Retrospektivna procjena uspješnosti liječenja generalizirane demodikoze pasa.


During the period 1993-2003, generalized demodicosis was diagnosed in 517 dogs. Two hundred and sixty-five (51.2%) dogs were cured with amitraz 0.025% solution, 199 (38.5%) were cured after amitraz 0.05% solution was introduced, and in 53 dogs (10.3%) mites were amitraz resistant. Among amitraz-resistent dogs, 48 were introduced to 600 μg kg-1 oral ivermectin protocol, and 45 (89.6%) of this number were successfully cured. Outcome data were lacking or were insufficient for 5 (10.4%) dogs. No ivermectin resistance was recorded. According to the data of our retrospective therapy evaluation, we anticipate an increase in cases of amitraz-resistant generalized canine demodicosis.U razdoblju od 1993. do 2003. generalizirana demodikoza bila je dijagnosticirana u 517 pasa. Izliječeno je bilo 265 pasa (51,2%) 0,025 postotnom otopinom amitraza, 199 (38,5%) 0,05 postotnom otopinom amitraza, a u 53 psa (10,3%) uzročnik je bio otporan na amitraz. Od 48 pasa u kojih je uzročnik bio otporan na amitraz, 45 (89,6%) ih je bilo izliječeno ivermektinom u dozi 600 μg kg-1. Za 5 pasa (10,4%) nedostaju podaci. Nije zabilježena otpornost uzročnika na ivermektin. S obzirom na navedene podatke i nadalje se očekuje porast otpornosti uzročnika na amitraz

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