914 research outputs found

    Research on Contour-Preserved Retargeting of Animation Images

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    当今时代,移动动漫产业快速发展,移动终端越来越趋于个性化和多样化。为了让动漫图片能在纵横比不同的设备上更好地显示,需要经过一个有针对性的图像适配过程。传统的图像适配技术大多针对自然图片,而动漫图片与自然图片最大的不同就在于它通常由轮廓线条勾勒,色彩相对简单。因此传统适配技术往往不适用于动漫图片。 本文根据动漫图片独有特征,提出一个针对动漫图片重要物体轮廓保持的图像适配框架:给出一张动漫图片,首先应用同向性非线性滤波器和高斯拉普拉斯滤波器对它进行特征线条抽取;然后根据格式塔原则将特征线条分类并组合成不同的轮廓;接着,根据三个视觉审美特征参数将它们过滤筛选,这样有利于减少后续步骤的处理时间;再然...In the present era, the animation industry is developing rapidly, and the mobile terminals are becoming more and more personalized and diversified. To show animation images well in mobile devices with different sizes, we need a more pertinent resizing method. Unfortunately the traditional resizing methods are almost designed for nature images and aren't suitable for animation images. In this pap...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机科学与技术学号:2432013115244

    High-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based acetylcholinesterase assay for the screening of inhibitors in natural medicinal plants

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    酶是治疗多种疾病的重要靶标,乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)的抑制剂是现阶段治疗阿尔兹海默症(AD)最有效的一类药物。从天然产物中寻找适宜患者长期服用、毒副作用小、作用面广等优点的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂(AChEIs)受到了科研工作者的广泛关注。本论文以AChE作为药物靶标,构建基于高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术(HPLC-MS)的在线生物活性检测方法,发展集分离纯化、结构确证和活性筛选于一体的活性导向天然产物研究方法,用来寻找和发现天然药用植物中潜在的AChEIs候选化合物。 本文首先通过影响酶促反应的因素和系统仪器参数的设定这两个方面进行了反复的考察和优化,确定最适宜的实验条件。样品经过HPLC分离之后...Enzymes are an important class of targets for treatment of various diseases. Because of the potential use of enzyme inhibitors as therapeutic agents, there is a general interest in development of screening procedures to identify novel enzyme inhibitors. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is considered a promising strategy for the treatment of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disea...学位:医学硕士院系专业:药学院_药物分析学学号:3232013115341


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    Evaluation of Small-and-medium-sized Businesses Credit Based on the Catastrophe theory and the Balanced Score card

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    摘要 我国中小企业,作为国家的生力军对社会的发展起着不可估量的作用。金融危机过后,这一群体面临的形势不容乐观。2010年两会期间,有多名代表就中小企业问题提出议案。这些议案中反映最多的就是融资难。对于中小企业来说,融资渠道比较匮乏,最直接的渠道就是银行贷款,因此,银行增加对于中小企业的贷款比例,已经成为社会的共识。 贷款难最主要的原因在于对中小企业的风险很难掌控。因此,要解决这个问题,银行必须建立完备的风险评估体系。针对需求,本文结合平衡计分卡,突变级数等相关原理构建了基于突变级数与平衡计分卡的中小企业银行评级体系——简称(BSC-C评级法),以期解决中小企业贷款难及银行评估方法有限的问题...Abstract The small-medium enterprises (SMEs) of China, as the country's driving forces, play an inestimable role on the social development. But this group faces unoptimistic circumstances after financial crisis. During the two sessions: National People's Congress (NPC) and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)) in 2010, many delegates put forward the issues of SMEs, most of w...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752007115107

    Theoretical Study On Doped Carbon Clusters:CnS2– (n = 6–18), CnAl2+ (n = 1–8) and HCnSi+ (n = 1–10)

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    本文对CnS2–(n=6–18)团簇、CnAl2+(n=1–8)团簇以及HCnSi+(n=1–10)团簇进行了详细的理论研究。应用分子图形学,分子力学和量子化学相结合的方法,在密度泛函B3LYP/6–311G*(B3LYP/6–311G**)水平上对多种可能的结构模型进行几何优化,并通过计算振动频率找出其中稳定的同分异构体构型。同时在B3LYP/6–311+G*(B3LYP/6–311+G**)水平上对优化后的构型进行了单点能量计算,以确定其基态构型。基于对基态构型的NBO电荷分布和价键结构的计算分析,总结出了基态构型的结构规律。基于对成键性质、相邻团簇的能量差、增量结合能和电子解离能的计算和...The dissertation was devoted to the theoretical study on S–doped carbon cluster dianions CnS2– (n = 6–18), Al–doped carbon cluster cations CnAl2+ (n = 1–8), H– and Si–doped carbon cluster cations HCnSi+ (n = 1–10). All possible models were explored employing B3LYP combining Molecular Graphics and Molecular Mechanics. Geometry optimization and calculation of vibrational frequencies were conducted b...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:20042510

