216 research outputs found


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    Some characteristics of the earthquake catalog and seismic process are considered. The catalog is obtained according to the KNET network (KN-code in FSDN, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks, that is operated by Research Station of RAS, RS RAS) and contains more than 10000 earthquake parameters from 1994 to 2020. The catalog and seismicity characteristics were determined the whole catalog as well as the catalog that is limited by the coordinates of the Bishkek geodynamic polygon (BGP). Statistical analysis of arrival times of direct P- and S-waves registered at KNET network stations was carried out. The maximum P- and S-waves were registered at AAK station, the minimum – at ULHL station. The territory of the BGP is covered by great P-traces density. We analyzed earthquake localization errors, i.e. the difference between the observed and calculated arrival times of P-and S-wave fronts (RMS), horizontal error (ERH, epicenter) and vertical error (ERZ, depth). Occurred on the BGP territory earthquakes have minimum values of the considered errors. The representative sample is defined: for the whole catalog it includes K≥7.2 earthquakes and for the limited by BGP coordinates catalog – K≥6.7. Statistical characteristics of the representative part of the catalog in terms of time and depth are determined. The temporal distribution of earthquakes by energy classes is constructed and the absence of positive or negative trends in the number of events is noted. Spatial distribution of earthquakes by depth – 0–5, 5–10, 10–15 and more than 15 km is constructed. The smallest errors of earthquake depth determination have the events that occurred on the BGP territory. During the study 46 moderate earthquakes with K≥12 occurred. The most part of these events happened in the North Tien Shan seismgenic zone. 22 events were determined with K≥10 followed by aftershock sequences and give some aftershock characteristics. The most events with aftershocks occurred in the eastern part of the Kyrgyz ridge. The distribution of earthquake numbers and STD intensity is constructed. Zones of seismic activity and maximum intense Earth’s crust deformation are identified. The Gutenberg – Richter law and provisions of nonextensive statistical physics were used to describe the energy distribution function of earthquakes

    Microevolutionary differentiation of cereal tetraploid species by formation of recombinant genomes

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    The process of microevolutionary differentiation of cereals by formation of recombinant genomes was studied in dynamics (F6–F17) with tetraploid wheat-rye amphidiploids as examples. Evidence that joint growing of tetra ploid amphidiploids having a common (pivotal) genome in their composition and differing in secondary (differential) genomes leads to their hybridization with high probability has been found. The forms developed are characterized by a very wide range of variability caused by different combinations of chromosomes and chromosome segments in dif­ferential genomes yet maintain the same structure of the pivotal genome. Intergenomic recombinations at the level of intact chromosomes were characteristic of homeologous groups with a high rate of stabili zation of the chromosomal composition, and recombinations at the level of chromosomal segments, of groups with a low stabilization rate, where heterologous chromosome pairs remained preserved for a long time. Dominance of regulatory genetic systems of the pivotal genome provides a high pairing level of homeologues from heterologous pairs in meiosis followed by intergenomic recombinations at the level of chromosome segments. Experimen tal data suggest that newly developed tetraploid forms interbreed easily forming a single hybrid zone, where permanent redistribution of genetic material of differential genomes and further range expansion of genotypic variability available to selection take place during alternation of generations whereby such a zone becomes a poten tial centre of speciation. Subsequent adaptive radiation of hybrid material in an ecologically separated environment occurs by selection of forms with different variants of the recombinant genome in various ecological niches

    Development of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian regions

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    This paper is devoted on the methodology for assessing the development of extra- and intra-integration structures. This methodology consists of three levels of economic assessment of the agro-industrial sector: the regional level, the economic sector level, and the enterprise level. The agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic has positive business dynamics due to the development of the livestock industry. Through assessing the business outlook for agro-industrial integration using the three levels, it has been determined that the livestock industry has the greatest potential for creating large integrated structures in the Altai Republic. The study justifies the need for creating an internal cluster (intra-cluster) in the maral deer breeding sphere of the Altai Republic, and an external cluster (extra-cluster) in the sphere of meat-and-dairy cattle breeding in the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. The authors propose a ‘business-as-usual’ and a target scenario for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic until 2025. The target scenario reflects the effectiveness of the proposed measures for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic. According to this scenario, the formation of intra-clusters and extra-clusters in 2025 will lead to an increase in total profits of the livestock industry enterprises under analysis by 451 million rubles and of budget allocations by 194.3 million rubles. The goal of this study is to develop theoretical and methodological guidelines for shaping and developing integrated structures in the agro-industrial complex.peer-reviewe

