24 research outputs found
PERFORMATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF GENDER: Subversion of Identity in Želimir Žilnik’s movie Marble Ass
U ovom tekstu se koncept performativnosti roda iznet u radovima savremene američke feminističke autorke Džudit Batler koristi kao metodološko sredstvo u analizi filma Želimira Žilnika “Marble Ass”. Igrani film se ovde posmatra kao tekst koji uspešno oslikava vrednosne i kulturne stavove društva u okviru koga je nastao. Cilj rada je pokušaj primene jedne savremene teorije o formiranju subjekta na konkretne primere koji se javljaju u navedenom filmu i provera mogućnosti koje koncept performativnosti roda nudi.This paper uses the concept of gender performativity, articulated by a contemporary American feminist author Judith Butler, as a methodological tool for the analysis of Želimir Žilnik’s movie Marble Ass. A motion picture is seen here as a text which successfully
delineates values and cultural attitudes of the society in which it was created. The goal of the paper is to try to apply a contemporary theory of subject formation to the concrete examples shown in that movie, and to examine the possibilities offered by the concept of gender performativity
Stiffness dependence of critical exponents of semiflexible polymer chains situated on two-dimensional compact fractals
We present an exact and Monte Carlo renormalization group (MCRG) study of
semiflexible polymer chains on an infinite family of the plane-filling (PF)
fractals. The fractals are compact, that is, their fractal dimension is
equal to 2 for all members of the fractal family enumerated by the odd integer
(). For various values of stiffness parameter of the
chain, on the PF fractals (for ) we calculate exactly the critical
exponents (associated with the mean squared end-to-end distances of
polymer chain) and (associated with the total number of different
polymer chains). In addition, we calculate and through the MCRG
approach for up to 201. Our results show that, for each particular ,
critical exponents are stiffness dependent functions, in such a way that the
stiffer polymer chains (with smaller values of ) display enlarged values of
, and diminished values of . On the other hand, for any specific
, the critical exponent monotonically decreases, whereas the critical
exponent monotonically increases, with the scaling parameter . We
reflect on a possible relevance of the criticality of semiflexible polymer
chains on the PF family of fractals to the same problem on the regular
Euclidean lattices.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure
On the number of contacts of a floating polymer chain cross-linked with a surface adsorbed chain on fractal structures
We study the interaction problem of a linear polymer chain, floating in
fractal containers that belong to the three-dimensional Sierpinski gasket (3D
SG) family of fractals, with a surface-adsorbed linear polymer chain. Each
member of the 3D SG fractal family has a fractal impenetrable 2D adsorbing
surface, which appears to be 2D SG fractal. The two-polymer system is modelled
by two mutually crossing self-avoiding walks. By applying the Monte Carlo
Renormalization Group (MCRG) method, we calculate the critical exponents
, associated with the number of contacts of the 3D SG floating polymer
chain, and the 2D SG adsorbed polymer chain, for a sequence of SG fractals with
. Besides, we propose the codimension additivity (CA) argument
formula for , and compare its predictions with our reliable set of the
MCRG data. We find that monotonically decreases with increasing ,
that is, with increase of the container fractal dimension. Finally, we discuss
the relations between different contact exponents, and analyze their possible
behaviour in the fractal-to-Euclidean crossover region .Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure
Oxidation-reduction potential of cerebrospinal fluid as a potential biomarker for ALS progression
Background: ALS is an oxidative stress-related fastpaced
motor neuron disease for which there are no
accurate biomarkers of progression. This largely hampers
the development of therapeutics. Our aim was to test the
applicability of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in ALS progression follow-up.
Methods: ORP was measured using RedoxSYS (Aytu
BioScience, Inc.) in CSF of 49 ALS patients (mean age
63 1.29 years; range 43-80 years; mean ALSFRSr score
37.47 0.90, range 21-48; m/f = 35/14) and 15 controls
(mean age 48.93 3.68 years, range 21-67 years; m/f =
Results: Pearson correlation coefficient (R) between
ALSFRSr score and ORP was 0.27 (p = 0.06). R was
higher ( 0.45) when two outlier values were excluded
from the calculus. Importantly, ALS patients had significantly
higher mean ORP (ALS: 121.83 2.76mV;
controls: 111.14 2.94 mV; p = 0.033). The difference
was also significant for ORP normalized to age. Of note,
ORP is reciprocally proportional to the pro-oxidative
settings in biological samples.
