32 research outputs found

    Uticaj dugotrajnog zvučnog stresa na broj leukocita, heterofilno/limfocitni indeks i reakciju preosejljivosti na fitohemaglutinin kod brojlerskih pilića

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    We investigated the influence of long term sound stress on some functions of the immune system in 'HYBRO' broiler chickens. It was documented that this type of stress leads to a decreased blood leukocyte count, increased heterophyl/lymphocyte ratio and decreased cutaneous hyper-sensitivity to phytohemagglutinin. All observed phenomena indicated the existence of immunosuppression due to the long term sound stress. The age of the birds and duration of the treatment were important factors in the stress reaction.U ogledu je ispitivan uticaj dugotrajnog zvučnog stresa na neke parametre aktivnosti imunoloÅ”kog sistema pilića hibrida HYBRO. Dokazano je da ova vrsta stresa dovodi do smanjenja broja leukocita, povećanja heterofilno/limfocitnog indeksa i smanjenja stepena kožne preosetljivosti nafitohemaglutinin. Svi uočeni fenomeni ukazuju na postojanje imunosupresije koja nastaje delovanjem hroničnog zvučnog stresa. Dokazano je da su starost životinja i trajanje tretmana značajni faktori za stepen reakcije na delovanje stresora


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    Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a very complex medical, social and economic problem. Long duration and variability of symptoms can be frustrating for patients and lead to various psychological and behavioral changes, which can be expressed as an over-powering fear of movement and lead to avoidance behavior. The aim of this study was to highlightĀ  the importance of individually designed exercises (IDE) and cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) in the treatment of patients with CLBP who have signs of fear-avoidance behavior and kinesiophobia. One hundred and thirty patients were included in a prospective randomized study. Group 1 (G1; n = 35) had a combined IDE and CBT program. Group 2 (G2; n = 35) had IDE, without CBT. Group 3 (G3; n = 30) had standard group exercises for CLBP. Group 4 (G4; n = 30) was a control, patients did not have IDE or CBT. Waddel's Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) and Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK), were used for monitoring and evaluation. Patients completed them at the beginning, at the end of the therapy, and also after 3 months. After therapy and three months later, a statistically significant reduction in symptoms in G1 and G2 was recorded, with better results in G1: FABQph = 4.77Ā±3.83/5.51Ā±4.02; FABQw = 2.31Ā±3.69/2.94Ā±4.19; TSK = 5.63Ā±4.56/5.69 Ā± 4.55. (p <0.001). The combination of IDE and CBT is an effective therapy for CLBP patients with fear avoidance behaviour and kinesiophobia

    Metastatic spread of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovaries into abdominal wall

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer belongs to the most common and most deadly of all types of ovarian carcinomas. Ovarian cancer affects women in the age group 65 years and older more frequently than younger women. Approximately 75% of cases will have spread beyond the ovaries at the time of diagnosis. Twenty-two year old patient was treated at the Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica, in the period from 1998 until 2000. In 1993, she underwent left salphingo-oopherectomy; histopathological finding was mucinous cystadenoma of the ovaries. In 1994, mucinous papillary cystadenoma with borderline malignancy confirmed by histopathological findings was found after abdominal hysterectomy with right salpingo-oopherectomy and total omentectomy. The patient was well until 1998 when she palpated a tumor mass in the front abdominal wall with pain in that region. Tumor was extirpated and final histopathological finding was mucinous adenocarcinoma in fibrous tissue. The patient received with chemotherapy (carboplatin and cyclophosphamide) and external-beam radiotherapy. Recurrence free survival rate was 20 months but in April 2000, patient came back with recurrence of the disease. It was the same spread into abdominal wall. Rectus abdominis muscle was resected and plastic surgery of abdominal wall was performed. After operation patient received second line chemotherapy according to the same protocol. However, during the treatment the disease spread into abdominal cavity and affected small intestine and liver

