33 research outputs found


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    In this report in addition to previous results we present the evaluation results of multi-screen e-learning courses – eBig3. It is a new approach and technology to lifelong learning embodying effective integration of popular television, Internet, and mobile phones technologies. We present the results of ten eBig3 pilot courses delivered in 2013 in Latvia. The target group of eBig3 courses was society at large. It demonstrates radical increase of registration in eBig3 courses compared with the traditional registration in the Internet. The course delivery was more successful than that of blended learning courses. The new approach strongly increases the availability of e-courses, and contributes to closing the gap between the expectations for future life-long-learning and real achievements. We didn’t observe connection between learner’s age and attitude towards the usage of SMS in the eBig3 approach

    New Applications of Computer Based Testing in ESP

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    Raksts veltīts maģistratūras studiju speciālā lietojuma angļu valodas prasmju vērtēšanai e-vidē. E-kursā izmantota Lotos Notes tehnoloģija; kursa konceptuālo pamatojumu veido darbības teorija. Tādejādi būtisks ir ne tikai sasniegtais rezultāts, bet arī darbības apguves posmi, motīvu un mērķu dinamika. Šāda pieeja e-testu izstrādāšanā sniedz objektīvāku vērtējumu par apgūstamo - tehniskās literatūras izpratnes - prasmi kopumā un to veidojošiem komponentiem

    D5.3 – Video Presentation

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    The LITES project plans to produce three video presentations on technical, financial, and organizational issues that involve LITES technology implementation. Each video gathers the experiences of the four pilot sites: the campus of Riga Technical University in Latvia, the municipality of Bordeaux in France, the municipality of Piaseczno in Poland, the University of Aveiro in Portugal. The produced first video is related to organizational issues concerned with LITES technology implementation. The technical and financial issues will be covered in the video presentations that will follow. They are planned to present the new knowledge gathered from our work experience with LITES project development. In the final stage of the LITES project, we plan to produce an updated version of a video on organizational issues, covering the new knowledge and experiences of all four LITES pilot sites. The present video introduces the innovative solution of LITES technology that is designed to drastically reduce energy consumption. The core elements of the LITES solution are the dimming of light intensity in response to changing environmental conditions, set of embedded sensors measuring the light, the temperature, the intensity of the electrical current, and motion detection. The video presentation demonstrates how LITES led-based lighting technology realizes energy savings. The added animations show several benefits of LITES technology: how it is designed to achieve energy efficiency, how light intensity adjustments work, and compares existing municipal lighting systems to LITES technology. The video presentation addresses the project’s core issues: •Messages from Bordeaux and Riga municipalities concerning their activities and plans to test the efficiency of the LITES project solution; •Interviews with members of the Pilot sites and their experiences with the benefits of the LITES solution to modernize municipal public lighting; •Energy consumption comparisons of existing public lighting technologies with the features of LITES; •Animations of the LITES project solution. The aim of the first video is to encourage municipalities to set the modernization of street lightning among their chief priorities and to demonstrate to them that it is to their benefit to implement efficient lighting systems that are sustainable and ecologically sound that at the same time offer cost reductions. Moreover, by emphasizing the technology where more qualified workforce will be required for implementation and maintenance of such city lightning. The video intention is also to demonstrate the LITES project technology of LED-based motion sensitive street lighting that reduces energy wastage

    IPTV and Digital Terrestrial Television Perspectives and Potential for Educators

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    Terrestrial Television is currently the most popular type of television watched in EU 27. According to statistics it is used by nearly half of all households. About a one third of Europeans are using Cable TV services and one fifth are using Satellite services. All three television types are in various stages of transition from analogue to digital signal transmission. Digitalization of television allows the addition of a significant degree of interactivity to broadcasts. Moreover, a new type of digital television is currently being developed. It is IPTV, which promises to deliver more interactive and personalized services to customers. These innovations promise to create an interactive learning environment as well. The aim of the article is to compare advantages and shortcomings of IPTV and Digital Terrestrial Television in respect to educational applications

