33 research outputs found

    Матеріали української діаспори у фондах відділу рукописів Інституту літератури (Materials of the Ukrainian Diaspora in the Funds of the Repository of Manuscripts of Shevchenko Institute of Literature)

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    З початку 1990-х років до архіву рукописних фондів Інституту літератури надійшло більше двадцяти персональних фондів письменників і літературознавців з-за кордону, які писали українською мовою, чия творчість становить невід’ємну частину нашої культури. Охарактеризовано склад та історії надходження кілька таких добірок. Архіви О. Олеся, У. Самчука, Л. Полтави мають багато творчих матеріалів, у тому числі ще не публікованих. Особливість колекції З. Ґеник-Березовської у тому, що крім матеріалів фондоутворювача, вона має кілька добірок документів інших діячів культури. У архіві В. Винниченка зберігається близько сотні оригінальних картин цього митця. Фонди Г. Костюка і О. Дуна характеризують цих діячів як активних дослідників-літературознавців. Окрім того, збережено й унікальну бібліотеку Г. Костюка. Велика частина майже кожного персонального архіву – це листування. Усі ці матеріали становлять джерельну базу для характеристики окремих постатей і епохи в цілому (From the beginning of 1990s more than twenty personal funds of writers and literary critics from abroad, who were writing in Ukrainian and whose works are constitutive parts of our culture, were included to the Repository of Manuscripts of Shevchenko Institute of Literature. The article highlights the arrangement of materials and the history of incomings. In particular, the authors point out that archives of Oleksandr Oles’, Ulas Samchuk and Leonid Poltava contain a lot of creative materials, some of which have not been even published yet. Furthermore, Zina GenykBerezovska’s collection includes not only the founder’s materials but several sets of documents of other artists as well. Vynnychenko’s Archives hold hundreds of his original paintings. Moreover, the authors suggest that the materials from the funds of Hryhoriy Kostiuk and Oleksandr Dun characterize these figures as active literature researchers. In addition, in the article they underline the importance of preservation of the unique library of Hryhoriy Kostiuk. Finally, it is underlined that in every case personal correspondence constitutes the bulk of each archive. Therefore, these materials are considered to be the source base to characterise the personality in particular and the era in general


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    The paper considers the problems of insufficient methodical support of forensic examination within the limits of a speciality 10.20 «Researches of land planning issues» concerning conformity of the technical documentation on the determination (renewal) of land plots boundaries of homestead buildings in the cities. The thought of authors concerning expediency of working out techniques and methodical recommendations taking into account legislative and normative acts being in force in Ukraine for that time, is substantiated, and organizational features of legal regulation of lands under homestead buildings of cities in view of basic functions of such territories for their constant development and creation of appropriate conditions for residing of inhabitants are marked. The attention that the legal regime of using such lands needs complements concerning necessity of their operation according to the rules of territory beautification of a populated locality and other documentation concerning beautification issues, is paid. The idea on expediency of the Land Code of Ukraine amendments, in particular in its provisions concerning the use of inhabited and public land buildings in the limits ofpopulated localities taking into account the rules of territory beautification, is spoken out. The authors focus attention on the requirements to regulate the use of inhabited and public land buildings not only in the land legislation but also in the legislative acts which regulate a question of inhabited and public buildings territory beautification. Thus, for appropriate carrying out forensic examination on speciality 10.20 it’s necessary to develop methodical support both by adopting corresponding acts of land and city building legislation, standards, norms and rules of drawing up a technical documentation on the determination (renewal) of land plots boundaries in nature (on terrain) and by creation of the scientifically grounded techniques and methodical recommendations on the designated subjects.Розглянуто проблеми методичного забезпечення експертного дослідження в межах спеціальності 10.20 «Дослідження з питань землеустрою» щодо відповідності технічної документації зі встановлення (відновлення) меж земельних ділянок садибної забудови в містах. Визначено організаційні особливості правового регулювання земель під садибною забудовою міст, зважаючи на основні функції таких територій для сталого їх розвитку та створення належних умов для проживання мешканців

    Temperature dependence of the absorption edge of synthetic diamond

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    Using optical spectroscopy in the spectral range from 200 to 300 nm, the absorption edge and transmission spectra of 7 samples of synthetic diamond of IIa type in the temperature range from 12 K to 470 K was studied. Using numerical methods, the temperature dependences of optical absorption into the free exciton state were obtained for negative and positive phonon branches

    Photoluminescence and optical absorption of diamond samples containing NV centers

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    NV center is an impurity defective complex in diamond, obtained by irradiating with highenergy electrons samples containing nitrogen in a substituting position and post radiating annealing. NV centers are observed in several charge states negative (zero phonon line at 638 nm), neutral (ZPL at 575 nm), and, possibly, positive (ZPL at 533 nm). NV centers in diamond are candidates for qubits for quantum computing, the basis of high speed magnetometric sensors, sources of single photons, and also emitting centers of optically active laser media

    Cleaning of niobium surface by plasma of diffuse discharge at atmospheric pressure

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    Elements composition of niobium surface before and after plasma treatment by runaway electron preionized diffuse discharge was investigated in atmospheric pressure nitrogen flow by means of an Auger electron spectroscopy. Surface characterizations obtained from Auger spectra show that plasma treatment by diffuse discharge after exposure of 120000 pulses provides ultrafine surface cleaning from carbon contamination. Moreover, the surface free energy of the treated specimens increased up to 3 times, that improve its adhesion property

    Solar wind detector based on Cherenkov radiation in diamond

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    To date a relevant task is the development of miniature Cherenkov detectors that could be placed on microsatellites for studying near Earth space, in particular, for observing the charged particles flows (solar wind) captured by the Earth's magnetic field. Solar activity can negatively affect the exploration of outer space, in particular, lead to the failure of the electronic equipment of spacecraft, which leads to significant financial losses. Therefore, the problem of monitoring and space weather forecasting is a very important task

    Prototype of a diamond based UV source as an emitter

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    The report deals with the results of a study of the exciton cathodoluminescence of diamond, as well as the creation of a prototype of a cathodoluminescent ultraviolet source based on it

    Carbon electronics and photonics

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    Diamond surpasses all known semiconductors in basic parameters, second only to gallium arsenide and graphene (a quasimetallic form of carbon) in electron mobility. For a long time, the widespread use of diamond in electronics was limited by the high cost and poor quality of both natural and synthetic raw materials. Currently, the technology of synthesis and doping of diamond has reached the necessary level for the breakthrough of diamond into electronics and photonics [1, 2]. In the first place, diamond based electronic devices will ensure long term and efficient operation in high temperature conditions and high levels of ionizing radiation, in the subterahertz frequency rang

    Detection of high energy electrons by Cherenkov radiation in diamond

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    Cherenkov detectors for detection of high energy particles are widely used. To obtain the necessary information about the characteristics of the particles (energy, type, etc.) can by analyze of the Cherenkov radiation (CR). Cherenkov detectors in various fields of science and technology are used. However, there are Cherenkov detectors applications, for example, in thermonuclear reactors and spacecraft, where special requirements are imposed on the radiator material. One of the promising radiator materials with high temperature and radiation resistance is diamond. In addition, the diamond has a low energy threshold for CR due to its high refractive inde

    Changes in the exciton cathodoluminescence spectra of diamond at elevated temperatures

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    The study of exciton cathodoluminescence in diamond is not only scientific but also practical importance. Ultraviolet radiation at a wavelength of 235 nm can be used for disinfection, activation of surface reactions, photochemistry, and more. Thus, diamond is a promising material for creating a cathodoluminescent source of ultraviolet radiation