8 research outputs found

    Određivanje benzena u urinu plinskokromatografskom tehnikom analize para iznad otopine

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    This paper describes the application of static headspace gas chromatography in determining benzene in urine. The method was analytically validated for sensitivity (DL=42 ng/l), repeatability (RSD=3% and 4%), and accuracy (71%), and was applied in measuring urine benzene in nonsmokers (N=14) and smokers (N=18). All urine samples had measurable benzene concentrations. The method proved sensitive enough to establish a significant statistical difference (P<0.000614) in urine benzene concentrations between smokers (mean=760; range =181ā€“1869 ng/l) and nonsmokers (mean=214; range=61ā€“515 ng/l).Opisana je metoda za određivanje benzena u urinu plinskokromatografskom tehnikom analize para iznad otopine (ā€œheadspaceā€). Metoda je analitički vrednovana s obzirom na osjetljivost (granica detekcije = 42 ng/l), ponovljivost (RSD = 3 i 4%) i točnost (71%). Primijenjena je u analizi benzena u urinu nepuÅ”ača (N=14) i puÅ”ača (N=18). Benzen je bio mjerljiv u svim uzorcima urina. Dobivena je statistički značajna razlika (p<0.000614) između koncentracija benzena u urinu puÅ”ača (x=760; raspon=181ā€“1869 ng/l) i nepuÅ”ača (x=214; raspon=61ā€“515 ng/l). Benzen ne dolazi u urin normalnim fizioloÅ”kim procesima; u nepuÅ”ača uglavnom potječe iz ispuÅ”nih plinova automobila i izgaranja benzina, a u puÅ”ača je glavni izvor izloženosti benzenu dim cigarete


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    S praćenjem metala olova, kadmija i mangana u ukupnim lebdećim česticama započelo se u Zagrebu 1971. godine, a mjerenja su se provodila od 1971. do 2005. godine. Praćenje koncentracija olova u PM10 česticama započelo je kao istraživački projekt 1999. godine, na jednoj mjernoj postaji u sjevernom dijelu grada. Na osnovi Zakona o zaÅ”titi zraka i podzakonskih propisa praćenje olova, kadmija i mangana u PM10 česticama započelo je 2006. godine, a praćenje nikla i arsena u PM10 česticama 2007. godine kao dio službene mjerne mreže za praćenje kvalitete zraka. Mjerenje se provodi na pet mjernih postaja smjeÅ”tenih u sjevernom, zapadnom, istočnom i južnom dijelu te u centru grada. S određivanjem olova, kadmija, mangana, nikla i arsena u PM10, PM2,5 i PM1 česticama započelo se 2011. godine kao istraživački projekt. Mjerenja se provode u sjevernom dijelu grada. U ovom radu prikazani su prvi preliminarni rezultati mjerenja metala u PM10, PM2,5 i PM1 česticama tijekom siječnja i veljače 2011. godine.Monitoring of metals lead, cadmium and manganese in total suspended particulate matter started in 1971 in Zagreb and continued until 2005. Monitoring of lead in PM10 particles started in 1999 at one measuring site in the northern part of the city as an independent research project. In correspondence with the Croatian Air Protection Acts, monitoring of lead, cadmium and manganese in PM10 particles in Zagreb started at the beginning of 2006, while monitoring of nickel and arsenic started at the beginning of 2007, as a part of the official air quality monitoring network. Monitoring was carried out at five measuring sites located in the city centre and in the northern, southern, western and eastern parts of the city. Since 2011 monitoring of lead, cadmium, manganese, arsenic and nickel in PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 particles has been going on as an independent research project. Monitoring is conducted at one measuring site in the northern part of the city. The paper also presents the preliminary results of metal monitoring in PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 particles from January to February 2011