Discussion: Increased ORP values in ALS patients
further confirm the role of oxidative stress in this
neurodegenerative disease. ORP might find application
as a biomarker for ALS progression/prognosis but further
measurements on a larger cohort is warranted
Friction coefficient during the reciprocating sliding of uhmwpe in different environments
Dynamic friction coefficient (COF) of the reciprocating sliding contact of UHMWPE, was investigated in four
different environments (dry contact; distilled water; pure Ringer's solution and with PMMA particles), at five
values of low normal load (0.1 – 1 N) and three values of sliding speed (4 – 12 mm/s). Significant differences of COF values occurred at low load (0.1 N), whereas sliding speed did not influence COF values. Addition of PMMA particles in Ringer's solution produced significant increase of COF values, especially at the lowest load of 0.1 N
Hrvatske smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje benignoga paroksizmalnog pozicijskog vertiga (BPPV-a) [Croatian guidelines for diagnosis and management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)]
BPPV is generally the most common cause of vertigo, caused by a pinch-off of tiny calcium carbonate crystals (called the otoconia or the otoliths) from the macula utriculi, most frequently due to the degenerative processes or a trauma, whereby the crystals, under the action of gravity in certain head positions coinciding with its direction, arrive to some of the semicircular canals, usually the posterior one, due to the existent anatomical circumstances and relationships, thus creating an inadequate stimulus of the cupular senses while floating through the endolymph and provoking symptoms of a strong and short-term dizziness. Two main clinical forms can be distinguished: canalolythiasis, with an accommodation of otolithic debris in the semicircular canal, and cupulolythiasis, with their location immediately next to the cupular sense. The diagnosis is established by a positive positioning test, Dix-Hallpike for the posterior and the supine roll for the lateral canal. Although one can expect a spontaneous recovery subsequent to few weeks or months, various methods of otolith repositioning to a less sensitive place lead to a prompt improvement while reducing or withdrawing the symptoms completely. These guidelines are intended for all who treat the BPPV in their work, with an intention to assist in the diagnosis and application of an appropriate therapeutic method
Professional training of football coaches as a lifelong process
Stručno usavršavanje trenera nogometa je cjeloživotni proces koji obuhvaća različite aspekte trenerovog rada i nastoji osigurati da trener uvijek bude u toku s novim trendovima, metodama i tehnologijama u nogometu. Ovaj proces podrazumijeva kontinuirano učenje, usavršavanje i primjenu novih znanja u praksi kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta treninga i taktičke pripreme igrača. Jedan od najvažnijih ciljeva stručnog usavršavanja trenera nogometa je kontinuirano praćenje razvoja igre i promjena u igračkoj kulturi. To podrazumijeva analizu suvremenih taktičkih trendova, novih strategija, metodologija treninga, ali i primjenu novih tehnologija koje su postale sastavni dio modernog nogometa. Na primjer, analiza podataka, video analiza utakmica i snimanje igrača s pomoću dronova ili kamera na terenu. Osim toga, stručno usavršavanje trenera nogometa također uključuje usavršavanje u komunikaciji s igračima, razvoj sposobnosti vođenja momčadi i upravljanja emocijama u stresnim situacijama. To podrazumijeva upoznavanje sa psihološkim i pedagoškim aspektima igre, razumijevanje osobnosti igrača i njihovih individualnih potreba te stvaranje učinkovitog i funkcionalnog timskog okruženja. Treneri nogometa također moraju biti upoznati s novim zakonima igre koji se stalno mijenjaju, a stručno usavršavanje omogućava im da budu informirani o svim promjenama i pravilima kako bi ih primijenili na najbolji način u igri. Stručno usavršavanje trenera nogometa je važan proces koji omogućava trenerima da budu konkurentni i efikasni u svom radu, a dugoročno i pomaže u razvoju nogometne igre u cjelini. U tom smislu, održavanje i razvoj ovog procesa je od vitalne važnosti za uspjeh i napredak trenera i nogometne igre u cjelini.The professional training of football coaches is a lifelong process that encompasses various aspects of the coach's work and strives to ensure that the coach is always up to date with new trends, methods and technologies in football. This process implies continuous learning, improvement and application of new knowledge in practice in order to improve the quality of training and tactical preparation of players. One of the most important goals of the professional development of football coaches is the continuous monitoring of the development of the game and changes in the playing culture. This implies the analysis of contemporary tactical trends, new strategies, training