360 research outputs found

    Default Risk Identification of P2P Borrower-Taking“RenRenDai”as Example

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    P2P网络借贷是一种新型的金融交易平台,它基于小微借款,将借款人和贷款人直接联系起来。相对于金融中介来说,经典的P2P网络借贷平台是一种信息中介。中国的P2P网络借贷的面临的风险中信用风险问题尤其突出。我国P2P网络借贷平台一般都会有自己的信用评价机制,即根据借款人的一些信息对借款人评定信用等级以供投资者决策参考。本文将通过构建模型研究我国P2P网络借贷平台的这种信用评价机制是否足够有效,以及我国的P2P投资者是否有足够能力识别出借款人的违约风险。 本文的主要学术贡献在于对影响P2P网贷平台的借款人信用风险的相关变量的深入探索以及对我国P2P网贷投资人风险识别能力的分析。虽然对我国P2P网络...P2P lending is a new type of financial trading platform, which linked the borrower and the lender directly based on micro-finance. Compared to financial intermediaries, classical P2P lending platform is more like an information intermediary.P2P lending in China is facing some risks, credit risk is particularly prominent in these risks. P2P lending platform in China generally have their own credit ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_技术经济及管理学号:1772014115106

    The U.S. Financial-aid System for Disadvantaged Undergraduates Studying Abroad: The Case of Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

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    美国高等教育阶段学生的国际流动处于世界领先地位,这得益于该国设置了名目繁多的留学资助项目,本杰明·吉尔曼国际奖学金便是其中的一个重要代表。与一般留学资助项目不同,该奖学金侧重于资助由贫困学生、少数族裔学生和残障学生构成的弱势学生群体,鼓励学生前往非传统目的地留学,并以中长期留学生的身份系统学习美国迫切需要的语言和冷门专业。究其背后的原因,促进教育公平、服务国家利益、增强学生国际化职业需求等是主要因素。总体来看,本杰明·吉尔曼国际奖学金实施的成效在于:资助了一大批弱势大学生出国留学;引起了广泛的社会关注,获得了良好的社会声誉;提升了美国公民参与世界事务的能力;强化了美国社会的凝聚力。As the leader in international student mobility in the realm of higher education, the United States benefits from a bunch of scholarship programs, among which Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a typical one. Compared with regular scholarship programs for overseas study, this program aims to encourage disadvantaged undergraduate students consisting of impoverished students, ethnic minority students and students with disabilities to go to unconventional destinations and systematically study critical need languages and unpopular majors on a mid-and-long term basis. Enhancing educational fairness, serving the national interests, and preparing students to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world are the driving forces behind the program. The achievements of the scholarship program may be summarized as follows: subsidizing a large number of students to study abroad, arousing widespread social concern and obtaining good social reputation, enhancing the ability of U.S. citizens to participate in global affairs, and improving social cohesion of the United States

    Design and Implementation of Steel Trade Management System Based on HQ-ERP

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    ERP是EnterpriseResourcePlanning(企业资源计划)的简称,是上个世纪90年代美国一家IT公司根据当时计算机信息、IT技术发展及企业对供应链管理的需求,预测在今后信息时代企业管理信息系统的发展趋势和即将发生变革,而提出了这个概念。ERP是针对物资资源管理(物流)、人力资源管理(人流)、财务资源管理(财流)、信息资源管理(信息流)集成一体化的企业管理软件。它将包含客户/服务架构,使用图形用户接口,应用开放系统制作。除了已有的标准功能,它还包括其它特性,如品质、过程运作管理、以及调整报告等。 本文主要探讨和分析,如何设计实现基于ERP平台上的钢铁商贸管理系统,它包括物流管...ERP is the abbreviation of Enterprise Resource planning, it is a concept instituted by a American IT company according to the computer information and the development of IT at that time, as well as the requirement for the supply chain management, which is able to predict both the future tendency of the development of information system at information age and the transforming that is going to be. E...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123005

    Music Analysis and Performing Techinique Research of Violin Concerto in D Major by Brahms

