12 research outputs found


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 堂免 一成, 東京大学教授 山下 晃一, 東京大学教授 S.Ted Oyama, 東京大学准教授 脇原 徹, 東京大学准教授 嶺岸 耕, 東京理科大学教授 工藤 昭彦University of Tokyo(東京大学


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    Feature Selection for Varying Coefficient Models With Ultrahigh-Dimensional Covariates

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    National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) [P50-DA10075]; National Cancer Institute (NCI) [R01 CA168676]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [11028103]; NSF [IOS-0923975]; NIH [UL1RR0330184]This article is concerned with feature screening and variable selection for varying coefficient models with ultrahigh-dimensional covariates. We propose a new feature screening procedure for these models based on conditional correlation coefficient. We systematically study the theoretical properties of the proposed procedure, and establish their sure screening property and the ranking consistency. To enhance the finite sample performance of the proposed procedure, we further develop an iterative feature screening procedure. Monte Carlo simulation studies were conducted to examine the performance of the proposed procedures. In practice, we advocate a two-stage approach for varying coefficient models. The two-stage approach consists of (a) reducing the ultrahigh dimensionality by using the proposed procedure and (b) applying regularization methods for dimension-reduced varying coefficient models to make statistical inferences on the coefficient functions. We illustrate the proposed two-stage approach by a real data example. Supplementary materials for this article are available online


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    Reflections on Using Microblog to Enhance the Effect of Ideological and Political Education

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    通过运用问卷调查和半结构性访谈方法,调查微博在90后大学生中的使用情况和大学生对微博的使用偏好,并进而分析微博的吸引力、大学生的微博使用行为和校园微博的关注度等。同时,结合高校思想政治教育工作者的工作实际,从微博阵地建设、队伍建设、发挥教育功能和加强媒介素养教育四个层面提出了推进微博与大学生思想政治教育相结合,提升思想政治教育效果的对策和建议。This paper uses the methods of questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews to investigate the use and preference of micro-blogs in college and university students who were born in the 1990s,and analyze the attractiveness of micro-blogs,micro-blog use of college and university students,the degree of attention to campus micro-blogs and so on.With the practices of the authors' daily work on ideological and political education in university and college,we further put forward the suggestion on advancing the combination of micro-blogs and ideological education and promoting the effect of ideological and political education from the perspective of micro-blog management,teachers' team building,the educational function of micro-blog,and the development of media literacy education.2013福建省高校辅导员专业委员会资助项目“利用微博增强大学生思想疏导与教育实效性研究”(JB13772S

    A modified region approach for multivariate measurement system capability analysis

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    Measurement system capability analysis is to determine whether the measurement system is capable for use in quality control. The existing research has been extended from univariate to multivariate cases. Two approaches, the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and the weighted principal components (WPC), were advocated in literature. The MANOVA method is constructed based on the volume ratio that treats the volume of constant-density contours as the variability estimations. However, it ignores the fact that the relative position change of multivariate measurement errors could affect the measurement system capability. The WPC method uses dimension reduction to reduce the complexity but is unable to build the precision-to-tolerance ratio because it does not include tolerance. In this paper, we propose a modified-region-based method to compute the precision-to-tolerance ratio, the percent of repeatability and reproducibility, and the signal-to-noise ratio. This method also incorporates the variance-covariance structure of the measurement errors when dealing with the constant-density contours of tolerances, total variation, and process variation. The performance of the modified-region-based method is evaluated based on a dataset from the literature and a set of relevant simulation. The proposed method proves to be effective compared with other methods. ? 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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    采用改良沉淀法制备了聚乳酸(PLA)纳米颗粒,采用响应面分析法建立数学模型对工艺条件进行优化. 结果表明,影响PLA颗粒制备的主要因素有PLA质量、油相中乙醇含量和油相体积,以平均粒径最小为目标,得到最优工艺条件为:聚乳酸质量76.82 mg,油相中乙醇含量40%(φ),油相体积19.49 mL. 按最优工艺条件所制PLA颗粒的粒径为109.1 nm,多分散系数PDI值为0.084,与预测值偏差较小. PLA纳米颗粒为球形实心颗粒,分散性良好且粒径均一. PLA纳米颗粒能被巨噬细胞摄取,有望作为免疫佐剂