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    海洋底栖动物活动性小、地区性强,可以较好地反映水质和底质的污染状况,在海洋污染生物学指标中具有特别重要的意义。由于生物的适应性和生态系统的多样性和复杂性,底栖生物学研究者引入一些数学公式和统计分析图形,以期把污染引起的复杂的群落结构变化用简单的数学公式和统计分析图形表达出来。但是当我们用不同的方法处理得到的生态数据时,得到的结果可能差别很大,这直接影响着我们对现实生态意义的解释和对海洋环境质量的评价。多变量分析方法能有效地处理生态监测中多属性的生态数据,本论文以2000年春季在深圳湾调查得到的底栖动物群落物种丰度数据和四种环境因子数据为基础,针对目前一些重要的多变量分析方法进行了分析和比较,并...Marine benthos are characterized by narrow activity and special territory distribution and can be used to indicate the quality of water and the polluted condition of sediments, which plays an important part in the biologic indication of marine pollution. Because of the adaptability of organism and the diversity and complexity of ecosystem, benthic researchers have cited some mathematical formulae ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:19983400

    Species composition and seasonal variation of marine nematodes on Futian mudflat in Shenzhen estuary

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    1997年 4个季度在深圳河口福田泥滩 3个取样站采到海洋线虫 2 8种 ,隶属于 3目 1 3科 2 2属。优势种是微口线虫 (Terschellingiasp1 .)、吞咽线虫 (Daptonemasp1 .)、Metalinhomoeussp .和拟齿线虫 (Paradontophorasp .) 4种。春季海洋线虫密度最高 ,冬季次之 ,夏季第三 ,秋季最低。深圳河口福田泥滩的海洋线虫群落与大型底栖动物群落具有相似的特点 ,即种类少 ,种类多样性指数和丰度指数低 ,但优势种呈现出较高的种群密度。深圳河口福田泥滩海洋线虫和多毛类独毛虫的数量消长有相似之处 ,即冬季和春季密度高 ,而夏季和秋季密度低 ,这种现象与它们共同的生态习性有关 ,因为它们都能在高有机质含量区域大量繁殖。We set up three sampling stations on the mudflat in Shenzhen estuary to investigate free_living marine nematodes. Twenty_eight species of marine nematodes were obtained during four surveys. These nematodes belong to 22 genera, 13 families and three orders. The dominant species were Terschellingia sp1., Daptonema sp1., Metalinhomoeus sp. and Paradontophora sp. The density of marine nematodes was the highest in spring, the second in winter, the third in summer and the lowest in autumn. The pattern of marine nematode assemblage was similar to that of the macrofaunal community on the mudflat in Shenzhen estuary. For example, both had low species number, low species diversity index and low richness index, and the dominant species appeared with high population density. The seasonal fluctuation of the nematode abundance showed almost the same pattern as the abundance of the polychaete, Tharyx sp. It appeared that the most dominant species of nematodes had a type of symbiotic relationship with Tharyx sp. This phenomenon may relate to their ecological habit because they live and breed in mudflats with high content of organic matter

    Distribution and polluting effects on Capitella capitata, Nephtys oligobranchia, Tharyx sp. on the intertidal mudflats in Shenzhen Estuary

