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    Studies on the Epidemiology of Hydatid Disease in Tacheng District , XinJiang,P.R. China

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    本文报告新疆维吾尔自治区的塔城、额敏、裕民和托里等4县(市)包虫病的流行状况。抗原皮试表明当地居民平均阳性率6.8%(2995/43966);男女性别无明显差异;阳性者最小年龄2岁,最大84岁,以41~50岁(5.3%)和51~60岁(5.4%)两组的阳性率较高;汉族的阳性率亦较高(3.9%);阳性者又以牧民(12.5%)和农民(5.5%)较为多见。医院病例病案分析显示女性病人高于男性;多数病例为肝包虫(68.9%),其次为肺包虫(23.9%);病例年龄最小3岁,最大77岁,但以1~10岁(22.8%)和11~20岁(26.5%)两组儿童及青少年的病人居多;汉族(64.3%)和哈族(25.2%)的病例占大多数;但大多数病人是农民(30.8%)、学生(27.2%)和工人(19.2%)。屠宰场剖检表明牛(29.9%)和羊(25.3%)的包虫病最为严重,但猪的感染率(17.5%)亦很高。24.3%的家狗感染细粒棘球绦虫,家猫剖检全部阴性。共检验4科11属14种10659只鼠类,发现0.0l%小家鼠(1/7147)和0.09%赤颊黄鼠(2/2211)自然感染多房棘球蚴,但全系不育囊,说明二者均非正常的鼠类宿主。During 1980一1992,a ganerat survey on the epidemiology of hydatid disease were carried out inTacheng, Yumin,Emin and Tuoti Country, Tacheng Region,Xinjiang. The Carsonic test with antigen of hy-datid cyst Fluid indicated that 2 995 of 43 966 inhabitants( 6.8%)were positive, with no great diFFerence insex; the youngest was 2 years old and the oldest 64 years old,but both 41一50 age aroup5.3%)and 51一60age group( 5.4%)had higher percentage; The Han Nationality, herdsman and peasants also Found to behigher in positive rate. Based on the records of cases diagnosed From locat hospitals,the positive of Female washigher than mole;majority of cases were liver hydatid diseases (68.9%),then were lung inFections(23.9%);the youngest case was 3 years old and the oldest 77 years old; both l一l0 age group and ll一20 age grouphad higher positive rate; the major cases were the Han people(64.3%), then the Hasak inhabitants(25.2%);the professional analyses showed that the majority of cases were peasants(30.8%),then the stu-dents(2.2%)and workers(19.2%).The examinations of domestic animals staughtered From the staughter house showed that about 29.9%cattles and 25.3%sheep Found to be inFected with hydatid cysts ,while pigs(17.5%)were also heavy causedby this diseasse. 24.3%dogs (20 : 107) were inFected with the adults of E. granulosus. While 18 cats exam-ined were Free From inFection.A total of 4 Familles, ll genera, 14 species and 10 659 rodents were examined,and only 0.01%(1 : 7147)Mus musculus and0.09%(2 : 2211) Citellus erythrogenys were Found to be in-Fected with alveolar metacestode of E.multitocularis,but they were all sterile cysts with no protoscolex, indi-cating these 2 species of rodents probably to be not normal hosls.国家自然科学基