74 research outputs found


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    财政支出改革应从建立国库单一账户体系入手 ,加大收支两条线改革的力度 ,首先应把市直预算单位的资金运动纳入国库单一账户体系 ;应实行会计委派制 ,建立会计工作站 ,把市直预算单位的财务活动纳入会计集中核算 ;应全面落实政府采购制度 ,试行国库直接支付 ,统一开支标准 ,实行综合预算

    Dimer coverings on random multiple chains of planar honeycomb lattices

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    We study dimer coverings on random multiple chains. A multiple chain is a planar honeycomb lattice constructed by successively fusing copies of a 'straight' condensed hexagonal chain at the bottom of the previous one in two possible ways. A random multiple chain is then generated by admitting the Bernoulli distribution on the two types of fusing, which describes a zeroth-order Markov process. We determine the expectation of the number of the pure dimer coverings (perfect matchings) over the ensemble of random multiple chains by the transfer matrix approach. Our result shows that, with only two exceptions, the average of the logarithm of this expectation (i.e., the annealed entropy per dimer) is asymptotically nonzero when the fusing process goes to infinity and the length of the hexagonal chain is fixed, though it is zero when the fusing process and the length of the hexagonal chain go to infinity simultaneously. Some numerical results are provided to support our conclusion, from which we can see that the asymptotic behavior fits well to the theoretical results. We also apply the transfer matrix approach to the quenched entropy and reveal that the quenched entropy of random multiple chains has a close connection with the well-known Lyapunov exponent of random matrices. Using the theory of Lyapunov exponents we show that, for some random multiple chains, the quenched entropy per dimer is strictly smaller than the annealed one when the fusing process goes to infinity. Finally, we determine the expectation of the free energy per dimer over the ensemble of the random multiple chains in which the three types of dimers in different orientations are distinguished, and specify a series of non-random multiple chains whose free energy per dimer is asymptotically equal to this expectation.NSFC [10831001, 11061027

    Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Study of Gold Nanoparticles with Different Shapes

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    【中文文摘】使用514 5nm激光激发,第一次得到了不同形状金纳米粒子的表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)。一般情况下,较短波长(600nm)的激发。然而,对特殊形状的自组装金纳米粒子,由于避雷针效应,即使使用绿光激发也可获得很高增强的SERS。 【英文文摘】In this communication, we obtained for the first time the SERS spectra of gold at the laser excitation of 514.5 nm by fabricating the ordered array of gold nanoparticles with special shapes, e.g., sphere, tadpole, and pearlchain. Selfassemble method of these gold nanoparticles is briefly introduced. In general, the enhancement of gold by the laser excitation of short wavelength (600 nm) becuase that the coupling between conduction electrons and interband electronic transitions by using 514. 5 nm depresses the quality of the surface plasmon resonance of gold metals considerably. Our observation reveals that the SERS of self2assembly gold nanoparticles with special shape can be rather high even using the green light excitation , which is mainly due to the lightning2rod effect.国家自然科学基金创新群体研究资助项目(20021002);; 国家自然科学基金九五重点项目(29833060


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    由厦门大学财政系提供的2003年国有资产监管体制 与公共财政制度改革国际会议论文集0


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    研究了辽东半岛温泉气体的HE浓度和HE同位素的组成特征 .3HE/4HE值分布于 0 .14~ 0 .72rA之间(rA 为大气的3HE/4HE比值 1.4 0x 10 - 6 ) ,HE同位素组成与HE浓度和4 HE/2 0 nE比值呈现线性相关 ,表明有少量地幔HE(约 9% )抵达地表 .温泉气体的3HE/4HE值与研究区的大地热流呈现相似的空间分布特征 ,说明两者具有一定的成因关系 .地幔局部熔融形成的岩浆很可能沿深大断裂侵入地壳 .幔源HE、热流异常以及地震活动在空间上的耦合可能反映了地幔脱气与地震活动的内在联系 .国家自然科学基金!(批准号:49133009)资助项

    The Oxygen Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Sea Water and Meteoric Water in the Western Pacific Ocean

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    本文利用1989年秋季航次在西太平洋获取的雨水和海水的氢、氧同位素资料,分析讨论了其同位素的组成、分布特征及其与温盐的关系,并利用氢氧同位素的示踪特性对海洋环流、水团混合等问题进行了探讨,获得了以下几点结论:1.热带西太平洋雨水的氢氧同位素呈现出与中高纬度明显不同的分布特征。雨水的δ值与纬度没有直接的因果关系,而与季风的流场明显相关。2.研究海域海水的氧同位素组成总体上体现了大洋水相对均匀的特点,但是在时空上仍存在着一定的差异。在海流的作用下,水团的混合是制约上层海水δ18O分布和变化的主要原因。3.δ18O与温盐不具有相关性,其离散的特征可能真实地反映了大洋氧同位素组成与温盐的关系。4.西太...The composition and distribution features of Hydrogen and Oxygen isotopes, as well asrelationship between 18O content and salinity of sea waters, are expounded based on themeasurement result of Oxygen-18 content of sea water and Oxygen-18 and Deuterium contentsof meteoric waters obtained by WOCE in the westem Pacific Ocean during 1989 autumncruises. Some oceanographic implication such as mixing pr...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋化学学号:BHBG0002


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    Helium and oxygen isotopic evidence on the exchange of water between the West Pacific and the South China Sea

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    研究了西太平洋海域 (7°~ 2 6°N ,1 2 2°~ 1 30°E)不同深度海水的氧、氦同位素组成和分布特征 .结果表明 ,巴士海峡附近海域几个深度上δ18O等值线均向东弯曲 ,δ3He等值线也出现了类似的分布特征 ,可能反映了南海海水与黑潮水的混合作用 .氧、氦同位素的研究结果为南海海水通过巴士海峡侵入了西太平洋提供了地球化学证据The composition and distribution of helium and oxygen isotopes in samples of seawater obtained at depths from the surface to 300 m in the West Pacific(7°~26°N,122°~130°E) are discussed in detail. The results show that both δ 18 O and δ 3He isoline extend eastward in the Pacific side of the Luzon Strait, which may suggest that the South China Sea water intrudes into the West Pacific by the Luzon Strait.国家自然科学基金资助项目!(4 91330 0 9);; 国家博士后科学基金资助项