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    在深圳河治理工程环境影响评估研究中 ,将 1 995年 7月至 1 998年 4月在 3个断面获得的 3种多毛类的数量进行分析 ,得出深圳河口泥滩 A断面和 RB断面的小头虫有明显的季节变化 ,即冬季数量较其他季节高 ,秋季数量较其他季节低 ,ET断面的小头虫数量没有明显的季节变化。RB断面寡鳃齿吻沙蚕数量随时间推移有增加的趋势 ,与有机质含量的变化是相似的。寡鳃齿吻沙蚕和独毛虫的水平分布明显受盐度限制 ,盐度较低的 ET断面寡鳃齿吻沙蚕数量较盐度较高的 A断面和 RB断面的低 ,独毛虫没有分布到 ET断面。 A断面的独毛虫在养猪场废水注入时大量繁殖。文中探讨了溶解氧和有机质含量与 3种小个体多毛类数量的关系。There are two famous Natural Reserve, Mai Po Marshes Reserve and Futian Natural Reserve, in Shenzhen (Deep) Bay. Deep Bay is an internationally important site for waterfowl and mangrove. Environmental stress in Mai Po and Fu Tian mudflats, induced by the accumulation of anthropogenic contaminants, such as heavy metals, poly-chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and PAHs from industrial effluents, has aroused great concern after the Hong Kong Government declared Mai Po a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention in September 1995.;High clay content, rich organic matter and high density of macrofauna are three ecological characteristics on intertidal mudflats in Shenzhen estuary. Capitella capitata, Nephtys oligobranchia and Tharyx sp. are commom species of small individual polychaete of the intertidal mudflats in Shenzhen Estuary. Capitella capitata is a worldwide species and it is considered as indicator of pollution. ;The data of three species of small individual polychaete got from July 1995 to April 1998 seasonly. Three transects including nine stations were designed for macrobenthic investigation. The study area was located in 114°00′18″E ~114°01′48″E, 22°29′51″N~22°31′66″N. Transect A includes stations A1, A2, A3 which are on the Shenzhen side of Shenzhen Bay. A3 is located near mangrove and the distances between A1 and A2, or between A2 and A3, were about 150 m. Transect RB and ET are on the Hong Kong side of the study area. Transect RB includes stations RBO, RB3 and 45O; Transect ET includes stations ET1, ET2 and ET4. Seasonal sampling was conducted in January (winter), April (spring), July (summer) and October (autumn). To collect benthic samples, a plastic core of 10 cm diameter and 20 cm length was inserted into the sediment to a depth 20cm. The sediment collected was transferred to a plastic bag and labeled with sample number. A total of five replicates were collected at each station. To wash the samples, they were transferred to a bucket and water was added. The slurry was then swung manually and then poured gently through a 0 5 mm sieve. The benthos and sand retained on the sieve were then transferred into bottle with formalin and Rose Bengal by forceps. The specimens were taken to laboratory for identification and counting under a microscope. After counting, three species of polychaete were dried in an oven at 60℃ for 48 hours. Regression analysis used the software SPSS 10.0. The seasonal variations of Capitella capitata, Nephtys oligobranchia and Tharyx sp. vary at three transects. Capitella capitata at transect A and transect RB had clearly seasonal variation. The quantities of Capitella capitata in winter were higher than that in other seasons in the same year. But there was no quantitative patterns for Capitella capitata at transect ET. There were increasing trends for the quantities of Nephtys oligobranchia at transect A and transect RB from July 1995 to April 1998, which was similar to the temporal patterns of organic matter. Regression analysis showed there was significant interrelation between the temporal patterns of organic matter and time. There was no any trend for the quantities of Nephtys oligobranchia at transect ET with the time going. The density and biomass of Tharyx sp. at transect A increased from July 1995 to April 1997, which may related to pig-cultural farms. There were many pig-culture farms near transect A before January 1997. The sewage of the pig-culture farms was discharged into the intertidal mudflat around transect A. There was no seasonal patterns for the density and biomass of Tharyx sp. at transect RB. Tharyx sp. was not found at transect ET during investigative period. ;The distributions of Capitella capitata, Nephtys oligobranchia and Tharyx sp. on the intertidal mudflats in Shenzhen Estuary were different in various transects. The average density and biomass of Capitella capitata (average value of three years) at transect A three years were lower than those at transect ET. But the average density and biomass of Nephtys oligobranchia at transec国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 9670 1 3 5

    Effect of rich organic matter on Paraprionospio pinnata (Polychaeta:Spionidae) on Futian tidal flat in Shenzhen Bay

