6 research outputs found

    Духовні та оздоровчі ефекти загартовування юних спортсменів силами природи за системою Порфирія Іванова (із 25-річного досвіду автора)

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    Purpose: to fill and to substantiate expediency of using health system of Porfiry Ivanov on the principles of theoretical and empirical materials to resolve the questions of valeological attitude of young athletes to their health. Material and Methods: this paper presents matter staffs of many years of researches, which have been provided young athletes around 13–16 years old of Brovary high college of physical training. Results: research suggests that, we denote positive characters in dynamics of changes in physical staffs and psycho-emotional being of organism of the figure athletes, who are doing system of Porfiry Ivanov, and there were also registered the facts, that there were not any case of catarrhal diseases. General grounds of health system of P. K. Ivanov has been analyzed as from the side of valeological knowledge. Conclusions: it was proved, that health improving system of P. K. Ivanov, could be one of alternative programs on forming of healthy lifestyle of scholar’s youthЦель: на основе теоретического и эмпирического материалов обосновать целесообразность использования оздоровительной системы Порфирия Иванова для решения вопроса валеологического отношения юных спортсменов к своему здоровью. Материал и методы: в статье рассмотрены материалы многолетнего исследования, проведенного среди юных спортсменов 13–16 лет Броварского высшего училища физической культуры. Результаты: исследования показали, что у спортсменов, занимающихся по системе Порфирия Иванова, отмечаются положительные сдвиги в динамике изменений показателей физического и психоэмоционального состояний организма, а также не было зарегистрировано ни одного случая простудного заболевания. Проанализированы основные положения системы П. К. Иванова с позиции валеологических знаний. Выводы: доказано, что оздоровительная система П. К. Иванова может быть одной из альтернативных программ формирования здорового образа жизни учащейся молодежиМета: на засадах теоретичного та емпіричного матеріалів обґрунтувати доцільність використання оздоровчої системи Порфирія Іванова для вирішення питання валеологічного ставлення юних спортсменів до свого здоров’я. Матеріал і методи: у статті розглянуто матеріали багаторічного дослідження, що проводилось серед юних спортсменів 13–16 років Броварського вищого училища фізичної культури. Результати: дослідження показали, що у тих спортсменів, які займаються за системою Порфирія Іванова, відмічаються позитивні зрушення в динаміці змін показників фізичного та психоемоційного станів організму, а також не було зареєстровано жодного випадку застудного захворювання. Проаналізовано основні положення системи П. К. Іванова з позиції валеологічних знань. Висновки: доведено, що оздоровча система П. К. Іванова може бути однією із альтернативних програм з формування здорового способу життя учнівської молод

    Health-improving action effects of the system of P. K. Ivanov and Breathing Technique on the method of K. P. Buteyko for people of different age (from the long-term experience of the author)

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    Purpose: estimate efficiency of using of the system of Porfiry Ivanov and Breathing Technique on the method of K. P. Buteyko in health promotion for people of different age and physical condition. Material & Methods: there were 160 adult persons (113 women and 47 men) on the age of 36–54 years with different physical condition under our supervision. All the researches were provided on the ground of Brovarskyi city club of natural health improvement of people using the system of P. K. Ivanov «Vodoliy» (Water Bearer) (Kyiv region). There were applicable theoretical methods (includes analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature), empirical method (includes functional and psychophysiological analyses) and statistics methods. Results: there were also indicated positive matters in the dynamics changes in indicators of the physical health. Conclusions: there were proved that, health-improving system of P. K. Ivanov and Breathing Technique on the method of K. P. Buteyko reasonable for practical use on filling of take on the purpose of health-improving action effects for people of different age

    Spiritual and salutary effects of tempering of young athletes by the nature on the system of Porfiry Ivanov (as from the twenty-five years of experience of the author)

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    Purpose: to fill and to substantiate expediency of using health system of Porfiry Ivanov on the principles of theoretical and empirical materials to resolve the questions of valeological attitude of young athletes to their health. Material and Methods: this paper presents matter staffs of many years of researches, which have been provided young athletes around 13–16 years old of Brovary high college of physical training. Results: research suggests that, we denote positive characters in dynamics of changes in physical staffs and psycho-emotional being of organism of the figure athletes, who are doing system of Porfiry Ivanov, and there were also registered the facts, that there were not any case of catarrhal diseases. General grounds of health system of P. K. Ivanov has been analyzed as from the side of valeological knowledge. Conclusions: it was proved, that health improving system of P. K. Ivanov, could be one of alternative programs on forming of healthy lifestyle of scholar’s yout

    About Effectiveness of the Introduction of the Subject Competence Formation Model on the Foundations of the Health Theory Among the Students of Higher Schools of Physical Training