    Analysis of factors influencing estrus cycle in dairy cows

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    The frequency of interestrus intervals between two inseminations during two annual period, from 1. 4. 2001 - 31. 3. 2003, on a farm with 500 Holstein-Frisian cows and milk production of 5500-6000 kg was analyzed. Periods of 1Ā½ months of estrus cycles were presented by histograms for pregnant, nonpregnant and culled cows. Normal and multiple cycles indicate estrus detection errors, and were recorded in 26.70% / 22.73% and 33.25% / 33.77% cows, in the first and second analyzed periods, respectively. Short and prolonged estrus cycles were noted in 12.22% / 4.34%, and 10.07% / 7.36% cows, in the first and second analyzed periods respectively, and indicate nutritional disturbances and embryonal mortality. Disturbed estrus periods were found in 41.31% and 43.10% cows and heifers and were a consequence of other cumulate factors in herd sterility. Herd fertility improvement may be achieved with systematic work on prevention of ovarial dysfunction and proper records management

    Uticaj dugotrajnog zvučnog stresa na histoloÅ”ku građu nadbubrežne žlezde brojlera

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of different sound stress duration on adrenal gland of broiler chickens of different age. The experiments were conducted on 90 HYBRO broiler chickens, divided into nine groups (each group consisting of 10 birds) by different age and lenght of sound stress duration. The chickens were exposed to sound stress in sound attenuated building using a fire alarm bell (95 dB) for stress sessions lasted 120 min every day. The histological structure of adrenal gland was analyzed by light microscopy. The results indicate that adrenal gland is sensitive on this kind of stress and sound as stressor could introduce organism in stress reaction. Adrenal glands of broilers exposed to sound stress characterized by marked hyperemia, hypertrophy of interrenal cells, smaller affinity for staining of chromaffin cells compared with control groups. According to our results, degree of histological changes of adrenal gland under the influence of sound stress depends on the length of exposure and age of chickens.Cilj ovog rada je da ispita uticaj različite dužine trajanja zvučnog stresa na histoloÅ”ku građu nadbubrežnih žlezda brojlerskih pilića u različitim uzrastima. Ogled je izveden na 90 HYBRO brojlerskih pilića, podeljenih u 9 grupa u skladu sa uzrastom i dužinom izlaganja stresu. Pilići su zvučnom stresu bili izlagani u zvučno izolovanim objektima uz koriŔćenje požarnog alarmnog zvona (95dB) u trajanju od 120 min svakog dana. HistoloÅ”ka građa nadbubrežnih žlezda je analizirana svetlosnim mikroskopom. Rezultati ukazuju da je nadbubrežna žlezda osetljiva na ovu vrstu stresa i da zvuk, kao stresor, može da uvede organizam u stresnu reakciju. Nadbubrežne žlezde pilića izlaganih zvučnom stresu karakteriÅ”e značajna hiperemija, hipertrofija interrenalnih ćelija, manji afinitet prema bojenju hromafinih ćelija u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. U skladu sa ovim rezultatima, stepen histoloÅ”kih promena nadbubrežne žlezde pod uticajem zvučnog stresa zavisi i od dužine izlaganja i uzrasta pilića

    Microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix

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    BACKGROUND: Superficially invasive neoplasias of the uterine cervix are a matter of controversy in terms of their definition, prognostic factors and selection of treatment to minimize the risk of recurrences. METHODS: Forty-three women with invasive cervical carcinoma, operated from 1993 to 2003, were postoperatively staged as IA cervical carcinoma. There were 28 patients who were submitted to class III radical hysterectomy, 9 patients to class II hysterectomy, 2 patients to class I hysterectomy, and 2 patients to abdominal trachelectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection. Mean age of patients was 44 years (range, 27-64 years). RESULTS: Twenty-three patients (56.1%) were stage with IA1 and 18 (43.9%) with stage IA2 disease according to the 1995 FIGO classification. Tumor histology revealed squamous cell carcinoma in 38 (92.6%) cases, adenocarcinoma in 2 (4.8%) cases and glassy cell carcinoma in 1 (2.4%). The average number of examined lymph nodes was 17.4 (2-53). Lymphovascular space invasion was identified in 3 patients. None of the 41 patients had metastasis to the pelvic lymph nodes or developed recurrence of disease. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that patients with cervical cancer stage IA1 have an extremely low risk of pelvic lymph node metastasis and an excellent prognosis, so nonradical management that excludes pelvic lymph node dissection could be as effective as radical surgery in these patients. Stage IA2 invasive squamous carcinoma of the cervix should be treated with radical hysterectomy with lymph node dissection considering the presence of risk factors. The treatment should be individualized and based on an exhaustive pathological evaluation of an adequate cone biopsy specimen

    Uticaj kroničnog zvučnog stresa na koncentraciju tireoidnih hormona kod brojlera

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    The aim of this experiment was to investigate influence of the chronic sound stress on thyroid hormone concentrations in broiler 'HYBRO' chickens during fastening period of 45 days. Chickens were subjected to the sound stress during two hours every day. Within that period, intervals between two sound signals (school alarm bell, 95 dB) varied from 5 to 115 seconds and lasted 5 seconds each. Chickens were sacrificed on days 15, 30 and 45 when blood samples were taken. Concentrations of T3, and T4 were determined in the blood plasma by RIA method (INEP, Zemun). Chronic sound stress resulted in significant T3 concentration decline on days 15 and 45. In addition, concentration of T4 was considerably decreased on the day 45. Our results indicates that chronic sound stress leads to considerable changes in the thyroid hormone concentrations. .Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj hroničnog delovanja buke na koncentraciju tireoidnih hormona u krvnoj plazmi brojlera hibrida 'HYBRO' tokom tova od 45 dana. Pilići su svakodnevno bili izlagani delovanju buke u trajanju od 2 sata. U tom periodu intervali između dva uzastopna uključivanja zvučnog signala jačine 95 dB (Å”kolsko zvono) varirali su od 5 do 115 sekundi, a dužina trajanja signala iznosila je 5 sekundi. Pilići su žrtvovani 15-og, 30-og i 45-og dana kada su i uzimani uzorci krvi. Koncentracija T3 i T4 je određivana u krvnoj plazmi RIA metodom. Hronično delovanje buke dovelo je do statistički značajnog pada koncentracije T3 15. i 45. dana ogleda. Statistički značajne, razlike kao posledica delovanja zvučnog stresa, u pogledu koncentracije T4 uočene su u uzrastu od 45 dana. Rezultati ovog ispitivanja ukazuju da hronični zvučni stres izaziva značajne promene u koncentraciji tireoidnih hormona

    Morphological characteristics of breast and thigh muscles of slow- and medium growing strains of chickens

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    Morphological characteristics of skeletal muscles of slow- and medium-growing strains of chickens are very important for meat quality and comparison with fast-growing strains. The aim of this paper was to evaluate morphological parameters of breast and thigh muscles of slow- and mediumgrowing strains in a free-range system. The slow-growing strains used in the experiment were autochthonous breeds Sombor crested and Banat naked neck, and the medium-growing strain was Red-bro. The tissue samples were taken from the thigh muscle and muscles of the breast of 10 chickens of each breed. Samples were stained with hematoxylin - eosin and enzyme succinate - dehydrogenase (SDH). The following morphological parameters were observed: diameter of muscle cells, nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio of muscle cells, volume density of connective tissue within the muscle and the presence of red, white and intermediate muscle cell types. Between strains, the type of muscle or genotype didnā€™t have significant effects on diameters of muscle cells and nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio in the muscle cells. Results indicated that genotype had significant effect on volume density of the connective tissue in breast muscles. Red muscle cells were, in all strains, significantly more represented in m. biceps femoris than m. pectoralis superficialis. Genotype had significant effect on ratio between connective tissue and muscle cells and no significant effects on other morphological parameters. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31033]Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry (2016), 32(1): 27-3

