139 research outputs found


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    Current Progress and Development Trend of Woody Oil-plant Derived Biodiesel Production in China

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    作者简介: 杨文博(1985-) , 女, 河南安阳人, 硕士, 主要从事植物分子生物学科研工作。 通讯作者: 郑文明( 1964-) , 男, 河南永城人, 博士, 教授, 主要研究方向: 植物分子营养和基因工程。Email: zhengwenming@ yahoo.cn[中文文摘]木本油料植物生产生物柴油是适合中国国情的生物柴油发展策略之一。我国虽有丰富的木本油料植物资源,但是实施其开发和产业化都面临许多问题。分析了我国此项产业的现状,阐述了在资源调查、产学研结合、企业管理和政策法规等方面的问题和对策,总结了当前全球注重发展‘环保能源’的大背景下我国利用木本油料植物生产生物柴油的发展趋势。[英文文摘]The woody oil - plants derived biodiesel production is suitable for China"s biodiesel develop ment strategy Although China is rich in woody oil-plant resources, the implementation of its develop ment and industrialization is facing many problems.This paper systematically analyzed current status of the industry, described the issues and countermeasures in resource survey, production management, policies and gulations, summarized the trend of biodiesel production in China by using woody oil plants under the current background of global focus on the development of 'green energy '.河南省杰出青年基金项目(084100410025);河南省农业科技攻关项目(112102110112

    Reclamation technology on preventing heavy metal pollution from landfill of indigenous zinc smelting areas

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    作者简介:敖子强(1975-),贵州德江人,男,博士生,主要从事环境生 态和污染生态学研究。福建厦门大学生命科学学院,361005。 Email: [email protected] 通信作者:严重玲(1959-),贵州贵阳人,男,教授,主要从事污染生 态学研究。福建厦门大学生命科学学院,361005。Email: [email protected][中文文摘]:黔西北赫章县炼锌造成大量的废弃地,土地复垦成为当地面临的主要问题。为大面积的土地复垦提供基础数据,在平整的废渣堆上用0、25 和50 kg/m2 的碱石灰做隔离层,然后在隔离层上覆以30、45 和60 cm 的非污染区土壤,共9个处理;选用当地的主要农作物红豆、白菜、玉米和马铃薯进行试验。通过近2 a 对红豆、白菜、玉米和马铃薯可食部 分和复垦土壤的重金属进行One-Way ANOVA (LSD)分析和富集系数比较得出碱石灰隔离层降低了农作物可食部分的重金属含量;玉米是对重金属富集系数最小的农作物,适合作为土地复垦的首选农作物,而白菜对重金属的富集系数最大,不适合在炼锌区复垦土壤种植;经济有效的碱石灰隔离层厚度为25 kg/m,复垦土壤的厚度为30 cm。[英文文摘]Due to indigenous zinc smelting, lots of lands were polluted and abandoned in Hezhang County, Guizhou Province. The reclamation of polluted soils is becoming more important to improve environmental protection and to prompt agricultural production in these areas. In the present study, total of nine treatments of different amount of lime (0, 25 and 50 kg/m2) was used as isolation layer in the flat slag heap, and then the isolation layer was covered with different amount of non-contamination soil (30, 45 and 60 cm), respectively. During the following two years, bean (Phaseolus angularis), Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis), maize (Zea mays) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) were planted,concentrations of some metals (Zn, Pb, Cd) in soils and the edible part of the crops were determined to assess the effects of reclamation by statistical analysis of One-Way ANOVA (LSD). The results indicated that metal concentrations in edible part of the crops were decreased by the treatments of limestone isolation layer; maize had the lowest enrichment factor of heavy metals among the four crops, while Chinese cabbage had the highest content, demonstrating that maize was more suitable to be cultivated compared with the others, lime as isolation layer could significantly reduce the accumulation of heavy metals in the edible part of the crops, and 25 kg/m2 lime isolation layer combined with 30 cm non-contamination soil cover showed the effective reclamation result.国家自然科学基金(30530150,40673064);福建省高校创新团队培育计划;贵州省科学技术基金(20062014

    The development and in vitro experiment study of a bio-type root canal filling sealer using calcium phosphate cemen

