42 research outputs found

    Development of the Simulation Model for Ready Mixed Concrete Supply Chain Cost Structure

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    Supply of Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC) is a common process of concrete works on any structure. There is often a need to supply one or more construction sites simultaneously from multiple concrete plants. This paper presents a new simulation model of RMC supply and delivery from three concrete plants to three construction sites. The model is dynamic, easily managed, and adjustable and it allows proper estimation of the cost and time required to solve the problem of RMC supply. Model verification was performed using a case study of concrete supply to construction sites in the city of Niš, Serbia. The case study is based on real parameters obtained from specific concrete plants and construction sites. The results of the simulation experiment with varying number of mixers indicate that there is a significant influence of vehicle number and volume on idling costs. Based on the model analysis in the case study, scenario 10 (minimum total idling cost is 14,09 €) is recommended as the optimal combination of truck mixers for the considered case study. The simulation results indicate that the selection of an adequate combination can significantly reduce the costs of idling, for both the mixer and the pump, which leads to minimal idling time and, consequently, to timely pouring of concrete without reducing its quality

    Scientific and technological cooperation between academic and business sector in the Republic of Serbia

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    Да би научно-технолошке политике ефикасније решавале изазове који се односе на недовољну сарадњу академског и привредног сектора који је и даље веома присутан, неопходно је стећи потпуно разумевање различитих врста интеракција и типова сарадње који се реализују између два сектора. Предмет истраживања ове докторске дисертације је испитивање фактора који утичу на успостављање и интензитет сарадње између академског и привредног сектора Републике Србије као и истраживање структурних карактеристика умрежавања. Главни циљ дисертације је откривање главних карактеристика и испитивање општих образаца научно-технолошке сарадње између академског и привредног сектора. Коришћењем методе анализе и синтезе идентификовани су кључни фактори који утичу на сарадњу академског и привредног сектора, а затим је применом регресионе анализе испитан њихов утицај на интензитет сарадње ова два сектора у Републици Србији. Поред тога, резултати истраживања структурних карактеристика умрежавања применом мрежне анализе су показали да академски сектор заузима централну функцију у мрежној структури сарадње два сектора и да има круцијалну функцију у процесу трансфера знања и токова информација у истраживачким и иновационим мрежама. Истраживање спроведено у овој дисертацији преставља важан корак ка бољем разумевању односа академског и привредног сектора Републике Србије. Поред научног доприноса резултата који се односи на емпиријску потврду тј. оповргавање претходних истраживачких резултата и теоријски допринос постојећој литератури, посебан значај дисертације се огледа у имплементацији новог методолошког приступа за оцењивање интензитета повезаности академског и привредног сектора који има значајан потенцијал примене у области научне и иновационе политике.In order for science and technology policies to more effectively address the challenges related to insufficient academia-industry cooperation, which is still very present in the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to gain a full understanding of different ways of interactions and types of cooperation between the two sectors. Research subject of this dissertation is the examination of the factors influencing the establishment and intensity of academia-industry cooperation in the Republic of Serbia, as well as the exploration of the structural characteristics of research and innovation networks. The main goal of the dissertation is to discover the main characteristics and examine the general patterns of academia-industry cooperation in the area of research and innovation. By using analysis and synthesis as research methods, the key factors that influence the academia-industry cooperation were identified, and by implementing regression analysis, their impact on the intensity of the academia-industry cooperation in the Republic of Serbia was examined. In addition, the results of social network analysis on the structural characteristics of networking showed that the academic sector has a central function in the network structure and has a crucial function in the process of knowledge transfer and information flows in research and innovation networks. The research conducted in this dissertation is an important step towards a better understanding of the academia-industry cooperation in the Republic of Serbia. In addition to the scientific contribution of the research results that are related to empirical validation and disproval of previous research results and theoretical contribution to the existing literature, the particular importance of the dissertation is reflected in the implementation of a new methodological approach to assess the intensity of the academia-industry cooperation which has significant potential for application in the field of science and innovation policy


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    It is important to perform research to the degree that it is adequate to identify the features of the terrain composition, before, during, and after the building of facilities since predicting the behaviour of rock mass during tunnel construction is a complicated engineering challenge. Engineering research works in laboratories and in the field are of different scope and methodology during testing. In this paper, the established interdependencies of some of the basic parameters obtained during the testing of rock mass are presented: Edyn = f(Vp), Edyn = f(RMR) i Edyn = f(Q). Also, the relations between the engineering systems of rock mass classification and seismic primary waves are derived. RMR = f(Vp), Q = f(Vp). The relations were based on the examination of the rock mass for the construction needs of the tunnel on the Nis-Merdare highway. The results obtained in this study can be applied in environments that have similar lithological and structural characteristics

    Gaps and Needs Analysis of Research Infrastructures in the Western Balkan Region

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    This paper aims to identify the current state and development of research infrastructures in the Western Balkan region in order to increase the general understanding of the Western Balkan's current research capabilities to conduct state of the art research projects . Considering that global research infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex and expensive, participation in large pan -European research infrastructures is considered as important condition to improve national research capabilities and to foster research mobility. When it comes to the participation in pan -European research infrastructures, WB economies are lagging significantly behind EU member states, participating only in a few top research infrastructures. To successfully integrate into the European Research Area, Western Balkan economies need to invest more efforts in recognising research infrastructures as strategically important for future economic development

