18 research outputs found

    Retrospektivna procjena uspjeŔnosti liječenja generalizirane demodikoze pasa.

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    During the period 1993-2003, generalized demodicosis was diagnosed in 517 dogs. Two hundred and sixty-five (51.2%) dogs were cured with amitraz 0.025% solution, 199 (38.5%) were cured after amitraz 0.05% solution was introduced, and in 53 dogs (10.3%) mites were amitraz resistant. Among amitraz-resistent dogs, 48 were introduced to 600 Ī¼g kg-1 oral ivermectin protocol, and 45 (89.6%) of this number were successfully cured. Outcome data were lacking or were insufficient for 5 (10.4%) dogs. No ivermectin resistance was recorded. According to the data of our retrospective therapy evaluation, we anticipate an increase in cases of amitraz-resistant generalized canine demodicosis.U razdoblju od 1993. do 2003. generalizirana demodikoza bila je dijagnosticirana u 517 pasa. Izliječeno je bilo 265 pasa (51,2%) 0,025 postotnom otopinom amitraza, 199 (38,5%) 0,05 postotnom otopinom amitraza, a u 53 psa (10,3%) uzročnik je bio otporan na amitraz. Od 48 pasa u kojih je uzročnik bio otporan na amitraz, 45 (89,6%) ih je bilo izliječeno ivermektinom u dozi 600 Ī¼g kg-1. Za 5 pasa (10,4%) nedostaju podaci. Nije zabilježena otpornost uzročnika na ivermektin. S obzirom na navedene podatke i nadalje se očekuje porast otpornosti uzročnika na amitraz

    Subklinička dirofilarioza u pasa u Hrvatskoj ā€“ rezultati retrogradne pretrage arhivskih uzoraka krvi

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    Dirofilariosis is an emerging vector-borne disease of dogs and other canids transmitted by female mosquitoes of the Culicidae family, and caused by filarial nematodes of the genus Dirofilaria. Dirofilaria immitis mainly infects the pulmonary arteries and right heart chambers, and it can cause heartworm disease in dogs, while D. repens is found mainly in subcutaneous tissue and causes subclinical infection. Both have zoonotic potential. Human infections caused by D. repens are increasing in Europe, and it is emerging as a serious public health threat. Scientific interest has tended to focus mostly on D. immitis because of its pathogenicity and veterinary importance. This study aimed to update the information about dirofilariosis in the canine population in Croatia. Therefore, 531 blood samples were tested for the presence of microfilariae using a modified Knottā€™s test and a commercial test for detection of D. immitis circulating antigens. Microfilaremia was detected in 8.1% of the tested dogs, of which 7.9% were caused by D. repens and 0.4% by D. immitis. A single sample (0.2%) showed a mixed infection with both D. repens and D. immitis. The seroprevalence for D. immitis was 0.4%. No occult D. immitis infection was detected, and microfilariae were detected in all antigen-positive samples.Dirofilarioza je vektorski prenosiva bolest pasa i drugih kanida, koju prenose ženke komaraca iz porodice Culicidae, a uzrokuju je oblići iz roda Dirofilaria. D. immitis parazitira u plućnim arterijama i desnoj strani srca te može prouzročiti kardiopulmonalnu bolest kod pasa, dok D. repens parazitira uglavnom u potkožju i invazija je supkliničkog tijeka. Zoonotskog su potencijala. U Europi raste broj ljudi invadiranih s D. repens, Å”to je ozbiljn javnozdravstveni problem. Znanstveni interes je uglavnom usmjeren na D. immitis zbog patogenosti i značaja u veterinarskoj medicini. Cilj je ovog istraživanja ažuriranje informacija o učestalosti dirofilarioze u populaciji pasa u Hrvatskoj. U tu svrhu, primjenom modificiranog testa po Knott-u i komercijalnog brzog testa za detekciju cirkulirajućeg antigena D. immitis testiran je 531 uzorak krvi pasa. Otkriveno je 8,1 % pasa s mikrofilarijama od čega se 7,9 % odnosilo na D. repens, a 0,4 % na D. immitis. Jedan je uzorak (0,2 %) bio pozitivan na D. repens i D. immitis. Seroprevalencija za D. immitis bila je 0,4 %. Okultna dirofilarioza nije otkrivena, a u svim uzorcima koji su bili pozitivni na cirkulacijski antigen parazita D. immitis pronađene su i mikrofilarije

    Neuobičajen nalaz psoroptoze kod leoparda (Panthera pardus japonensis) iz zooloŔkoga vrta i njezino liječenje ivermektinom - opis slučaja.