    Analiza faktora koji utiču na tok estralnog ciklusa visokomlečnih krava

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    U radu je prikazana analiza učestalosti intervala između dva osemenjavanja u dva godiÅ”nja perioda, od 1. 4. 2001. do 31. 3. 2003. godine na farmi sa 500 crno-belih holÅ”tajn-frizijskih krava, sa proizvodnjom mleka od 5500 do 6000 kg mleka. Histogramima su predstavljeni ciklusi od po mesec i po dana sa polnim ciklusima kod steonih, nesteonih i isključenih krava. Normalni i viÅ”estruki polni ciklusi ukazuju na greÅ”ke u otkrivanju estrusa, kod 26,70 posto / 22,73 posto i kod 33,25 posto / 33,77 posto krava, u prvom / drugom analiziranom periodu. Skraćeni i produženi polni ciklusi zabeleženi su kod 12,22 posto i 4,34 posto, odnosno kod 10,07 posto i 7,36 posto krava i junica, a predstavljaju indikator poreme}aja u ishrani i držanju, odnosno pokazatelj su povećanog stepena embrionalnog mortaliteta. Poremećeni polni ciklusi su ustanovljeni kod 41,31 posto i 43,10 posto krava i junica i kumulacija su ostalih činilaca stadnog steriliteta. Planskim radom na prevenciji poremećaja funkcije jajnika i dobrom evidencijom, postiže se bolja plodnost zapata.The frequency of interestrus intervals between two inseminations during two annual period, from 1. 4. 2001 - 31. 3. 2003, on a farm with 500 Holstein-Frisian cows and milk production of 5500-6000 kg was analyzed. Periods of 1Ā½ months of estrus cycles were presented by histograms for pregnant, nonpregnant and culled cows. Normal and multiple cycles indicate estrus detection errors, and were recorded in 26.70% / 22.73% and 33.25% / 33.77% cows, in the first and second analysed periods, respectively. Short and prolonged estrus cycles were noted in 12.22% / 4.34%, and 10.07% / 7.36% cows, in the first and second analysed periods respectively, and indicate nutritional disturbances and embryonal mortality. Disturbed estrus periods were found in 41.31% and 43.10% cows and heifers and were a consequence of other cumulate factors in herd sterility. Herd fertility improvement may be achieved with systematic work on prevention of ovarial disfunction and proper records managemen

    Impact of Individual Headache Types on the Work and Work Efficiency of Headache Sufferers

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    [Abstract] Background: Headaches have not only medical but also great socioeconomic significance, therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the overall impact of headaches on a patientā€™s life, including their work and work efficiency. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of individual headache types on work and work efficiency. Methods: This research was designed as a cross-sectional study performed by administering a questionnaire among employees. The questionnaire consisted of general questions, questions about headache features, and questions about the impact of headaches on work. Results: Monthly absence from work was mostly represented by migraine sufferers (7.1%), significantly more than with sufferers with tension-type headaches (2.23%; p = 0.019) and other headache types (2.15%; p = 0.025). Migraine sufferers (30.2%) worked in spite of a headache for more than 25 h, which was more frequent than with sufferers from tension-type and other-type headaches (13.4%). On average, headache sufferers reported work efficiency ranging from 66% to 90%. With regard to individual headache types, this range was significantly more frequent in subjects with tension-type headaches, whereas 91ā€“100% efficiency was significantly more frequent in subjects with other headache types. Lower efficiency, i.e., 0ā€“40% and 41ā€“65%, was significantly more frequent with migraine sufferers. Conclusions: Headaches, especially migraines, significantly affect the work and work efficiency of headache sufferers by reducing their productivity. Loss is greater due to reduced efficiency than due to absenteeism