僻乡村,随着年龄的增长,婴幼儿的发汞值逐渐增高;鱼类、贝类辅食的摄入及家庭环境中染发剂等的使用是婴幼儿汞暴露的主要来源

    The research of the reference value of urinary mercury for 0-6 years old children in coast area

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    目的通过对厦门市0~6岁儿童尿汞水平调查,了解厦门市儿童汞暴露水平。方法根据行政区划以及儿童人数分布从全市选取代表性的8个社区,进行分层随机抽样,共收集到1076例0~6岁儿童尿样。样本采用随意尿,每个儿童统一使用聚乙烯塑料瓶收集不少于5 M l尿样,尿样统一采用dMA-80自动测汞仪测定。结果儿童尿汞测定值呈偏态分布,因此使用几何平均数表示儿童尿汞的平均水平。男女儿童尿汞几何平均值分别为0.77μg/l和0.74μg/l,经非参数T检验比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。0~1岁、2~3岁和3~6岁3个年龄段的儿童尿汞几何平均值分别为0.74μg/l、0.75μg/l和0.78μg/l,经非参数T检验比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对1076名儿童尿汞值分析得出尿汞的几何平均值为0.76μg/l,95%置信区间0.70~0.81μg/l。结论厦门市0~6岁儿童的尿汞水平的调查结果可以为国内沿海城市0~6岁儿童汞暴露水平的本底值研究提供参考。Objective To understand the mercury exposure level in 0-6 year-old children of Xiamen city through the survey.Methods A total of 1 076 healthy infants and young children aged 0-6 year-old were selected from 8 communities with stratified and cluster sampling method respectively.The spot urine samples of the children were collected( more than 5m L per child).The concentration of mercury was determined by DMA-80 automatic mercy instrument.Results The urine mercury values of the healthy children were in skewed distribution and the results were expressed in geometric mean.The urine mercury values for boys and girls are0.77μg / L and 0.74μg / L,respectively.There was no significant difference for the urine mercury values between boys and girls( P >0.05).Meanwhile,the urine mercury values for groups of 0-1 year-old,2-3 year-old,and 4-6 year-old were 0.74μg / L,0.75μg / L and 0.78μg / L,respectively.The urine mercury values among the three age groups had no significantly difference neither( P > 0.05).The upper 95 th percentile in 1076 urine samples was 0.85 μg / L,95% confidence interval was 0.70-0.81μg / L.Conclusion The average value of 0-6 year-old children's urine mercury level in Xiamen was close to those in the reports of two researches in Shenyang and Germany.Therefore,results will be helpful for the understanding of mercury exposure in 0-6 year-old children of Xiamen city