65 research outputs found

    Impact of Labor Price Distortions on the Export Trade for China’s Manufacturing Enterprises:---Based on GVC Division of Labor

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    自改革开放至今,中国依靠低廉的劳动力成本优势,实现了出口贸易的高速增长,2013年中国成为全球第一大货物贸易国。但是,在出口贸易规模急剧扩张的同时,中国从中获取的贸易利益却没有同比例增加。因此,中国严重依赖政府人为压低劳动力价格以降低企业成本的粗放型出口增长模式受到了国内外广泛的质疑和批评。而GVC分工地位较低是造成出口规模与贸易利益不同比例增长的重要原因。鉴于此,本文基于GVC分工视角,探究劳动力价格扭曲对企业出口的影响。研究发现,劳动力价格扭曲总体上对企业出口选择和出口规模均有正向作用,原因是劳动力价格扭曲降低了企业生产成本,但这种选择是一种无奈之举;当企业所处的GVC分工地位上升时,劳动...The export trade in China has been experiencing fast growth since the Reform and Opening up, making China the largest trading power in the world in 2013. However, China’s trade interests obtained from export do not increase in line with the rapid expansion of business scale. Therefore, the extensive export growth model, which relies heavily on the “demographic dividend”, has been widely questioned...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572014115192


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    Scatologie et Sartre

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    Carnets de la drôle de guerre

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    サルトルとbiographie : サルトルにおける伝記的アプローチ

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    Transcendence versus Hic et Nunc

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    Sartre and Camus were both active in the Resistance against Nazi Germany during World War II, and in the postwar era were seen as like-minded Existentialist writers. Both expressed understanding and respect for each other’s work, and each contributed articles to journals the other was editing. But this period of amity eventually came apart. This was because contradictions began to emerge in their interpretations of “totalitarianism,” originating in differing views of fascism that had once been held together simply by a shared determination to resist Nazi Germany. In other words, in their understanding and acceptance of the concepts of fascism and communism, communism and totalitarianism, as well as their perception and judgment concerning the brutality of the Soviet totalitarian system they came to differ significantly. In the 1940s and 1950s, French intellectuals engaged in a lively exchange of opinions with regard to the nature of the communist system in the Soviet Union. The tendencies of the time naturally drew Sartre and Camus into debate with one another.This paper begins with a comparison and investigation of the position of these two writers with regard to the totalitarian system, and offers an analysis of the nature of their historical consciousness and concept of progress. It then examines characteristics of the view of humankind evinced by each in their fiction and criticism, exploring the grounds of their differences of opinion


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    サルトルとカミュのhomo homini lupus

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    サルトルと全体主義 : 預言者サルトル

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    平田重和教授 本田忠雄教授退職記念