13 research outputs found

    Effects of different antibiotics in the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis

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    Introduction: Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and it can be infectious, allergic or autoimmune. Acute rhinosinusitis commonly has viral origin and occurs as part of the upper respiratory tract infections. The most common pathogens are Streptococcus, Pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. Some inflammations may start as viral, but develop into bacterial superinfection, i.e., subsequent colonization of the bacteria in 0.5-2% of cases. Viral sinusitis lasts for 7-10 days, whereas bacterial may take longer. The aim: The aim of this study was to compare three therapeutic protocols for the treatment of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Materials and Methods: A prospective clinical study was conducted at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, Clinical Center Nis from October 2019 to January 2020, and it involved patients with acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in whom we compared the efficiency and safety of levofloxacin administration for five and 10 days with the efficiency of amoxicillin clavulanate treatment. The study included 62 patients with documented clinical and radiological symptoms. Results: Confirmation of bacterial etiology is not routinely performed in clinical practice since it requires antral puncture or endoscopic examination of the middle nasal meatus. Consequently, the choice of antibiotic therapy is empiric. In our study, we used levofloxacin for five (500 mg once a day) and 10 days (500 mg once a day) and amoxicillin-clavulanatefor 10 days (500 mg-125 mg three times a day), and the results showed no statistically significant difference in regard to the choice of antibiotics and the duration of therapy. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that a short course of antibiotic treatment has similar efficiency compared to a longer course of treatment of patients with uncomplicated acute bacterial sinusitis when treatment is indicated

    The possibility of applying the vestibular vibration test in testing the peripheral sense of balance

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    Vestibularni vibracioni test spada u novije, manje poznate kliničke dijagnostičke testove za ispitivanje perifernog čula za ravnotežu kod dece i odraslih. Vibracijama od 60-100 Hz stimuliše se ceo labirint (polukružni kanali i otolitni aparat). Vibracioni uređaj se postavlja na desni a zatim na levi mastoidni nastavak, pod pravim uglom u nivou ulaza u spoljašnji slušni hodnik a zatim na verteks. Dužina trajanja stimulusa je od pet do deset sekundi. Ukoliko postoji total- na a nekad i kod parcijalne asimetrije, dobija se vibracijom indukovan nistag- mus (VIN) sa smerom ka zdravom uvu. Test se najviše primenjuje u sklopu baterije drugih dijagnostičkih testova za akutne i hronične jednostrane periferne vestibularne lezije, dehiscenciju gornjeg polukružnog (SCDS) kanala i Menijerovu bolest. Prednosti ovoga testa su mogućnost primene kada se ostali testovi za ispitivanje vestibulo-oku- larnog refleksa ne mogu izvesti. Vibracioni test je efikasan, neinvazivan, brzo i lako izvodljiv, uz ekonomski prihvatljivu opremu.The vestibular vibration test is one of the newer, less well-known clinical diagnostic tests for examining the peripheral sense of balance in children and adults. Vibrations of 60-100 Hz stimulate the entire labyrinth (semicircular canals and otolith apparatus). The vibrating device is placed on the right and then on the left mastoid bone, at a right angle at the level of the entrance to the external auditory canal and then on the vertex. The duration of the stimulus is from five to ten seconds. If there is total and sometimes partial asymmetry, vibrationinduced nystagmus (VIN) is obtained with a direction towards the healthy ear. The test is mostly used as part of a battery of other diagnostic tests for acute and chronic unilateral peripheral vestibular lesions, dehiscence of the superior semicircular canal (SCDS) and Meniere’s disease. The advantages of this test are the possibility of application when other vestibuloocular reflex tests cannot be performed. The vibration test is efficient, non-invasive, quick and easy to perform, with economically acceptable equipment

    The possibility of applying the vestibular vibration test in testing the peripheral sense of balance

