1,826 research outputs found

    The study of brain function changes and related molecular mechanism of rat with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    目的 慢性阻塞性肺病(chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease,COPD)以不完全可逆的气流受限和全身系统炎症为特征,可造成脑部供氧不足和神经炎症,导致脑细胞损伤。本研究利用分子生物学等方法探究COPD大鼠脑损伤的分子机制,并为快速诊断出COPD和临床治疗提供依据。 材料和方法 材料:雄性SD大鼠由厦门大学实验动物中心提供,体重230-280g,随机分成4组,健康对照组,吸烟组,脂多糖组,吸烟+脂多糖组,饲养在相同环境下,给予充足的水和食物。 研究方法:我们通过被动吸烟和气管注射脂多糖进行COPD大鼠模型的复制,通过Morris水迷宫测试,openfield...Abstract Objectives The irreversible airflow limitation characterized by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes a decrease in the oxygen supply to the brain, and thus may result in the damages in the brain cells. The present study was designed to investigate the damages in brain cells in rats with COPD, by using various methods based on methods, to clarify the mechanisms underlying ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:医学院_生理学学号:2452012115315

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of electron transfer in Debye solvents: An analytical and nonperturbative reduced density matrix theory

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    A nonperturbative electron transfer rate theory is developed based on the reduced density matrix dynamics, which can be evaluated readily for the Debye solvent model without further approximation. Not only does it recover for reaction rates the celebrated Marcus' inversion and Kramers' turnover behaviors, the present theory also predicts for reaction thermodynamics, such as equilibrium Gibbs free-energy and entropy, some interesting solvent-dependent features that are calling for experimental verification. Moreover, a continued fraction Green's function formalism is also constructed, which can be used together with Dyson equation technique, for efficient evaluation of nonperturbative reduced density matrix dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. J. Phys. Chem. B, accepte

    Study of Surface Enhanced Fluorescence at the Single-Nanoparticle Level

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    金属表面增强荧光效应(surfaceenhancedfluorescence,SEF)作为表面增强光谱学中的一个重要分支,已在生物传感、生物医学、光电子学等领域展示出广泛的应用前景。基于贵金属纳米粒子特有的表面等离子体共振性质,纳米粒子表面的荧光分子可与金属纳米结构发生近场相互作用,从而使荧光分子的激发效率、辐射衰减速率得到提高,荧光信号大大增强。目前,金属表面增强荧光效应已发展成为一门新兴的光谱技术,大大地提高了荧光检测的灵敏度。因此,系统地研究金属表面增强荧光效应将为进一步开拓SEF在生物检测、光电器件制造中的应用提供有效的理论指导与支撑。 研究表面增强荧光效应的主要方法有荧光分光光度法...Surface enhanced fluorescence (SEF) which originates from the interactions of the excited-state fluorophores with the plasmon resonance of a metal particle, is an effective technology used in fluorescence-based detection in biochemistry and biomedicine. The interactions result in an increased radiative decay rate, an increased quantum yield, a reduced lifetime and an enhanced fluorescence. However...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_分析化学学号:2052012115148

    Increase or decrease holding of insurance capital, analysts’ following and analysts’ forecast bias

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    在监管失位的大背景下,利益相关者如何诱导分析师做出不道德的行为成为了学者的关注点,与分析师紧密联系的保险资金正是其中之一。当前,保险资金频繁增减持股份对资本市场的稳定性产生了重大负面影响,招致监管层“野蛮人”、“害人精”的斥责;但险资频繁增减持对分析师独立性的影响还相对隐蔽,其作用机理有待进一步挖掘。 为此,本文从信息不对称理论、委托代理理论和行为金融学理论的角度出发,以2012-2016年每年的前三季度作为考察期,筛选A股上市公司作为研究样本,借鉴Lang和Landholm(1996)的方法构建回归模型和分析师预测偏差指标,在控制了公司财务风险、信息披露水平和盈余可预测性的基础上,探究险资...With the lack of supervision, how stakeholders induce the unethical behavior of security analysts has attracted the attention of scholars. At present, insurance capital‘s the frequent turnover has a significant negative impact to the stability of stock market, inducing the scold of "barbarians" and "vermin" by the regulators. But how frequently increase or decrease on share holding by insurance ca...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752014115115

    Analysis the repertoire and performance skills of erhu music within stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan

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    江南丝竹是环太湖流域的地方性乐种,在江南地区广为流传,备受大众青睐。江南丝竹前身自明朝嘉靖年间传入环太湖流域,经过明末和清初两个时间段的发展,逐渐普及流传起来,终在二十世纪20年代迎来了发展的黄金时期,到了二十世纪50年代被国家正式认证为江南丝竹乐。 江南丝竹风格的二胡曲是在借鉴江南丝竹风格的基础上产生的一种二胡乐派,它有其独特演奏技巧,演奏曲目,以及演奏风格特点。江南丝竹风格的演奏技巧一般分为左手演奏技巧和右手演奏技巧。左手演奏技巧具体有江南丝竹风格的揉弦、滑音以及各类装饰音;右手演奏技巧有浪弓、提弓、带弓等。演奏江南丝竹风格的二胡曲不光要学习其特有的演奏技巧,更要掌握江南当地的语言特征和...Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan as local music kind of the Taihu lake basin, widely circulated in the Jiangnan region, praised by the people. Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan predecessor since Jiajing of the Ming dynasty was introduced into the Taihu lake basin, through the development of the two period of late Ming and early Qing dynasty, gradually popularize circulate, eventually ...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_音乐与舞蹈学学号:1872013115361

    Testing for Multivariate White Noise under Unknown Dependence Based on Random Weighting Bootstrap Method

