16 research outputs found

    Savremena saznanja o molekulskim mehanizmima regulacije homeostaze gvožđa

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    Semiquantitative cytochemical method in the evaluation of smoking induced changes of alveolar macrophages glycogen and apoptotic properties

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    Having in mind hypothesis about discrete changes in alveolar macrophages (AMs') biological markers under the smoking exposure, the study was designed regarding cytological, cytochemical and apoptotic parameters in lung washings. Cell profile and apoptotic capacity (AC) of pulmonary tissue evaluated by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were evaluated by light microscopy in fifteen subjects: 9 non-smokers and 6 smokers. Apoptosis was detected by TUNEL in situ cytochemical method. Semiquantitative indexing and scorring methods were used for AC and evaluation of alveolar macrophages (AMs) glycogen by PAS reaction. Significant increase of macrophages, AC and decrease eosinophils (p<0.05) were revealed in smokers in comparison with nonsmokers. There is significant correlation of AMs' glycogen and smoking exposure (Spearman R= 0.98, p<0.001) as well as eosinophils and AMs' glycogen (Spearman R=0.81, p<0.05). In nonsmokers, percentage of free apoptotic bodies (FAB), correlates with amounts of glycogen in AMs (Spearman R=-0.79, p<0.05). The evidence of smoking induced changes of AMs' metabolic properties supports an idea of cell energy metabolism switching which might be important for programmed cell death regulation in order to avoid harmful influence of noxious agents, including tobacco smoke.Alveolarni makrofazi su uključeni u imuni odgovor u plućnom tkivu kroz niz složenih interreakcija sa drugim imunim ćelijama koje na zahtev migriraju iz krvnih sudova u tkivo. Pušenje utiče na karakteristike imunog odgovora u tkivu pluća i na proces remodeliranja tkiva. U grupama nepušača, (N 9) i pušača, (N 6) urađena je bronhoalveolarna lavaža. Citospin preparati bronhoalveolarnih lavata su bojeni May Grunwald Giemsa om za diferencijalno brojanje ćelija, pomoću svetlosnog mikroskopa. Od citohemijskih tehnika su korišćeni TUNEL, in situ metod za detekciju apoptoze i PAS reakcija za detekciju glikogena u alveolarnim makrofazima. Imajući u vidu fagocitne sposobnosti ovih ćelija, definisan je apoptotski kapacitet kao numerički ekvivalent sposobnosti tkiva da stvara slobodna apoptotska tela i da ih odstranjuje fagocitozom posredstvom neapoptotskih alveolarnih makrofaga. Rezultati ukazuju na povećanje prinosa makrofaga i smanjenje eozinofila u bronhoalveolarnim lavatima pušača u poređenju sa nepušačima (p<0.05). Iako nije nađena statistički značajna razlika sadržaja glikogena u alveolarnim makrofazima pušača u poređenju sa nepušačima, kod pušača skor za Perlsovu reakciju korelira sa ekspozicijom duvanskom dimu (Spearman R= 0.98, p<0.001) i sa prinosom eozinofila u bronhoalveolarnom lavatu (Spearman R=0.81 p<0.05). Kod nepušača, relativni procenat slobodnih apoptotskih tela korelira sa sadržajem glikogena u alveolarnim makrofazima (Spearman R=-0.79 p<0.05). Promené metaboličkih svojstava alveolarnih makrofaga, koje se reflektuju na sadržaju glikogena, mogu biti u osnovi promenjenih imunoloških i apoptotskih osobenosti tkiva pod uticajem pušenja.nul

    A survey of indoor radon concentrations in Gora district, Kosovo and Metohija

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    Godišnja merenja radona u zatvorenim prostorijama izvedena su u 20 uglavnom prizemnih kuća u regionu Gore, u južnom delu Kosova i Metohije. CR-39 Gammadata detektori su postavljani u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama. Godišnja koncentracija radona u dnevnim sobama kretala se u rasponu od 26 do 315 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću od 85,7 Bq m-3 , a u spavaćim sobama u rasponu od 28 do 448 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću 75,6 Bq m- 3. Distribucije izmerenih koncentracija radona u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama imaju očekivani lognormalni oblik; Mann-Whitney test je potvrdio da ne postoji značajna razlika između koncentracija radona u različitim sobama. Najveće izmerene vrednosti koncentracije radona u obe sobe su u kući izgrađenoj od kamena i betona.Annual indoor radon measurements were carried out in two rooms of 20 mostly ground floor dwellings in Gora District, Southwestern part of Kosovo and Metohija. The CR-39 Gammadata detectors were placed in the living rooms and bedrooms. Annual radon concentration in the living rooms range from 26 to 315 Bq m-3 with a mean value of 85.7 Bq m-3, while the same one in bedrooms range from 28 to 448 Bq m-3 with mean value of 75.6 Bq m-3. The distributions of radon concentration measured in living rooms and bedrooms follow the expected lognormal shape; Mann-Whitney test confirmed no significant systematic difference between radon concentrations in the two room types appears. The highest value of radon concentration in both rooms was in dwelling built from stone and concrete

