24 research outputs found

    Regional Disparity and Government Choice:The Perspective of Multi-level Governments

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    众所周知,在现实经济中,无论其政治、经济制度如何,政府都扮演着极为重要的角色,由此在现代经济学研究中,政府的作用与影响日益得到重视。而基于我国存在严重区域差距的发展现状,各级政府、特别是中央政府在区域协调发展中的作用更显得举足轻重。显而易见,协调区域发展必然涉及效率与公平的权衡,因此我们的核心问题是:政府选择如何影响区域差距的变动,如何选择适当的政策和机制以兼顾效率和公平? 关于我国区域差距的研究,以往的相关文献更多集中于对区域差距影响因素的实证分析,而本文则注重利用现代经济学的理论模型,对区域差距问题中多级政府的政策和机制选择展开理论分析,并据此结合实际讨论相应的政策建议。 本文的第一章...In modern economic research, the function of government has been emphasized since it plays a key role in modern countries with various social systems. In China where there exists serious regional disparity, the government, especially the central government has to play a more important role. There is no doubt that the coordination of regional development will inevitably involve trade-off between ef...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院经济系_西方经济学学号:1532007015373


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    Structural Change and Economic Growth in a Dual Economy

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    近来国外的许多研究利用现代经济增长理论的分析框架,从理论上探讨了结构转变对经济增长的重要性。但相关模型设定不尽符合我国二元经济的现实。本文结合我国实际、通过拓展相关理论模型,构建包含两个代表性个体、考虑劳动力转移成本和政府投入的二元经济增长模型,从理论上探讨我国结构转变与经济增长的关系,指出了政府投入对促进结构转变、加快经济增长的关键作用。进一步,本文还利用该模型解释了经济增长过程中的区域差距和城乡差距的变动,并探讨缩减经济差距的相关对策。 The recent the oretical literatures on economic growth have focused mostly on structural change that accompanies the growth process. But some assumptions are not accurate descriptions of the dual economy of China。 This paper follow s the idea of Mat suyama ( 1992) to construct a growth model of the dual economy with two representative agents, in which the cost of sector a labor transfer and government spending are considered。 Such a growth model is more suitable to the analysis of Chinese economic development。We show that government spending plays a key role in structural change and economic growth。 Furthermore, the model developed here is also used to explain the change of the regional disparity and rural urban income differences in the growth process。国家社科基金项目(07BJL017);福建省社科重点项目(2006A005


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    本文基于我国二元经济和特定户籍制度背景下城市化的基本特征,构建了反映城乡劳动力转移过程的二元结构转变模型。不同于已有研究,我们的理论模型在明确农业技术进步作用的同时,进一步阐释了非农产业部门的技术进步对结构转变和城市化的促进机制,并通过数值模拟验证了该理论模型与我国经济体制改革以来发展现实的拟合性。数值模拟显示了两部门技术进步与转移成本因素在不同发展阶段影响效应具有差异性,农业和非农产业的技术进步分别主导了经济体制改革重心转移前后两个不同阶段的结构转变。进一步,我们的分析也解释了我国城市化过程中城乡差距持续扩大的现象。国家自然科学基金项目(71273216); 教育部人文社科项目(12YJC790127)和(11YJA90125)的资


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    本文在含人力资本的新增长模型下考虑了要素流动、生产效率与地区经济差距之间的关系。与大多数考虑地区差距的文献不同, 本文注重在理论上探讨生产要素和生产效率对地区差距的影响。我们的分析表明: 市场导向的劳动力因素流动并不是缩小和消除地区差距的主要或关键因素。在缩减与消除地区经济差距问题上, 不应完全依赖于市场导向的要素流动, 而应更注重各级政府的宏观调控


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    随着城市重要性的不断提升,对城市兴衰影响因素的讨论也日益升温。实际上,一部城市发展史是一部城市职能逐步演进分化的过程,其中,经济功能不断提升壮大,并逐渐占据主导地位,如今经济繁荣已成为现代城市地位的重要标志。因此,从经济学角度分析城市发展的动力机制对于重新理解和阐释城市的兴衰与演变过程尤为必要。与传统的史学和社会学视角不同,本文结合目前现代经济学的相关研究和城市发展的基本史实,将城市持续发展的关键因素高度概括为分别对应于时间、空间和精神三个维度的结构转变、集聚效应和城市文化,城市的兴盛和发展正是这三个因素综合作用和高度统一的结果。本文也据此简要讨论了中国城市的主要发展策略。国家自然科学基金项目“我国二元经济背景下的增长与发展研究”(71273216/G0301); 教育部人文社科项目“包容性增长视角下的中国式城市化”(12YJC790127

    Governmental Incentives and Transition of Economic Growth Mode:An Asymmetric Information Perspective

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    信息不对称在经济增长方式的转变过程中会产生道德风险与逆向选择问题。通过多任务道德风险模型和自愿退出机制的逆向选择模型,可从多级政府间、政府和企业间两方面就信息不对称问题对经济增长方式的影响进行研究。研究表明,信息不对称是我国经济高速增长而增长方式转变未见显著改善的主要原因之一,同时信息不对称也是导致不同地区间存在增长方式转变差距的重要因素。为抑制信息不对称造成的负面影响,上级政府在考核下级政府时应加大对经济增长方式转变的考核权重,建立并完善系统的经济增长方式的评价体系。另一方面,应力避企业隐藏信息的行为,加大对企业转型的转移支付,促进企业生产方式实现从粗放型向集约型的根本转变。Information asymmetry could lead to moral hazard and adverse selection in transforming economic growth mode. Using them ultitask moral hazard mode l and the voluntary change over model ,we study the impact of asymmetric information on the transition o f economic growth mode from two aspects, one being amongst multilevel governments and the other between governments and enterprises. Our findings show that information asymmetry, despite its contribution to China's fast economic growth, is one of the obstacles that has impeded the transition of China' s economic growth mode and has led to gaps between different regions in terms of transition of economic growth mode. In order to lessen the negative impact of information asymmetry on the transition of economic growth mode, governments of higher levels should apply strict appraisal standards to evaluate the efforts of lower- level governments to change economic growth mode and they should construct a complete assessment and evaluation system fo reconomic growth. Moreover, bad business conducts such as information hiding should be prevented and payments to help realize business transformation should be increased in order to fac ilitate the fundamental transformation of production mode from extensive to intensive.07BJL01

    From economics to political economics:Understand inclusive growth

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    胡锦涛主席在亚太经合组织的两次会议上倡导"包容性增长",其理论与现实意义深远。经济增长自经济学诞生以来就一直是经济研究的核心问题,经济学史上从政治经济学到经济学,再到最近新政治经济学的兴起实际上反映了人们对经济发展中的繁荣与公正、市场与政府的认知的深入过程。强调机会平等的包容性增长正是当下中国的政治经济学。从经济学发展过程审视政治与经济离合的演变有助于我们深入理解和研究包容性增长。 President Hu Jintao ever emphasized for two times at the APEC meetings“inclusive growth”, which is profound both practically and theoretically. Economic growth has always been at the core of economic research since the inception of economics.The history of this subject, from Political Economics to Economics and including the rising of New Political Economics, shows that people come to genuinely cognize the prosperity, justice, the market and government in economic activities.“Inclusive growth”stressing the practical equality of opportunity is the essence of the present Political Economics in China. To analyze the separation and integration of politics and economy from the stand of the development of economics will help us better understand and study“inclusive growth”.10BJL00