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    根据1999年1月至2002年10月在深圳湾福田潮滩A、D、E三个断面获得的大型底栖动物奇异稚齿虫(Paraprionospiopinnata)和有机质数据,分析了深圳湾福田潮滩奇异稚齿虫对有机质含量的效应特征。结果表明,深圳湾福田潮滩奇异稚齿虫有明显的季节变化,即3、4月密度高,形成全年的高峰期,9、10月密度低,形成全年低谷期。奇异稚齿虫密度随着有机质含量的增加逐渐降低,前者密度和生物量大小是:A>D>E,而有机质大小也是:AD>E.The distribution of organic matter content is also A<D<E.There is negative correlation between density of P.pinnata and organic matter content.The higher organic matter is,the lower density and biomass of P.pinnata are

    Acute Toxicity of Hg, Cd, Zn and Mn to Postlarvae of Penaeus japonicus Bate

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    在恒温(28±0.5℃)和充气条件下,研究了Hg--(2+)、Cd--(2+)、zn--(2+)、Mn--(2+)对日本对虾仔虾的急性致毒效应.结果表明,Hg--(2+)、Cd--(2+)、zn--(2+)、Mn--(2+)对日本对虾仔虾的毒性顺序为Hg--(2+)>Cd--(2+)>zn--(2+)>Mn--(2+).根据重金属对日本对虾仔虾的96HlC_(50)值计算的Hg--(2+)、Cd--(2+)、zn--(2+)、Mn--(2+)的安全浓度分别为0.0012、0.0342、0.0449、0.0950Mg/dM--3.The effects of acute toxicity of Hg2+, Cd2+, Zn2+ , Mn2+ under the condition of aeration postlarvae of Penaeus japonicus Bate have been studied at the temperature of 28±0.5℃.The results show that the order of toxicity of Hg2+, Cd2+ , Zn2+, Mn2+for postlarvae is Hg2+>Cd2+ >Zn2+>Mn2+.The "safe level" of Hg2+, Cd2+ , Zn2+ , Mn2+ to the larvae is 0.0012, 0.0342, 0.0449, 0.0950 mg/dm3 on the basis of the 96h LC50 value calculated for postlarvae

    Species Composition and Diversity of Marine Nematode Community on Intertidal Mudflat in Zhongzhai,Xiamen

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    1999年 2月和 1999年 5月在厦门钟宅泥滩 3个取样站取样 ,获得自由生活海洋线虫 4 8种 ,隶属于 3目 19科 4 1属 .这些海洋线虫在厦门潮间带均是首次记录 .主要优势种有变异毛咽线虫(Dorylaimopsis variabilis)、Viscosia sp.、吞咽线虫 (Daptonema sp1.)、囊咽线虫 (Sphaerolaimusbalticus)和 Thalassomonhystera sp.等五种 .海洋线虫的密度从较高潮区向较低潮区增加 .主成分分析和多维尺度分析均表明冬季和春季的海洋线虫种类组成有较大差异 .与台湾海峡海洋线虫比较 ,厦门钟宅泥滩海洋线虫种类较少 ,密度高 ,种类多样性指数值低 ,这与钟宅潮间带和台湾海峡沉积物中海洋线虫的食物源、生态因子影响等密切相关 .Three sampling stations on mudflat in Zhongzhai Xiamen were designed to investigate free living marine nematode. 48 species of marine nematodes were collected during February and May sampling. They belong to 41 Genera, 19 Families and 3 Orders. All of them were first recorded on Xiamen intertidal zone. The dominant species were Dorylaimopsis variabilis , Viscosia sp., Daptonema sp1., Sphaerolaimus balticus and Thalassomonhystera sp. The densities of marine nematodes increased from higher mudflat to lower mudflat. There was obvious difference in species composition of marine nematodes between February and May according to cluster analysis and Multi Dimensional Scaling analysis. The species number and species diversity index of marine nematodes on intertidal mudflat in Xiamen Zhongzhai were respectively fewer and lower than those in Taiwan Strait, but the density on intertidal mudflat in Xiamen Zhongzhai was higher than those in Taiwan Strait. Which related to different effects of food and ecological factors between Xiamen Zhongzhai mudflat and Taiwan Strait.福建自然科学基金资助项目!(C9810 0 0 7