    A survey of indoor radon concentrations in Gora district, Kosovo and Metohija

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    Godišnja merenja radona u zatvorenim prostorijama izvedena su u 20 uglavnom prizemnih kuća u regionu Gore, u južnom delu Kosova i Metohije. CR-39 Gammadata detektori su postavljani u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama. Godišnja koncentracija radona u dnevnim sobama kretala se u rasponu od 26 do 315 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću od 85,7 Bq m-3 , a u spavaćim sobama u rasponu od 28 do 448 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću 75,6 Bq m- 3. Distribucije izmerenih koncentracija radona u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama imaju očekivani lognormalni oblik; Mann-Whitney test je potvrdio da ne postoji značajna razlika između koncentracija radona u različitim sobama. Najveće izmerene vrednosti koncentracije radona u obe sobe su u kući izgrađenoj od kamena i betona.Annual indoor radon measurements were carried out in two rooms of 20 mostly ground floor dwellings in Gora District, Southwestern part of Kosovo and Metohija. The CR-39 Gammadata detectors were placed in the living rooms and bedrooms. Annual radon concentration in the living rooms range from 26 to 315 Bq m-3 with a mean value of 85.7 Bq m-3, while the same one in bedrooms range from 28 to 448 Bq m-3 with mean value of 75.6 Bq m-3. The distributions of radon concentration measured in living rooms and bedrooms follow the expected lognormal shape; Mann-Whitney test confirmed no significant systematic difference between radon concentrations in the two room types appears. The highest value of radon concentration in both rooms was in dwelling built from stone and concrete

    High annual radon concentration in dwellings and natural radioactivity content in nearby soil in some rural areas of Kosovo and Metohija

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    Some previous studies on radon concentration in dwellings of some areas of Kosovo and Metohija have revealed a high average radon concentration, even though the detectors were exposed for three months only. In order to better design a larger study in this region, the annual measurements in 25 houses were carried out as a pilot study. For each house, CR-39-based passive devices were exposed in two rooms for the two consecutive six-month periods to account for seasonal variations of radon concentration. Furthermore, in order to correlate the indoor radon with radium in nearby soil and to improve the knowledge of the natural radioactivity in the region, soil samples near each house were collected and 226Ra, 232Th, 40K activity concentration were measured. The indoor radon concentration resulted quite high from the average (163 Bq/m3) and generally it did not differ considerably between the two rooms and the two six-month periods. The natural radionuclides in soil resulted to be distributed quite uniformly. Moreover, the correlation between the226Ra content in soil and radon concentration in dwellings resulted to be low (R2=0.26). The annual effective dose from radon and its short-lived progeny (5.5 mSv, in average) was calculated by using the last ICRP dose conversion factors. In comparison, the contribution to the annual effective dose of outdoor gamma exposure from natural radionuclides in soil is nearly negligible (66 mSv). In conclusion, the observed high radon levels are only partially correlated with radium in soil; moreover, a good estimate of the annual average of radon concentration can be obtained from a six-month measurement with a proper choice of exposure period, which could be useful when designing large surveys

    A Comparison of Retrospective Radon Gas Measurement Techniques Carried Out in the Serbian Spa of Niska Banja

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    Indoor radon retrospective concentrations were obtained and compared using two radon measurement methods. Both methods rely on the measurement of the long-lived radon progeny (210)Pb, collected either on the surfaces (surface trap technique), most frequently glass, or in a volume trap, usually sponge from furniture (volume trap technique). These techniques have been used to retrospectively estimate radon gas concentrations that have existed in dwellings in the past. The work presented here compares the results provided by the surface trap technique devised at the University College of Dublin, Ireland, and the volume trap technique devised at the Scientific Research Center, Mol, Belgium. The field campaign was carried out by the research team of the ECE Laboratory of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences at the spa of Niska Banja, identified as a region of Serbia with a high indoor radon and ground water radium and radon content