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    У статті розглянуто проблему формування предметної компетентності з навчальної дисципліни «Основи теорії здоров’я» у студентів вищих училищ фізичної культури. Дієвість моделі оцінювалася за показниками інтегрального (фізичного, психічного, духовного) здоров’я (авторська розробка) та анкетного опитування. Використання зазначеної моделі сприяло підвищенню рівня сформованості предметної компетентності у студентів за рахунок отримання знань, умінь та практичних навичок у проведенні здоров’язбережувальних процедур з метою використання їх у майбутній професійній діяльності.The problem of forming of the subject competence on the scientific discipline “Foundations of the health theory” among the students of higher schools of physical training has been considered in the article. There were substantiated the methodological approaches to the development and implementation into educational process of student-athletes of the author’s model. Objective matter of work is to verify the effectiveness of the developed model in the educational process of students of higher schools of physical training. The study involved 56 persons (37 boys and 19 girls) among second-year students of Republican Higher School of Physical Education (experimental group) and 48 persons (26 boys and 22 girls) of Brovary Higher School of Physical Culture (control group). The effectiveness of the model was evaluated on indicators of integral (physical, mental, spiritual) health (author’s development) and a questionnaire survey, which included three structural components of competence: motivational, cognitive, active. There were shown integral dynamics of changes of parameters of health of the experimental and control groups. Also there were picked levels of development of the object competence of future specialists in physical education and sport. Conclusion is made that the use of this model contributed to increasing of the level of formation of the object competence in the experimental group of students at the expense of obtaining knowledge, order skills and practical skills in carrying out health keeping and improving procedures in order to use in their future career activity. The final result of formation of the object competence is the ascertaining aspect which is shown in changes in terms of the integral health of students. In subsequent studies it is planned to prove experimentally the feasibility of using the developed model in the educational process of students of institutions (faculties) of physical education of pedagogical universities in the process of study of other healthcare disciplines (for example, “Hygiene of physical exercises”, “Valeology”, etc.)

    Definition of PWC170 Among Athletes and People Who are not Involved in Sports, Using Specific Loads (Power-Ergometry Method)

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    У статті розглянуто методологію й методи визначення фізичної працездатності спортсменів різного віку в умовах спортивних тренувань та осіб, які не займаються спортом. за допомогою специфічних навантажень, що ґрунтуються на використанні запатентованого нами методу power-ергометрії (субмаксимального power-ергометричного тесту PWC170). Показано можливість використання цього методу у практиці спортивної медицини, фізичного виховання, атакож у навчальному процесі студентів факультетів фізичного виховання і спорту педагогічних університетів.The article discusses the methodology and methods for determining the physical performance of athletes of all ages in terms of sports training and persons who are not involved in sports, with the help of specific loads based on the use of our patented power- ergometry method (submaximal power-ergometric test PWC170). The aim of the work is to analyze and generalize the data of many years of research of the author of the article concerning the provision of the method of power-ergometry in determining the physical capacity (PWC170) among athletes of all ages and those who are not involved in sports. The differential characteristic of ergometers which are used for determining the physical capacity in sports practice and sports medicine is presented. There are two methods (viscous and anthropometric) of nonparametric conduction of power-ergometric research in determining of the physical capacity of the examined persons. The research was carried out on the basis of Brovary higher education college of physical culture (Kyiv region), and general education institutions of Brovary and Brovary district, the University "Ukraine" (Kyiv) and the National Pedagogical M. P. Dragomanov University. Under the long-term observations were adults and young athletes of adolescence, and their peers - pupils who are not involved in sports. Over 3000 human case studies have been conducted. Significant differences were found between the indicators of anaerobic and aerobic workability of the weightlifting character among adolescents engaged in various sports. Withal, at the representatives of power-speed sports there was observed statistically significant increase in the relative values compared to athletes in endurance sports and students who are not involved in sports. The author of the article developed a formalized evaluation table of the physical capacity under the power-ergometric test PWC170 for sportsmen of all ages and persons who are not involved in sports. It is shown the possibility of using this method in practice of sports medicine, physical education, as well as in the educational process of students of faculties of physical education and sports of the pedagogical universities. The method has no analogues in foreign countries

    The Influence of Various Single Combat Sporting Activities on Developing the Young Sportsmen’s Aggression

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    У статті аналізується вплив занять різними видами єдиноборств (східне і «західне») а формування агресивності юних спортсменів. Показано, що східні єдиноборства не несуть агресії і можуть бути засобами морально-етичного виховання підростаючого покоління.The authors of the article consider and analyses the impact of going in for various single combat sporting activities („Eastern» and „Western») on developing young sportsmen’s aggression. It’s noted that Eastern single combat sporting activities have nothing to do with the aggression and can be considered as a means of moral and ethic upbringing of the growing generation