    D5.1 – Project Web Site

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    There are two main objectives of the project website: to provide information about our achievements and to attract new users to our work. The functional requirements of the website are as follows: 1.To provide information about the project in a general way; 2.To inform in detail about our progress in attaining the project’s objectives; 3.To provide information about the project’ expected outputs; 4.To disseminate information about the consortium partners; 5.To publicise project’s open events; 6.To provide access to publicly accessible documents. The site is one of the best means to provide updates of information related the evolving phases of the project. The objectives of the LITES web site are to make a public presentation of the project to the outside community concerning: News, Technology, Pilots, Usage, and Galleries. The address of the public area of the project website is: http://www.lites-project.eu and address of internal communication space is http://colab.lites-project.eu. The web page will be updated continuously with new information, sections and new options added. The web page provides a special interface to sites for moderators to have full control of the content. Their access is by a login with username and password that was provided by the developers of LITES web page

    eEcosystem Driven eLearning vs Technology Driven e-Learning

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    eEcosystem is an innovative cross-media learning approach that goes beyond traditional web-based learning design strategies. The approach combines wide availability of television and mobile technologies with the capacity and flexibility of Internet based e-learning. This approach allows the learner to use either a single learning delivery system (depending on availability and preferences) or a complementary combination of two or three delivery systems, thus supporting the anywhere, anytime — by any preference—learning paradigm. The development of the eBig3/ETM learning solutions includes integration of technical aspects of cross-media learning content delivery. Moreover, the approach incorporates pedagogical and usability principles based on an understanding of the target users learning needs and their contexts

    An e-ecosystem Driven Next Generation Life Long Learning Approach

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    We have produced an innovative cross-media learning approach that goes beyond traditional web-based learning design strategies. The approach combines wide accessibility of television and mobile technologies and integrates them with a capabilities and flexibility of Internet based e-learning. The development projects are identified under the acronyms eBig3 and ETM. This integrated approach allows learners to use either a single learning delivery system (depending on users’ available technology and personal preferences) or a complementary combination of two or three delivery systems; thus supporting the anywhere, anytime – by any preference – learning paradigm. The innovative feature of the eBig3/ETM learning solution is the technological integration of the cross-media learning content delivery system. Moreover, the approach incorporates pedagogical and usability principles based on studies of the target users learning needs and contexts

    An E-Ecosystem Driven Next Generation Life Long Learning Approach

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    We have produced an innovative cross-media learning approach that goes beyond traditional web-based learning design strategies. The approach combines wide accessibility of television and mobile technologies and integrates them with a capabilities and flexibility of Internet based e-learning. The development projects are identified under the acronyms eBig3 and ETM. This integrated approach allows learners to use either a single learning delivery system (depending on users’ available technology and personal preferences) or a complementary combination of two or three delivery systems; thus supporting the anywhere, anytime – by any preference – learning paradigm. The innovative feature of the eBig3/ETM learning solution is the technological integration of the cross-media learning content delivery system. Moreover, the approach incorporates pedagogical and usability principles based on studies of the target users learning needs and context

    Latest Trends in Creative Online and Offline Learning of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Technical University

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    Raksts analizē jaunākās tendences angļu valodas apguvē tehniskās universitātēs tiešsaistē un e-vidē. Izstrādāts un raksturots angļu valodas e-studiju kurss tā radošai apguvei inženierzinātņu jomā

    Execution of Technology Verification

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    This deliverable reports on the formal aspects of technology verification process, such as the type of content that was verified, duration period of the verification process, methods and tools applied, a description of users who were tested and the experts we consulted. It is produced in compliance with the verification requirements outlined in our original project proposal and within the scope of ELU guidelines. It focuses on the descriptive aspects of the verification process since the results were already analyzed in the other deliverable ELU: Results of Technology Verification (ELU Consortium, 2008b)