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Air

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    Policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici (PAU) spojevi su koji se sastoje od dva ili viÅ”e kondenziranih aromatskih prstenova. Nastaju prilikom nepotpunog izgaranja ili pirolize organskih tvari. Dokazano je da neki PAU imaju kancerogena, a neki mutagena svojstva, pa je stoga potrebno kontinuirano pratiti koncentracije PAU u zraku, vodi i tlu, te pokuÅ”ati sanirati izvore PAU. PAU s dva ili tri aromatska prstena postojani su u plinovitoj fazi, dok se PAU s viÅ”e aromatskih prstenova nalaze u zraku uglavnom vezani na čestice. Visoke koncentracije PAU prisutne su u atmosferi urbanih područja, a najviÅ”e su zimi kada su pojačane emisije iz kućnih ložiÅ”ta. U ljetno doba koncentracije su niže jer je većina policikličkih aromatskih ugljikovodika nestabilna na visokim temperaturama, a osim toga dolazi do njihove oksidacije i fotooksidacije. Metode mjerenja PAU u zraku uključuju uzorkovanje prosisavanjem na filterski papir ili kruti adsorbens, ekstrakciju i kromatografsku analizu. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati mjerenja benzo[a]pirena (BaP) kao glavnog predstavnika PAU na nekim lokacijama u svijetu. Razine BaP u svijetu uspoređene su s rezultatima mjerenja provedenim do sada u Hrvatskoj.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a large group of organic compounds consisting of two or more condense aromatic rings. They are products of incomplete combustion or pyrolysis of organic matter. Because some PAHs such as Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) are proven carcinogens and mutagens, it is necessary to continuously monitor their concentrations in the air, water, and soil. PAHs with two or three aromatic rings are stable in the gas phase, while most PAHs with five or more aromatic rings bond to particles. Higher concentrations of PAHs are present in the atmosphere of urban areas, mostly in the winter, due to heating. In the summer, these concentrations drop because most PAHs are unstable at high temperatures and break down by oxidation and photooxidation. Measurements of PAHs in the air include sampling on the filter paper or solid adsorbent, extraction, and chromatographic analysis. This review presents the measurements of BaP in some locations in the world and compares them with the findings in Croatia

    Ljetne koncentracije ozona na području Zagreba

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    Ozone concentrations were measured at three sites in Zagreb (Croatia) in the summer of 2005. Two measuring sites were in urban areas, while the third site was in a rural area about 30 km to the south from the centre of Zagreb. Hourly ozone averages varied between 1 Āµg m-3 and 209 Āµg m-3. Average concentrations were the lowest in the rural area, even though elevated concentrations were recorded occasionally. However, the weather conditions during measurements were untypical for that time of the year; over the summer of 2005 there were many rainy and cloudy days. Ozone concentrations at all three sites were the highest on Saturdays and Sundays, and the lowest on Thursdays. All the results were analysed with regard to the meteorological conditions (wind velocity and direction, temperature, relative humidity).Koncentracije ozona mjerene su na tri mjesta u Zagrebu tijekom ljeta 2005. godine. Dva mjerna mjesta bila su smjeÅ”tena u urbanom području dok se treće mjerno mjesto nalazilo u ruralnom području udaljenom oko 30 km prema jugu od centra Zagreba. Satni prosjeci masenih koncentracija ozona kretali su se između 1 Āµg m-3 i 209 Āµg m-3. Prosječne koncentracije bile su najniže u ruralnom području, premda su povremeno zabilježene i poviÅ”ene vrijednosti. Međutim, vremenski uvjeti tijekom mjerenja bili su netipični za to doba godine - tijekom ljeta 2005. bilo je mnogo kiÅ”nih i oblačnih dana. Na sva tri mjerna mjesta koncentracije ozona bile su najviÅ”e subotom i nedjeljom, a najniže četvrtkom. Svi rezultati analizirani su s obzirom na meteoroloÅ”ke uvjete