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    Vestibularni vibracioni test spada u novije, manje poznate kliničke dijagnostičke testove za ispitivanje perifernog čula za ravnotežu kod dece i odraslih. Vibracijama od 60-100 Hz stimuliše se ceo labirint (polukružni kanali i otolitni aparat). Vibracioni uređaj se postavlja na desni a zatim na levi mastoidni nastavak, pod pravim uglom u nivou ulaza u spoljašnji slušni hodnik a zatim na verteks. Dužina trajanja stimulusa je od pet do deset sekundi. Ukoliko postoji total- na a nekad i kod parcijalne asimetrije, dobija se vibracijom indukovan nistag- mus (VIN) sa smerom ka zdravom uvu. Test se najviše primenjuje u sklopu baterije drugih dijagnostičkih testova za akutne i hronične jednostrane periferne vestibularne lezije, dehiscenciju gornjeg polukružnog (SCDS) kanala i Menijerovu bolest. Prednosti ovoga testa su mogućnost primene kada se ostali testovi za ispitivanje vestibulo-oku- larnog refleksa ne mogu izvesti. Vibracioni test je efikasan, neinvazivan, brzo i lako izvodljiv, uz ekonomski prihvatljivu opremu.The vestibular vibration test is one of the newer, less well-known clinical diagnostic tests for examining the peripheral sense of balance in children and adults. Vibrations of 60-100 Hz stimulate the entire labyrinth (semicircular canals and otolith apparatus). The vibrating device is placed on the right and then on the left mastoid bone, at a right angle at the level of the entrance to the external auditory canal and then on the vertex. The duration of the stimulus is from five to ten seconds. If there is total and sometimes partial asymmetry, vibrationinduced nystagmus (VIN) is obtained with a direction towards the healthy ear. The test is mostly used as part of a battery of other diagnostic tests for acute and chronic unilateral peripheral vestibular lesions, dehiscence of the superior semicircular canal (SCDS) and Meniere’s disease. The advantages of this test are the possibility of application when other vestibuloocular reflex tests cannot be performed. The vibration test is efficient, non-invasive, quick and easy to perform, with economically acceptable equipment


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    The incidence of hearing loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the treatment have been differently reported. The aims of this study were to establish the presence and to differentiate the type of hearing loss in patients with RA, and to investigate the results of corticosteroid and methotrexate treatment on hearing loss in RA. Longitudinal, prospective study included 87 patients aged between 18 and 70 years diagnosed with RA. Disease Activity Score (DAS 28 Se) and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) were measured. 38 Patients were treated with prednisone; intratympanic appliction was used in 11 persons, and in case of weak or absent improvement after steroids methotrexate was applied for further treatment. Predominantly sensorineural hearing loss was present in 56.3% of the patients, without correlation with the duration of disease and clinical activity of RA. Corticosteroid therapy, both peroral or intratympanic contributed to hearing improvement in 60.0%. Audiometric tests are recommended in patients who suffer from RA in order to control hearing in rheumatoid arthritis and analyze the effect of proposed therapeutic procedures

    Vestibular dysfunction in deaf and hearing-impaired children

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    Вестибуаларна дисфункција код глуве или наглуве деце, може коегзистирати са примарним стањем и додатно допринети инвалидитету. У поређењу са оштећењем слуха о вестибуларним дисфункцијама у дечијој популацији се далеко мање зна. Преваленција вестибуларне дисфунцкије код глуве и наглуве деце креће се између 20% и 70%. Када је присутна, вестибуларна дисфункција представља важан удружени сензорни дефицит који може угрозити развој моторичних способности и може имати значајан негативан утицај на квалитет живота слушно оштећене деце. С обзиром на анатомску близину чула слуха и чула за равнотежу и развоја технолошких могућности испитивања вестибуларног чула, уз дијагностику и третирање оштећења слуха као примарног сензорног дефицита клинички циљ постаје и процена и третирање вестибуалрнe дисфункцијe. Циљ овога рада је да се прегледом доступне литературе укаже на етиологију, клиничке карактеристике и дијагностичке протоколе вестибуларних дискункција код глуве и наглуве деце. Претрагом електронске базе података Конзорцијума библиотека Србије за обједињену набавку- КоБСОН, као и претрагама преко претраживача Google Scholar, прикупљени су и анализирани радови који се односе на вестибулану дисфункцију код деце са оштећењем слуха. Свест о постојању удруженог вестибуларног дефицита код глуве и наглуве деце може допринети раној дијагнози, интервенцији и бољим исходима лечења.Vestibular dysfunction in deaf or hearing impairment children can coexist with the primary condition and additionally contribute to disability. Compared to hearing loss, vestibular dysfunctions in the pediatric population are far less well known. The prevalence of vestibular dysfunction in deaf and hearing-impaired children ranges between 0.4 and 8%. When present, vestibular dysfunction represents an important associated sensory deficit that can compromise the development of motor skills and can have a significant negative impact on the quality of life of hearing-impaired children. Given the anatomical proximity of the sense of hearing and the sense of balance and the development of technological possibilities for examining the vestibular sense along with the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss as a primary sensory deficit, the clinical goal becomes the assessment and treatment of any other form of reduced sensory input, including vestibular dysfunction. The aim of this paper was to point out etiology, clinical characteristics and diagnostic protocols of vestibular dysfunction in deaf and hearingimpaired children based on the available literature review. By searching the electronic database of the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Aquisition-KoBSON, as well as, searching through the Google Scholar search engine, papers wew gathered and analyzed, which are related to vestibular dysfunction in children with hearing los. Awareness of the existence of combined vestibular deficit in deaf and hearing-impaired children can contribute to early diagnosis, early intervention and better treatment outcomes

