89 research outputs found

    Development of a low background pulsed generator of intermediate energy range neutrons for remote detection of fissile materials

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    A structure of radiation shielding for a low background pulsed generator of intermediate energy range neutrons was developed on the basis of calculations and the data obtained in the model experiments, and limit parameters for remote detection of fissile materials using this generator were determined and are presented in this paper. The magnetically insulated diode structure and the radiation shielding geometry were optimized in accordance with the performed calculations.У даній роботі представлено конструкцію радіаційного захисту для низькофонового імпульсного генератора проміжних енергій, розробленого на основі комп'ютерних розрахунків і даних модельних експериментів, а також приведені граничні параметри дистанційного виявлення подільчих матеріалів за допомогою цього генератора. Конструкція магнітно-ізольованого діода і геометрія радіаційного захисту були оптимізовані відповідно до проведених обчислень.В данной статье представлено описание конструкции радиационной защиты для низкофонового импульсного генератора промежуточных энергий, разработанного на основе компьютерных вычислений и данных модельных экспериментов, а также приведены предельные параметры дистанционного обнаружения делящихся материалов с использованием этого генератора. Конструкция магнитно-изолированного диода и геометрия радиационной защиты были оптимизированы в соответствии с проведенными вычислениями

    The Role of Scrum Master in the Development of Leader Competencies of the Staff of IT-Enterprises

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    The article considers the Scrum methodology in terms of project management, together with the methodologies involved in the implementation of teamwork models, issues of group dynamics and leadership, including the leadership-service. The scope of applying the Scrum methodology can be expanded, and efficiency can be raised through the synthesis of the ideas that are presented in the studies addressing the issue of teamwork and team development, leadership and leadership-service. The Scrum methodology is a methodology of teamwork for the teams with a high level of leadership development, in which one of the members (Scrum master) acts according to the principles of leader-servant. The results can be applied to the development of the classical Scrum methodology, allowing to efficiently use the Scrum for the teams with a lower level of leadership compared with the classical form, as well as purposefully develop leader competences among the team members. The models developed in the publication provide to answer the question why an introduction of Scrum methodology is not always efficient, and, therefore, to consider and reduce the degree of influence of the factors that can hinder such an introduction. This publication for the first time carries out a synthesis of Scrum methodology and the related scientific theories and approaches

    High-current electron beam power multiplication by converging the beams

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    This paper is devoted to research and development of the techniques of multiterawatt electron beam generation in pulsed multimodular systems. Three methods of beam convergence/overlapping have been studied numerically and experimentally. Experiments showed efficiency of three beam energy addition equal to (93±3)%.Досліджено і розроблено методи генерації мультитераватних електронних пучків у багатомодульних імпульсних системах. Три методи зведення/складання пучків були досліджені чисельно та експериментально. Експерименти показали ефективність складання енергії трьох пучків рівною (93±3)%.Исследованы и разработаны методы генерации мультитераваттных электронных пучков в многомодульных импульсных системах. Три метода сведения/сложения пучков были исследованы численно и экспериментально. Эксперименты показали эффективность сложения энергии трех пучков равной (93±3)%

    Results of a clinical trial of humeral neck osteosynthesis with carbon – carbon composite material

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    The metals utilized in the production of various implants in traumatology possess all the required mechanical properties. However, these materials are susceptible to oxidation. Carbon-carbon composites, on the other hand, exhibit X-ray transparency and are easily machinable. Thanks to their intricate yet essential physical, mechanical, and chemical properties, they find effective application in osteosynthesis and endoprosthesis procedures for bone structures. The aim of this study is to comparative view of the treatment outcomes for patients with fractures of the proximal part of the humerus by carbon-carbon composite material plates and titanium plates. Materials and methods. In this study, a carbon-carbon composite material plate was conducted osteosynthesis of the proximal part of the shoulder. In the comparison group, a titanium plate was employed. The study group comprised 20 patients, while the comparison group included 15 patients. The analysis of the results was carried out utilizing the Constant–Murley scale and the Quick DASH questionnaire. Results. A comparative study of treatment outcomes between the main and comparison groups revealed a more significant positive treatment effect in the group that underwent osteosynthesis of the humeral neck by a carbon-carbon composite material plate. This effect was observed at the 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month evaluation points. It was characterized by reduced shoulder pain, alleviated dysfunction manifestations, enhanced daily activities, and improved overall quality of life among patients in this group. Conclusions. The analysis of long-term treatment outcomes for proximal humerus fractures, utilizing both carbon-carbon composite material plates and titanium plates, by the Constant–Murley scale and the Quick DASH questionnaire, demonstrated statistically confirmed improvements in shoulder joint function for both treatment methods