    On the distribution function of the geomagnetic field intensity according to the model of a giant Gaussian process and empirical data

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The quadrature formula is obtained for the distribution function (DF) of the intensity of the geomagnetic field B and the corresponding virtual axial dipole moment VADM in the model of the Giant Gaussian Process (GGP). The predictions of this model are compared, up to a high degree of detail, with the empirical data for the Brunhes Epoch, which are contained in the global databases (GDB) for paleointensity. With a fixed latitude φ, the DFs fB(B, φ) and fVADM(VADM, φ) are close to Gaussian within the first approximation. At the same time, the global DF fB(B) has a high coefficient of asymmetry a = 0.35 since the mean of this function is latitude-dependent. In contrast, the global DF fVADM(VADM) has far lower asymmetry a = 0.16, since its mean barely varies with latitude. The comparison between the distribution histograms of VADM according to the PINT GDB data for the Brunhes Epoch and the results calculated by the BGP model shows that the empirical data and the calculations by the GGP model noticeably differ in the interval of the small VADM. Specifically, the histogram based on PINT GDB data shows a significant predominance of these data compared to the model predictions. At the same time, the same data fairly well agree with the GGP model in directions. This contradiction is probably accounted for by the underestimation of the paleointensity values in the experiments by the Thellier method if the rock carries chemical magnetization instead of thermal remanent magnetization. An alternative explanation suggests a short drop in the geomagnetic dynamo power associated with a simultaneous decrease in both the mean value of the axial dipole and in the variances of all the other terms of the spherical expansion of the geomagnetic field (i.e., quadrupole, octupole, and other components)


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    Some characteristics of the earthquake catalog and seismic process are considered. The catalog is obtained according to the KNET network (KN-code in FSDN, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks, that is operated by Research Station of RAS, RS RAS) and contains more than 10000 earthquake parameters from 1994 to 2020. The catalog and seismicity characteristics were determined the whole catalog as well as the catalog that is limited by the coordinates of the Bishkek geodynamic polygon (BGP). Statistical analysis of arrival times of direct P- and S-waves registered at KNET network stations was carried out. The maximum P- and S-waves were registered at AAK station, the minimum – at ULHL station. The territory of the BGP is covered by great P-traces density. We analyzed earthquake localization errors, i.e. the difference between the observed and calculated arrival times of P-and S-wave fronts (RMS), horizontal error (ERH, epicenter) and vertical error (ERZ, depth). Occurred on the BGP territory earthquakes have minimum values of the considered errors. The representative sample is defined: for the whole catalog it includes K≥7.2 earthquakes and for the limited by BGP coordinates catalog – K≥6.7. Statistical characteristics of the representative part of the catalog in terms of time and depth are determined. The temporal distribution of earthquakes by energy classes is constructed and the absence of positive or negative trends in the number of events is noted. Spatial distribution of earthquakes by depth – 0–5, 5–10, 10–15 and more than 15 km is constructed. The smallest errors of earthquake depth determination have the events that occurred on the BGP territory. During the study 46 moderate earthquakes with K≥12 occurred. The most part of these events happened in the North Tien Shan seismgenic zone. 22 events were determined with K≥10 followed by aftershock sequences and give some aftershock characteristics. The most events with aftershocks occurred in the eastern part of the Kyrgyz ridge. The distribution of earthquake numbers and STD intensity is constructed. Zones of seismic activity and maximum intense Earth’s crust deformation are identified. The Gutenberg – Richter law and provisions of nonextensive statistical physics were used to describe the energy distribution function of earthquakes.Рассмотрены некоторые характеристики каталога землетрясений и сейсмического процесса. Каталог получен на основе данных сети KNET (Kyrgyz network, KN – код в FSDN, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks, эксплуатируется Научной станцией РАН, НС РАН) и содержит параметры более 10000 землетрясений, произошедших с 1994 по 2020 г. Характеристики каталога и сейсмичности определялись для всего каталога и для каталога, ограниченного координатами Бишкекского геодинамического полигона (БГП). Проведен статистический анализ времен прихода прямых P- и S-волн, зарегистрированных на станциях сети KNET. Максимум P- и S-волн зарегистрирован на станции AAK, минимум – на станции ULHL. Хорошей плотностью Р-трасс покрыта территория БГП. Выполнен анализ ошибок локализации землетрясений – невязка наблюденных и расчетных времен вступления фронтов P- и S-волн (RMS), ошибка по горизонтали (ERH, эпицентральное положение) и ошибка по вертикали (ERZ, по глубине). Минимальные значения рассмотренных ошибок имеют землетрясения, произошедшие на территории БГП. Определена представительная выборка: для каталога она включает землетрясения с K≥7.2, а для каталога, ограниченного координатами БГП, – события с K≥6.7. Определены статистические характеристики представительной части каталога по времени и по глубине. Построено временное распределение землетрясений по энергетическим классам, отмечено отсутствие положительного или отрицательного тренда изменения числа событий. Построено пространственное распределение землетрясений по глубинам – 0–5, 5–10, 10–15 и более 15 км. Наименьшие ошибки определения глубины землетрясения имеют события, произошедшие на территории БГП. За время исследования произошло 46 землетрясений умеренной силы с K≥12. Основная часть этих событий произошла в Северо-Тянь-Шаньской сейсмогенерирующей зоне. Выделено 22 события с K≥10, после которых произошли афтершоковые последовательности, и представлены некоторые характеристики афтершоков. Большая часть событий с афтершоками произошла в восточной части Киргизского хребта. Построено распределение количества землетрясений и интенсивности сейсмотектонической деформации (СТД). Выделены зоны сейсмической активности и максимальных интенсивных деформаций земной коры. Для описания функции распределения землетрясений по энергии использовался закон Гутенберга – Рихтера, а также положения неэкстенсивной статистической физики

