7 research outputs found

    Lessons from passive systems of vernacular architecture for contemporary construction

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    Vernacular architecture (in Serbia) is characterized by a lack of technology, and therefore demands for the use of passive systems that would improve the comfort of the users of the space. The strategies on the basis of which the objects were designed, built and improved were based on several bases: geographical characteristics, the influence of the sun and wind, orientation, the function of the object, the geometry of the form in relation to the local materials and the possibility of execution - that is, the construction technologies available in a given place in the observed time. With reference to the date criteria, it is clear that the strategies directly depend on the construction location. With industrialization come new materials - such as glass, concrete and steel. They affect different ways of execution and design, but they also bring with them higher energy consumption and requirements regarding construction technology. The lack of non-renewable resources, the economic crisis and global warming forced us to take a step back and think about passive systems that would enable the most sustainable possible behavior of buildings in modern architecture with innovative technology, help preserve the environment, use renewable energy sources, and reduce consumption. and the financial dependence of facilities, a lower rate of embedded carbon. This research deals with the review of literature on the subject of vernacular architecture, the knowledge that can be extracted from it and passive systems in construction - in order to establish the basic points of energy saving (maintenance) and passive systems (principles) on the basis of which it is possible to further learn from the historical scope. architecture and construction for a green future

    Izazovi i mogućnosti transformacije grada u "Zero Waste City"

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    Fenomen nultog otpada koji se razvija obuhvata teoriju, praksu i učenje pojedinaca, porodica, preduzeća, zajednica i vladinih organizacija, koji odgovaraju na percepcije krize i neuspeha oko konvencionalnog upravljanja otpadom. Trenutno, naše društvo vođeno potrošnjom doprinosi proizvodnji velike količine otpada svakog dana u urbanim sredinama. Niske stope reciklaže vrše pritisak na gradske vlasti da se sa otpadom ponašaju na održiviji način. Uprkos ovom pritisku, sistemi upravljanja otpadom su posvetili malo pažnje procesima urbanog planiranja. Evidentno je da značajan broj globalno neobnovljivih resursa kao što su kadmijum, živa i telur će doživeti trajni nedostatak globalne ponude u naredne dve do tri decenije. Trenutna stopa recikliranja ovih vrlo oskudnih metala je značajno niska u svim gra- dovima širom sveta. Koncept grada bez otpada uključuje 100 procentnu reciklažu čvrstog komunalnog otpada i 100 procentni oporavak svih resurse iz otpadnih materijala. Shodno tome, postoje uočljive značajne praznine u pogledu upravljanja otpadom, pa je neophodno strateško upravljanje otpadom i preterano održiv model potrošnje, posebno u zemljama u razvoju koje su prilično ranjive na klimatske promene. Međutim, transformacija gradova koji trenutno previše troše u gradove bez otpada je izazov. Istraživanje ima za cilj da razume ključne faktore sistema upravljanja otpadom u gradovima kao što su potrošnja, iscrpljivanje resursa I moguća prilika za razdvajanje kroz implementaciju koncepta „ Zero waste city “. Istraživanje doprinosi tumačenju, kako se kroz koncept i implementaciju cilja nultog otpada može povećati angažovanje zajednice koja je katalizator dizajna pri upravljanju cirkularnijim urbanim metabolizmom

    Energetska efikasnost i komfor Grand hotela

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    Objekat Grand hotela na Lopudu i danas predstavlja veoma atrakti- van objekat, posebno uzimajući u obzir datu funkciju. Međutim, da bi funkcionisao kao ugostiteljski objekat, mora proći kroz proces rekonstrukcije i energetske sanacije, kako bi ispunio trenutne zahteve i propise po regulativi. Budući da je ovaj objekat izveden u brutalističkom stilu, sa specifičnom horizontalno pokrenutom fasadom, nemoguće je predvideti standardnu sanaciju – dodavanje termoizolacije, zamenu stolarije... već je neo- phodno zadržati duh objekta i atmosferu, odnosno duh mesta – te povezati komfor koris- nika u enterijeru i eksterijeru Grand hotela sa potrebnim merama sanacije. Da bi se postavili postamenti po kojima je potrebno izvesti restauraciju, potrebno je istraživati odnos značaja komfora korisnika (temperaturni, zvučni, vizuelni), u od- nosu na mere sanacije i njihov uticaj – pre svega na eksterijer, odnosno fasadu objekta, a zatim i na enterijer – smeštajne jedinice, komunikacije, zajedničke prostore. Sa zadatkom na značajnim objektima poput Grand hotela, pretpostavlja se da je značaj- nije izvesti tek osnovne nivoe energetske sanacije i saniranja konstruktivnog sklopa i enterijera, jer će zadržana atmosfera i projektovani komfor nadoknaditi nedostatke u smislu odavanja energije iz objekta

    The importance of site specific sustainable hospital design: general hospital in Pljevlja, Montenegro

