3 research outputs found

    Fungicidi u zaštiti vinove loze od prouzrokovača plamenjače (Plasmopara viticola), pepelnice (Erysiphe necator) i sive truleži (Botrytis cinerea) i antirezistentna strategija

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    Economically the most important diseases that occur on grapevine are causal agent of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola ((Berk. &. Curt.) Berl. & de Toni), causal agent of powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator (Schw.) Burrill) and causal agent of gray decay (Botrytis cinerea Pers.). A large number of registered fungicides for control of these phytopathogens in Serbia is at the same time an indicator of their spread and harmfulness. For the control of downy mildew in Serbia are registered 121 preparation based 36 active ingredients, while for the control of powdery mildew are registered 56 preparations based on 25 active ingredients, and for the suppression of gray mold 14 preparations based on 9 active ingredients. The aim of this study was to display the registered fungicides for suppression of before mentioned, economically important pathogens of grapevine (downy mildew, powdery mildew and gray mold), as well as the basic measures for anti-resistant strategies, considering that all three pathogens, as well as most fungicides used for their suppression, belong to groups of high risk for resistance developement.Ekonomski najznačajnije bolesti koje se javljaju na vinovoj lozi su plamenjača (prouzrokovač Plasmopara viticola ((Berk. & Curt.) Berl. & de Toni), pepelnica (prouzrokovač Erysiphe necator (Schw.) Burrill) i siva trulež (prouzrokovač Botrytis cinerea Pers.). Veliki broj fungicida registrovanih kod nas za suzbijanje pomenutih fitopatogenih gljiva je ujedno i pokazatelj njihove rasprostanjenosti i štetnosti. Za suzbijanje prouzrokovača plamenjače u Republici Srbiji je registrovano 121 preparat na bazi 36 aktivnih supstanci, dok je za suzbijanje prouzrokovača pepelnice registrovano 56 preparata na bazi 25 aktivnih supstanci, a za suzbijanje prouzrokovača sive truleži 14 preparata na bazi 9 aktivnih supstanci. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se za pomenute, ekonomski najznačajnije patogene vinove loze (prouzrokovače plamenjače, pepelnice i sive truleži), prikažu registrovani fungicidi za njihovo suzbijanje, kao i osnovne mere antirezistentne strategije, s obzirom da sva tri patogena, kao i većina fungicida koji se koriste za njihovo suzbijnaje, pripadaju grupama sa visokim rizikom od nastanka rezistentnosti

    The use of cultivated plants in water quality monitoring

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    Water contamination is the most complex global environmental problem. Any pollution that is emitted into the environment at a certain time reaches the groundwater, rivers, lakes and seas. Nowadays aquatic ecosystems around the world are increasingly threatened by different pollutants. Rivers and lakes are under constant pressure from urban wastewater pollution, chemical waste from industry and transport, pesticides from agricultural areas, etc. By applying various methods in the laboratory were tested quality and impact of the water, characteristic for its high content of certain pollutants, to the test plants: buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea). The analyzed water was taken from two locations of the River Lesa in Portugal. Physico-chemical analysis of water indicates that nitrates, nitrites and ammonium were detected in values exceeding maximum allowable concentration, according to Portuguese regulations of water quality. Also, in the analyzed water samples cadmium (Cd), magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe) were found in quantities that exceed the MAC values, as well as some pesticidal substances (MCPA, fonofos). In the tested samples, long list of pharmaceuticals were detected. The obtained results indicate differences in tolerance of the test plants according to the parameters which have been detected in the water. Physiological parameters (germination energy and germination) have not been proven to be good indicators of water quality, while the more reliable may be considered some morphological parameters (length of shoot), that reacted by stimulation of the shoot

    Physioloigical and Morphological Parametrers of Cultivated Plants as Indicators of Water Quality

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    By using biological assay in the laboratory were tested quality and impact of the water to the selected test plants: buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Water was analyzed from two locations from the River Douro in Portugal. Physico-chemical analysis of general parameters in the water samples indicate that electrical conductivity and ammonium were detected in values exceeding MAC, according to Portuguese regulations on water quality. Also, in the analyzed samples of water in quantities that exceed the maximum allowable concentration values are: arsenic (As), selenium (Se), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg). In tested samples several pharmaceuticals were detected. The obtained results indicate differences in tolerance of the test plants towards the quality of water. Physiological parameters (germination energy and germination) are not good indicators of water quality and more reliable can be considered some morphological traits (length, fresh and dry weight of root and shoot), that reacted in inhibition or stimulation, depending on water quality