17 research outputs found


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    讨论了当今算法作曲这一研究领域中存在的一些主要问题.评述了这一领域所采用的一系列关键技 术,包括Markov 链、随机过程、基于音乐规则的知识库系统、音乐文法、人工神经网络技术以及遗传算法.得 出的结论是,作曲系统可以朝着集多种方法为一体的混合型系统(hybrid system)的方向发展.系统应在音乐创作 的各个层面上提供灵活的人机交互手段,以便提高系统的实用性和有效性.Nos.60275023, 60373080 (国家自然科学基金);No.A0210005 (福建省自然科学基金); No.E43014 (厦门大学引进人才科研启动费

    Research about the Human-computer Interaction for the Auto-Harmonizing System

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    针对基于隐马尔科夫模型(HMM)的算法而实现的作曲系统进行改进,提出了利用人机交互式的音乐伴奏音型选择方式,实现了使不具备音乐知识的使用者也可以创作出善心悦目的乐曲。系统的给出了人机交互式创作的原理以及理论支持,通过实验证明了人机交互系统的可行性。最后邀请了三位专业作曲家对改进后的伴奏结果进行了系统评估,评估认为,计算机作曲系统可以创作出大众喜欢的音乐作品。Most of the existed composing Systems need the help of professional composing knowledge in the composing progress.While this paper proposed a new method,which is mainly to design a human-computer interaction between the ordinary people who command little knowledge about composing and the HMM based harmonizing system.With the improved harmonizing system,one ordinary people can compose a brilliant accompaniment for the given melody.Experiment shows that the proposed method is feasible to harmonize a melody.In the end,three professional composers are invited to evaluate the harmonizing results generated by the improved system.The evaluation shows that the improved system is able to generate favorable music for the common people

    Study of Humming Divide Technology According to Note

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    哼唱音乐一般是一种波形文件,这样的格式并不利于检索和查找。在使用哼唱音乐检索音乐内容时,需要将哼唱文件转换为音高和时值的形式,作为检索关键字。这些步骤都建立在哼唱已经被按音符切分的基础上。论文采用一种基于振幅能量的多层次音符切分方法,实现对哼唱文件的快速切分。基于能量的划分方法具有简便快速的特点。分层次的划分方法能够针对各种不同音符情况,采用最合适的方法切分。论文还讨论了一种基于音高识别技术的音符划分方法。Humming music is commonly a wave file,whose format is not conducive to be searched and found.When retrieving musical content by Humming music,humming documents need to be transformed to the format of pitch and time value,as the search keyword.These steps are built on that the singing has been cut by note basis points.This paper presents a multi-level note segmentation methods based on the amplitude of the energy,achieving rapid humming file segmentation.Energy-based partition method is characterized for simplicity and rapidity.Hierarchical classification approach can adopt the most appropriate method of segmentation due to the situation for a variety of different notes.This paper also discusses a note division method based on pitch recognition technology

    A New Method of Note Segmentation for Humming Music

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    哼唱音符音高的准确划分,对哼唱音乐检索系统识别率的提高起着很大的作用。目前,大部分的哼唱音乐检索系统都是采用能量划分的方法,在很大程度上并不能对哼唱波形文件顺利完成单音切割,因此,论文提出的一种新的音符音高划分方法,在基于一般能量划分的基础上,采用基于倍音列的音高识别模型对划分结果进行二次划分、规整,最终实现哼唱音符音高的划分。实验表明,该划分方法能够有效地实现哼唱音符音高的准确划分。The accuracy of note segmentation of humming music is very important for the recognition rate of humming music retrieval system.Currently,most humming music retrieval systems,adopting the method of energy segmentation,can not successfully complete the single-tone segmentation of humming music.Therefore,a new method's proposed in this paper,which based on the traditional energy segmentation method and overtone series model.The experiments show that the new method proposed in this paper can effectively completes the single-tone segmentation of humming music


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    Characteristics,Influences and Enlightenment of Recruitment of China Christian Universities before the Anti-Japanese War

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    高校招生是教育活动,受教育内外部关系规律影响而逐渐形成体系制度,产生其规范性特征和一定标准。外来的教会大学作为近代中国高校重要的组成部分,其招生具有阶段性且受多因素影响而形成自身的特点,具体体现为:教区就近招生、重视考察学生宗教信仰、招生考试内容上则是宗教性减弱而学术性加强。回溯教会大学这一中国近现代史中的特殊存在,分析其招生活动、招生特点的发展变化均和当时的社会变动息息相关,虽然其间各所教会大学自身所做调整各有不同从而发展方向亦存在差异,但所形成的一个多元化的教会高等教育系统成为近代中国高等教育体系的重要补充。University enrollment,an educational activity,has gradually formed a system with the impact of internal and external relation rules,and has generated the normative characteristics and some standards.Christian universities,as an important part of higher education in contemporary China,the enrollment system bears the characteristics with time- phased and multi-factors impact.Specifically speaking,they are parish preference,students' religious belief and academic ability requirements rather than their religiousness in the entrance examination..This paper looks back upon the special existence in contemporary China,attributes of the development,change of its enrollment activities and characteristics to the social change of the day.Although the adjustment and development in different Christian universities vary,they constitute a diversified Christian university system,which becomes an important supplement for the higher education system in contemporary China


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