    Vocational Training as a Factor in the Rehabilitation of Inmates in Institutions for Enforcing Penal Sanctions

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    Numerous studies show that the educational level, work experience and skills of prisoners are below the average of the general population. The low level of qualifications has negative effects on the employment prospects of inmates after release from prison, and it was found that it is one of the key factors for recidivism. Therefore, education and vocational training has a special significance for inmates in institutions for enforcing penal sanctions. Basically there are a few prison programs that prepare inmates for life after prison, including: educational programs, vocational training, prison industry and developing skills for employment. Education, vocational training and work engagement of inmates in institutions for enforcing penal sanctions in the Republic of Serbia are discussed in this paper. The following options are available for them while serving a prison sentence: completing educational level provided by education system in the Republic of Serbia, vocational training for certificates of competency in particular craft and work engagement within or out the institution for enforcing penal sanctions. However, small number of inmates is using the resources available to obtain higher level of education while serving their sentence

    Relation between both oxidative and metabolic-osmotic cell damages and initial injury severity in bombing casualties

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    Background/Aim. We have recently reported the development of oxidative cell damages in bombing casualties within a very early period after the initial injury. The aim of this study, was to investigate malondialdehyde (MDA), as an indicator of lipid peroxidation, and osmolal gap (OG), as a good indicator of metabolic cell damages and to assess their relationship with the initial severity of the injury in bombing casualties. Methods. The study included the males (n = 52), injured during the bombing with the Injury Severity Score (ISS) ranging from 3 to 66. The whole group of casualties was devided into a group of less severely (ISS &lt; 25, n = 24) and a group of severely (ISS ≥ 26, n = 28) injured males. The uninjured volunteers (n = 10) were the controls. Osmolality, MDA, sodium, glucose, urea, creatinine, total bilirubin and total protein levels were measured in the venous blood, sampled daily, within a ten-day period. Results. In both groups of casualties, MDA and OG levels increased, total protein levels decreased, while other parameters were within the control limits. MDA alterations correlated with ISS (r = 0.414, p &lt; 0.01), while a statistically significant correlation between OG and ISS was not obtained. Interestingly, in spite of some differences in MDA and OG trends, at the end of the examined period they were at the similar level in both groups. Conclusion. The initial oxidative damages of the cellular membrane with intracellular metabolic disorders contributed to the gradual development of metabolic-osmotic damages of cells, which, consequently caused the OG increase. In the bombing casualties, oxidative cell damages were dependent on the initial injury severity, while metabolic-osmotic cell damages were not

    Indoor Radon Mapping: a Survey of Residential Houses of Kosovo and Metohija

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    A first step in mapping indoor radon concentration in Kosovo and Metohija was taken by carrying out 153 measurements in residential houses. About 21% of the territory of these areas was covered by mapping. Dosimeters with CR-39 detectors were used to measure indoor Rn-222 concentration, all deployed on the ground floor of typical houses. The arithmetic mean (AM) over AMs within 10 km x 10 km grid cells is 202 Bqm(-3) and geometric mean (GM) is 148 Bqm(-3). The data for mapping are arranged according to recommendations made by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC) in 2006. This paper presents the status of the survey of natural radioactivity in Kosovo and Metohija.1st East European Radon Symposium (FERAS), Sep 02-05, 2012, Cluj Napoca, Romani

    Indoor radon measurements in Kosovo and Metohija over the period 1995-2007

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    The paper deals with the results of the investigations of indoor radon measurements in more than 300 rural and urban dwellings in Kosovo and Metohija. All measurements were carried out using CR-39 solid State nuclear track detectors by similar protocols and within two series in 1990-s and in 2000-s, in 34 settlements divided by 9 regions, thus covering significant part of Kosovo. For most of measured points the adjustment for seasonal variation was necessary and had been conducted. Highest average values of indoor radon concentrations were found in rural settlements of Lipljan and Vitina regions, 512 and 452 Bq/m(3), respectively. Combined analysis allows indoor radon concentration of 220 Bq/m(3) to be suggested as representative estimate for Kosovo, while additional data appear. Observed pattern of indoor radon seasonal variation and difference of radon levels between ground and upper floors suggest soil radon as primary source of indoor radon and significance of convection type radon entry. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved