22 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Radium Desorption from Sediments in the Salt Water Environment

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    海底沉积物向上覆水体扩散的镭是海洋水体中镭同位素的重要来源之一。为了研究沉积物中镭同位素的解吸和扩散特点,进行了不同盐度和不同粒度条件下224rA和226rA解吸的模拟实验,并通过多个时间段的沉积物培养实验获取224rA和226rA的扩散通量。实验结果表明:随着水体盐度增大,沉积物中224rA、226rA的解吸量随之增加,在盐度为25时,解吸量基本达到最大值;在同一咸水环境条件下,4个粒级(2000~1000μM、1000~500μM、500~250μM、250~125μM)的沉积物的224rA、226rA解吸量比较接近,粒级>2000μM的224rA、226rA解吸量略高于上述4个粒级,而粒级<125μM的224rA、226rA解吸量远大于上述5个粒级;胶州湾沉积物中224rA和226rA的平均扩散通量分别为0.85 bQ·M–2·d–1和0.022 bQ·M–2·d–1。Radium diffusion from sediments to overlying water is one of the important sources of radium isotopes in ocean water.A series of laboratory desorption/diffusion experiments were conducted to help elucidate the characteristics of sediments on 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption and diffusion,which included 1) 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption from sediments in water of different salinities,2) 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption from sediments of different grain sizes in water of the same salinity,3) 224 Ra and 226 Ra diffusive fluxes by observing Ra enrichment with time in the overlying water of incubated sediments.The experimental results show that there is an increase in the amount of 224 Ra and 226 Ra with the increase of salinity from 5 to 30,and Ra desorption is strongest at the salinity of 25.Under the same salt water condition,224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption activities of the four grain sizes(2000~1000 μm,1000~500 μm,500~250 μm and 250~125 μm) of sediments are very close to each other.When the grain sizes of sediments are larger than 2000μm,the 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption activities are slightly higher than those of the sediments of the above-mentioned four grain sizes.When the grain sizes of sediments are less than 125 μm,the 224 Ra and 226 Ra desorption activities are much larger than those of the above-mentioned five grain sizes.The average diffusive fluxes of 224 Ra and 226 Ra of sediments from Jiaozhou Bay are 0.85 Bq·m-2·d-1 and 0.022 Bq·m-2·d-1,respectively.国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41072174)资


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    为了解潮间带微环境中磷、铁元素的分布和耦合规律及对磷释放的影响,借助薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT)原位高分辨率获取九龙江口红树林潮滩孔隙水剖面的溶解活性磷(DRP)、Fe2+浓度,并测定沉积物相应的理化参数.研究结果表明:(1)在表层孔隙水中,DRP、Fe2+浓度呈现显著的正相关性,证实了磷、铁元素的耦合关系以及沉积物铁氧化物对磷吸附/解吸附的控制作用;(2)在深部还原带,DRP浓度相对Fe2+浓度具有较大的波动,主要受到沉积物异质性以及红树植物吸收等的影响;(3)根据表层孔隙水中DRP的浓度梯度计算获得磷的分子扩散通量为0.000 64~0.006 00μg·cm-2·d-1,结果远低于一般湖泊沉积物内源磷的扩散通量,原因是富铁且具较深氧化带的潮滩沉积物中的磷-铁耦合关系有效地抑制了磷的释放.国家自然科学基金项目(Nos.41372242,41672226


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    为了解红树林与光滩磷、铁地球化学行为的差异,借助薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT),对厦门同安湾红树林及临近光滩孔隙水中溶解活性磷(DRP)、Fe2+浓度进行了原位测量,并采集了相应沉积物柱状样进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)Fe2+与DRP呈现较好的线性正相关,说明磷的吸附/解吸与铁氧化还原循环有关;(2)在不同深度,光滩孔隙水中DRP浓度均高于对应深度红树林。在浅层,由于溪水的补给造成光滩的磷富集;在深层,红树植物根部吸收导致磷浓度下降,光滩有机质含量较多,矿化释放DRP使其浓度较高;(3)孔隙水中的Fe2+浓度分布表明,红树林区域随着深度的增加,逐渐由好氧环境进入厌氧环境;而光滩沉积物氧化还原环境可能受到红树林的影响,孔隙水Fe2+在垂向上波动分布。国家自然科学基金项目(41672226; 41372242)~