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    The emphasis on ecological design in healthcare settings is growing daily, reflecting the worldwide move towards sustainable planning. These design principles were emphasized in the contest proposal for General Hospital in Pljevlja, Montenegro. Across various design iterations and conceptual frameworks, the final competition entry distinctly emphasizes the integration of natural landscapes with the hospital's architectural design, prioritizing the main hospital users - the patients. The goal was to create a relationship between nature and the architectural structure in healthcare settings, while elevating patients’ comfort. We emphasize the enhancing of environmental awareness through passive design techniques and energy-efficient measures, particularly given the information about unique energy usage patterns in hospitals. This approach takes into account the distinct climate and location-specific needs, which are set to be the main factors in the early stages of design process

    Possibilities of staged renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multi-family buildings in the central zone of New Belgrade

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    The central zone of New Belgrade represents an architectural and urban complex which construction began in the early sixties of the twentieth century. In the period from the early sixties to the end of the seventies, multi-family buildings were constructed in blocks: 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30, and today they are classifi ed as the most representative examples of domestic architecture. Based on its architectural and urban characteristics, the central zone has the status of a spatial cultural-historical entity from 2021. Although this zone represents a cultural asset, the multi-family buildings in the blocks are examples of buildings that in the past few decades have not undergone any planned renovations of facade envelopes. The goal of the work is to present the possibilities of restoring facade envelopes through the process of staged renovations while considering ways of treating the envelopes that potentially preserve the original appearance - given that the selected buildings are treated as architectural heritage. Different reinforced concrete facade assemblies and existing damages also require different approaches in staged renovations, as a legitimate solution to this problem. Unplanned and unorganised works aimed at the restoration of facade envelopes led to signifi cant damage and general degradation of both their non-transparent and transparent zones. Despite such problems, the owners of the apartments in the buildings were forced, due to the lack of organised renovations, to individually solve the encountered problems of facade assemblies. This primarily refers to the replacement of dilapidated windows and doors in facade envelopes, while the treatment of non-transparent zones was not carried out according to plan. This led to unfavourable situations in which the degradation of facades is not prevented. By applying staged methods of renovation and activating tenants, these problems can potentially be overcome, which is the main goal of this paper

    Reconstruction of the heritage building of the Žiča monastery for the purpose of sustainability

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    The Žiča Monastery was built at the beginning of the 13th century, in Serbia, near the present-day town of Kraljevo, in the village of Žiča, and was declared as a cultural monument of exceptional importance in 1979. Even today, 800 years after its construction, the Žiča Monastery has high signifi cance and represents an uninterrupted spiritual mission of the holy place for all Orthodox Serbs. The subject of the research in this paper is the Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery property which was built in 1935. The aim of the paper is to present a methodology which deals with sustainability and reconstruction in case of adaptive re-use of historic buildings in accordance with modern needs. Restoration of historic buildings that includes energy refurbishment measures will ensure successful reuse of them. An appropriate systematic approach of the reconstruction of heritage buildings is crucial in its preservation. All interventions on historic buildings, aimed at restoring and improving energy effi ciency, are a reversible process and can be done in accordance with the conservation requirements. The results of the research are recommendations for the restoration and adaptive re-use of historic buildings, while meeting modern requirements for comfort and environmental protection. The greatest contribution of this paper is the practical verifi cation of energy refurbishment of the restored historic building, the Dining Room, by applying the principles and measures of energy effi ciency, maintaining its authentic appearance. The possibility of practical verifi cation of the achieved results by applying the principles and measures of energy effi ciency in the restoration of the listed historic building is of great signifi cance

    Студија - Београд_Корак ка политици здравог града [IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]

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    Studija "BEOGRAD KORAK KA POLITICI ZDRAVOG GRADA" je rezultat rada studenata Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu na predmetu Politike urbanog razvoja, školske 2020/ 2021. godine. Rad je usmeren ka boljem razumevanju politika urbanog razvoja kao dela savremenih napora na polju povezivanja, planiranja izgradnje sa realnim izvorima finansiranja, koji su utvrđeni merama, kako UN i EU politika, tako i Strategijom održivog urbanog razvoja Republike Srbije do 2030. godine i lokalnim politikama urbanog razvoja. Studija je namenjena transparentnom predstavljanju projekata urbanog razvoja, koje grad Beograd realizuje u sa radnji sa međunarodnim programima i bankama, uz podršku nacionalnih institucija, gradske uprave, organizacija i ustanova, nevladinih organizacija. U okviru studije, dat je mogući model za prikazivanje, praćenje realizacije i evaluacije projekata od značaja za urbani razvoj Beograda i/ili urbanih naselja u Srbiji. Ovaj model predstavlja i nov način sticanja znanja, uvođenja inovacija i podsticanje razvoja platforme za eksperiment u okviru visokog obrazovanja arhitekata i urbanista, uz podršku stručnjaka iz prakse