23 research outputs found

    IT paslaugų valdymo tobulinimas klientų aptarnavimo versle: atvejo analizė

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    Organisations that provide information technology services mostly set goals for improving the quality and management of services. The ability to remain competitive is one of the most critical factors in any modern organisation's success. For business processes to be successful, it is necessary to rely on rational and well-thought-out solutions. In many cases, data-based solutions create conditions to avoid or reduce significant risks. The article examines the possibilities of applying IT processes to improve customer service and presents its improvement outcomes. Customer satisfaction with the services provided is directly correlated with the quality of services. The research investigates and empirically evaluates the existing IT incident management processes of the selected company and provides opportunities for their improvement. After analysing incident management processes in the selected company, an improvement of the incident management processes was presented to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the improvements. The results obtained show that the improved process had a statistically significant positive impact on improving the customer service quality. Therefore, it can be stated that the implemented changes are effective and useful in the context of the company's operations.Informacinių technologijų paslaugas teikiančiose struktūrose dažnu atveju iškeliami tikslai paslaugų kokybei ir valdymui gerinti. Gebėjimas išlikti konkurencingam yra vienas svarbiausių kiekvienos šiuolaikinės organizacijos sėkmės faktorių, todėl kiekvienas verslas siekia tobulėti ir seka technologines naujoves. Tam, kad procesai versle būtų sėkmingi, privalu remtis racionaliais ir gerai apgalvotais sprendimais, o šiuos sprendimus labai dažnai padeda priimti būtent panaudojant technologijas gauta ir susisteminta informacija bei žinios. Daugeliu atvejų duomenimis grįsti sprendimai sukuria prielaidas išvengti didelių rizikų arba jas sumažinti. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos IT procesų taikymo klientų aptarnavimo paslaugoms gerinti galimybės ir, atlikus tyrimą, pateikiamos jų tobulinimo galimybės. Kadangi klientų pasitenkinimas suteiktomis paslaugomis tiesiogiai koreliuoja su paslaugų kokybe, nuolatinis teikiamų paslaugų procesų vertinimas ir optimizavimas yra neišvengiamas. Tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti ir empiriškai įvertinti esamus pasirinktos įmonės IT incidentų valdymo procesus bei numatyti jų tobulinimo galimybes. Atlikus incidentų valdymo procesų analizę pasirinktoje įmonėje (atvejo analizė), identifikuotiems trūkumams likviduoti pateiktas incidentų valdymo procesų patobulinimas. Atlikto patobulinimo efektyvumui įvertinti taikyti aprašomosios ir išvadų statistikos metodai, kurie parodė, kad patobulintas procesas turėjo statistiškai reikšmingą teigiamą įtaką klientų aptarnavimo paslaugų kokybei gerinti. Todėl galima teigti, kad įgyvendinti pakeitimai yra efektyvūs ir naudingi įmonės veiklos kontekste

    Kokybės vertinimo metodų taikymas mokomiesiems scenarijams vertinti

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    The paper is aimed to analyse the problems of evaluation of quality of learning scenarios. Multiple criteria analysis principles are applied to form learning scenarios quality model. Several alternativesof learning scenarios that are widely used in Europe are analysed in the paper. These alternatives are evaluated with the help of the created quality model and application of triangular and trapezoidalfuzzy numbers methods. Research results show that both these methods are applicable in practice while evaluating quality of learning scenarios alternatives, and their application shows in principlesimilar results while comparing different alternatives of learning scenarios. Straipsnyje yra nagrinėjamos mokomųjų scenarijų (santr. MS) kokybės vertinimo problemos. MS kokybės modeliui suformuoti yra taikomi daugiakriterinių sprendimų analizės principai. Straipsnyje yra analizuojamos kelios Europoje plačiai naudojamos MS alternatyvos. Šios alternatyvos yra vertinamos remiantis sukurtu kokybės modeliu taikant trikampio ir trapecijos neraiškiųjų skaičių metodus. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad abu metodaiyra taikytini praktikoje vertinant MS alternatyvų kokybę, o juos taikant įvairioms MS alternatyvoms lyginti gaunami iš principo tie patys rezultatai

