7 research outputs found

    Trade Openness and Wage Inequality of Workers in China: Theoretical Mechanism and Empirical Evidences

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    自改革开放以来,在不到四十年的时间内,我国从国际贸易中的可忽略地位发展为最大的出口国之一,并成为原材料、中间投入品以及其他商品在内的重要进口国。在贸易不断增长的同时,我国工人人均工资水平也有了很大的提高。然而,国内收入分配的差距也在不断扩大。这种变化,直接反映了身处全球化进程中的每一个中国工人福利的得失。在全面深化改革开放的时代背景下,就我国工人阶层在全球化进程中的“得”与“失”做出全面判断,对如何改善我国工人阶层的福利、提高工人在就业市场上的竞争力等问题而言具有重要的政策参考价值。 为了较全面地呈现贸易开放对我国工人工资的影响效应,本文采用理论分析与经验研究相结合的研究方法,分别从行业、地...Since the implementation of reform and opening up policy, China has become one of the largest exporters, as well as a significant importer of raw material, intermediate input products and other goods. Along with the increasing trade volume, wage of Chinese workers has experienced great enhancement. However, the income inequality of China has increased, which directly reflects the change of Chinese...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572012015361

    Stay or Leave: Trade Openness, Labors

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    从劳动力市场上就业地选择差异的角度,研究了我国贸易开放对不同技能水平劳动者就业地选择的差异化影响。以2014年全国流动人口动态监测数据为样本,利用probit模型、工具变量法等计量方法,计算了非线性模型中交互项的边际效应值及标准误,此外,对不同的贸易开放变量的度量、不同的劳动力技能水平的定义和不同的子样本进行了稳健性检验,还进一步地考察了内生性问题。研究发现,随着家乡贸易开放进程的不断深入,劳动力技能水平越高,越倾向于留下就地就近工作;反之,技能水平越低的劳动力,越可能外出就业。研究启示:地区贸易开放进程的不断深入有利于当地人力资本积累和经济健康持续发展,但同时也要采取精准扶贫策略,加大技能培训力度,提高非技能劳动力技能水平,避免这一群体在贸易开放进程中福利受损。Using the Floating Population Dynamic Monitoring Data on Chinese provinces of 2014, this paper evaluates the impact of China's trade openness on the work location sdection of labors with different skill levels. Based on the probit model and instruments regression, it calculate the true value and standard error of interaction tenm. In addition, it conducts different types of robusmess tests to verify our findings. The results find that the work location selections of labors in China are driven by spatial trade openness differences. Trade openness heightens the skill premium in a given province so that it reduces skilled workers' incentive to engage into inter-provincial migration. The findings suggest that regional trade openness process benefits the human capital accumulation and healthy economic development. However, the government should adopt the targeted poverty alleviation strategy to heighten the skill level of low-skill and unskilled workers so as to promote their welfare level

    The Impact of Trade Openness on Skill Premium:Theoretical Mechanism and China's Experience

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    本文利用WIOd-SEA数据库公布的最新数据,基于价格传导机制的理论推演,采用“委托工资回归法“就贸易开放对中国不同技能工人的工资水平及技能溢价的影响进行了“两步法“实证检验。与国内已有研究相比较,本文有三点开创性的发现:第一,以关税减让为表征的贸易开放对中国国内产品价格具有显著的负向影响作用;第二,该作用传导至劳动力市场,导致中等技能工人工资水平的提高和低技能工人工资水平的下降,从而扩大了技能溢价;第三,上述实证结论在对标准误估计偏误进行修正后仍然显著成立。This paper uses the mandated wage regression to empirically estimate the impact and mechanism of trade openness on the wage of workers with different skill levels in China by the WIODSEA database.This paper found that tariff concession reduced domestic prices and accordingly raised the wage of medium-skilled workers while decreased the wage of low-skilled workers.Skill premium is also increased.Our estimation results remain significant after correcting the standard error bias.教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(项目批准号13JZD010); 福建省社会科学规划青年博士论文项目(项目批准号:2014C046); 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(项目编号:T2013221017

    Research on Impact of Trade Openness on Wages of China's Manufacturing Workers: Evidence from Sampling Survey Data

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    本文使用高度细化的关税数据和大样本人口抽样调查数据,实证研究了贸易开放对我国制造业工人的工资水平和技能溢价的影响。研究发现:在控制住个体微观特征、产业特征及地区特征后,贸易开放对我国制造业工人的工资水平有显著的促进作用;我国制造业的贸易开放对工人技能溢价有显著的降低效应;教育对我国制造业工人工资有显著的促进作用,国有单位工人获得更高工资,女性受到显著的性别歧视,同工不同酬现象明显存在。Against the background of Chin's great tariff reduction after its entry into WTO, this paper utilizes both micro-level tariff data and the sampling survey data in 2005 to empirically investigate the impact of trade openness on the wage level and skill premium of China's manufacturing workers.The result shows that:(1) trade openness significantly promotes wage level of China's manufacturing workers when characteristic factors of workers, industries and regions are controlled;(2) trade openness significantly reduces the skill premium among China's manufacturing workers;(3) workers of higher education level and workers in state-owned enterprises earn more than others, and female workers are suffering from significant gender discrimination in China.To narrow the income distribution gap in China, more attention should be given to the reduction of various monopoly barriers and gender discrimination than trade openness.教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(项目批准号13JZD010); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目编号:T2013221017

    Trade Openness and Wage Gap between Skilled and Unskilled Chinese Urban Residents:An Empirical Study Based on City-level Micro-data

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    张明志,厦门大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,经济学博士;刘杜若,厦门大学经济学院博士研究生,贵州民族大学商学院讲师。【中文摘要】贸易如何影响收入分配是国际贸易理论研究关注的核心问题之一。采用2008年中国城乡移民调查数据库(RUMiC)的数据,就贸易开放对工人工资水平和技能工资差距的影响进行检验,研究发现,贸易开放对工人工资水平有显著且稳健的促进作用,并缩小了技能工资差距;个体微观特征对工人平均工资有着明显的影响作用,“同工不同酬”的现象的确存在。应用分位数回归的方法,对贸易开放对不同分位点上工人工资影响的实征检验则表明,贸易开放对非技能工人的工资具有全面的提升作用,对技能工人而言主要是改善中低端收入群体的工资水平;贸易开放对于缩小技能工资差距所发挥的作用是全面的。 【Abstract】The impact of trade openness on income distribution is one of the core issues in theoretical research on international trade. Based on Chinese Rural-urban Migration Survey Database ( RUMiC) 2008,this study examines the impact of trade openness on workers’ wage level and the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers. It is found that trade openness exerts a significant and robust promotional effect on workers’wages and on narrowing the skilled-unskilled wage gap;that individual characteristics bear a significant relationship to workers’ average wage,and that the “unequal-pay-for-equal-work” phenomenon does exist. By using the quantile regression method,this study examines the impact of trade openness on workers’wages from different quantile points. The results show that trade openness has a comprehensive and significant promotional effect on unskilled workers’wages, while in terms of skilled workers,beneficiaries are those with middle and low incomes. Trade openness exerts a comprehensive impact on narrowing the skilled-unskilled wage gap.教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“要素成本上升背景下我国外贸中长期发展趋势研究” (13JZD010);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“中国经济增长的出口驱动力问题研究"(T2013221017

    Intrinsic motivation in patients with depression

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