36 research outputs found

    Potential of black locust (Robinia pseudoacaciaL. 1753) in phytoextraction of cadmium, nickel and lead

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    Испитиван је утицај повећаних концентрација тешких метала, кадмијума, никла и олова, на метаболизам и биопродукцију различитих генотипова (фамилија) багрема (Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1753) у циљу дефинисања њиховог физиолошког и биохемијског одговора на различити степен загађења. Биолошки ефекат тешких метала испитиван је на биљкама гајеним на воденим хранљивим растворима и у земљишним културама. Истраживања су обухватила одређивања степена биопродукције (свежа маса корена, изданака и листова; висина биљака; укупна лисна површина), интензитет размене гасова (фотосинтеза и транспирација), садржаја фотосинтетичких пигмената (каротеноиди, хлорофил а и б), садржаја макроелемената у биљном ткиву (N, P и К) и акумулираних тешких метала, биохемијске физиолошке параметре (активност ензима нитрат-редуктазе, каталазе, аскорбат-пероксидазе, гвајакол-пероксидазе, интензитет липидне пероксидације (садржај MDA), садржај пролина) у ткивима коренова, изданака и листова. Токсични ефекти примењених метала су зависили од испитиване фамилије багрема (генотипа) и врсте метала, а испољили су се у редукцији интензитета фотосинтезе и транспирације, као и у променама активности ензима укључених у антиоксидативне механизме заштите. Изразитити симптоми токсичности били су евидентни код биљака гајених методом водених култура, где је присуство метала у раствору довело до значајних поремећаја водног биланса у виду смањенетранспирације и проводљивости стома. Регистровано је такође  сигнификантно смањење интензитета фотосинтезе биљака гајених на третману никлом. Активност ензима укључених у антиоксидативне механизме заштите показала се као поуздан индикатор стреса изазваног тешким металима. Хидропоним тестовима утврђен потенцијал испитиваних фамилија багрема за фитоекстракцију метала класификује их у категорију хиперакумулатора. Поред тога, значајна акумулација тешких метала у корену биљака указује на велики потенцијал ових фамилија у процесу фитостабилизације полутаната у земљишту. Поред наведеног, третмани са EDTA су указали на велики значај овог синтетског хелатора приликом фитоекстракције никла и кадмијума у земљиштима слабо базне реакције и ниске биодоступности метала.Ispitivan je uticaj povećanih koncentracija teških metala, kadmijuma, nikla i olova, na metabolizam i bioprodukciju različitih genotipova (familija) bagrema (Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1753) u cilju definisanja njihovog fiziološkog i biohemijskog odgovora na različiti stepen zagađenja. Biološki efekat teških metala ispitivan je na biljkama gajenim na vodenim hranljivim rastvorima i u zemljišnim kulturama. Istraživanja su obuhvatila određivanja stepena bioprodukcije (sveža masa korena, izdanaka i listova; visina biljaka; ukupna lisna površina), intenzitet razmene gasova (fotosinteza i transpiracija), sadržaja fotosintetičkih pigmenata (karotenoidi, hlorofil a i b), sadržaja makroelemenata u biljnom tkivu (N, P i K) i akumuliranih teških metala, biohemijske fiziološke parametre (aktivnost enzima nitrat-reduktaze, katalaze, askorbat-peroksidaze, gvajakol-peroksidaze, intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije (sadržaj MDA), sadržaj prolina) u tkivima korenova, izdanaka i listova. Toksični efekti primenjenih metala su zavisili od ispitivane familije bagrema (genotipa) i vrste metala, a ispoljili su se u redukciji intenziteta fotosinteze i transpiracije, kao i u promenama aktivnosti enzima uključenih u antioksidativne mehanizme zaštite. Izrazititi simptomi toksičnosti bili su evidentni kod biljaka gajenih metodom vodenih kultura, gde je prisustvo metala u rastvoru dovelo do značajnih poremećaja vodnog bilansa u vidu smanjenetranspiracije i provodljivosti stoma. Registrovano je takođe  signifikantno smanjenje intenziteta fotosinteze biljaka gajenih na tretmanu niklom. Aktivnost enzima uključenih u antioksidativne mehanizme zaštite pokazala se kao pouzdan indikator stresa izazvanog teškim metalima. Hidroponim testovima utvrđen potencijal ispitivanih familija bagrema za fitoekstrakciju metala klasifikuje ih u kategoriju hiperakumulatora. Pored toga, značajna akumulacija teških metala u korenu biljaka ukazuje na veliki potencijal ovih familija u procesu fitostabilizacije polutanata u zemljištu. Pored navedenog, tretmani sa EDTA su ukazali na veliki značaj ovog sintetskog helatora prilikom fitoekstrakcije nikla i kadmijuma u zemljištima slabo bazne reakcije i niske biodostupnosti metala.The influence of increased concentrations of heavy metals, cadmium, nickel and lead on the metabolism and bioproduction of different genotypes (half-siblings) of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1753) was investigated in order to define their physiological and biochemical responses to different pollution levels. The biological effect of heavy metals was tested on plants grown in aquatic nutrient solutions and in soil cultures. Тhe investigations included determination of biological production degree (fresh weight of roots, stems and leaves, plant height, total leaf area), the rate of gas exchange (photosynthesis and transpiration), the photosynthetic pigments content (carotenoids, chlorophyll a and b), the contents of major macronutrients in plant tissue (N, P and K) and the accumulated heavy metals, physiological biochemical parameters (activity of the enzymes: nitrate reductase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, lipid peroxidation (MDA content), the content of proline) in tissues of roots, stems and leaves. Toxic effects of applied treatments differed between tested plant genotypes and applied metal, resulting with depletion of the photosynthetic and transpiration rate, and further altering the activity of antioxidative enzymes. Major influence of applied metals were observed on plants grown in nutrient solution where the presence of heavy metals had caused water status disbalance, resulting with decrease in transpiration rate and stomatal conduction. Results related to the activity of enzymes involved in antioxidative protection indicated significance and relevance of these metabolic parametars in research of heavy metals stress in plants. Besides aforementioned , the potential forphytoextraction purposes was confirmed through hydroponic trials. Obtained results for heavy metal accumulation in plant tisuess have determined these families as heavy metal hyperaccumulators. Likewise, significant accumulation of metals in root tissues might be very promising for phytostabilization purposes. In addition, supplementation of EDTA have shown a great potential for phytoextraction of nickel and cadmium in soils with high pH and lower bioavailability of metals

    Responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) plants to cadmium toxicity in relation to magnesium nutrition

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    The influence of cadmium (Cd) on physiological processes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) plants exposed to either optimal mineral nutrition or the absence of magnesium (Mg) as well as the accumulation of cadmium and magnesium in plant organs were studied using the method of water culture in a greenhouse. Cd treatment reduced shoot fresh mass more strongly in Mg-supplied than in Mg-deficient plants. Negative effect of Cd on photosynthetic activity was more pronounced in T. aestivum than in Z. mays plants. Cd treatment decreased leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid concentration in both Z. mays and T. aestivum, irrespective of the Mg supply. Cd was preferentially accumulated in the roots of both species. Catalase activity in T. aestivum leaves and roots was unaffected by Cd and Mg supply. Cd treatment did not affect Fe accumulation in the leaves of either species, while in the roots a considerable increase occurred, irrespective of the Mg nutrition. Higher tolerance of Z. mays and T. aestivum plants to Cd toxicity exposed to Mg deficiency could partly be ascribed to the preservation of Fe nutrition

    Response of Salix alba L. to heavy metals and diesel fuel contamination

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    Pot experiment was set in a greenhouse in order to determine the physiological response of Salix alba grown on soil co-contaminated with individual and combination of Cd, Ni, Pb-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diesel fuel treatments. EDTA enhanced the uptake of Cd and Ni, whereas the antagonism between Cd, Ni and Pb led to reduced accumulation of Pb. Presence of 5 g/kg of diesel fuel in soil significantly increased toxic influence of applied heavy metals by further reducing plant growth, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency. This concentration of diesel fuel also reduced the uptake and accumulation of Cd (soil concentration of Cd was 4.36 mg/kg), while Ni and Pb accumulation (soil concentrations of 118.7 and 186.7 mg/kg) remained at the same level, but with significant reduction of plant growth, thus reducing S. alba phytoextracion potential. At lower applied contaminant concentrations (3 g of diesel fuel/kg and Cd 2.15, Ni 70.8 and Pb 116.1 mg/kg), growth disturbances were low and diesel fuel presence reduced the uptake of Pb only in roots and old leaves, whereas accumulation capacity of Cd and Ni remained unaffected, indicating that S. alba plants have potential for remediation and re-development of co-contaminated sites with moderate levels of polluters.Key words: Cd, Ni, Pb, phytoremediation, phytoextraction, willow, Salix alba

    Odgovori klonova crne topole na oporavak posle vodnog deficita u kontekstu fotosinteze, transpiracije i efikasnosti korišćenja vode