    Oral manifestations in patients infected with Covid-19

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    Uvod:Kod pacijenata obolelih od KOVID 19, se pored karakteristične kliničke slike respiratorne infekcije, mogu se dijagnostikovati i oralne manifestacije. Cilj: Cilj rada je bio da se pregledom savremene literature sagleda zastupljenost promena u usnoj duplji odnosno prisustvo oralnih simptoma kod obolelih od KOVID-19, kako bi se ukazalo da oralne manifestacije mogu nastati usled virusne infekcije SARS-CoV-2. Metode: Do relevantnih informacija koje su bitne za rad, došli smo pretragom dostupne elektronske baze podataka PubMed-a i Google Scholar. Rezultati: Utvrđena je raznovrsna lokalizacija oralnih lezija kod obolelih od KOVID-19: sluzokoža jezika (dorzuma i bočne strane jezika), bukalna sluzokoža, tvrdo i meko nepce, unutrašnja strana usana i gingive. Najčešće su evidentirane ulceracije u različitim delovima usne duplje. Još uvek je kontraverzno pitanje da li su oralne lezije kod infekcije SARS-CoV-2 virusa nastale kao posledica primarnog dejstva samog virusa ili kao sekundarna manifestacija infekcije. Visoka zastupljenost receptora za angiotenzin-konvertujući enzim 2 na oralnim epitelnim ćelijama jezika i pljuvačnih žlezdi ukazuje da usna duplja može biti posebno podložna infekciji SARS-CoV-2. Disfunkcija čula ukusa je najčešći oralni simptom kod pacijenata obolelih od KOVID-19. Zaključak: Oralne lezije, kserostomija, poremećaji čula ukusa mogu se javiti kod pacijenata kod kojih je dijagnostikovana infekcija KOVID-19, zbog čega je bitno načiniti iscrpan intraoralni pregled da bi se utvrdile promene u usnoj duplji i primenila adekvatna terapija.Introduction:In addition to the characteristic clinical picture of respiratory infection, patients with COVID-19 can also be diagnosed with oral manifestations. Aim: The aim of this study was to review current literature for the prevalence of changes in the oral cavity i.e., the presence of oral symptoms in patients with COVID-19, in order to indicate that oral manifestations may occur due to viral infection with SARS-CoV-2. Methods: Important information relevant to the study was obtained by searching the available electronic PubMed and Google Scholar database. Results: Oral lesions were found in different locations in patients with COVID-19: tongue mucosa (dorsum and lateral sides of the tongue), buccal mucosa, hard and soft palate, inner lip and gingiva. The most common were ulcerations in different parts of the oral cavity. It is still unclear whether oral lesions in SARS-CoV-2 virus infection were a consequence of the primary effect of the virus itself or a secondary manifestation of the infection. The high presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in oral epithelial cells of the tongue and salivary glands indicates that the oral cavity may be particularly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Taste disorder is the most common oral symptom in patients with COVID-19. Conclusion: Oral lesions, xerostomia, taste disorders can occur in patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Therefore, a comprehensive intraoral examination is necessary in order to determine changes in the oral cavity and apply proper treatmen