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    为了解红树林与光滩磷、铁地球化学行为的差异,借助薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT),对厦门同安湾红树林及临近光滩孔隙水中溶解活性磷(DRP)、Fe2+浓度进行了原位测量,并采集了相应沉积物柱状样进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)Fe2+与DRP呈现较好的线性正相关,说明磷的吸附/解吸与铁氧化还原循环有关;(2)在不同深度,光滩孔隙水中DRP浓度均高于对应深度红树林。在浅层,由于溪水的补给造成光滩的磷富集;在深层,红树植物根部吸收导致磷浓度下降,光滩有机质含量较多,矿化释放DRP使其浓度较高;(3)孔隙水中的Fe2+浓度分布表明,红树林区域随着深度的增加,逐渐由好氧环境进入厌氧环境;而光滩沉积物氧化还原环境可能受到红树林的影响,孔隙水Fe2+在垂向上波动分布。国家自然科学基金项目(No:41672226; 41372242


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    目的探讨HIf-1α与前列腺癌发病机制之间相关性提供研究工具。方法采用TrIzOl法裂解细胞,提取HIf-1α且以该rnA为模板逆转录为CdnA,然后行PCr处理扩增HIf-1α基因功能片段区域,克隆至真核表达载体PCdnA3.1上,转化至大肠杆菌dH-5α,小提质粒,酶切凝胶电泳鉴定,序列测定,经鉴定为正确序列后中抽质粒,采用fugEnE试剂转染至前列腺癌细胞PC-3,经g418筛选,建立稳定表达HIf-1α的前列腺癌细胞系PCdnA3.1-HIf-1α-PC-3,采用WESTErn印迹鉴定重组质粒的表达。结果 PCr扩增基因片段大小为2.89 kb,克隆至真核载体PCdnA3.1,酶切凝胶电泳可见两个条带,大小大约为5.3 kb和2.89 kb,与预期的大小相符合,序列测定与gEnbAnk公布的一致,WESTErn印迹验证其在细胞内能表达。结论重组质粒PCdnA3.1-HIf-1α能够在前列腺癌PC-3表达,构建成功,为研究HIf-1α与前列腺癌提供了一个工具。厦门市科技局科研基金资助(No.3502Z20084002


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    为评价胶州湾水体表观年龄和地下水入海通量,2011年9—10月在胶州湾地区分别采集地下水、河水和海水样品,对水样的224rA和226rA活度进行测量。基于224rA和226rA半衰期的差异,运用224rA与226rA的活度比值计算了胶州湾水体表观年龄;采用三端元混合模型计算了胶州湾海水中地下水、河水与湾外海水的混合比例;在水体表观年龄和混合比例的基础上,计算了地下水入海通量。结果表明:研究期间胶州湾水体表观年龄分布范围为3.2—39.4d,平均值为14.7d,呈现从湾顶到湾口年龄逐渐增大的趋势,地下水的平均混合比例是11.0%,地下水的入海通量为7.29x106M3/d,海底地下水排泄速率为3.8CM/d。To estimate water apparent ages and submarine groundwater discharge(SGD) of Jiaozhou Bay, Shandong, China, water samples were collected from groundwater, river water, and seawater around the bay in September to October, 2011.The activities of 224 Ra and 226 Ra in water samples were measured in laboratory by emanation methods.Based on different half-times of 224 Ra and 226 Ra, water apparent ages in Jiaozhou Bay were calculated using the activity ratio of 224 Ra to 226 Ra.A three end-member mixing model was used to estimate the relative contributions of groundwater, river water, and open ocean seawater to Jiaozhou Bay.With the water apparent ages and the contributions of each sources, the groundwater input to the bay was calculated.The results show that the water apparent ages ranged from 3.2d to 39.4d, average 14.7d.The ages in the bay head were relatively younger than those in the bay mouth.The average mixing ratio of groundwater was about 11.0%, and groundwater input to the Jiaozhou Bay was 7.29×106m3/d; SGD flow rate was 3.8cm/d.国家自然科学基金项目;1072174