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    Five black poplar (Populus nigra L.) genotypes were grown in a semi-controlled environment and were subjected to three different soil water regimes: control (90-70% of maximal field capacity-FC), drought followed by recovery of optimal soil water saturation (90-40% of FC) and permanent drought treatment (50-40% of FC). Variation in leaf gas exchange parameters such as photosynthetic (P) and transpiration intensity (T), as well as water use efficiency (WUE) were investigated among genotypes in their response to water deficit and recovery from drought. Recovery of soil water field capacity from 40% to 90% determined restored values of P, T and WUE. After 16 days of permanent drought (50-40% FC), strong decline of all parameters among examined genotypes was determined. Overall, significant differences among genotypes in leaf gas exchange parameters were found, which can give some indications of superiority of certain genotypes in relation to drought stress.Pet genotipova crne topole (Populus nigra L.) su u polu-kontrolisanim uslovima izloženi različitim vodnim režimima: optimalnoj zasićenosti vodom (kontrola), suši praćenoj oporavkom optimalnog vodnog kapaciteta i tretmanu konstantne suše. U odgovoru genotipova na vodni deficit i oporavak, ispitivane su promene parametara koji se odnose na razmenu CO2 i vodene pare u listu, kao što su intenzitet fotosinteze (P) i transpiracije (T) i efikasnost korišćenja vode (WUE). Ponovno podizanje vodnog kapaciteta zemljišta na 90%, nakon vodnog deficita pri kapacitetu od 40%, uslovilo je oporavak intenziteta fotosinteze, transpiracije i efikasnosti korišćenja vode na nivoe približne vrednostima kontrolnih biljaka. Nakon 16 dana konstantne suše (vodni kapacitet u opsegu 50-40%) utvrđeno je snažno opadanje analiziranih parametara u svim genotipovima. Značajne varijacije analiziranih parametara među genotipovima ukazuju na specifične adaptivne predispozicije određenih gentipova u odnosu na sušni stres

    The effect of heat stress on some main spike traits in 12 wheat cultivars at anthesis and mid-grain filling stage

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    High temperature decreases winter wheat grain yield by reducing the grain number and grain weight. The effect of heat stress on spike grain distribution and weight of individual grains within spike and spikelets was less studied. Our aim is to identify influence of high temperatures during different phenological stages on spike grain distribution and weight and to explore genotypic variation of the studied wheat cultivars. Within this study, controlled experiment was conducted with 12 different winter wheat cultivars under heat stress at anthesis and mid-grain filling stage. The results showed that spike grain weight, thousand-grain weight and grain number per spike decreased moderately in treatments with individual heat stress at anthesis and mid-grain filling period, respectively, which decreased severely in the multiple heat stressed plants at both stages compared with the control treatment. Heat stress decreased number of spikelets with grains. Grain weight at the G1, G2 and G3 positions had positive relationship with spike grain weight. Among the studied Serbian wheat cultivars Suboticanka and Renesansa were identified as the most heat tolerant and sensitive, respectively. Heat tolerance of the studied cultivars should be based on the cultivar capacity to retain higher grain weight, and to maintain production of distal spikelet grains

    Heat stress tolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at different developmental stages

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of heat stress on morphological and physiological traits of 12 wheat cultivars (10 cultivars from Serbia, cv. Gladius as a heat tolerant and cv. Paragon as aheat susceptible check) at flowering and grain filling stages. The experiment was conducted at the Aarhus University in Denmark using Dynapheno phenotyping facilities. Four sets of the cultivars with five replications were denoted as control treatment plants (T1), heatstressed plants at the flowering stage (T2), heat-stressed plants at the grain filling stage (T 3) and heat-stressed plants at the both stages (T4). The following measurements were performed on flag leaves one day before heat stress started and on the first, the third, the fifth and the seventh day of heat stress: chlorophyll content using SPAD chlorophyll meter, photosynthetic parameters using MiniPAM II photosynthesis yield analyzer and leaf temperature with infrared thermometer. Four cultivars were subjected to further CIRAS-2 measurements, as well as carbohydrate and chlorophyil analysis. All measured values significantly decreased after the third, fifth and seventh day after heat stress at flowering, heat stress at grain filling and especially after the double stress. The heat stress affected more severely the wheat cultivars during grain filling stage in comparison to the stress during flowing time, while the combined stress at both stages was the most detrimental. The results enabled identification of the genotypes with promising level of heat tolerance, which could be used in breeding process for further improvement of heat tolerance in wheat

    The effect of heat stress on chlorophyll fluorescence in Pannonian wheat varieties

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    Winter wheat is sensitive to heat stress, which highlights the need for adaptation to hightemperature events to ensure high and stable yields. This study aimed to investigate the chlorophyll fluorescence response of eight wheat varieties from southeastern Europe to heat stress. Heat stress was applied during anthesis and mid-grain filling at 35/25 °C and 38/28 °C day/night for seven days, respectively. The results showed no significant differences in Fv/Fm values between wheat plants grown under control and heat stress during anthesis on the first, second, fifth, and seventh stress days. This absence of high-temperature effect during anthesis indicates that temperatures of 35/25 °C for seven days are insufficient to differentiate wheat variety reactions based on Fv/Fm measurements. However, when temperatures were increased to 38/28 °C during mid-grain filling, a significant variation in Fv/Fm values among the studied wheat varieties was observed. NS 40S and NS Ilina showed a notably slower reduction in Fv/Fm over time under heat stress treatment at mid-grain filling, exhibiting the highest Fv/Fm values on the seventh day. These varieties can be valuable sources of heat stress tolerance and should be considered for further breeding activities under the conditions of southeastern Europe

    Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) response to different abiotic stresses using modern phenotyping platforms

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    In a context of climate change and soil and water resource degradation, it becomes increasingly important to reduce the need for high fertilisers, water, or pesticides inputs, leading to more sustainable agricultural practices. In this context, our aim is to select the best performing wheat varieties in various deleterious abiotic environments, having both a higher yield, better quality and higher resource use efficiency in such stress-prone conditions. During the last decade, we evaluated the effect of drought stress and its combinations with other abiotic stresses (salt and N nutrition) on wheat grow and development using high-throughput shoot and root phenotyping platforms. The study of combined effect of water- and N- availability indicated that a Serbian cultivar NS 40S had very good water use efficiency, while in cv. NS Avangarda water use efficiency and N-use efficiency were well combined. Also, we identified a Serbian cultivar Subotičanka that was able to continue root growth in soil with limited water supply. In the study of complex interaction of drought and salt stresses, we analysed 14 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, from Serbia (5), Austria (4) and Azerbaijan (5) under controlled laboratory conditions and in a greenhouse. The best performance in total grain yield under salt stress alone was observed in the NS-Avangarda, Gobustan and Tale-38 cultivars, while under water stress alone the Gallio, Balkan and Grymzyl gul-1 showed the highest grain yield

    Proizvodnja NS strnih žita u 2020/21. godini

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    Strna žita, pre svih pšenica i ječam, biljne su vrste koje se gaje na najvećim površinama u ozimoj setvi u našoj kao i drugim zemljama regiona. Tokom vegetacione sezone 2020/21. strna žita su zauzimala više od 750.000 hektara, što ukazuje na njihov značaj za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju Republike Srbije. Ovu godinu obeležili su povoljni vremenski uslovi tokom jesenjeg perioda, značajne temperaturne varijacije pred početak prolećnog dela vegetacije, velike količine padavina i optimalni temperaturni uslovi tokom faza intenzivnog porasta, cvetanja i nalivanja zrna. Ovakvi vremenski uslovi doprineli su ostvarivanju prinosa strnina koji su prvi put u Vojvodini bili iznad 6,4 t/ha dok su na nivou cele zemlje iznosili gotovo 6 t/ha. Takođe, i u ovoj proizvodnoj godini novosadske sorte strnih žita ponovo su se istakle na osnovu visokih prinosa kvalitetnog zrna, potvrđujući vodeću ulogu novosadskog Instituta u proizvodnji ovih useva

    Novosadske sorte strnih žita uspešne i u nepovoljnoj 2018/19. godini

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    Pšenica i ječam su najvažnijih ozimi usevi u Srbiji, kao i u drugim zemlјama našeg regiona. U protekloj sezoni pšenica je bila zasejana na oko 575.500 ha i ostvareni su prinosi od 4,39 t/ha koji su bili na nivou petogodišnjeg proseka (Saopštenje PO16, br. 260, od 25.09.2019). U poslednjih pet godina u Republici Srbiji imali smo širok raspon prosečnih prinosa pšenica od svega 3,9 t/ha (2014. godina) pa čak do 4,9 t/ha (2018. godina). Upravo ova varijabilnost pokazuje da se prinos strnih žita nalazi pod kontrolom velikog broja faktora, poput spolјašnje sredine, sorte, agrotehničkih mera, kao i njihove interakcije (Jaćimović i sar., 2016). Pojedini faktori spolјašnje sredine, kvalitet zemlјišta i tehnologija proizvodnje su predvidlјivi i ne razlikuju se mnogo između različitih sezona. Sa druge strane, temperatura i padavine variraju između sezona i značajno utiču na rast i razviće useva, a samim tim i na formiranje prinosa i kvaliteta strnih žita (Jocković i sar., 2010). Proizvodnja strnih žita u prethodnoj 2018/19. godini pamtiće se po nepovolјnoj jeseni, umerenoj zimi, toplom proleću i čestim padavinama tokom maja. Upravo u takvim ekstremnim sezonama, kao što je 2018/19. godina, do posebnog izražaja dolazi pravilna primena tehnologije gajenja poput redukovane obrade zemlјišta, setve deklarisanog semena adaptabilnih sorti, poštovanja optimalnih rokova setve i pravovremene primene sredstava zaštite. I ove godine kod najvećeg broja otkuplјivača izostao je otkup pšenice na osnovu kvaliteta, što je rezultovalo u nepovolјnoj setvenoj strukturi, odnosno „osnovne“ i sorte van klase nastavlјaju da se seju na više od polovine njiva u našoj zemlјi