61 research outputs found

    Why to relieve the experience of life? / Striking a balance

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    Estetika je glavni okvir teoretične raziskave te magistrske naloge, ki je sicer ozka presečnica treh širših množic: filozofije, alpinizma in umetnosti. Slednja je primarno izhodišče moje magistrske prakse. Za raziskavo in razumevanje le-te pa je potrebno opredeliti vsebino skupne presečne množice v odnosu do vsake primarne. Zato se v prvem delu magistrske naloge osredotočam na moderni estetski fenomen doživetja in podoživetja predvsem med Diltheyevem in tudi Simmlovem kontekstom ter doživetij in podoživetij s področja predvsem predstavnikov slovenskega alpinizma. Teoretična raziskava je pomembna baza nadaljnjega razvoja koncepta praktičnega magistrskega dela. V drugem, praktičnem delu naloge, se tekom koncepta naloga osredotoča na dinamične povezave med lastno umetniško (kiparsko) z alpinistično prakso ter med slednjo vezjo in estetsko stvarnostjo. Ob tem ne morem mimo nekaterih referenčnih umetniških praks ter opredelitve lastne. Praktični del je točka združevanja objektivnega zgodovinsko - estetskega stališča z lastnim subjektivnim metafizičnim svetom.Esthetics is the main theme that builds the frame of the theoretic research of this thesis, which consists of a narrow intersection of three wider themes: philosophy, mountain climbing and art. The last is the primary base for the practical part of the thesis. For the research to be explained and understood it is necessary to determine the content of the mutual intersection group in connection to each primary theme. The first part of this thesis has the focus on the modern esthetic phenomenon of experience and reliving, especially between Dilthey’s and Simmel’s contexts and the experience and reliving among representatives of Slovene mountain climbers. The theoretical research is an important base for the ongoing development of the practical concept of the thesis. The second and practical part of the thesis concentrates on the dynamic connection between the author’s personal practical (sculptural) mountaineering and the connection between the mentioned topic and ecstatic reality. During this research, some referential art-practices and the characterization of the author’s own art cannot be ignored. The practical part is the point of coalition between the objectively historical-esthetic standpoint with the author’s own subjective metaphysical world

    Residential house price analysis in the selected Slovenian and Italian local communities

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    The graduation thesis discusses the course of events in the real estate market in the Karst region, after Slovenia's accession to the European Union. We analyzed the advertised prices of residential houses in four Slovenian municipalities (municipality of Sežana, municipality of Divača, municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina, municipality of Komen) and six Italian municipalities (municipality of Trieste, municipality of Devin-Nabrežina, municipality of Repentabor, municipality of Milje, municipality of Zgonik) in the period from December 2012 to May 2013. The results of the analysis are based on the data on advertised houses from gathered ads and are accessible in reports and records. It was established that the average advertised price of residential houses per square meter for the whole Slovenian territory is about 1100 euros lower than the average advertised price of residential houses per square meter for the whole Italian territory. Therefore, residential buildings on the discussed Slovenian territory are an interesting purchase at least for a certain group of Italian citizens. We also have to take into account other factors such as natural resources, peace and unspoiled nature and historic connections of these two areas. The increasing interest for properties in the administrative unit of Sežana is also a result of a sales comparative analysis in the three neighbouring administrative units. We have established a greater increase in the average prices of residential houses and land in the administrative unit of Sežana as well as in the administrative unit of Nova Gorica and Ajdovščina

    Women in Armed Forces in Slovenian Territory during the Second World War

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    Magistrsko delo prek obravnave zgodovinskih primarnih in sekundarnih virov oziroma predvsem spominskih pripovedi nekdanjih udeleženk oboroženih sil, ki so bile aktivne med drugo svetovno vojno, poskuša orisati vlogo žensk v oboroženih silah na Slovenskem med letoma 1941 in 1945. Posveča se tistim ženskam, ki so bile med vojno vključene v razne podporne posredne ali/in bolj neposredne dejavnosti, organizirane s strani okupatorja ter dveh slovenskih političnih in ideoloških taborov. Prikazuje različne ideološke poglede na ženske, načine nagovora, obravnave, izkušnje in novačenja žensk za uresničevanje ciljev, ki so si jih večinoma zamislili moški. Podaja vpogled v vzgibe in pobude žensk za vključevanje v vojno dogajanje ter v medsebojne odnose v oboroženih enotah, dejavnosti in povezovanje žensk. Ne izpušča niti različnih posledic za ženske, vplivov na spolne vloge in spolni red.This master\u27s thesis studies primary and secondary historical sources, mostly accounts of former armed forces soldiers who were active during the Second World War, and tries to portray the role of women in armed forces in the Slovenian territory between the years 1941 and 1945. It focuses on the women who were involved in different indirect and/or direct support activities organised by the occupying forces and two Slovene political and ideological camps. The paper depicts different ideological views of women, ways of addressing and treating them, different experience, and women recruitment to fulfil goals normally set by men. It also offers insight into the motivation and motives of women to participate in the war, as well as interpersonal relationships in the armed forces, activities, and women cooperation. Last but not least, it addresses different consequences of war for women, influences on gender roles, and gender order