    Rethinking progress: integrating innovation policy for sustainable futures

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    In the context of the pressing challenges posed by global issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, there is a growing recognition of the need for innovative approaches within policy frameworks. The paper explores the intersection of innovation policy and sustainable development, aiming to uncover new avenues for fostering socio-economic and environmental sustainability. By examining the case of the Czech Republic, this study provides a nuanced understanding of how the country strategically shifted from smart specialisation strategies (S3) to a more advanced mission-oriented approach (S4). The introduction of missions within the S3 serves as a relevant example that illustrates the Czech Republic's commitment to addressing current challenges and aligning with global goals such as the European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    Naučnotehnološke i inovacione politike: analiza stanja u Srbiji

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    Naučnotehnološke i inovacione (NTI) politike su prepoznate od strane razvijenijih zemalja kao najvažniji faktor uspostavljanja društva zasnovanog na znanju. Sa druge strane i zemlje u razvoju sve više prepoznaju nauku, tehnologije i inovacija kao važan činilac održivog razvoja. U prvom delu rada je predstavljen teorijski okvir, evolucija i teorijska klasifikacija instrumenata NTI politike. U drugom delu rada je prikazana analiza instrumenata NTI politike u kojoj se daje odgovor na pitanje da li postojeći set instrumenata rešava ključne izazove nacionalnog inovacionog sistema Republike Srbije. Opšti zaključak rada je da, iako postoji evidentan napredak u ovoj oblasti, instrumenti NTI politike ne rešavaju najvažnije izazove nacionalnog inovacionog sistema Republike Srbije u dovoljnoj meri. U strukturi identifikovanih instrumeanta NTI politike dominiraju instrumenti na strani ponude što predstavlja pokazatelj nedovoljnog obuhvata instrumenata inovacione politike

    R&D Expenditures: comparative analysis between Serbia and selected countries

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    R&D expenditures are one of the key indicators of the success in innovation process. Successful transformation of R&D expenditures into some form of technological innovation creates a stable basis for sustainable profitability and competitive advantages of the company, which have a positive impact on the growth of the entire economy. Due to the role of R&D expenditures in achieving success at the country and firm level, the subject of research in this paper is a comparative analysis of R&D expenditures between Serbia and selected countries. The aim is to examine the situation in Serbian R&D area in the context of R&D expenditures, in comparison with, first of all, the countries from the environments of the Serbia, which are the EU members. The survey coveres the period 2008 – 2016. Results show that Serbia has a significantly higher GERD (%GDP) than all countries, except Slovenia and Hungary, while Croatia has insignificantly higher GERD then Serbia. All countries from the Serbian environment that are members of the EU have significantly higher BERD (%GDP) than Serbia, except Romania, which has insignificantly higher BERD than Serbia

    Metodologije za merenje naučnotehnoloških i inovacionih aktivnosti

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    Metrika nauke, tehnologije i inovacija od ključnog je značaja za uspešno kreiranje i implementaciju javnih politika i programa u brojnim oblastima - privredni razvoj, obrazovanje, istraživanje i razvoj, međunarodna naučnotehnološka saradnja. Preduzeća, nevladine organizacije i pojedinci takođe koriste pokazatelje razvoja nauke, tehnologije i inovacija prilikom donošenja odluka u svom opsegu delovanja. Otuda, nameće se neophodnost boljeg razumevanja različitih pristupa u oceni složenih aktivnosti u domenu nauke, tehnologije i inovacija. U radu su predstavljeni osnovni načini za merenje inputa i autputa naučno-istraživačkog rada, tehnološkog progresa i inovacija. Sve metodologije su svrstane u tri široke grupe: inovacione ankete, pojedinačni pokazatelji naučnotehnološkog razvoja i kompozitni indikatori. Za svaku od navedenih grupa objašnjene su glavne karakteristike kao i međunarodno prihvaćene metodologije i standardi za njihovo obuhvatanje i merenje

    Mere politike istraživanja i inovacija Evropske unije tokom COVID-19 pandemije

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    Politike u domenu nauke, tehnologije i inovacija ne samo da obezbeđuju dugoročni društveno-ekonomski razvoj, već imaju i sposobnost da u relativno kratkom roku pruže efikasan odgovor na izazove koje nameću globalne krize. U radu su predstavljene odlike istraživanja i inovacija za vreme kriza, kao i njihove implikacije za vođenje politika u toj oblasti. Cilj istraživanja je da ukaže na mere koje je Evropska unija donela u okviru svoje politike istraživanja i inovacija u toku 2020. godine kao odgovor na Covid-19 pandemiju. Opšti zaključak rada je da je pandemija značajno uticala na pravce delovanja EU politike istraživanja i inovacija u pogledu alokacije finansijskih sredstava, istraživačkih tema i kolaborativnih mreža

    Digitalisation, Growth Vision and Gender Equality Practices in the Machines and Equipment Sector – Does Gender Matter?

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    This paper explores the nuanced relationship between gender diversity in senior management and key aspects of organizational dynamics in the machines and equipment sector in the Republic of Serbia. The aim is to uncover differences in digitalization, growth strategies and gender equality measures between companies led by women and men. Employing field research methods, specifically utilizing Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing, the results show that companies led by women have a higher propensity to adopt information and communication technologies, a more optimistic view of their future development over the next five years, greater gender diversity among employees and more robust implementation of gender equality policies compared to companies led exclusively by men. The research findings highlight the significant impact of gender diversity in leadership on business outcomes and show that women-led companies are proactively embracing digitalization, promoting growth optimism and implementing gender equality initiatives. These findings offer valuable insights for business leaders, policymakers and researchers working on initiatives to promote diversity, equality, and technological progress