    Labour relations in research of socio-economic systems

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    The article is concerned with the study of the theoretical and methodological patterns of the genesis of labour relations during evolution of socio-economic systems. The approach developed by the authors makes it possible to single out the basic blocks of the labour relations system, considering the actors and objects of the relations. Adopted as a basis, such an approach makes it possible to describe the labour relations of any economic system. The allocation of mandatory elements (objects) and subjects in the structure of labour relations makes it possible to disclose the content of the category “labour relations”. The relevance of theoretical studies of the characteristics of the economy at a substantial level, the increased interest in the methodology and theory of economic knowledge is due to the inconsistency and alternativeness of the current stage of development of the world economy and global society. For Russian society, such studies are determined by the exceptional complexity of transformation processes and the prospects for its evolution.peer-reviewe

    Spatial development of tourism based on the structure model of the territorial tourist complex

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    The article examines the problem of spatial tourism planning. The authors note that the possibility of tourist activities in different territorial zones requires functional zoning. The study justifies the use of a territorial tourist complex concept. The authors propose using the model of functional and planning complexes as a basis for understanding the structure of the territorial tourist complex, as well in the spatial development of tourism. Spatial planning of tourism implements various approaches. However, the main problem of the territorial tourist complexes’ development arises because tourist activity can be carried out in the territories of various purposes. Multi-functional zones are important for tourism as this determines their specialization and tourist flows. The study of territorial tourist complexes is related to the problem of using this concept in the practice of spatial development. Therefore, an urgent task is to develop a model that characterizes the structure of the tourist complex, which will enable moving on to an understanding of tourism development planning.peer-reviewe

    Formation of zonal agro-eco clusters as a mechanism for the development of rural areas

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    Today, the degree of agricultural development, and, in the future, the level of national food security, the public health and the quality of life, are largely ensured by innovative developments in the field of alternative agriculture, the preservation of natural resources and, above all, the main production facility – land. At the same time, the unfilled market capacity of organic products and the significant land potential for the development of organic farming create all the necessary prerequisites for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian rural producers. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship towards the greening of land use, organic production and development of the domestic market for organic (ecological) products in the format of zonal agro-eco clusters is one of the strategic directions for implementing reforms in the agricultural sector. The paper presents the directions of the formation and development of zonal agro-eco clusters for the production, processing and sale of organic products in the agricultural regions of Russia.peer-reviewe