    Kai kurie kombinatorikos ir statistikos mokymo ypatumai

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    The paper deals with some definitions of combinatorial and statistical terms. Trying to find out why some certain knowledge of combinatory, probability theory ant statistics is difficult to acquire for pupils, some schoolbooks of mathematics are examined. The definitions of terms like Combinations, Arrangements, Sample are analyzed. Some shortcomings of the definitions are highlighted together with proposals for their improvement.  Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos kai kurių kombinatorikos ir statistikos terminų apibrėžtys. Siekiant išsiaiškinti, kodėl mokiniai taip sunkiai įsisavina tam tikras kombinatorikos, tikimybių teorijos ir statistikos srities žinias, analizuojama mokomoji literatūra – nagrinėjamos derinių, gretinių ir imties sąvokos bei jų apibrėžtys. Parodomi mokykliniuose vadovėliuose pasitaikantys suformuluotų apibrėžčių trūkumai ir pasiūloma, kaip jų išvengti. &nbsp

    Approaching Business Systems through the Lens of Knowledge Management Technologies

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    Any business system is designed to achieve the business strategy. It can be reached by connecting all an organization’s parts and processes to work together effectively and efficiently. Knowledge management technologies can facilitate it to a great extent. These technologies are essential for contemporary organizations to become and grow successfully in the marketplace. However, the level at which the organization applies these technologies varies. The approach on how to analyze business systems from a knowledge management technologies perspective is essential because of the rapid change of the business environment in which effective and efficient business strategy seeks to be implemented. Knowledge management technologies are enablers to simplify knowledge identification; acquisition of knowledge; knowledge development; knowledge sharing and dissemination; use of knowledge; knowledge preservation, and others. There are endless cycles of information transfer. Knowledge management processes ensure the smooth transfer and use of knowledge in organizations. The paper aims to present the approach to valuing business systems from a knowledge management technologies perspective. As the term knowledge management technologies is complex and confusing, first based on a literature review, the analysis of how to classify those technologies is performed. The business system is analyzed from a socio-technical system perspective and an approach to valuing it is presented. The paper contributes with these findings: 1) provides the results of scientific analysis on approaches to how to classify knowledge management technologies, 2) determines an approach to valuing business systems from a knowledge management technologies perspective consisting of five-level maturity construct. Based on the approach in the future, the evaluation methodology will be constructed. As the paper provides the theoretical background of the business system evaluation strategy from a knowledge management technologies perspective, the future work will incorporate the development of the method for practical applications

    Mokymosi objektai matematikai mokytis

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    This paper deals with LOs for mathematics of 11–12 class students. LOs from the national learning objects metadata repository have been selected. The discussion has been focused on three aspects: 1) how many LOs are there of 11–12 class students, search problems; 2) investigation of content provided in LOs; 3) investigation of interaction between learning content and students activities. It is found that LOs are poor in use of advanced interaction between content and students activities.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami 11–12 kl. mokiniams skirti matematikos mokymosi objektai, atrinkti iš Nacionalinės mokymosi objektų aprašų saugyklos. Mokymosi objektai nagrinėjami trim aspektais: 1) mokymosi objektų, skirtų 11–12 kl. gausos, paieškos problemos; 2) atrinktų mokymosi objektų turinio tyrimas; 3) mokymosi turinio ir mokinio veikimo sąveikos tyrimas. Sąveikos tyrimas parodė, kad dauguma mokymosi objektų neišnaudoja galimų turinio ir mokinio veiklos sąveikos būdų

    Traditional and Machine Learning-Based Methods for Financial Instrument Price Forecasting: A Theoretical Approach

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    Financial markets are one of the main components of the economy, and their growth and development is a crucial and significant factor in the world. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is an exponentially developing field. The use of artificial intelligence in financial markets is a new and intensely developing phenomenon, requiring extensive research. The aim of this paper is to present a methodology of machine learning-based method effective application in financial instrument price forecasting in comparison with the traditional method, namely ARIMA. Consequently, the scientific literature on financial markets, traditional and machine learning-based methods were analyzed. Finally, a theoretical model for stock prices forecasting is presented. The main results of the analysis show the most extensively techniques applied in the stock markets and cash markets are methods of time series analysis, econometrics and machine learning. After analysis of methods of machine learning, it can be found most popular supervised learning algorithms are linear regression, decision trees/regression tree, random forest classification/ regression, and support vector machines. As a result of the research, a theoretical model for financial instrument price forecasting is presented and discussed. Based on the theoretical approach proposed several experiments will be performed using ARIMA and Support Vector Regression (SVR) methods

