543 research outputs found

    System Using the Portable Telephone in Classroom

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    学力の低下がわが国の将来を展望する上で,解決の迫られた問題として議論されている今日,学生・生徒が授業内容をどの程度理解しているのかを把握することは大切な課題である. つまり,授業(特に,大講義)の現場において,教員が発したメッセージが正確に伝わったかどうかを省みることなく授業のメニューをこなせば済む時代ではもはやない. その際,学生の理解度を彼らの表情や態度で大まかに受け止めるのではなく,授業の進行に合わせてそのつど客観的な理解度の測定をし,より丁寧な授業をする方法として携帯電話の副次的活用が考えられる. ここでは,先行研究や試みを整理し,我々独自のプログラムを提示し,その実践上の克服すべき諸問題を考察することにした.In this paper, we first introduce the several programs on the system using the portable telephone. Second we would like to make a proposal this simple system in classroom (especially mass lecture), in order that we can grasp the student\u27s understanding condition. Such attempt may be just an improvement from a new angle of vision in teaching. We have created this idea and method according to that thinking and program

    Changes in microbial nitrogen synthesis in the rumen of lactating Holstein cows by exposure to hot condition

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    The changes in microbial nitrogen synthesis in the rumen of lactating dairy cows by exposure 10 hot condition were examined using four Holstein cows. The cows were kept under thermoneutral temperature (18℃) for fourteen days and then exposed to hot temperature (28℃) for the following two weeks; the relative humidity in both temperatures was 60%. The results showed that urinary allantoin excretion correlated with dry matter intake (r= 0.76, Pく.05) and nitrogen intake (r= 0. 71, Pく.05), while concentration of urinary creatinine correlated with decreased body weight(r = 0.83, Pく .05) as a proof of body tissue mobilization. In the hot environmental temperature, allantoin excretion in urine decreased. However, the utilization rate of nitrogen for microbial nitrogen synthesis during heat exposure increased on average from 63.4 % (at 18℃) t0 75.6 % (28℃). Microbial nitrogen synthesis per digestible organic matter intake increased on average from 20.4 (at 18℃) to 23.0 gN (28℃). The utilization rate of nitrogen and digestible organic matter intake for microbial nitrogen synthesis during the heat exposure increased as the heat exposure was prolonged.暑熱環境下における尿中アラントイン排泄量の変動を4頭のホルスタイン種泌乳牛を用いて検討した。供試牛は温度18℃相対温度60%の人工環境下で14日間飼養した後,28℃ 60%の環境下でさらに14日間飼養した。その結果,尿中アラントイン排泄量は,乾物摂取量及び窒素摂取量との間にそれぞれ,r = 0.76及び0.71の高い相関関係が認められており (p< 0.05),一方,クレアチニン濃度は体重減少量との間に正の相関関係(r = 0.83,Pく0.05)が認められた。暑熱環境下において尿中アラントイン排泄量は減少したが,暑熱期における摂取窒素量に対する微生物態窒素合成量の割合は,18℃における平均63.4%から75.6%へと増加した。また,可消化有機物摂取量あたりの微生物態窒素合成量は,平均20.4から23.0gNに増加した。窒業利用効率あるいは微生物態窒素合成効率は暑熱負荷が長引くにつれて増大する傾向にあった


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    "【目 的】臨床工学技士(ME)によるタブレット端末を利用した手術説明の効果を今回検 討したので報告する. 【対象と方法】期間は令和3 年1 月から令和5 年7 月までの2 年7 ヶ月.心臓血管外科手術が決定した患者の内,臨床工学技士が説明対応可能であった患者76名(男性52名,女性24名),平均74.1歳.術式はステントグラフト25例,ラジオ波24例,経皮的血管拡張術16例,シャント作成術7 例,シャント拡張術2 例,コイリング2 例.説明後,手術の理解や不安のアンケートを実施した. 【結 果】「よく理解できた」59%,「理解できた」40%.手術の不安は,「不安が少なくなった」84%.その理由は,「聞きたいと思っていたことを説明された」44%,「ゆっくり時間をとって説明が行われた」16%,「気になることを質問することができた」23%. 【結 語】臨床工学技士によるタブレット端末を利用した術前説明は手術内容の理解向上, 不安軽減効果を認めた."journal articl

    A Case of Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma of the Spermatic Cord

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    Liposarcomas are most commonly found in the extremities, in the retroperitoneum and, less often, in the head and neck area. The spermatic cord is a rare site of origin, accounting for about 4-7% of all liposarcomas. We report a case of dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the spermatic cord. A 51-year-old man was referred to our hospital for a painless hard mass in the left inguinal region. Abdominal computed tomography showed a left spermatic cord mass measuring 70 mm in diameter. We performed left high orchiectomy with resection of the mass. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed positive for murine double minute 2 (MDM 2) and cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK 4). Therefore, this sarcoma was diagnosed to be dedifferentiated liposarcoma. Since the surgical margin was positive, an additional wide resection including the surrounding normal tissue was performed. Complete excision was achieved after re-resection. He was alive 12 months postoperatively without any signs of recurrence. Dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the spermatic cord is a rare neoplasm. To the best of our knowledge, the present case is the 14th reported case in Japan


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    Angiotensin II (Ang II) plays an important role in stromal fibrosis and tumor progression in cancer tissues. Now we investigated the role of Ang II in the cross-interaction between intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) cells and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). The concentrations of Ang II in ICC tissues were significantly higher than those of hepatocellular carcinoma and normal liver. The expression of Ang II type 1 receptor (AT-1) in ICC specimens, two ICC cell lines, and HSC cell line, LI-90 was demonstrated by immunostain and Western blot. The proliferative activity of ICC cells and HSCs added Ang II dose-dependently increased and telmisartan inhibited the proliferative effects in MTT assay. HSCs added Ang II showed a higher expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) compared with control cells. Telmisartan also inhibited the activation of HSCs added Ang II. Ang II in ICC tissues may play a pivotal role in tumor growth and stromal fibrosis and Ang II receptor blocker will be a potential therapy in cancer tissue expressing AT-1