    Idiopathic bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss and deafness

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    Uvod: Akutna gluvoća je nagli senzorineuralni gubitak sluha od 30 dB ili veći, nastao u periodu od 72 sata na najmanje tri uzastopne frekvencije. Idiopatska obostrana akutna senzorineuralna gluvoća (IOASG) i/ili nagluvost se relativno retko javlju u odnosu na jednostranu u manje od 5% svih slučajeva. Predpostavlja se da je ovo drugačiji, mnogo ozbiljniji klinički entitet od jednostrane. Zapažene su dramatične psihičke, socijalne i emocionalne posledice kod pacijenata sa naglo nastalim obostranim senzornim deficitom zbog potencijalno trajnog oštećenja sluha. Etiološki faktori su još uvek nepoznati. Protokoli lečenja su opisani ali nema konsenzusa o izboru terapijskog modaliteta. Predloženi prognostički faktori oporavka za jednostranu idiopatsku akutnu senzorineuralnu nagluvost u slučaju obostrane nagluvosti ne mogu biti potvrđeni s obzirom na nisku učestalost ovog poremećaja. Cilj: Na osnovu pregleda literature cilj istraživanja je analiza etioloških faktora, dijagnostičkih procedura i mogućnosti lečenja idiopatske obostrane akut- ne senzorineuralne nagluvosti. Metod: Analiza literature izvršena je pregledom elektronskih baza MEDLINE, SCOPUS i Google Scholar. Za pretraživanje je korišćeno nekoliko ključnih reči i njihovih kombinacija: idiopatska akutna senzorineuralna nagluvost, idiopatska obostrana akutna senzorineuralna nagluvost i gluvoća, etiološki faktori, dijagnostika, lečenje. Rezultati: Pacijenti sa IOASG su mlađe starosne dobi. Uočena je veća prevalenca specifičnih parametara za autoimunske bolesti, kao i lošiji oporavak sluha nakon primenjene terapije. Zaključak: Neophodna su dodatna istraživanja na većem broju pacijenata koja bi dala doprinos boljem razumevanju ovog kliničkog entiteta, otkrivanju etioloških faktora, a samim tim i uspešnijem lečenju.ntroduction: Acute deafness is a sudden sensorineural hearing loss of 30 dB or greater, occurring within a 72-hour period in at least three consecutive frequencies. Idiopathic bilateral sudden sensorineural deafness (IBSSD) and/or hearing loss occur relatively rarely compared to unilateral, in less than 5% of all cases. This is assumed to be a different, much more severe clinical entity than unilateral. Dramatic psychological, social, and emotional consequences have been observed in patients with sudden bilateral sensory deficit due to potentially permanent hearing loss. Etiological factors are still unknown. Treatment protocols have been described, but there is no consensus on the choice of therapeutic modality. The proposed prognostic factors of recovery for unilateral idiopathic acute sensorineural hearing loss in bilateral patients cannot be confirmed due to the low frequency of this phenomenon. Aim: The aim of this paper was to point out the etiological factors, diagnosis, and the possibility of treatment of idiopathic bilateral acute sensorineural hearing loss based on the literature review. Methods: The literature was collected performed by reviewing the electronic databases MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar. Several key words and their combinations were used for the search: idiopathic acute sensorineural hearing loss, idiopathic bilateral acute sensorineural hearing loss and deafness, etiological factor, diagnosis, treatment. Results: Patients with IBSSD are yonger. A higher prevalence of specific parameters for autoimmune diseases and worse hearing recovery after treatment was observed. Conclusion: Additional research on a larger number of patients is necessary, which would contribute to a better understanding of this clinical entity, the detection of etiological factors and therefore more successful treatment

    Etiopahtogentetic aspects and treatment of peripheral facial nerve paralysis in children