    Distribution characteristics of radium isotopes and their influence factors in the water of Jiaozhou Bay area

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    2012年4-5月以胶州湾地区为研究地点,分析和研究了该地区地下水、河水、海水中224rA和226rA的分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,232TH和238u浓度较高的花岗岩地区地下水和河水中224rA和226rA的活度均比其他地区高;受到海水混合的影响,沿岸地区地下水和河水由于水体盐度升高,224rA和226rA从固体颗粒的解吸量增加,从而导致活度较高;受河流输入(溶解态和悬浮颗粒解吸)以及海底地下水排泄(SubMArInE grOundWATEr dISCHArgE,Sgd)影响,胶州湾近岸海水224rA活度相对较高,之后224rA自身衰变以及外海水的混合稀释,使224rA活度分布呈现随着离岸距离增加活度逐渐降低的特点;而226rA活度在胶州湾内则保持一个较高水平,只出现个别226rA低值分布区,主要原因是外海水与陆源淡水的226rA活度较为接近且226rA半衰期较长。Background: The interaction between continental and oceanic process is much intense in coastal region.The terrestrial freshwater mixes with seawater here which leads to the chemical constituents in water undergo rapid change.Purpose: The aim is to analyze and study the distribution characteristics of 224Ra and 226Ra and their influence factors in the water of Jiaozhou Bay area.Methods: The water samples of 224Ra and 226Ra were collected from groundwater, river water and seawater around the Jiaozhou Bay from April to May, 2012.In the laboratory, the activities of 224Ra absorbed on the Mn-fiber were measured through the continuous emanation method.Finally, the Mn-fiber was sealed for more than 7 days, and the activities of 226Ra absorbed on the Mn-fiber were measured through the direct emanation method.Results: The results show that the activities of 224Ra and 226Ra in groundwater and river water are much higher in the granitic area which has higher concentration of 232Th and 238U.Because of mixing with seawater, the salinity of groundwater and river water in coastal region rises which leads to the increasing amounts of 224Ra and 226Ra desorbed from the particles, resulting in higher activities of 224Ra and 226Ra in coastal region.Affected by the input of river(dissolved and desorbed from suspended particles) and submarine groundwater discharge(SGD), the activities of 224Ra and 226Ra are relatively higher in nearshore seawater, then with the decay of 224Ra and mixing dilution effect of the offshore seawater, the activities of 224Ra gradually decrease from nearshore region to the open ocean.The activities of 226Ra in the seawater of Jiaozhou Bay remain high-level values, and there are only a few zones of low 226Ra activities.The main reasons are that the activities of 226Ra from terrestrial freshwater are close to those from offshore seawater and the half-life of 226Ra is very long.Conclusion: The activities of 224Ra and 226Ra in groundwater relate to the rock around Jiaozhou Bay and the water salinity.In addition to rock and water salinity, the activities of 224Ra and 226Ra in river water are also concerned with human activities and the process of groundwater recharge.The activities of 224Ra and 226Ra in seawater depend on the sources and sinks of radium isotopes.国家自然科学基金项目(No.41072174)资


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    采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积(Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition,PECVD)技术在高功率密度、高反应气压和低衬底温度下制备出不同氢稀释比RH的硅薄膜。高分辨透射电镜(High-Resolution Transmission ElectronMicroscopy,HRTEM)图像与拉曼谱显示在较高氢稀释比条件下生长的薄膜为纳米硅(nanocrystalline silicon,nc-Si)薄膜,纳米硅颗粒尺寸约为3~5nm。对不同氢稀释比下纳米硅薄膜光学带隙的变化趋势进行了研究。结果表明:随着氢稀释比的增加,纳米硅薄膜的光学带隙逐渐增加。提出采用双纳米硅p层结构改善非晶硅太阳能电池,发现双纳米硅p层电池效率比单纳米硅p层的电池效率提高了17%