    Relationship Between Benthic Community and Environmental Factors in Shenzhen Bay

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    对深圳湾底栖动物群落进行了调查。结果表明:①底栖动物群落沿河口到湾内呈连续的梯度变化,盐度可能是造成这一现象的主要原因;②潮汐对底栖动物群落影响并不明显,红树林环境对林底的底栖动物种类组成和丰度有一定的影响;③底栖动物群落在深圳福田一侧与香港一侧没有明显的差别。Benthic community was investigated in Shenzhen Bay in winter, 2000. The results indicated that:① Benthic community showed continual gradient of changes from Shenzhen estuary to the inner bay, which was mainly due to different salinity.② The tide had no obviously influence on benthic community, however, mangrove had some influence on species composition and abundance of zoobenthos living in this area.③ There was no obvious difference for benthic community between Futian, Shenzhen and MaPo, Hongkong.国家自然科学基金资助项目(39670135

    Analysis of Environmental Effect and Polychaete Quantitative Variations on Intertidal Mudflat in Shenzhen Estuary

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    1996年 1月至 1998年 12月在深圳河口潮间带泥滩获得多毛类 2 5种 ,隶属 15科 2 3属 .多毛类优势种为羽须鳃沙蚕 ( Dendronereis pinnaticirrus)、腺带刺沙蚕 ( N eanthes glandicincta)、尖刺缨虫( Potamilla acuminata)、独毛虫 ( Tharyx sp.)、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕 ( N ephtys oligobranchia)和小头虫( Capitella capitata) .A断面多毛类生物量的季节变化为每年 4月 (春季 )最高 ,10月 (秋季 )最低 ,RB断面的多毛类从 1996年 7月起 ,以及 ET断面的多毛类从 1997年 7月至 1998年 4月 ,均处于低密度和低生物量状态 .根据不同时间内多毛类优势种、密度和生物量的比较 ,判断了多毛类栖息环境受扰动状况 .A和 ET断面 1997年 10月至 1998年 10月、RB断面 1996年 7月至 1998年 10月均受到污染扰动Twenty five species of polychaete belonging to 15 Families and 23 Genera were obtained from January 1996 to December 1998. The dominant species were Dendronereis pinnaticirrus, Neanthes glandicincta, Potamilla acuminata, Tharyx sp., Nephtys oligobranchia and Capitella capitata . The polychaete biomass at transect A were all the highest in spring (April) and the lowest in autumn (October) every year. The polychaete densities and biomass at transect RB were low from July 1996 to October 1998 and the polychaete densities and biomass at transect ET were low from July 1997 to April 1998. Polychaete living environment were assessed according to polychaete dominant species, densities, biomass in different sampling transects and seasons. The results showed that the polychaete at three transects were disturbed from July 1997 to July 1998

    Using Hierarchial Clustering and No-metric MDS to Explore Spatio-temporal Variation of Benthic Community at Intertidal in Shenzhen Bay

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    应用等级聚类与非线性多维标度排序两种多变量统计分析方法研究了深圳湾潮间带底栖动物群落结构的时空变化 .结果表明 :1)底栖动物群落在深圳福田 A断面上与香港米埔 RB和 ET断面上有较明显的差异 ,在 A断面高潮区与中、低潮区也有较明显的空间差异 .2 ) RB和 ET断面底栖动物群落有明显的季节变化 .温度、盐度和潮汐是影响群落结构变化的主要因子The spatio temporal variation law of benthic community structure at Shenzhen Bay was studied, by using two multivariate statistic analytical techniques, Hierarchical Clustering and No metric MDS. The results indicated that: 1) There was distinct space difference in benthic community structure between Section A and Section RB or ET, which are located at Futian in Shenzhen and Mipu in Hong Kong separately. There was also distinct space difference in benthic community structure between high tide area and low tide area in Section A. 2) Benthic community impacted by seasons had obvious variation at Section RB and Section ET. Salinity and tides were likely to be two most important factors, which resulted in the above phenomena. The analytical results also shew that where there was a steady gradation in community structure, No metric MDS can show this continuous variation more effectively than Hierarchical Clustering