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    白噪声检验在统计学与计量经济学的诸多问题中都具有重要的应用,如金融市场的有效性检验和ARMA模型的拟合充分性检验;而从理论上来说,白噪声检验一直也是统计学理论研究中的一个经典问题。Box&Pierce(1970)提出的Portmanteau检验是目前最常用的一种白噪声检验方法;Francq&Raïssi(2007)指出,对于具有未知相依结构的多维白噪声序列,传统的Portmanteau检验统计量在原假设H_0下不再渐近服从于χ^2-分布,其真实的渐近分布取决于序列内部未知的相依结构,此时根据χ^2-分布确定检验临界值的传统方法不再渐近有效。 为了解决这一问题,本文在不改变传统Por...Testing for white noise has been widely applied to many problems in statistics and econometrics, such as effectiveness testing of financial market and adequacy checking for ARMA model. From the perspective of theoretical research, testing for white noise has been a classic topic in statistic theory. Proposed by Box and Pierce (1970), portmanteau test has become the most frequently used method to t...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542014115200

    Chinese Financing Structure,Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth----Based on CCE method

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    随着深化金融体制改革成为十三五时期的重要政策目标,而增加直接融资比例也已被政府列为深化金融体制改革的具体导向。至此,我们有必要追问增加直接融资比例、优化融资结构对中国经济增长究竟有多大作用,是否存在区域异质性,应该搭配怎样的财政政策?只有得到了这些答案,才能更好地指导中国深化金融体制改革具体政策实施细则的制定过程。因此,我们有必要对中国融资结构、财政政策与经济增长三者之间的关系进行计量分析。我们初步判断影响经济增长的不仅有经济基本面因素,还有各种外生共同冲击。然而,传统面板回归方法在处理存在共同冲击的模型时,没有考虑同期相关性,进而导致估计系数的不合理。所以,本文采用PesaranM.H.(2...During the 13rd five-year plan period, the government will deepen the reform of the financial sector and increase the proportion of direct financing. At this point, we need to answer how much the increase of the proportion of direct financing will affect economic growth in China? Whether there is regional heterogeneity in economic development of various provinces? What kind of fiscal policy should...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_财政学学号:1552014115185

    Investigation on Surface-Luminance Measurement of Light-Emitting Diodes and Development of Luminance Analysis System

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    发光二极管(LightEmittingDiode,LED)是一种微型的PN结发光器件。因其具有发光效率高,使用寿命长,占用体积小等诸多方面优点,在未来的通用照明及特殊照明领域必将大放异彩。但LED发光面独有的外形尺寸,导致其发光很难均匀化,从而使得LED芯片在亮度一致性上存在着或大或小的差异。传统的亮度测试方法只关注芯片的整体发光亮度,并没有具体聚焦到LED芯片表面的发光细节。所以,如何更高效更便捷地实现LED芯片表面亮度分布检测成为一个重要的研究课题。在此背景下,本文开展了两个方面的研究: 1、提出了一种关于LED芯片表面亮度的测试方法。第一,基于色度学原理和数码相机成像原理,提出了亮度与...Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is a miniature light emitting device of p-n junction. Because of its high luminous efficiency, long life, small size and many other advantages, LED is destined to play an important role in general lighting field and special lighting filed in the future. However, LED cannot produce uniform lights. Due to the unique dimensions of its luminous surface, leading to some consi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3332014115283

    Research on the market mechanism in urban village renovation exampled by village named F in Xiamen

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    城中村问题一直是研究者十分关注的问题。F村改造是厦门市2007年启动的城中村改造项目。F项目过程历经曲折、多次反复,从停滞边缘被拉回正轨,获得较好成效,具有一定现实意义。本文中,笔者意图通过解答“F村改造为什么能‘起死回生’?F村改造机制是什么?其成因又是什么?”等一系列问题,研究城中村改造的市场化机制问题。 本研究以F城中村改造项目为案例,通过回顾F项目实施过程,重点分析了F项目改造机制的市场化特点,并给出了它的经济学解释,揭示该机制的作用、效果和局限,得出城中村改造机制将会向市场化方向发展的结论,并给出完善该机制的政策建议。 本文认为,我国现行土地管理制度对集体土地流转的限制,导致了外...Urban village is a problem which many researchers interested in. Xiamen local government has started the F urban village renovation project in 2007.The fact that the project overcame many difficulties to got its target is meaningful for social reality. In this paper, we try to answer the question for example “Why the project obtain success at last? What is the mechanism of the project? What is the...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392013115043

    Design and implementation of Construction Site Management and Monitoring System for Haikou City

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    在建筑工程施工现场,人员、材料、机械等要素共同存在。对于一些施工技术复杂,材料堆放分散的施工场地,需要对现场环境数据和机械设备参数进行定时采集。从而能够较精准的了解作业现场的实时动态,保证工程施工进度正常,工艺流程安全可靠。在以往的技术经验中,传统的监控系统不能实现多点联动监控,在数据传送方面也不够及时,可靠度亟待加强。而本文所研究的基于3G的建筑工程远程监控系统可以在上述问题的解决中,将系统与目前发展较为先进成熟的3G网络与监控技术结合起来,成功地把施工现场监控数据高效、可靠、实时地传送至监控中心,却不必考虑实际距离限制,从而实现了工程现场人材机的统一管理和作业现场环境的远程监控。 基于3...In the construction site, personnel, materials, machinery and other elements exist together. For the complex construction technology, materials stacked scattered construction site and need to collect on-site environmental data and mechanical parameters of the equipment in time. In the experience of previous techniques, the traditional monitoring system can not realize multipoint linkage monitoring...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323186