    Improving IT Service Management in Customer Service Business: A Case Study

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    Organisations that provide information technology services mostly set goals for improving the quality and management of services. The ability to remain competitive is one of the most critical factors in any modern organisation's success. For business processes to be successful, it is necessary to rely on rational and well-thought-out solutions. In many cases, data-based solutions create conditions to avoid or reduce significant risks. The article examines the possibilities of applying IT processes to improve customer service and presents its improvement outcomes. Customer satisfaction with the services provided is directly correlated with the quality of services. The research investigates and empirically evaluates the existing IT incident management processes of the selected company and provides opportunities for their improvement. After analysing incident management processes in the selected company, an improvement of the incident management processes was presented to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the improvements. The results obtained show that the improved process had a statistically significant positive impact on improving the customer service quality. Therefore, it can be stated that the implemented changes are effective and useful in the context of the company's operations

    Mokomojo scenarijaus personalizavimas taikant kolektyvinės intelektikos metodus

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    The paper is aimed to analyse learning scenario personalization according to learning styles. In order to do that swarm intelligence technique is discussed and modified ant colony optimization method is suggested. Computer simulation is carried out to verify its suitability to the problem of learning scenario personalization. The results of the computer simulation is presented and parameters custamization, long cold-start problems are discuseed.Viena iš elektroninio mokymosi tyrimų sričių yra mokomojo scenarijaus (santr. MS) personalizavimas. Straipsnyje glaustai pateikiama mokomojo scenarijaus samprata, parinkti personalizavimo kriterijai, esamų mokslinių tyrimų MS personalizuoti apžvalga. Šio straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti kolektyvinės intelektikos idėja grįstą metodą šiai problemai spręsti. Pasiūlytam metodui validuoti pateikiami realizuotu algoritmu atliktų eksperimentų  rezultatai, kurie iliustruoja pasiūlyto metodo tinkamumą nagrinėjamai problemai spręsti bei aptariama skirtingų parametrų parinkimo problema

    Aritmetikos pradmenų mokymo metodai įvairiose šalyse

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    This paper deals with main teaching methods of arithmetics – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in different countries: USA, Israel, Germany, Austria, Japan, Egypt, and the Netherlands. Methods of teaching arithmetics basics and methodology of its application have been discussed. The paper reports on a survey conducted on methods of teaching arithmetics actions at the introductory level. It presents some examples of learning objects for teaching aritmetics basic.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip įvairiose šalyse mokoma aritmetikos pradmenų, būtent, pagrindinių aritmetikos veiksmų. Aptariami aritmetikos pradmenų mokymo metodai, pateikiamos jų taikymo metodikos ir konkretūs pavyzdžiai. Kai kurie pavyzdžiai susiejami su atitinkama programine įranga – mokymosi objektais, skirtais pradiniam ugdymui. Medžiaga buvo parengta atliekant kelių šalių mokslininkų apklausą apie aritmetinių veiksmų mokymą jų šalyse

    Mokymosi objektų metaduomenų analizė: valdomų žodynų reikšmės

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    Pagrindinis straipsnio tikslas yra išanalizuoti mokymosi objektų (MO) metaduomenų standarto LOM (angl. Learning Object Metadata) edukacinės dalies 5.2 elementą (MO tipą) nagrinėjant stambiausius Europos mokslo ir technologijų projektus bei LOM standarto taikymo modelių valdomų žodynų reikšmes. Remdamosi MO metaduomenų standarto taikymo modelio elementų tobulinimo principais ir atliktos analizės rezultatais autorės siūlo originalų patobulintą ir praplėstą MO tipo valdomą žodyną, kuris remiasi LOM standarto ir kitais valdomais žodynais. Valdomo žodyno reikšmių tikslumas ir vienareikšmiškumas leistų naudotojams tiksliai rasti jiems tinkamus MO pagal jų tipą MO paieškos sistemose.Research of Learning Object Metadata: Values of the Controlled VocabularySvetlana Kubilinskienė, Inga Žilinskienė SummaryThe main aim of the article is to analyse the element 5.2 of the education part of the learning object metadata standard (LOM). The values of the controlled vocabularies of the largest European scientifi c and technological projects and LOM standard’s application profi les are analysed in the article. The authors propose the original improved and extended controlled vocabulary of the learning object type which is based on LOM standard and the other standards’ controlled vocabularies. These proposals are based on the scientifi c principles of improvement of the learning object metadata application profi les and the research results. The proposed accurate and unambiguous values of the controlled vocabulary give the users the possibility to precisely search and fi nd suitable learning objects in the search systems in conformity with their types