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    Radon je radioaktiven žlahten plin, ki nastaja v zemeljski skorji in materialih, ki vsebujejo radij. Najpomembnejši radonov izotop je 222Rn, ki razpada v radonove kratkožive razpadne produkte. Ti se pri dihanju odlagajo na stenah dihalnih poti ter z obsevanjem poškodujejo bližnje tkivo, kar lahko vodi do pojava raka na pljučih. V uvodu diplomskega dela so opisane fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti radona, njegov transport skozi zemljino in vstop v zgradbe ter njegov vpliv na zdravje ljudi. V nadaljevanju so podane raziskave in meritve, ki so bile izvedene v Sloveniji, podani so geološki podatki in prikazana področja, kjer lahko pričakujemo povišane koncentracije radona. Drugi del diplomskega dela opisuje meritve koncentracije radona v stanovanjskih stavbah in opremo, ki je zato potrebna. Meritve so potekale v zimskem času na štirih geološko raznolikih lokacijah, in sicer v Brežicah, Novem mestu, Ljubljani in Kranju. Meritve radona sem izvedel z aktivno metodo za merjenje trenutne koncentracije radona v zraku. Pri tem sem uporabil alfa scintilacijske celice, ki so jih izdelali na Institutu "Jožef Stefan". Koncentracije radona v vzorcih sem nato izmeril na prenosnem merilniku radona PRM 145. Pridobljene rezultate sem analiziral in jih primerjal z rezultati iz predhodne meritve. Nato sem na litološko karto Slovenije vrisal točke, kjer se nahajajo stavbe in tako določil tip podlage. Sočasno z odvzemom vzorcev sem opravil tudi ogled objekta in skušal najti vzroke za povišane koncentracije radona. Rezultati meritev so pokazali, da so maksimalne koncentracije radona v opazovanih objektih v območju od 400 do 1200 Bq m-3. V študiji izvedeni leta 2003 so bile koncentracije v teh objektih v območju od 900 do 4000 Bq m-3, kar pomeni da sem izmeril ~ 60 % nižje koncentracije.Radon is a radioactive noble gas which is emitted from earth’s crust and materials that contain radium. The most important radon isotope is 222Rn, which decays into radon’s short-lived decay products. These enter human body by breathing and are deposited on lung tissue causing harm to the surrounding cells by the irradiation, which may lead to lung cancer. In the introduction of the thesis physical and chemical properties of radon, its transportation through soil, entry to buildings and influence on human health are described. Furthermore, the results of measurements which were carried out throughout Slovenia in the past are given. Geological data and regions where higher concentrations of radon are expected are analysed. The second part of the thesis represents the measurements of radon concentration in dwelling-houses and the equipment used in the study. Measurements were carried out in winter on four geologically different locations, namely in Brežice, Novo mesto, Ljubljana and Kranj. Radon measurements were conducted by an active method for measuring the instantaneous concentrations of radon in the air. Alpha scintillation cells, manufactured by the "Jožef Stefan" Institute were used for sampling and the concentrations of radon were measured by the portable PRM 145 radon monitor. The results were analysed and compared with the results obtained in the study performed in 2003. Locations of buildings were marked on the geological map of Slovenia and the type of soil was determined. Buildings were also inspected in order to find causes for high radon concentrations. The results show that maximum concentrations in studied dwelling-houses are in the range of 400 to 1200 Bq m-3, which is ~ 60 % lower than concentrations measured in 2003. Namely, the latter study yielded results in the range of 900 do 4000 Bq m-3