47 research outputs found


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    In difficult conditions of fi nancial crisis and economic sanctions, the problem offinding ways to optimize transaction costsof investment projects of public-privatepartnership has recently acquired evengreater. The result of this research is to clarify the methodology for the assessment of transactional and transformational component in the activities of companiesimplementing public investment project,ensuring complete and accurate information.В сложных условиях финансового кризиса и экономических санкций проблема поиска путей оптимизации трансакционныхиздержекврамкахинвестиционных проектов государственно-частного партнерства приобрела еще большую актуальность. Результатом исследования является уточнение методики оценки трансакционной и трансформационной составляющей в деятельности компаний, реализующих государственныйинвестиционныйпроект, обеспечениеполнойидостоверной информации

    Evaluation of clinical efficacy and safety of the Ilizarov apparatus for external fixation (literature review)

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    Purpose A retrospective analysis of clinical efficacy and safety of using the external fixation apparatus of G.A. Ilizarov's design. Materials and methods Analysis and evaluation of clinical data was performed using 107 literary sources. 4.200 clinical cases were studied to evaluate effectiveness, and 6.274 cases to assess safety. Results The analysis revealed a high clinical efficacy of using the Ilizarov apparatus for external fixation (various assemblies) in solving a wide range of practical problems in the field of traumatology and orthopedics. According to the results of the study, its high clinical treatment effectiveness was confirmed both on the use of the method in general (about 95 % of positive outcomes), and in specific nosological groups of patients (not lower than 90 % of positive outcomes). After having assessed the available data on the safety in the application of the Ilizarov apparatus for external fixation (various assemblies), we can conclude that the rates of adverse events, recorded in the literature analyzed, can be considered acceptable. Among all those events, the events classified as adverse effects of the product amounted to 17.03 % (5 ÷ 95 % CI: 16.11 ÷ 17.97 %). © Soldatov Yu.P., Stogov M.V., Ovchinnikov E.N., Gubin A.V., Gorodnova N.V., 2019. © 2019 Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics

    Psychological features of personal development of younger adolescents in the process of leisure activities

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    The article presents the results of analysis of younger adolescents’ psychological characteristics and provides a description of a comprehensive program created in order to ensure effective personal development of children in this age group in the process of carrying out leisure activities. To test the program, a sample was formed consisting of 60 adolescents studying at Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution “School No. 134” in Nizhny Novgorod. The results of the study indicate significant changes among all criteria analyzed for the experimental and the control groups. The scientific significance of the data obtained lies in the expansion of the idea of younger adolescents’ personal qualities’ multidimensionality and the opportunity provided to study the phenomenon in more detail. Indicators obtained during the course of the study can be used to organise extracurricular activities for adolescents, hold seminars and personal development trainings as well as develop methodological manuals on personality psychology


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    Due to the economic instability the problem of development of mechanisms of integration of state and private business became even more important. The paper presents the evaluation of the effectiveness of public-private partnerships (PPPs). It is concluded that adoption of the new Federal law on PPP will increase the efciency of interaction between participants in PPP projectsВ связи с экономической нестабильностью проблема разработки реальных механизмов интеграции государства и частного бизнеса приобрела еще большую актуальность. В работе предложена оценка эффективности государственно-частных партнерств (ГЧП). Сделан вывод о том, что принятие нового фе-дерального закона о ГЧП позволит повысить эффективность взаимодействия участников при реализации проектов ГЧ

    La institucionalización de los principios de creación de leyes como una forma de transformar las categorías científicas en las soluciones de creación de leyes

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    La institucionalización de los principios de creación de la ley es la tarea más importante del estado que se otorga a la formación orientada hacia la creación de la ley, para hacer cumplir el propósito social y las formas de desarrollo del estado legalment

    Profile of antiphospholipid antibodies and complement system in COVID-19 patients of different severity