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    Mange in a North Chinese leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis) from the city ZOO, caused by mites belonging to genus Psoroptes was presented. The literature review revealed that no data about mites from the genus Psoroptes being isolated from a carnivore had ever been recorded. The animal was successfully treated with ivermectin.Prikazan je slučaj Ŕuge kod leoparda (Panthera pardus japonensis) iz zooloŔkoga vrta, uzrokovane sa Ŕugarcima iz roda Psoroptes. Pregledom literature ustanovljeno je da nikada nije opisan slučaj Ŕuge uzrokovane Ŕugarcima iz roda Psoroptes kod mesoždera. Životinja je uspjeŔno izliječena ivermektinom

    SeroloŔka i entomoloŔka istraživanja liŔmanioze u pasa u Hrvatskoj.

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    In Croatia, canine leishmaniosis has been recognized in the southern littoral area (Dalmatia) as a reemerging disease since 1997. This paper reports the fi ndings of a survey carried out 2.5 years after the suspension of control measures for canine leishmaniosis. Entomological and cross-sectional serological surveys were carried out in the KaÅ”tela municipality in the Split-Dalmatia County (where stable foci of canine leishmaniosis were reported previously), and in a few localities from the Å ibenik-Knin county where a few unstable foci were previously reported. Serological surveys detected a focus with 31% seropositive dogs in Rudine (the known enzootic area); a tendency for a new stable focus appearance in the Å ibenik-Knin County (Rogoznica), with cumulative seropositivity of 13.5% in both areas. Entomological studies evidenced two competent Leishmania vectors, Phlebotomus neglectus and P. tobbi; the fi rst was prevalent (75.9%) being also the species much more associated to habitats where dogs are present. Moreover, prevalence for P. neglectus females feeding on human blood reached 30%.Na jugu hrvatskoga priobalja (Dalmacija) liÅ”manioza pasa u ponovnom je porastu od 1997. godine. U ovom radu izneseni su rezultati istraživanja provedenih 2,5 godine nakon ukidanja obveznih mjera suzbijanja liÅ”manioze pasa. SeroloÅ”ko i entomoloÅ”ko istraživanje provedeno je na području općine KaÅ”tela u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji (područje s poznatim stalnim žariÅ”tima pasje liÅ”manioze) i na nekoliko lokacija Å ibensko-kninske županije gdje je zabilježeno samo povremeno javljanje liÅ”manioze. SeroloÅ”kim je istraživanjima otkriveno žariÅ”te s 31% seroloÅ”ki pozitivnih pasa u Rudinama (enzootsko područje) s tendencijom nastanka novoga stalnog žariÅ”ta u Å ibensko-kninskoj županiji (Rogoznica), a ukupno je bilo 13,5% seroloÅ”ki pozitivnih pasa. EntomoloÅ”kim istraživanjima dokazana je prisutnost dviju vrsta prijenosnika koji podržavaju razvoj roda Leishmania, Phlebotomus neglectus i P. tobbi; prvi je mnogo zastupljeniji (75,9%) i čeŔće prisutan tamo gdje ima pasa, a čak 30% pretraženih ženki P. neglectus hranilo se na ljudima

    Prvo izvjeŔće o nalazu velikog američkog metilja (Fascioloides magna, Bassi, 1875) u Hrvatskoj.

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    Cases of American liver fluke (Fascioloides magna) were detected in Croatia for the first time in January 2000. Initial suspicions with regard to the presence of Fascioloides magna in the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) population were raised in Baranja, eastern Croatia, during the winter of 1999. Red deer liver samples from that area were examined and 22 adult parasites were recovered. The parasites, as well as mature eggs, were determined to be Fascioloides magna. The parasite was probably introduced into the Baranja region by natural deer migration from neighbouring Hungary.Tijekom siječnja 2000. godine po prvi puta je ustanovljena prisutnost velikog američkog metilja (Fascioloides magna) u Hrvatskoj. Sumnja na njegovu prisutnost u populaciji jelena običnog (Cervus elaphus L.) postavljena je tijekom zime 1999. godine u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske, odnosno Baranje. Dostavljeni i pregledani uzorak jetre jelena običnog s tog područja sadržavao je 22 odrasla parazita. Paraziti i zrela jajaÅ”ca determinirani su kao Fascioloides magna. Paraziti su vjerojatno uneseni na područje Baranje prirodnom migracijom jelena iz susjedne Mađarske

    The Presence of the nematode Ancylostoma caninum in red foxes from Medvednica Nature Park

