5 research outputs found

    Research on tourists' attitudes on the potential of Goč mountain for the development of eco-tourism

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    Goč Mountain has a wealth of natural resources, which represent the most important prerequisite for the development of ecotourism. However, the natural resources of this mountain are inadequately utilized for tourism. The aim of the research is to examine the views of tourists on the possibilities for the development of ecotourism on the mountain Goč, with a view to the more intensive tourist development of this mountain. Special attention is paid to the analysis of possibilities for expanding the existing tourist offer, additional attractive contents and activities, which would contribute to the greater competitiveness of this mountain in the ecotourism market. The survey method was used to collect primary data in the research and it included 174 respondents. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis showed that Goč Mountain has the potential for ecotourism development and that the construction of eco-accommodation facilities would contribute to the greater competitiveness of Goč Mountain.Publishe

    Kulturni i verski motivi kao faktori odluke za putovanjem: studija slučaja Neum

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    Kako su se na turističkom tržištu tokom pandemije Kovid-19 pojavile nove turističke destinacije, koje su svojom otvorenošću privlačile veliki broj turista, tako je cilj ovog rada bio da ispita koji su motivi bili glavni faktori odluke za putovanjem u jednu od takvih destinacija, kakav je i Neum. Gradić u Bosni i Hercegovini, bio je predmet ponude velikog broja turističkih agencija tokom pandemije Kovid-19, ali i tražnje turista. U radu se prošlo od pretpostavke da su odmor i relaksacija na moru bili glavni motivi i faktori odluke turista za putovanjem u Neum. Međutim, istraživanje koje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 92 turista koji su u julu 2021. godine boravili u Neumu, pokazalo je da su kulturni i verski motivi Neuma bili njihov glavni motiv za putovanjem u ovaj grad

    Emergence of travel agencies in Yugoslavia as drivers of the development of travel culture

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    Although the idea of the creation of the first travel agency in Yugoslavia existed in the middle of the 19th century, it took more than sixty years to establish the first travel agency, Putnik, in Belgrade in 1923. Founding of a tourist agency initiated numerous trips, both domestic and foreign, to the places of former Yugoslavia. The most popular destinations in Yugoslavia in the first half of the 20th century were in southern Serbia, Slovenia and the Adriatic. During 1930, business operations of Putnik were marked by cruises and thematic exhibitions in Paris, London, Nice, as well as the opening of a large number of branches in different cities, in the country and abroad. Until the beginning of World War I, important events for the development of tourist travels in Yugoslavia occurred: printing of posters, brochures, promotions of destinations, opening of the Belgrade Fair, making of the first tourist film in colour. After World War II, which had a very negative effect on tourism in the whole world, including Yugoslavia, a period of the country’s restoration followed and a golden age of tourism in Yugoslavia started, which by the number of tourists, their overnight stays and tourism revenues have never been exceeded. The appearance of agency activity in Yugoslavia contributed to the creation of a travel culture that has had multiple benefits for both travellers and hosts, but also for the society as a whole.Publishe


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    The paper is an overview on Yugoslav seaside tourism propaganda and mass tourism of the working class. The analysis is based on the archival material analyzed so far in the field of the history of tourism development and published scientific papers related to travel culture in Yugoslavia. The research aims to look at and analyze the tourist propaganda in Yugoslavia during the 20th century from a sociological aspect, when one of the main characteristics of tourism was its mass occurrence. Despite the development of the economy and the rise of tourism, the citizens of Yugoslavia had a short vacation, during which they went to the sea, spas, mountains, most often making their own travel plans, and used the services of travel agencies the least. Numerous catalogs, brochures, newspaper advertisements represent important segments of tourist propaganda and a signpost for domestic tourists to popular destinations. The difficult position of workers who struggled to preserve the idea of going on vacation was also visible through some of the slogans about summer vacations: "Those who have money bathe in the sea, and those who do not have money bathe at home in the washbowl." The standard of living of the people dictated their decisions about travel, and only in 1964 was the decision made that the annual vacation should last for six days and be paid, which gave tourism the epithet of social tourism. The results of the overview provide insight into the everyday life of the inhabitants of Yugoslavia, their possibilities for going on vacation, tourist propaganda which was very lavish in its beginnings, but also the most common destinations they travelled to.U radu je dat pregled jugoslovenske turističke propaganda koja se odnosila pre svega na primorje, ali i začetke razvoja masovnog turizma radničke klase. Analizirani su do sada istraženi arhivski dokumenti u oblasti istorije razvoja turizma i naučni radovi koji se odnose na kulturu putovanja u Jugoslaviji. Istraživanje ima cilj da sagleda i analizira turističku propagandu sa sociološkog aspekta u Jugoslaviji tokom 20. veka, kada je jedna od glavnih karakterisika turizma bila njegova masovna pojava. Uprkos razvoju privrede i usponu razvoja turizma, građani Jugoslavije su imali kratak godišnji odmor, koji su realizovali odlascima na more, u banje, na planine, i to najčešće u sopstvenoj organizaciji, a najmanje su koristili usluge turističkih agencija. Brojni katalozi, brošure, oglasi u novinama predstavljaju važne segmente turističke propagande i putokaz domaćim turistima ka popularnim destinacijama. Težak položaj radnika koji su se borili da sačuvaju ideju o odlasku na godišnje odmore bio je vidljiv i kroz neke od slogana o letovanju: „Ko ima para kupa se u moru, a ko nema kući u lavoru“. Životni standard ljudi diktirao je odluke o putovanjima, a tek 1964. godine donošena je odluka da godišnjih odmor traje šest dana i da bude plaćen, čime turizam dobija epitet socijalnog turizma. Rezultati istraživanja pružaju uvid u svakodnevni život stanovnika Jugoslavije, njihove mogućnosti za odlazak na godišnji odmor, turističkoj propagandi, koja je i u svojim začecima bila veoma raskošna, ali i najčešćim destinacijama na koje se putovalo

    Historical development of tourism in Serbia

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    The analysis of the research papers on the beginnings of tourism development in the world led to the conclusion that our literature lacked detailed studies dealing with the historical development of tourism in Serbia. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the research into the available documentation on the developments related to the first forms and types of tourism, including observations, notes and experiences of the first passengers on the territory of today's Serbia. In order to indicate the directions of the current tourism development, it is necessary to analyse its original forms in the past, and also to compare whether the first tourism forms have reached their peak development until today. The importance of tourism can be seen not only through its economic indicators and impacts, but also through cultural, educational, health and other needs of both tourists and locals. Various forms of tourism in the past can affect not only their future development, but also the tourist consumption of domestic and foreign tourists, as well as the development of the entire tourism industry