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    COVID-19, a severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by SARS-CoV-2, may predispose to thrombotic events, especially when combined with antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). However, there are limited data on prevalence and antigenic specificity of aPL in COVID-19. Complement activation is assumed to play an important role in pathogenesis of COVID-19-associated coagulopathy. During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, it is necessary to identify important biomarkers for predicting severe course of COVID-19 and risk of thrombotic complications. Our objective was to evaluate the aPL profile, quantitative content and activity of complement and its components in COVID-19 patients graded by severity in the course of time. IgM and IgG antibodies to cardiolipin (CL), phosphatidylserine (PS), β2-glycoprotein-I (β2-GP-I), prothrombin (PT), annexin V (An V), as well as C1q complement component, content of its C3 and C4 components and total complement activity were determined in blood serum using ELISA approach. 141 patients with COVID-19 were included in the study. Group 1 consisted of 39 patients with mild form, group 2 (65 patients) presented with moderate form, and group 3 included 37 patients with severe form of COVID-19. Blood samples were obtained on day 3-7 of the disease (1st point) and after 14-28 days (2nd point). The results were as follows: aPL were detected in 29.1% of the total COVID-19 cohort, frequency of aPL detection by the severity grade did not differ (33.3%, 24.6% and 32.4%). In 8.5% of the patients, aPL were detected only at the 1st time point; in 14.2%, only at the 2nd point; and in 6.4% of the cases, at the both time points. Antibodies to PT (16.3%) and An V (11.3%) were revealed more frequently. The detection frequency of antibodies to PT was significantly higher than antibodies to CL and PS (7.1%), β2-GP-I (7.8%). The prevalence of aPL in groups 1 and 3 did not differ. At the 1st point in group 3, increased levels of C4 (89.2%) and C3 (24.3%) in blood, and a decrease in complement activity (35.1%) were more often observed than in group 1. At the 2nd time point in group 3, a decrease in complement activity was often detected (59.5%). The C3 levels exceeding 720 μg/ml were found to predict a 2.6-fold increased risk of severe COVID-19, and this risk became 3.3 times higher at C4 levels of > 740 μg/ml. The antibodies to PT and An V are often detected in COVID-19 patients, along with low prevalence of antibodies to CL and β2-GP-I. These antibodies can be involved in pathogenesis of COVID-19-associated coagulopathy, being detectable at the late stage of the disease, and they may trigger APS in predisposed patients and reconvalescents. Although presence of aPL antibodies is not associated with COVID-19 severity, their persistence over the period of convalescence may be an additional risk factor for thromboembolic complications. The COVID-19 patients are characterized by activation of the complement system, which increases in severe cases, and manifests with increased or decreased levels of C3 complement component, increased levels of C4 component in blood, and a decreased total complement activity. Quantitative determination of C3 and C4 complement components over the period of COVID-19 progression is of prognostic value, with respect to severity of the disease

    Способ обогащения минерального сырья по плотности полезного компонента и устройство для его осуществления

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    Заявляемая группа изобретений относится к области обогащения полезных ископаемых из рудных пульп и может быть использована при переработке минерального сырья, содержащего цветные, черные, редкие, благородные металлы, неметаллические полезные ископаемые, а также при очистке сточных вод от твердых частиц и нефтепродуктов. Способ обогащения минерального сырья по плотности полезного компонента включает прохождение гидросмеси через соединенную с напорным гидротранспортом гидравлическую трубу со скоростью, обеспечивающей режим устойчивого гидротранспортирования частиц твердой фазы, причем гидросмесь пропускают, по меньшей мере, по одному выполненному в трубе криволинейному участку с целью формирования устойчивого вторичного поперечного течения, образующего парный вихрь, который, накладываясь на поступательное течение гидросмеси, приводит к появлению двух винтовых потоков, изменяющих траекторию движения частиц твердой фазы в зависимости от их плотности. Радиус кривизны трубы и среднюю скорость прохождения гидросмеси задают в зависимости от плотности извлекаемого полезного компонента. Устройство для обогащения минерального сырья по плотности полезного компонента для осуществления способа включает соединенную с напорным гидротранспортом гидродинамическую трубу для прохождения гидросмеси, сообщенную с приемником для отделенных частиц полезного компонента через щелевидное отверстие в ее стенке. Гидродинамическая труба выполнена, по меньшей мере, с одним криволинейным участком, радиус кривизны и скорость прохождения гидросмеси по которому заданы путем подбора в зависимости от плотности извлекаемого полезного компонента. Щелевидное отверстие выполнено на криволинейном участке. Приемник для отделенных частиц полезного компонента разделен на сообщающиеся между собой секции, каждая из которых снабжена запорными устройствами, а к одной из них подведены трубопроводы для подвода воды и отвода газа. Технический результат - повышение эффективности отделения частиц твердой фазы разных фракций от жидкости при непрерывной работе установки. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил


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    The purpose of this study is to study the evolution of social consciousness in the Russian Federation, determining the relationship of the change of paradigm of economic development and the evolution of society, with the development of the Institute for public-private partnership (PPP). The result of this research is to identify the prospects of building in Russia a socially oriented economy, the definition of performance indicators of state economic policy, which promotes the use of PPPsЦелью настоящего исследования является изучение эво-люции общественного сознания в Российской Федерации, выявление взаимосвязи смены парадигмы экономического развития и эволюции общества с развитием института государственно-частного партнерства (ГЧП). Результатом исследования является выявление перспектив построения в России социально-ориентированной экономии определение индикаторов эффективности государственной экономической политики, достижению которых способствует применение механизма ГЧП