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    约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯((JohannesBrahms,1833-1897)是德奥浪漫主义时期一位伟大的作曲家。在19世纪浪漫主义思潮的冲击下,勃拉姆斯并没有随波逐流,而是以独特的创作理念走向一条古典主义与浪漫主义深度融合的道路,形成他独具特色的音乐风格。勃拉姆斯的音乐既连接着古典主义与浪漫主义,又跨越浪漫主义与现代主义,成为19世纪西方音乐的典范。人们把他与“音乐之父”巴赫(Bach)、“乐圣”贝多芬(Beethoven)相提并论,统称为“三B”。 《D大调小提协奏曲》是勃拉姆斯唯一的一部小提琴协奏曲。它以深刻的音乐内涵与高超的演奏技巧,成为小提琴演奏中的试金石。本文共分三章。第一章探究勃拉姆斯及其创作风格的形成,从而对勃拉姆斯《D大调小提琴协奏曲》进行宏观上的理解与把握。第二章从创作历程、曲式及音乐特色的角度来分析该曲的音乐内涵。第三章笔者结合自身学习与演奏的经验,探究该曲的演奏技法。希望通过此文,让大家加深对勃拉姆斯以及这部伟大的小提琴协奏曲的了解,并为他人演奏此曲提供一些实际的参考与经验。Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) was a great composer of the Romanticism in Germany and Austria. Influenced by 19th century Romanticism, Brahms chose to comprehensively integrate Classicism and Romanticism upholding unique composing ideals rather than go with the mainstream, creating music style of his own characteristics. Brahms is often considered both a traditionalist and an innovator. His music not only links Classicism and Romanticism but also transcends both, serving as an example of 19th century western music. People grouped him with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the "Three Bs". Violin Concerto in D major is the only violin concerto composed by Brahms. With its deep connotation and requirement of high performing skills, it has become a precious legacy in violin opera. This dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first chapter delves into the life of Brahms and the formation of his composing style in order to gain a macroscopic understanding of Violin Concerto in D major. The second chapter analyses the musical connotation of this concerto from three angles: course of composing, musical form and music features. In the third chapter, the author explores the performing technique of this concerto with reference to her own studying and performing experience of it. The author hopes that this dissertation will deepen people’s understanding of Brahms and this great violin concerto and provide practical reference and experience to people playing it.学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_音乐与舞蹈学学号:1872010115342

    Research on the School-Running Pattern of the Confucius Institute in Thailand

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    从2006年至今,泰国已经建立的12所孔子学院是中泰两国文化交流的新窗口。本文通过对泰国孔子学院办学模式的系统研究,探索其办学模式的具体情况、特点和办学经验,为完善孔子学院规章制度和丰富孔子学院建设理论提供可能的参考。 本研究主要包括五方面:第一,对泰国孔子学院创办的背景进行了历史和现实两方面梳理,总结出泰国孔子学院的创办过程和发展状况。第二,从办学体制、管理体制和投资体制三方面来研究泰国孔子学院的教育体制。第三,从泰国孔子学院的教学模式、师资管理和招生与考试三个方面来研究,用详细的事实和数据资料展现出泰国孔子学院的运行过程。第四,对泰国孔子学院的文化推广活动活动进行分类梳理,展示了泰国孔子...Since 2006, Thailand has set up 12 Confucius Institutes.They became a new window that is a cultural bridge between China and Thailand. Based on researching on the school-running pattern of the Confucius Institute in Thailand, exploring the running mode of specific situations, characteristics and managerial experience, making possible suggestions in order to improve the Confucius institute regulati...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_教育史学号:2572007115137


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    Research on Quality of China’s Export Products

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    改革开放以来,我国出口贸易呈现高速增长的趋势,出口数量急剧扩张,但 是受到劳动结构性供给不足、成本上升、外贸竞争力不平衡等因素制约,以低质 量低附加值产品为主的出口贸易难以为继,因此,能否实现出口贸易的可持续发 展,真正提升我国在国际市场上的竞争力,关键在于出口产品质量能否提高。 为了综合考察我国出口产品质量的变化趋势,本文首先基于出口质量综合排 名、价格质量区间法、显性比较优势指数及显示性对称比较优势指数等方法,结 合我国国民经济产业分类对我国出口产品质量进行了一个详细的分析与比较,发 现2000-2010年我国出口产品质量总体低于世界平均水平,其中低质量仍在出口 贸易总额中...Since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy, China's export trade showed a rapid development, trade quantity expanded quickly, but limited by structural supply shortage of labor, rising costs, imbalance of trade competitiveness and other factors,the export trade based on low quality and low value-added products is unsustainable.Therefore, whether the government can achieve sustainable deve...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572011115184

    The Study of the Relationships between Leadership,Corporate Culture, and Job Performance among Gaming Console Manufactures

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    博弈产业在近年来在各国蓬勃发展,台湾马祖地区也已公投通过成立观光赌场。电子游戏机台为博奕游乐场中最主要之游戏机种类之一。因亚洲市场的开放,电子游戏机的需求未来势必会快速成长。或许因为行业的特殊性,一般研究者无法接触到该产业,因此到目前为止很少有任何学者对博弈游戏机制造业进行过相关的研究。为进一步了解该产业组织运作之情形,本研究采用访谈及发放问卷的方式进行数据收集,探讨其领导型态、企业文化、员工工作满足与员工工作绩效之间的关联,并以社会支持为调节变量,检验社会支持是否会在领导型态与员工工作满足、企业文化与员工工作满足间产生调节作用。本研究针对台湾四家较大规模的博奕游戏机制造商进行问卷发放。共发放...Game Industry has been increasingly prosperous in Asia. In this industry, the most popular game is the gaming machine which has a great growth potential. Interestingly, to the best knowledge of the researchers, no prior research has studied the Game Industry. In order to explore the unique organization behavior in the Game Industry, the present study investigate the relationships among various typ...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:1762007015402