    Research on the Litigation Rights Related to the Third Party Beneficiary in Altruism

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    利他合同,又称“第三人利益合同”、“为第三人利益的合同”。利他合同当事人约定第三人可以享受合同利益且第三人享有对债务人直接的给付请求权。但是仅仅赋予第三人享有实体上的请求权还远远不够,第三人由于地位的特殊性使得其诉讼保护相对弱化。当债务人不履行义务或瑕疵履行时,受益第三人的诉讼救济并未受到法律应有的重视。程序是看得见的公正,只有保障了受益第三人的诉讼权利,才能确保其实体权利得到充分实现。因此,受益第三人的诉讼权利研究有着重要的价值。本文从受益第三人诉讼资格入手,运用价值分析法和比较分析法等研究方法,对受益第三人的诉讼权利进行研究,并对受益第三人诉讼权利的建构提出了建议。 本文除前言和结语外,...Altruistic contracts, also known as the "Third Party Beneficiary Contracts, a contract for the third party beneficiary. In the contract for the third party, the third party beneficiary obtain contract interests and has right to request directly the debtor to pay,but it is not enough . Because of the third party beneficiary has special status, whose rights and interests have been weaken. when the d...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115031

    Philippines's Mining Industry Awaiting Prosperity

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    Because of its favorable location,the Philippines possess sufficient natural mineral materials according to its relatively small territory.The Philippines used to be one of the top10world producers of copper,gold,nickel and chromites in the1980s.Since then,however,its mining industry has steadily deteriorated owing to some reasons.This essay probes into the process of its development,its drawbacks and its prospect

    The research of power generation enterprises’ financial business integration base on ERP

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    随着电力体制改革的不断深入,中国电力市场将更加开放,逐渐由卖方市场演变为买方市场。发电企业将真正成为独立的经济实体,企业的管理粒度将更加细化。因此,创新管理理念和管理模式,优化管理流程,积极推广信息化,使信息化技术真正转化为生产力,是今后发电企业经营管理的发展方向。 发电企业是人才、技术和设备密集的流程型生产企业,信息化发展的基础较好。电力行业信息化从20世纪60年代起步,经过四十多年的发展已初具规模。但由于各地电力企业独立规划与运作,难以形成统一的信息化标准规范,往往一个发电集团的各子公司分别运行着自己的计算机系统,难以在集团层面集成整合,这种情况给企业经营和决策造成了很大的混乱。 本文...With the reform of electric power industry, Chinese power market will be more open, power generation enterprises will really become an independent economic entity. And the electric power market will become a buyer's market from a seller's market. Enterprise management will be more and more refined granularity. Therefore, to speed up the construction of information, learning and introducing advance...学位:会计硕士院系专业:财务管理与会计研究院_会计硕士学号:X200915706

    The Study on Performance Management System of FuJian Postal Letter Bureau

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    随着邮政体制改革的分步骤推进,2007年中国邮政实现政企分开,开始公司化运营,并逐步形成了邮务、速递物流、金融三大板块分业经营的态势。邮政函件专业归属邮务板块,函件业务是在1999年邮政和电信正式分开运营后,中国邮政才开始着力发展。特别是中国邮政公司化运营后,为函件专业的发展注入了新的活力,2012年全国函件业务收入达131.4亿元,福建函件业务收入达4.63亿元。福建省邮政公司为了增强专业发展的内生动力,提升经营管理水平,于2011年开始对函件专业实施专业化经营改革,以绩效管理为核心的人力资源管理改革是其重点内容。但就现状而言,当前福建邮政函件专业的绩效管理水平仍然较低,不适应专业化改革的发...With the structural reform putting forward step by step, China Post has separated government administration from enterprise management and incorporated since 2007. And it shaped a pattern including Postal Business, Finance and Logistics & EMS progressively. The Postal Letter Business became a branch of the Postal Business. And it then developed effectively by Postal Business after the formally-se...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115082