58 research outputs found


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    The Accountability of the Offshore Drilling Platform’s Oil Pollution Damages in the COPC Incident

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    *张丽英,中国政法大学国际法学院教授,副院长,博士生导师,中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁员,中国海商法协会常务理事。电子邮箱:[email protected]。 **刘佳,中国政法大学国际法学院研究生。电子邮箱:[email protected]。[文摘]渤海湾蓬莱19-3油田溢油事件引起了广泛关注,如何追究相关责任方的油污损害责任成为当务之急,但责任追究之路的重重困难使我国海上钻井平台油污损害责任追究相关法律和制度的不足日益凸显,包括责任主体不明、请求主体不全面、赔偿范围模糊不清、处罚力度过低等问题。反观美国墨西哥湾漏油事件,其处理的及时和赔偿的到位值得我们借鉴。本文在比较美国墨 西哥湾漏油事件及美国相关国内法的基础上,认为我国应在建立健全相关法律法规,明确具体地规定不同污染来源时的对应责任主体,扩大请求主体和赔偿范围,提高责任限额等方面进行改进。[Abstract]The Bohai Bay oil spill has brought to the fore certain issues concerning the assignment of liability to parties involved in offshore environmental damages.The incident has highlighted weaknesses in China’s current system of accountability in offshore oil drilling,namely ambiguous definition of responsible party,incomplete range of claimants,vague scope of compensation and lax administrative punishment.The U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil spill and its aftermath,by contrast,demonstrated elements of an effective legal response to a similar environmental incident,specifically with respect to liability and compensation,and can therefore serve as an instructive case study in efforts to advance the Chinese offshore drilling legal regime.After comparing the two aforementioned incidents and the respective legal lessons learned therein,the authors conclude that elucidating the process of identifying responsible parties,expanding the scope of compensation,and increasing liability limits are necessary actions for improving the efficacy and efficiency of relevant Chinese laws

    Synthesis and characterization of cellulose acetate with high degree of substitution from miscanthus

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    以芒草为原料,用Na OH/H_2O_2溶液体系预处理制备芒草纤维,在冰醋酸环境下,以浓硫酸为催化剂与醋酸酐酯化制备芒草醋酸纤维素。优化了预处理条件:温度、时间、次数和酯化条件:催化剂量、温度、时间、醋酸酐量,最佳条件下制备出的芒草纤维的纤维素、半纤维素和木质素的质量分数分别为75.3%、17.3%、5.1%,制备出芒草醋酸纤维素的取代度DS=2.8,特性黏度[η]=1.24 d L/g,达到美国联邦贸易委员会指南认定的三醋酸纤维素标准。利用扫描电镜(SEM)和热分析(TG、DSC)对制得样品进行表征。结果表明,可以利用Na OH/H_2O_2水溶液体系预处理芒草原料制备芒草纤维,并进一步酯化制备出高取代度的醋酸纤维素。A procedure for synthesizing cellulose acetate with high degree of substitution from miscanthus biomass is developed. The miscanthus fiber is prepared by pretreatment of miscanthus biomass with Na OH / H_2O_2,which is then reacted with acetic anhydride in an acetic acid solvent to synthesize cellulose acetate by using concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst. The effects of the pretreatment factors( such as pretreatment temperature,time and number of times) and the esterification factors( such as catalyst volume,reaction temperature,reaction time and acetic anhydride volume) are studied. Under the optimal conditions,the contents of cellulose,hemicellulose and lignin for prepared miscanthus fiber are75. 3%,17. 3% and 5. 1%,respectively. The degree of substitution( DS) and the intrinsic viscosity( [η ]) of the obtained miscanthus cellulose acetate are 2. 8 and 1. 24 d L / g,respectively. The miscanthus biomass,fiber and cellulose acetate are characterized by SEM,TG and DSC. This study shows that cellulose acetate with high degree of substitution can be prepared from miscanthus biomass pretreated with Na OH / H_2O_2.国家自然科学基金(21303142;31170067);; 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JA14010);; 厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金项目(14GZP59HJ29);; 福建省海洋高新产业发展专项项目(闽海洋高新[2014]25号);; 厦门大学校长基金(20720150090

    Mechanism of nanostructured lipid carriers in promotion of absorption of poorly soluble drugs

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    纳米结构脂质载体(nlC)是药剂学备受关注的研究领域,作为一种性能优良的新型药物传递系统,能促进难溶性药物的口服吸收。探讨并总结纳米结构脂质载体促进难溶性药物口服吸收的机制。Objective Nano-structured lipid carriers(NLC) is a concerned research area in pharmaceutics,which as a novel drug delivery system to promote oral absorption of poorly soluble drugs.The literatures were reviewed to explore and summarize the mechanism that nano-structured lipid carriers in promotion of the absorption of poorly soluble drugs


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    Progress on solid self-microemulsifying drug delivery system for oral administration

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    目的对新近发展的固体自微乳化给药系统(S-SMEddS)文献进行综述。方法查阅近年国内外相关文献并进行归纳和总结。结果对固体自微乳的载体、固化技术以及缓控释制剂进行了探讨,为研究水难溶性药物的生物利用度及适合药物释放特性的S-SMEddS技术提供相关参考。结论固体自微乳化系统可以显著提高难溶性药物的口服生物利用度,且兼顾了液态自微乳和固体制剂二者的优势,是一个极具潜力的新型制剂。Objective To review the newly developed solid self-microemulsifying drug delivery system(S-SMEDDS).Methods Relevant literatures at home and abroad in recent years were consulted and summarized.Results Solid self-microemulsions carrier,solidification technology and controlled release formulations were discussed,in order to provide relevant references for improving the bioavailability of water-insoluble drugs and the SMEDDS technology for drug release characteristics.Conclusion The utilization of the solid self-emulsifying drug delivery system could significantly enhance the oral bioavailability of water-insoluble drugs.As a new formulation,S-SMEDDS presented huge potential