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    Lisica (Vulpes vulpes) nositelj je brojnih parazita među kojima se nalazi i oblić Ancylostoma caninum. Ovaj parazit može u odgovarajućim okolnostima predstavljati i opasnost za zdravlje ljudi i domaćih životinja. Iz takvih je razloga praćenje parazitskog statusa lisica od iznimne važnosti, posebice onih koje se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini čovjeka, poput prigradskih i gradskih lisica. Tu se ubrajaju i lisice u različitim parkovima gdje je povećana aktivnost ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca te postoji i povećan rizik od međusobnog prijenosa različitih uzročnika bolesti. U ovom istraživanju prikazani su rezultati makroskopske i dodatnih pretraga probavnog sustava 28 lisica s područja Parka prirode Medvednica prikupljenih u okviru provedbe Programa zaÅ”tite divljači. Oblić A. caninum utvrđen je u 10 životinja, Å”to čini 36 % ukupnog nalaza parazita. Usporedbom prema revirima zaÅ”tite prirode nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. Usporedbom prema spolovima također nema statistički značajne razlike (????2 = 2,273; p = 0,131; OR = 5,50; CI (95%) = 0,51-59,01). Istraživanje je pokazalo relativno visoku učestalost ovog oblića u lisica s područja PP Medvednica.The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a potential host of numerous parasites, including the nematode Ancylostoma caninum. In certain conditions this nematode can pose a risk for the health of humans and domestic animals. This means that it is extremely important to monitor the health of wild red foxes, especially those living in suburban and urban areas, as well as in Nature and National Parks. In such areas the risk of mutual transmission of diseases between foxes, domestic animals and humans has increased. This is mainly due to increased human activity, visits by domestic animals with different parasitic status and the increased fox population. In this research, the results of macroscopic and additional analysis of the gastrointestinal system of 28 foxes are presented. Fox carcasses originated from Medvednica Nature Park and were collected within the Game Protection Program. The nematode A. caninum was found in 10 animals (36%). We did not find any statistically significant differences between different nature protection areas (????2 = 2.273; p = 0.131; OR = 5.50; CI (95%) = 0.51-59.01. We found a relatively high prevalence of this nematode in the Medvednica fox population


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    Prikazujemo slučaj okularne infekcije uzrokovane telazijom u 82-godiÅ”njeg bolesnika. Infekcija pripada skupini zoonoza, a uzrokovana je parazitom (nematodom) iz porodice Thelaziide. Opisane su dvije vrste telazija koje uzrokuju infekciju u ljudi: Thelazia callipaeda i Thelazija californiensis. Prenosi se sa životinja, najčeŔće psa, na čovjeka putem muha iz porodice Drosophilidae. Bolesnik se javlja u hitnu oftalmoloÅ”ku ambulantu zbog bolova i svrbeža u lijevom oku koji traju već nekoliko dana. Prigodom prvog pregleda ustanovljeno je jako crvenilo konjunktive i cilijarnog područja, te veliki kornealni apsces pozitivan na fl uorescenski test bez vidljivih struktura u pozadini. Pregledom vanjskog konjunktivalnog kuta, pod vjeđom, uoči se pokretna, crvolika forma. Tijekom pregleda, uz lokalnu anesteziju tetrakainom, ukupno je odstranjeno sedam sitnih, mliječno bijelih crva različitih veličina i faze razvoja. Nakon kirurÅ”ke ekstirpacije parazita, učini se mikrobioloÅ”ka identifi kacija i utvrdi dijagnoza telazioze.The fi rst case of ocular thelaziasis in a human male patient in Croatia is presented. Thelaziasis is a zoonosis caused by nematodes of the genus Thelazia, parasites of the conjunctival bags or tear ducts of mammals and birds. Two types of the genus Thelazia (T.) have been described as causes of infection in humans, T. callipaeda and T. californiensis. To date, less than 300 thelaziasis cases in humans have been reported. This zoonosis is very rare in humans in European countries, with a high incidence in Asian countries, especially in China, Thailand and Japan. Because of the high prevalence of the parasites in the Far East, T. callipaeda is called ā€˜Oriental eye wormā€™. The fi rst case of thelaziasis in Europe was described in 2008 in Italy and France, where cases in animals had already been reported. Seasonal occurrence of thelaziasis in Europe depends on the presence of the vector, fruit fl ies of Drosophilidae family, Phortica variegate as the most common type. Adult worm is milky white, females grow to 20 mm and males up to 12 mm. Dogs and cats are the most common sources of infection for humans, which occurs as unilateral ocular infection. The clinical picture of infection is similar to bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis with tearing and foreign body sensation. After removal of worms, clinical signs quickly disappear and there is no need for anthelmintic treatment. In the treatment of secondary infections, local antibiotics and corticosteroids can be applied. The 82-year-old male patient presented to outpatient ophthalmology clinic for occasional sensation of pain, itching, redness and tearing in his left eye during the last few days. His left eye was blind due to previous retinal detachment and had severe conjunctival and ciliary infection with large corneal abscess. Worm-like movement in the lateral canthus was observed. After topical anesthesia, seven worms were removed. Upon surgical extirpation of the parasite, the diagnosis of thelaziasis was verifi ed by microbiological identifi cation. Only two cases of Thelazia in dogs were reported in Croatia, in December 2013 and January 2014. It is important to bear in mind this cause of eye infections, especially when caused by larval stages that are diffi cult to identify. Untimely diagnosis and inadequate treatment lead to extended illness and complications. The appearance of this parasite in Croatian patients suggests the need for inclusion of the pathogen in the differential diagnosis of bacterial or allergic conjunctivitis