methodologies, but also the application of new technologies that have become an integral part of modern football. For example, data analysis, video analysis of matches and recording of players using drones or cameras on the pitch. In addition, the professional development of soccer coaches also includes training in communication with players, developing the ability to lead a team and manage emotions in stressful situations. This entails getting to know the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the game, understanding the personality of the players and their individual needs, and creating an efficient and functional team environment. Soccer coaches must also be familiar with the new laws of the game that are constantly changing, and professional training allows them to be informed about all changes and rules in order to apply them in the best way in the game. The professional training of football coaches is an important process that enables coaches to be competitive and efficient in their work, and in the long term it helps in the development of the football game as a whole. In this sense, the maintenance and development of this process is of vital importance for the success and progress of coaches and the game of football as a whole
Professional training of football coaches as a lifelong process
Stručno usavršavanje trenera nogometa je cjeloživotni proces koji obuhvaća različite aspekte trenerovog rada i nastoji osigurati da trener uvijek bude u toku s novim trendovima, metodama i tehnologijama u nogometu. Ovaj proces podrazumijeva kontinuirano učenje, usavršavanje i primjenu novih znanja u praksi kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta treninga i taktičke pripreme igrača. Jedan od najvažnijih ciljeva stručnog usavršavanja trenera nogometa je kontinuirano praćenje razvoja igre i promjena u igračkoj kulturi. To podrazumijeva analizu suvremenih taktičkih trendova, novih strategija, metodologija treninga, ali i primjenu novih tehnologija koje su postale sastavni dio modernog nogometa. Na primjer, analiza podataka, video analiza utakmica i snimanje igrača s pomoću dronova ili kamera na terenu. Osim toga, stručno usavršavanje trenera nogometa također uključuje usavršavanje u komunikaciji s igračima, razvoj sposobnosti vođenja momčadi i upravljanja emocijama u stresnim situacijama. To podrazumijeva upoznavanje sa psihološkim i pedagoškim aspektima igre, razumijevanje osobnosti igrača i njihovih individualnih potreba te stvaranje učinkovitog i funkcionalnog timskog okruženja. Treneri nogometa također moraju biti upoznati s novim zakonima igre koji se stalno mijenjaju, a stručno usavršavanje omogućava im da budu informirani o svim promjenama i pravilima kako bi ih primijenili na najbolji način u igri. Stručno usavršavanje trenera nogometa je važan proces koji omogućava trenerima da budu konkurentni i efikasni u svom radu, a dugoročno i pomaže u razvoju nogometne igre u cjelini. U tom smislu, održavanje i razvoj ovog procesa je od vitalne važnosti za uspjeh i napredak trenera i nogometne igre u cjelini.The professional training of football coaches is a lifelong process that encompasses various aspects of the coach's work and strives to ensure that the coach is always up to date with new trends, methods and technologies in football. This process implies continuous learning, improvement and application of new knowledge in practice in order to improve the quality of training and tactical preparation of players. One of the most important goals of the professional development of football coaches is the continuous monitoring of the development of the game and changes in the playing culture. This implies the analysis of contemporary tactical trends, new strategies, training methodologies, but also the application of new technologies that have become an integral part of modern football. For example, data analysis, video analysis of matches and recording of players using drones or cameras on the pitch. In addition, the professional development of soccer coaches also includes training in communication with players, developing the ability to lead a team and manage emotions in stressful situations. This entails getting to know the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the game, understanding the personality of the players and their individual needs, and creating an efficient and functional team environment. Soccer coaches must also be familiar with the new laws of the game that are constantly changing, and professional training allows them to be informed about all changes and rules in order to apply them in the best way in the game. The professional training of football coaches is an important process that enables coaches to be competitive and efficient in their work, and in the long term it helps in the development of the football game as a whole. In this sense, the maintenance and development of this process is of vital importance for the success and progress of coaches and the game of football as a whole