
Research on the Litigation Rights Related to the Third Party Beneficiary in Altruism


利他合同,又称“第三人利益合同”、“为第三人利益的合同”。利他合同当事人约定第三人可以享受合同利益且第三人享有对债务人直接的给付请求权。但是仅仅赋予第三人享有实体上的请求权还远远不够,第三人由于地位的特殊性使得其诉讼保护相对弱化。当债务人不履行义务或瑕疵履行时,受益第三人的诉讼救济并未受到法律应有的重视。程序是看得见的公正,只有保障了受益第三人的诉讼权利,才能确保其实体权利得到充分实现。因此,受益第三人的诉讼权利研究有着重要的价值。本文从受益第三人诉讼资格入手,运用价值分析法和比较分析法等研究方法,对受益第三人的诉讼权利进行研究,并对受益第三人诉讼权利的建构提出了建议。 本文除前言和结语外,...Altruistic contracts, also known as the "Third Party Beneficiary Contracts, a contract for the third party beneficiary. In the contract for the third party, the third party beneficiary obtain contract interests and has right to request directly the debtor to pay,but it is not enough . Because of the third party beneficiary has special status, whose rights and interests have been weaken. when the d...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115031

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