    基于Rao-Stirling 指数的学科交叉文献发现-以纳米科学与纳米技术为例

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    摘要: [目的/意义]学科交叉文献发现是进行学科交叉研究的重要前提,从海量的文献中快速、精准地发现领域相关交叉文献有助于研究人员快速地把握领域学科交叉动态,识别领域学科交叉研究热点与前沿。提出基于Rao-Stirling 指数的领域学科交叉文献发现方法,并以纳米科学与纳米技术领域为例,探讨该方法的可行性。[方法/过程]在Web of Science 数据库下载纳米科学与纳米技术领域文献,构建期刊缩写- 全称- 学科类别对照表,利用Python 编程构建文献参考文献学科分布矩阵,利用R 编程计算每篇文献的Rao-Stirling 指数进行文献的学科交叉测度,根据测度结果将纳米科学与纳米技术领域文献按照学科交叉程度分为三个水平,以发现领域学科交叉文献。[结果/结论]基于Rao-Stirling 指数的领域学科交叉文献发现方法可以实现领域文献水平的学科交叉测度,并发现学科交叉文献,且该研究方法也同样可扩展到其他研究领域。</p

    Clinical analysis of ZhongTon gAn combined with mecobalamin in treatment of primary trigeminal neuralgia in menopausal women

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    目的:探讨肿痛安联合甲钴胺治疗更年期女性原发性三叉神经痛(primary trigeminal neuralgia,PTN)的临床疗效。方法:选择45至60岁PTN更年期女性患者108例,采用随机分组,随机分入实验组和对照组,运用双盲对照研究。实验组54例治疗给予肿痛安+甲钴胺,对照组54例治疗给予卡马西平。运用视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)对患者疼痛进行观察。统计8周治疗周期内患者疼痛改善情况、更年期躯体症状缓解情况,以及用药期间各组用药发生不良反应发生情况。治疗满一年后随访,进一步统计两组治疗方法的长期疗效。结果:实验组与对照组用药后与用药前比较,VAS值均显著下降(P〈0.05);实验组与对照组用药后1、2、4周同时间节点内相互比较,VAS值差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。一年后随访治疗有效率比较:实验组总有效率(90.74%),明显高于对照组(61.11%),差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。实验组治疗8周后16项更年期躯体症状均有明显改善,与治疗前比较均有显著性差异(P〈0.01),对照组未见明显更年期躯体症状缓解现象。实验组治疗期间不良反应(3.70%)低于对照组(24.07%),两者间差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论:肿痛安联用甲钴胺在治疗PTN更年期女性患者时具有显著的疼痛缓解效果,虽其短期疗效与卡马西平治疗组不具有明显统计学差异,但能有效缓解更年期躯体症状,使其长期疼痛缓解效果明显高于卡马西平,且并发症少。Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of ZhongTongAn combined with mecobalamin the treatment of menopausal women with primary trigeminal neuralgia. Methods: 108 cases of primary trigeminal neuralgia women in the 45 to 60 years old were selected, randomly divided into two groups for double blind control study. Experimental group(54 case) was given ZhongTongAn combined with mecobalamin and the control group (54 case)was given carbamazepine. Visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to observe the pain of patients. During the 8 weeks of treatment, the improvement of pain, the remission of climacteric symptoms, and the adverse drug reactions occurred in each group were observed Long-term efficacy of the each treatment were statistics after one year follow-up. Results: Compared with before treatment and after treatment, both groups have significant decrease in visual analogue scale (VAS) values (P~0.05). There was no significant VAS difference between the experimental group and the control group in the same time point (P ~0.05). Compare with the total efficiency between the two groups after one year, the total effective rate of the experimental group (90.74%) was obviously higher than the control groups (61.11%), P〈 0.01. After eight weeks of treatment the experimental group has significantly improve in 16 factors of somatic symptoms, compared with before treatment was significantly different (P 〈0.01). In the control group, there was no obviously relief of somatic symptoms. Adverse reactions in the experimental group(3.70%) were lower than those in the control group(24.07%), the difference is significant (P〈0.05). Conclusion: ZhongTongAn combined with Mecobalamin in the treatment of menopausal women with primary trigeminal neuralgia with significant pain relief effect. Its short-term efficacy has no obvious statistical difference with carbamazepinetreatment and can effectively relieve menopausal symptoms, so that the long-term pain relief effect is s