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    Facial nerve palsy occur at all ages. When they appear in childhood, they cause significant concerns among parents of children and doctors because of aesthetic and functional outcomes. The peripheral paralysis and paresis of the facial nerve are characterized by weakness or complete deprivation of the muscules of one side of the face, which affect verbal communication and social interaction. Depending on the location of the lesion hyperacusis, reduced salivary and tears production, or excessive tearing of hte eye, altered taste, pain or numbness in the external auditory canal can also occur. The consequences of paresis or paralysis of the facial nerve can lead to aesthetic, functional and psychological disorders, so early diagnosis is very important, so that appropriate therapy can be started as soon as possible. The diagnosis is made on the basis history evaluation, clinical examination, audiological, neurological, pediatric examination, inspection of the parotid gland, laboratory analyzes, serological and radiographic findings and if necessary other examinations. Treatment is carried out in accordance with etiology. The aim of this study was to review the etiopathogenesis and treatment of peripheral facial paralysis in children by reviewing the contemporary literature.Paralize sedmog kranijalnog nerva se javljaju u svim starosnim dobima. Kada se pojave u dečijem uzrastu izazivaju ozbiljnu zabrinutost kod roditelja dece i lekara, zbog estetskog i funkcionalnog ishoda. Periferne paralize i pareze facijalnog živca klinički se manifestuju kao slabost ili potpuna oduzetost mišića jedne strane lica, što utiče na ver- balnu komunikaciju i socijalnu interakciju. U zavisnosti od mesta lezije javlja se i hiperakuzija, smanjena sekrecija pljuvačke i suza ili ekscesivno suzenje oka, izmenjen ukus, bol ili utrnutost u spoljašnjem slušnom hodniku. Posledice pareze ili paralize facijalnog živca mogu dovesti do estetskih, funkcio- nalnih i psihičkih poremećaja, te je rana dijagnostika veoma važna, kako bi se što pre mogla započeti odgovarajuća terapija. Dijagnoza se postavlja na osno- vu anamneze/heteroanamneze, kliničkog pregleda, audiološkog, neurološkog, pedijatrijskog pregleda, pregleda parotidne žlezde, laboratorijskih anali- za, seroloških i radiografskih pretraga, a po potrebi i drugih ispitivanja. Lečenje se sprovodi u skladu sa etiologijom. Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se pregle- dom savremene literature sagledaju etiopatogeneza i lečenje periferih para- liza facijalisa kod dece

    The impact of diabetes on the occurrence of tinnitus

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    Uvod: Dijabetes melitus je hronična, progresivna, metabolička bolest koja se karakteriše hiperglikemijom, a nastaje usled smanjene sekrecije insulina, njegovog neadekvatnog dejstva na tkiva ili usled prisustva oba ova poremećaja. Dijabetes dovodi do promene u metabolizmu masti, ugljenih hidrata i proteina. Stalni porast broja obolelih od ove bolesti, ukazuje da dijabetes predstavlja veliki problem javnog zdravlja savremenog društva. Bez obzira na etiologiju, odnosno tip dijabetes melitusa, slične su hronične komplikacije koje se razvijaju nakon dužeg trajanja bolesti i loše metaboličke regulisanosti glikemije. Dijabetes melitus je mogući faktor rizika za nastanak zujanja u ušima. Cilj: Cilj rada je bio da se pregledom savremene literature sagleda uticaj dijabetesa na pojavu tinitusa. Metod: Do relevantnih informacija koje su bitne za rad, došli smo pretragom dostupne elektronske baze podataka PubMed-a. Rezultati: Mnoga istraživanja ukazuju da dijabetes utiče na slušnu funkciju. Utvrđeno je da se oštećenje sluha češće dijagnostikuje kod obolelih od dijabetesa u odnosu na zdravu populaciju. Mikrovaskularne promene unutrašnjeg uva, hiperglikemija u likvoru, auditivna neuropatija, dijabetesna encefalopatija mogu biti uzrok oštećenja sluha i tinitusa kod obolelih od dijabetesa, ali je bitna i genetska predispozicija. Evidentirana je značajna osetljivost kohlee na promene nivoa glikemije u krvi, pri čemu hipoglikemija i hiperglikemija mogu takođe dovesti do nastanka tinitusa i oštećenja sluha. Ispitivanja ukazuju da se učestalost pojave tinitusa kod obolelih od dijabetesa povećava sa starošću i usled prisustva oštećenja sluha. Zaključak: Za lečenje tinitusa kod obolelih od dijabetesa pre svega je neophodna savremena terapija dijabetesa, uz redovnu kontrolu da bi se obezbedila dobra regulisanost glikemije i sprečila pojava hroničnih komplikacija, zatim terapija subjektivnog tinitusa, a kod oštećenja sluha primena slušnih amplifikatora.Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic, progressive, metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. It occurs due to reduced insulin secretion, insulin’s inadequate effect on tissues or a combination of both of these disorders. Diabetes leads to changes in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. The continuous increase in the incidence of diabetes indicates that this disease is a major public health issue in modern society. Regardless of the etiology, i.e. type of diabetes mellitus, similar chronic complications develop after a long duration of the disease and poor metabolic regulation of glycemia. Diabetes mellitus is a possible risk factor for the occurrence of tinnitus. Aim: The aim of the paper is to determine the impact of diabetes on the occurrence of tinnitus by reviewing the contemporary literature. Method: The information relevant to this paper was obtained from the PubMed electronic database. Results: Many studies indicate that diabetes affects auditory function. It has been ascertained that hearing impairment is diagnosed in diabetic patients more often than in the healthy population. Hearing impairment and tinnitus in diabetic patients may be caused by microvascular changes in the inner ear, hyperglycemia in the cerebrospinal fluid, auditive neuropathy, diabetic encephalopathy, as well as a genetic predisposition. A significant sensitivity of the cochlea to changes in blood glycemic levels has been noted, meaning that both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia may cause tinnitus and hearing impairment. Research shows that the incidence of tinnitus in diabetic patients increases with age and the presence of hearing impairment. Conclusion: For the treatment of tinnitus in patients with diabetes, modern diabetes therapy is of utmost importance, with regular checkups to ensure good glycemic regulation and prevent the occurrence of chronic complications, along with the treatment of subjective tinnitus, and, if indicated, the use of hearing amplifiers for hearing impairment

