407 research outputs found

    Značenje i prikaz mljekarstva na I. Poljoprivrednoj izložbi NR Hrvatske

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    Na I. republičkoj poljoprivrednoj izložbi održanoj od 21. do 30. X. 1955. godine u Zagrebu mljekarstvo je, u odnosu na ostalu prerađevačku poljoprivrednu industriju, bilo najbolje zastupano

    Iskorištavanje osnovne sirovine u mljekarskoj industriji

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    Uz kontrolu kvalitete mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u naprednoj je mljekarskoj industriji kontrola iskorišcivanja osnovne sirovine (mlijeka) nuždan i sastavni dio rada. Obje te kontrole pokazuju svaka na svoj način uspjeh proizvodnje u mljekarskoj industriji

    Komunikacijske tehnologije i njihov utjecaj na jezik: primjer iz hrvatskoga

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    Raspodjele jodata i jodida u vodama stratificiranog estuarija

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    Speciation and distribution of inorganic iodine in the highly stratified Krka estuary (east coast of the Adriatic Sea) were investigated in the period from December 2000 to April 2001. Conservative behavior of total inorganic iodine was confirmed during the investigated period, but significant temporal and longitudinal variations were also observed. Concentrations of iodate and iodide were less variable in the more saline layers (S ≥10) than in the upper brackish and interfacial layers, indicating lower dynamics and less pronounced influence of secondary processes on the inorganic iodine distribution. An increase in iodate and iodide concentrations toward the estuary mouth was determined in the upper layers. Seasonal variations in iodate and iodide distributions in the brackish layer were indicative of the important role of the freshwater phytoplankton and organic matter for the inorganic iodine cycle in the estuary.Raspodjele kemijskih vrsta anorganskog joda u visoko stratificiranom estuariju rijeke Krke (istočna obala Jadranskog mora) proučavane su u razdoblju od prosinca 2000. do travnja 2001. godine. Kroz promatrano razdoblje potvrđeno je konzervativno ponašanje ukupnog anorganskog joda, a uočene su i značajne vremenske i longitudinalne razlike u raspodjelama. U slanijim slojevima (S ≥10) koncentracije jodata i jodida su znatno manje varirale u usporedbi s onima u bočatom sloju i međusloju, što ukazuje na slabiju dinamiku i slabije izražen utjecaj sekundarnih procesa na raspodjelu anorganskog joda. U gornjim slojevima utvrđen je porast koncentracija jodata i jodida prema izlazu iz estuarija. Sezonske različitosti u raspodjelama jodata i jodida u bočatom sloju pokazatelj su važne uloge riječnog fitoplanktona i organske tvari za kruženje anorganskog joda u estuariju

    The present perfect from a diachronic perspective: an analysis of aspectual and tense constructions

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    According to some historical linguists, the early English HAVE + past participle construction had only one meaning (e.g. Mustanoja 1960: 499-500, Carey 1994), namely the resultative perfect. However, recent research has demonstrated that the Old English HAVE + past participle construction has much more in common with the Modern English present perfect than was previously thought (Lee 2003 and Łęcki 2010). Reading of the literature of both diachronic and synchronic analyses opens up terminological issues of the usage of “uses”, “meanings” and “functions”. Such terminological ambiguity is in fact a reflection of the uncertainty as to the true nature of HABBAN + past participle construction or the present perfect in Modern English. A recent synchronic corpus-based analysis of the present perfect (Žic Fuchs 2009) has shown that we are faced with four constructions each reflecting a specific meaning, the most frequent two being the resultative and the experiential, which are primarily aspectually marked. The other two meanings, the perfect of persistent situation and the perfect of recent past, exhibit lower frequency counts and features of relative tense. This study differs from views expressed by authors such as Klein (1994) and Declerck (2006) have gone to great lengths to prove the status of the present perfect as belonging to the tense system. On the other hand, Lyons (1968: 315-316) and Comrie (1976) see it predominantly as aspect. On the basis of an extensive analysis of HAVE + past participle constructions in Old and Middle English corpora (The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose and Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English, Second Edition), the development of aspectual and relative tense meaning constructions will be demonstrated. Frequency of occurrence of different meaning constructions will be compared to contemporary evidence found in Modern English corpora. Thus the basic aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the development of meaning constructions that we find in Modern English present perfect

    Predicition of groundwater level on Grohovo landslide using ruled based regression

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    In order to contribute to understanding the effect of atmospheric conditions on the groundwater level fluctuations on Grohovo landslide, a machine learning tool for induction of models in form of the set of rules was applied on a dataset comprising daily atmospheric and groundwater level data measured in 2012. The atmospheric data comprises of an average daily air temperature, humidity, wind speed, pressure, total evapotranspiration, and precipitations. For the experiment independent variables i.e. atmospheric data and present groundwater level were used to model target variable i.e. predicted groundwater level for 24 and 48 hours in advance. The presented models give predictions 24 (first model) and 48 (second model) hours in advance for groundwater level fluctuations on Grohovo landslide. The first model is consisted from seven, and the second model from five rules. Both models have very high correlation coefficients of 0.99 and 0.97, respectively. From the given models, it can be concluded that the most influence on the groundwater level fluctuations have sum of daily precipitations and average daily air temperature. The obtained models are intended for use in the models for debris flow propagation on the Rječina River as a part of an Early Warning System