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    [中文文摘]目的:以磷酸钙骨水泥为原料制备一种生物型纳米根管封闭剂,并对其理化性质、显影效果及对感染根管优势菌的体外抑菌能力进行研究。方法:根据ISO 6876:2001(E)口腔生物材料标准,测定其流动性、凝固时间和晶粒大小,测定不同显影剂比例的材料的显影效果。采用NCCLs推荐的厌氧菌药物敏感试验,用琼脂稀释法研究其对内氏放线菌、厌氧消化链球菌、牙龈卟啉单胞菌、牙髓卟啉单胞菌和具核梭杆菌的体外抑菌效果。应用染色渗漏法测定20颗离体牙的封闭效果,并与氧化锌丁香油糊剂进行比较。采用SPSS12.0软件包对数据进行t检验。结果:调和后的新型纳米根管封闭剂固化后的终产物为羟基磷灰石,晶粒大小为279nm,具有较好的流动性,可操作时间大于30min,凝固时间为(1.0±0.5)h(可调控)。其显影效果良好。MIC≤0.156~0.312。试验组染色渗漏深度显著小于氧化锌丁香油糊剂组(P<0.01)。结论:制备的材料符合新型纳米根管封闭剂的要求。[英文文摘]PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to develop a novel root canal filling sealers based on calcium phosphate cement (CPC), and to evaluate its physical-chemical properties and in vitro antibacterial activity on the predominant bacteria infecting root canal. METHODS: The fluidity and the setting time of the sealer were tested according to ISO 6876:2001(E) standards. The crystal size of the final product was determined. Its opacification with different composition were measured. The in vitro antibacterial property of the sealer was tested according to the Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Anaerobes recommended by National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLs).The involved bacteria included Actinomyces naeslundii(A. naeslundii),Peptostreptococcus anaerobius(P anaerobius), Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), Porphyromonas endodpntalis (P. endodpntalis) and Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fnucleatum).Twenty single - rooted human extracted teeth were selected to evaluate the sealing ability using dye microleakage technology. Dye penetration was measured and the results were statistically analyzed using SPSS12.0 software package. RESULTS: The new root canal filling sealer was primarily composed of hydroxyapatite in 279nm after setting. Its liquidity was suitable, the operating time was over 30 minutes, and the controlled setting time was (1.0±0.5) hours. The opacification was acceptable. MIC≤0.156- 0.312. The dye penetration was significant different between two filling types (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The new root canal filling sealer is an ideal root canal filling sealer.厦门科技局资助厦门科技发展课题(2002-60-5


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    四态存储器是一种能够在一个存储单元内记录四种信息状态的新型存储器.采用磁电复合材料Co/PZT制作了一个四态存储器的存储单元原型,该存储单元的磁电输出信号随外磁场变化存在明显的滞回现象.根据磁电滞回现象,提出了施加偏置磁场的读取原理,实际测试结果给出了区别明显的15.8μV,?4.4μV,5.5μV,?11.3μV四种信号,初步演示了磁电复合材料用作四态存储器的可行性.国家自然科学基金(批准号:50571084); 国家高技术研究发展计划(编号:2006AA03Z101)资助项目


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    泛素家族包括泛素及类泛素蛋白,约20种成员蛋白.近年来,泛素家族领域取得了迅猛发展,并已与生物学及医学研究的各个领域相互交叉.泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬机制的发现分别于2004和2016年获得诺贝尔奖.但是,类泛素蛋白并没有统一规范的中文译名. 2018年4月9日在苏州召开的《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬》专著的编委会上,部分作者讨论了类泛素蛋白的中文命名问题,并在随后的\"泛素家族、自噬与疾病\"(Ubiquitinfamily,autophagy anddiseases)苏州会议上提出了类泛素蛋白中文翻译草案,此草案在参加该会议的国内学者及海外华人学者间取得了高度共识.冷泉港亚洲\"泛素家族、自噬与疾病\"苏州会议是由美国冷泉港实验室主办、两年一度、面向全球的英文会议.该会议在海内外华人学者中具有广泛影响,因此,参会华人学者的意见具有一定的代表性.本文介绍了10个类别的类泛素蛋白的中文命名,系统总结了它们的结构特点,并比较了参与各种类泛素化修饰的酶和它们的生物学功能.文章由45名从事该领域研究的专家合作撰写,其中包括中国工程院院士1名,相关学者4名,长江学者3名,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者18名和美国知名高校华人教授4名.他们绝大多数是参加编写即将由科学出版社出版的专著《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬》的专家

    Receipt and Keeping Rate of Rainfall on Slope Surface in Loess Hilly Region of North Shaanxi Province

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    Comparison of three kinds of indices for calculating optimal irrigation quota

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