    Kruženje sumpora između terestričkog agroekosustava i atmosfere

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    Central gas station of the natural gas borehole system Podravina is located near the village Molve. It delivers more than a quarter of total energy used in Croatia to its consumers. Over the years, adapting technology to increasingly demanding and rigorous standards in environmental protection has become paramount. Yet, despite all the industry has undertaken to address the risk of harmful substances entering the food chain, a multidisciplinary research team of independent scientists monitors the content of specific substances in all components of the ecosystem. This paper presents measurements of total sulphur contents in soil surface [(0 to 3) cm] and subsurface [(3 to 8) cm] layers (study period: autumn 2006 - spring 2010) and in plants (study period: spring 2000 - spring 2010), and the concentration of gaseous sulphur compounds in the air. Concentrations of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and mercaptans (RSH) were measured from the summer of 2002 until the autumn of 2010, while concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2) were measured from the spring of 2008 until the autumn of 2010. The paper also shows total annual atmospheric sulphur (S-SO4) deposition at Bilogora measuring station (study period: 2001 - 2010). Average monthly concentrations of H2S in air varied between 0.2 Ī¼g m-3 and 2.0 Ī¼g m-3, RSH between 0.1 Ī¼g m-3 and 24.5 Ī¼g m-3, and SO2 between 0.4 Ī¼g m-3 and 2.8 Ī¼g m-3 depending on the location and the season of sampling. Mean values of total sulphur in soil and in Plantago lanceolata plant ranged between 610 mg kg-1 and 1,599 mg kg-1 and between 3,614 mg kg-1 and 4,342 mg kg-1, respectively, depending on the soil type, location, and sampling depth. Average values of total sulphur mass ratio for all examined single soil samples (n=80) were 1,080 mg kg-1 for both studied layers, and 4,108 mg kg-1 for all analysed plant samples (n=85). Average total annual atmospheric sulphur deposition at Bilogora measuring station was 6.3 kg of S-SO4 per hectar.Centralna plinska stanica plinskobuÅ”otinskog sustava Podravina nalazi se u Molvama, a potroÅ”ačima energije isporučuje viÅ”e od četvrtine ukupne energije koja se troÅ”i u Hrvatskoj. Prilagodba tehnologije sve zahtjevnijim i strožim standardima zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a tijekom godina bila je neupitna, no bez obzira na sve učinjeno od strane industrije, a s obzirom na rizik ulaska Å”tetnih tvari u hranidbeni lanac, u okviru multidisciplinarnog istraživačkog tima nezavisni stručnjaci motre sadržaj potencijalno Å”tetnih tvari i prate utjecaje na sve sastavnice ekosustava. U ovom radu prikazane su vrijednosti ukupnog sumpora izmjerenog u tlu (u periodu od jeseni 2006. do proljeća 2010.) i u biljci (u periodu od proljeća 2000. do proljeća 2010.) te koncentracije plinovitih sumporovih spojeva u zraku. Koncentracije sumporovodika (H2S) i merkaptana (RSH) mjerene su u razdoblju ljeto 2002-jesen 2010, dok su koncentracije sumporova(IV) oksida (SO2) određivane u razdoblju proljeće 2008-jesen 2010. Prikazane su i godiÅ”nje vrijednosti ukupne atmosferske depozicije sumpora (S-SO4) izmjerene na mjernoj stanici Bilogora (za period od 2001. do 2010.). Srednje mjesečne koncentracije H2S u zraku kretale su se između 0,2 Ī¼g m-3 i 2,0 Ī¼g m-3, merkaptana između 0,1 Ī¼g m-3 i 24,5 Ī¼g m-3 te SO2 između 0,4 Ī¼g m-3 i 2,8 Ī¼g m-3, ovisno o lokaciji i sezoni uzorkovanja. Srednje vrijednosti ukupnog sumpora u tlu i u trpucu kretale su se redom od 610 mg kg-1 do 1 599 mg kg-1 te od 3 614 mg kg-1 do 4 342 mg kg-1, ovisno o tipu tla, lokaciji i dubini uzorkovanja, dok su prosječne vrijednosti masenog udjela ukupnog sumpora, za cijeli period istraživanja, za tlo, iznosile 1 080 mg kg-1 (n = 80) za obje ispitivane dubine te 4 108 mg kg-1 za sve ispitivane uzorke trpuca (n = 85). Prosječno godiÅ”nje ukupno atmosfersko taloženje sumpora na mjernoj stanici Bilogora iznosilo je 6,3 kg ha-1 S-SO4

    Ružička days : International conference 17th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    In front of you are the Proceedings of the International Conference 17th Ružička days: ā€žToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€œ that was held in Vukovar, Croatia at September 19-21, 2018. The main goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote excellence in science and engineering as well as application of up-to-date research results and technological achievements in industry. In its fifth issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) the Proceedings continues with publishing of quality scientific and professional full papers in sections Chemical Analysis and Synthesis (2), Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3), Food Technology and Biotechnology (4), Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy (2), Environmental Protection (9) and Meeting of Young Chemists (4). All the papers were thoroughly reviewed from respectable evaluators, to whom we express our gratitude. We are also thankful to all the authors and participants of the Ružička days, and to all that support and contribute in its organization; especially our international coorganizers EuCheMS, EFFoST and EHEDG, the members of organizing and scientific committee, plenary and invited lecturers, sponsors, and of course our highly skilled and committed associates, which put a lot of effort in preparation of this book