    Preparation and evaluation of insulin thiolated hyaluronic acid nanoparticles in vitro

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    目的制备胰岛素巯基化透明质酸纳米粒(InSulIn THIOlATEd HyAlurOnIC ACId nAnOPArTIClES,InS-HA-CyS-nPS),考察纳米粒的理化性质。方法以合成的具有生物黏附性质的巯基化透明质酸作为载体,采用超声乳化法制备纳米粒,考察其外观、粒径、zETA电位、包封率、载药量,并进行其冻干制剂的冻干保护剂筛选。结果制备的InS-HA-CyS-nPS粒径均一,外观圆整;平均粒径为(178.5±0.8)nM,PdI为(0.214±0.013),zETA电位为-(38.47±0.46)MV,超滤离心法测定载药纳米粒的包封率为(48.85±0.66)%,载药量为(4.79±0.13)%;选择10%的甘露醇为冻干保护剂,复溶后得到具有蓝色乳光的粒径均一的纳米粒混悬液。结论巯基化透明质酸纳米粒是蛋白多肽类药物口服给药的潜在载体,为下一步研究胰岛素纳米粒在大鼠体内药效、药动学研究提供前提和基础。Objective To prepare insulin thiolated hyaluronic acid nanoparticles( Ins-HA-Cys-NPs) and study its physicochemical properties.Methods The Ins-HA-Cys-NPs was prepared by ultrasonic emulsifying method,and the properties of nanoparticles including morphology,mean diameter,Zeta potential,entrapment efficiency and drug loading efficiency were studied,as well as the cryoprotectant selection.Results The prepared nanoparticles was round in appearance and the mean diameter was( 178.5 ± 0.8) nm,the polydispersity index was( 0.214 ± 0.013) and the Zeta potential was-( 38.47 ± 0.46) mV,while the entrapment efficiency was( 48.85 ± 0.66) %,drug loading efficiency was( 4.79 ± 0.13) %; 10%mannitol as cryoprotectant provided uniform and well dispersed suspension of nanoparticles with blue opalescence after redispersion.Conclusion The thiolated hyaluronic acid nanoparticles may be used as the carrier for oral drug delivery system of insulin,and it provides a basis for studies on rats in vivo.福建省自然科学基金(2012J05159

    Effect of Different Concentrations of NaCl and Light Intensities on β-carotene Content in Dunalie

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    2009-2010 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    The role of hibbocambal neural oscillations in sbatial and sequential memoy

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    自认知神经科学这一学科形成之初,众多研究者前赴后继地着迷于探究记忆的神经机制。动物研究以及脑损伤研究提示海马是负责记忆的关键脑区,这引发了对海马的研究热潮。研究者们纷纷提出基于海马的记忆理论模型,包括“认知地图理论”,“索引理论”,“关系理论”等。整合前人观点,本研究推测海马的功能可能是将记忆的索引信息组织到相关时间一空间框架,而详细的记忆信息分布式地表征于新皮层,海马需要与新皮层共同协作以完成各类记忆操作。 当数千至数万个平行排列的锥体神经元同时活动时,大量的跨膜电流会形成局部场电位。海马局部场电位时常呈现theta (4-12 Hz)和gamma (25-100 Hz)两种节律的神经振荡(不同研究的频率范围取值可能有细微差异),这些神经振荡在以啮齿类动物和人类为被试的记忆导向行为中都被广泛地观察到,并且与研究对象的行为表现非常相关。但海马如何利用神经振荡这一计算组件实现上述记忆功能尚不清楚。 本研究以在海马植入深部电极的癫痈病人为被试,探究海马神经振荡如何支持人类记忆导向行为。前人研究表明海马表征空间框架,因此,研究一以空间记忆任务为范式,探索了海马子区以及内嗅在记忆提取中的作用。研究结果表明海马子区CA1与内嗅的theta-gamma祸合以及二者的theta相干性支持正确记忆提取;研究二依旧以该空间记忆任务为范式,探究海马如何表征空间信息以支持记忆提取后的目的导向导航,研究结果表明右侧海马theta振荡(6-9 Hz)表征目标距离,距离目标越远,海马theta振荡功率越强。目标距离的表征沿海马长轴梯度变化,这反映了海马的空间层级性加工;目前大部分关于海马的研究都是理论研究,应用层面的研究尚且缺乏。研究三拟通过深部电刺激调控海马神经振荡以提高记忆能力。前人研究提示海马也表征时间框架,因此研究三采用了时序工作记忆任务,研究结果表明丘脑前核电刺激可以提高工作记忆精度以及海马gamma(30-90 Hz)振荡,并且海马gamma振荡的升高可预测工作记忆精度的改善。 尽管各种证据表明海马在记忆引导行为中至关重要。然而,由于海马位于大脑深处,很难利用非侵入性电生理方法来研究海马信号。部分癫痫患者在海马-内嗅皮层植入深层电极,利用该宝贵临床机会,本研究探索海马神经振荡如何支持空间记忆和时序记忆。当前研究证明了海马CA1和内嗅皮层之间的信息交互在空间记忆提取中的作用,并首先证明了沿海马长轴的目标距离层级性表征。另外,神经系统疾病、脑损伤、退行性疾病等引起的记忆功能障碍已成为人类社会的一大负担,有许多研究拟利用神经调控改善记忆功能。本研究探索了丘脑前核电刺激改善记忆能力的可能性,为记忆障碍的治疗靶点和电刺激参数提供了有价值的参考