    Parasitological analysis of Golden jackal faeces from the PeljeÅ”ac peninsula ā€“ Preliminary results

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    Čagalj (Canis aureus L.) je divlji pripadnik porodice pasa te autohtona divljač jugoistočne i srednje Europe, a u Hrvatskoj naseljava i mediteranski i kontinentalni dio, uz stalni porast brojnosti. U ovom istraživanju ispitivani su uzorci izmeta čagljeva s odlagaliÅ”ta otpada na rubnom dijelu grada Trpnja na PeljeÅ”cu, gdje se čagljevi uobičajeno hrane hranom antropogenog podrijetla. ParazitoloÅ”kim pretragama izmeta utvrdili smo invadiranost u 75% istraživanih uzoraka, pri čemu je u svim pozitivnim uzorcima utvrđena prisutnost jajaÅ”aca oblića. U najvećem broju slučajeva pronaÅ”li smo jajaÅ”ca strongilidnog tipa (60,71%), dok smo jajaÅ”ca oblića Toxocara canis i Trichuris vulpis ustvrdili u 14,29% i 10,71% uzoraka. JajaÅ”ca Capillaria aerophila i Strongyloides spp. smo ustvrdili u 3,57% uzoraka. U istom postotku smo ustvrdili i oociste Eimeria spp., koje su najvjerojatnije pasivno unesene u probavni sustav. Dobiveni rezultati, a posebice izostanak trakavica kao inače redovitog nalaza u čagljeva, upućuju na promjenu u prehrambenim navikama i hranjenje hranom antropogenog podrijetla, Å”to pogoduje invadiranosti parazitima s izravnim ciklusom razvoja. Za potvrđivanje ove pretpostavke neophodno je proÅ”iriti istraživanje na druge dijelove poluotoka (naglasak na prirodnoj ishrani čagljeva) i na druga godiÅ”nja doba.Golden jackal (Canis aureus L.) is a wild member of the family Canidae and an autochthonous game species of Southeast and Central Europe. In Croatia, it inhabits both Mediterranean and continental habitats, with constant population increases. This study analysed jackal faeces collected near the town of Trpanj (PeljeÅ”ac Peninsula), where feed of anthropogenic origin constitutes the majority of the jackal diet. Parasitological analysis revealed that 75% of analysed samples harboured at least one parasite species. Nematodes were detected in all positive samples. The strongylid type of eggs were most frequently detected (60.71%) while Toxocara canis and Trichuris vulpis eggs were detected in 14.29% and 10.71% of samples, respectively. Eggs of Capillaria aerophila and Strongyloides spp. were detected in 3.75% of samples. The same result was obtained for oocysts of Eimeria spp., which is likely the result of feeding on infected prey. These results, particularly the lack of cestodes as a typical member of the jackalsā€™ parasite fauna, suggest a shift in diet with towards predominant feed of anthropogenic origin that favours parasites with a direct life cycle. To confirm this hypothesis, samples from jackals inhabiting other parts of the peninsula (emphasis on a natural diet) and during different times of year should be conducted

    Gender-Specific Growth Patterns of Transversal Body Dimensions in Croatian Children and Youth (2 to 18 Years of Age)

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    In a cross-sectional study of growth, 5,260 healthy children of both sexes from Zagreb (Croatia) aged 2 to 18 years were measured. Six transversal body dimensions were studied: biacromial, transverse chest, antero-posterior chest, biiliocristal, bicondylar humerus and bicondylar femur diamters. A significant increase in body diameters has been observed until the age of 14 to 15 in girls and until the age of 16 in boys, showing that girls have a 1 to 2 years shorter period of growth. Compared to boys of the same age, they achieved larger amounts of final transversal bone size throughout the whole growth period. The most pronounced example was the knee diameter that in girls attained 95% of adult size as early as the age of 10. In both genders, the adult size is achieved earlier in widths of the extremities than in those of the trunk. The studied transversal body segments showed different growth dynamics, which is gender-specific. While sexual dimorphism in pelvic and shoulder diameters emerged with pubertal spurt, gender differences in chest and extremitiesā€™ diameters started early in life. In all ages, boys had larger chest, elbow and knee diameters. In pubertal age boys gained a significantly larger biacromial diameter (from the age of 13 onwards), while girls exceeded them in biiliocristal diameter (from 10 to 14 years). The findings of gender differences were compared to those reported for other European populations and their growth patters were discussed comparing viewpoints