    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in children – a case report

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    Uvod: Benigni paroksizmalni pozicioni vertigo je najčešći uzrok pravih rotatornih vrtoglavica kod odraslih osoba. Za razliku od odraslih, kod dece je u slučajevima sa urednim otoskopskim nalazom najčešći uzrok vrtoglavice benigna paroksizmalna vrtoglavica i migrena, dok se benigni paroksizmalni pozicioni vertigo veoma retko dijagnostikuje, ali izaziva strah kod dece, a paniku kod roditelja. Benigni paroksizmalni pozicioni vertigo nastaje otkidanjem otolita sa makule utrikulusa i njihovim upadanjem u neki od polukružnih kanala. Karakteriše se kratkotrajnim napadima veoma jake vrtoglavice, koji su provocirani određenim položajem glave. Dijagnostikovanje vrtoglavice kod dece je otežano s obzirom na to da mala deca ne mogu jasno da opišu svoje simptome. Zbog mogućnosti opasnih uzroka neophodno je svako dete sa vrtoglavicom detaljno ispitati. Prikaz slučaja: U radu je prikazan slučaj devojčice stare devet godina sa benignim paroksizmalnim položajnim vertigom. Nakon iscrpne i detaljne heteroanamneze i anamneze, postavljena je sumnja da se radi o benignom paroksizmalnom pozicionom vertigu. Dijagnoza benignog paroksizmalnog položajnog vertiga desnog zadnjeg polukružnog kanala je potvrđena pozicionim testom po Dix-Hallpike-u. Sprovedena je tarapija, modifikovanim Epley-jevim repozicionim manevrom. Na kontroli nakon 20 minuta i nakon sedam dana, Dix-Hallpike-ov test je bio negativan. Devojčica je bila bez tegoba godinu i po dana, nakon čega su se ponovo pojavile vrtoglavice. Povrđen je recidiv benignog paroksizmalnog položajnog vertiga, zadnjeg polukružnog kanala sa iste desne strane, koji je uspešno izlečen sa jednim modifikovanim Epley-jevim manevrom. Zaključak: Iako se veoma retko sreće u dečijem uzrastu, benigni paroksizmalni pozicioni vertigo treba prepoznati i precizno dijagnostikovati jer se može brzo i efikasno izlečiti.Introduction: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most common cause of true rotatory vertigo in adults. Unlike adults, in children with normal otoscopic findings, the most common cause of vertigo is benign paroxysmal vertigo and migraine, while benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is rarely diagnosed, but it leads to fear in children and panic in parents. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is formed by displacement of the otolith from the macula of the utricle and their entry into one of the semicircular canals. It is characterized by short-term attacks of very strong vertigo, which are provoked by a certain head position. Diagnosis of vertigo in children is difficult because young children cannot clearly describe their symptoms. Due to the possibility of dangerous causes, it is necessary to examine every child with dizziness in detail. Case outline: The paper presents a case of a nine-year-old girl with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo was suspected, after taking a precise and detailed patient’s history. The diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the right posterior semicircular canal was confirmed by the Dix-Hallpike position test. Treatment was performed, with a modified Epley repositioning maneuver. At the follow-up examination after 20 minutes, and after seven days, the Dix-Hallpike test was negative. The girl was without symptoms for a year and a half, after which the dizziness reappeared. Recurrence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the posterior semicircular canal, on the same right side was confirmed, which was successfully cured by only one modified Epley maneuver. Conclusion: Although it is very rare in childhood, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo should be recognized and accurately diagnosed because it can be cured quickly and effectively